PAGE TWENTY — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri., W t . 26, 1975 The weather Flood warninge ih effect Connecticut Gravestone rubbing Housatonic and Farmington river lowlands. Highs low to mid 70s. Low tonight in 50s. Par­ FINAL WEEKS tial clearing tonight and partly siinny Sunday. to be subject at At Vernon Wayside Furniture, 280 Talcottville Road H i^ Sunday in upