Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-01662-9 - Ancient Tiwanaku John Wayne Janusek Index More information Index achachilas (ancestral mountain spirits), 39 Anders, Martha, 274 agriculture. See farming. See also andesite, 173–182 raised-field farming, Iwawe, 96 terraced-farming Tiwanaku construction, 138–140 Akapana, 110, 111f, 113–118, 119f, Angrand, Leonce, 7f, 8 121–123, 128, 130, 133, 149f, 165, Aqo Wayqo, 262 166 Arapa, 213f and Aymara, 50 Arapa-Thunderbolt Stela, 98, 99 ceramic vessels, 157 archaeobotany, 33 chachapuma, 295 Archaic period, 67–69 Colonial Period, 4 archaic states, 29–30 elite residence, 144, 148 Arequipa region, 36f, 242–243, 251f, 262, excavations, 17 280, 281f plaza, 126, 132 volcanic eruptions, 47 ritual offerings, 145, 196–199, 265 and Wari, 25 symbolic portal, 128 Arica, 234 transformation, 294 Asana, 36f, 69 view of Mount Kimsachata, 166 Asiruni Akapana East, 109f, 150f, 153, 155f, 157, iconographic style, 84–85, 86, 98–99, 195f, 211–225 104, 180 abandonment, 294 site, 80 burials, 162 Atacama Desert, 237 feasting, 148–152, 153, 156 Auca Runa, 299, 299f, 301 hallucinogenic complex, 224 Ayacucho Basin, 24, 252, 262, 288, 305 residential compounds, 157, 158 and Aymara, 51 ritual structures, 163, 165, 166, 210 ayllu, 165 Albarracin-Jordan, Juan, 16, 185f Aymara solstice celebration, 95 Alca, 268 historical formation, 302–304 Aldenderfer, Mark, 69 leadership, 55–56, 57f, 63 alpaca. See camelids macro-ayllus, 54, 55, 175, 303, 304 altiplano, 37, 38–42 micro-ayllus, 54, 155–156 Alto Pukara, 73f, 74, 77, 77f, 78 mythical origins, 300 Alto Ramirez, 21, 224, 235 organization, 54–56, 57f Amaguaya, 224 post-Tiwanaku, 300 Amazon Basin, 44 proto-ayllus, 174 Amazonian lowlands, 161, 225, 228 raised-field farming, 188 Ancash region, 273 verticality, 58 ancestors, 60 Aymara, 63 and landscape features, 60–61 ethnic group, 50–52, 301, 304 anchovies, 284 invasion hypothesis, 293 anchovy production, 44 language, 50, 51 Andean cross, 141 leaders, 63 357 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-01662-9 - Ancient Tiwanaku John Wayne Janusek Index More information 358 Index Aymara (cont.) Icla, 241 political movements, 307 Kallawaya, 224 polities (se˜norios), 51, 300 Katari Valley, 204–206, 215 productive livelihoods, 170, 178, 199 Pikillacta, 269 solstice celebration, 39–40, 95 San Pedro de Atacama, 237 Tiwanaku, 314 Tiwanaku, 143f, 144, 165, 255 Tiwanaku origins, 8, 12 Tiwanaku households, 165 axis settlements, 198 Wari, 126, 255–256, 275 ayni,55 Az´angaro, Cabuza site, 251f, 273f, 274, 276 cultural phase, 235 valley, 80 cacera, 59, 190, 199 Wari cosmology, 278 Cahuachi, 251f, 270 Azapa, 36f, 90, 234–236, 245, 310 Cajamarca, 251f, 262, 272 calendars. See calendrical knowledge. See Bandelier, Adolph, 10 also celestial observations Bandy, Matthew, 78, 79, 94, 172 calendrical knowledge, 114, 130, 131, 137, basalt, 17, 70, 81, 220. See also Querimita 152, 167, 311. See also celestial Querimita, 220, 221–222 observations Tiwanaku, 160 and music, 211 basketry Calle Linares lintel, 135, 136f, 138–140, Juch’uypampa, 223 225 kero, 223 Calvario, 213f, 218 Beaule, Christine, 220 Camata, 79 Benitez, Leonardo, 119f Camelid Woman, 97, 98f Bennett Monolith, 103, 129, 131f, 138, camelids, 22, 37f, 38, 42. See also wilancha 140, 141, 167 (blood sacrifice), llama caravans, Bennett, Wendell, 11, 76, 103 ritual offerings Beringa, 266 alpaca wool, 140 Bermann, Marc, 16, 92 butchering, 156 bioarchaeology, 33, 158, 223–224, consumption, 70, 179, 194, 284 265 domestication, 69 bird feathers dung, 194 tropical, 68 effigy, 257f birds geoglyphs in Moquegua Valley, 233 consumption, 179, 196 gu´anuco, 38 flamingos, 177f, 179 herding, 192, 193, 199–200, 215, 218, qochas, 183 241, 302, 312 raised-fields, 187 iconography, 103f, 139f Blom, Deborah, 158 llama amulets, 225 bone tools, 238 llama fetus, 62 blood, 62 mandible tools, 209f, 210 bodily adornments, 194 musical instruments, 212 body symbolism, 52, 62 Pikillacta, 268 Bourdieu, Pierre, 27 post-Tiwanaku ceramic iconography, bronze. See metal 304 Browman, David, 16, 84, 99, 159, 245 qochas, 183, 184 Buck, Fritz, 10 ritual offerings, 195f, 196, 214 burials snuff tablet iconography, 238 Akapana East, 163f textile iconography, 260 Azapa Valley, 235 Tiwanaku site, 154 Cerro Ba´ul,284 vicu˜na,38 Conchapata, 263f, 264 Wankarani stone effigies, 70, 71, 72f elite, 126–127 Wari iconography, 258 Huaro, 268 ca˜niwa,40 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-01662-9 - Ancient Tiwanaku John Wayne Janusek Index More information Index 359 cannibalism, 165 Tiwanaku style, 141, 142f, 146, 151f, Capriles, Jose, 179 152, 153, 157, 158, 168, 174, 180, Carangas, 52, 54, 301, 303f 215, 233, 285 cari˜no, 44, 55 Tumilaca style, 285 Castelnau, Francis de, 7 Tupuraya style, 241 Ccapia mountain, 3f, 130, 134, 173, 176, Wari “oversize” vessels, 259–260 213f Wari style, 214, 258, 259f, 260, 275, 284 ceja de monta˜na,44 Yampara style, 241 celestial observations, 60, 62, 130, Yayamama, 83 134–135, 154, 168. See also Cerro Amaru, 278 calendrical knowledge Cerro Ba´ul,233, 251f, 283f, 285, 292 ceramic vessels, 22, 246–247 Cerro Echenique, 232, 285 burial offerings, 144 Cerro Petroglifo, 282–283 Cajamarca style, 288 Cerro Trapiche, 284–285 challador (narrow-based kero), 227 Cerro Zapaleri, 242 Chen Chen style, 285 chachapuma (were-feline), 116, 295, 297f Chiripa, 79, 81f figurines, 214 and clothing. See textiles. Iruhito, 216, 217f Cochabamba-Tiwanaku style, 227, 228, Chan Chan, 153 241 Chanka and commensalism. See feasting ethnic group, 305–306 Conchopata, 264, 265 Charcas, 52, 301 and corn. See maize charqui (jerked beef), 40, 194, 220 diversity, 204 Ch´avez, Karen Mohr, 76, 82 eastern valleys, 226 Ch´avez, Sergio, 76, 82, 97 Icla, 241 Chen Chen incense burners (incensarios), 148, 204, cultural phase, 232 233 settlements, 292 Juli-Pomata, 220 site, 230f, 232, 241 Kalasasaya, 91, 92f, 96, 100 Cheqo Wasi, 253f. See also Wari site. keros,, 116, 138, 142f, 143, 151f, 160, chicha (fermented beverage), 3f, 25–44, 214, 238, 246–247, 304 46, 55, 61, 62, 139, 141, 144, 146, keros, stylistic variation of, 234f, 246 148, 174, 244, 247, 267 keros from Azapa Valley, 235 ceramic iconography, 204 keros from eastern valleys, 226 Cerro Ba´ul,284 keros from Moquegua Valley, 234f maize, 285, 287 keros, Post-Tiwanaku, 303f molle berry, 25, 284, 285, 287 Late Formative, 90–91, 100, 105 Moquegua Valley, 231 and llama caravans, 198 San Pedro de Atacama, 238 Lukurmata style, 204, 205f, 206 Tiwanaku, 152, 233 miniatures, 233 Wari, 256 Mojocoya style, 228, 241 Chicha culture, 238 Moquegua Valley, 231 ch’iji (low grass), 38 Nasca style, 258, 288 Ch’iji Jawira, 109f, 153, 157, 158, 160, Omereque style, 226–228, 241 228 Pachacamac style, 288 chili peppers (aj´ı ), 42, 46, 82, 222, 241, Pariti offerings, 214, 216f 284 post-Tiwanaku, 304 and llama caravans, 198 Qeya, 96, 100–101, 101f, 141 Chinchorro culture, 36f, 68 ritual offerings, 264, 270 Chiribaya, 36f, 234, 245 San Pedro de Atacama, 238 Chiripa, 177 specialized production, 160 culture, 18, 72–80, 309, 311 tanwares, 204 shifting lake levels, 49 Tiwanaku incense burner (sahumador), site, 3f, 73f, 74, 75f, 76–78, 93, 173, 194, 233 213f, 215 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-01662-9 - Ancient Tiwanaku John Wayne Janusek Index More information 360 Index Ch’isi, 3f, 76, 213f Lukurmata, 204–217 Chivay, 242–243 musical instruments, 212 Choquepacha spring, 123, 124f shells, 241 Chronological chart, 19f Tiwanaku, 156, 160 chucara (native Tiwanaku name), 1 cranial modification, 53, 158–159, 159f, Chucaripupata, 213f, 218–219 233, 238, 247 chullpas, 275, 303, 303f, 304 Juch’uypampa, 223 Chunchukala, 196 Katari Valley, 206 chu˜no (freeze-dried potato), 40, 41f, 72, Cr´equi-monfort, Georges de, 10–11 220 cultural evolution models, 26 Chu˜nuni,73f, 91 Cuzco, 36f, 80–81, 251f Chuquiapu Valley, 222 Cuzco region, 305 Chuquisaca, 237, 240–241 source of obsidian, 89 Cieza de Leon, Pedro, 4–5 Ckackachipata, 21 D-shaped structures, 263, 291 climate change, 46–50, 91, 96, 105, Cerro Ba´ul,284 312 Conchopata, 263f, 264, 265 drought, 293 Honco Pampa, 273 coca, 23, 45f, 46, 55, 56, 62, 82, 101, Wari site, 255 161–162, 196, 222, 267, 310 d’Orbigny, Alcides D. de, 6, 7f and llama caravans, 198 decimal system, 138 Cochabamba, 23, 36f, 72, 96, 226, 234f, deer, 284 241, 244, 308, 310 Desaguadero Basin, 69–70, 94, 175, 184, Cochabamba peninsula, 76 186, 212 Coipasa salt pan, 36f, 37 Desaguadero River, 3f, 25, 36f, 37, 73f, Colca Valley, 68, 165 137, 176, 177, 213f, 215, 216 Colonial Period, 5, 182, 224, 296 and Uru, 52 haciendas (landed estates). See Colonial diet Period Tiwanaku, 158 reducciones (reduction towns). See Dietler, Michael, 277, 284 Colonial Period Diez de Medina, Colonel, 10 at Tiwanaku, 314 Dillehay, Tom, 16, 68 Tomas Katari, 5 drainage, 116, 118, 126, 145, 146, 155, Tupac Amaru, 5 157, 257 Colla, 51–52 drought. See climate change. communities of practice, 28, 193, drug cult. See psychotropic substances 197–199, 200, 308 duality, 55, 175, 210, 214, 300, 304 Katari Valley, 206 Durkheim, Emile, 297 and musical instruments, 212 Conchopata, 251f, 258–259, 263f, 264, earthquakes, 47 288 Eastern Cordillera, 2f, 37 burials, 126 and Inca mythology, 4 Conklin, William, 110, 260 El Ni˜no, 44, 47–48 contradictory consciousness, 30 El Palacio, 272 Cook, Anita, 270 El Paso aqueduct, 282 Copacabana, 213f elites Corral´on,280 Tiwanaku, 144–153 cotton, 42, 274 environmental shift. See climate shift. See Cotos, 90, 213f also lake levels Courty, George, 11 Erickson, Clark, 16, 82, 187, 188, Couture, Nicole, 145 293 Coyo cemetery, 237f Estevez Island, 213f, 219 craft production, 173–174 ceramic vessels, 160, 264, 270 farming, 182 lithic tools, 160 fat, 62 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-01662-9 - Ancient Tiwanaku John Wayne Janusek Index More information Index 361 feasting, 173–200, 246–247, 249, 287, Giesso, Martin, 160, 221f, 242 293, 294, 297, 304, 313–314 Gigantic Monolith, 295, 297f, 298 Akapana East, 156, 232 gold.
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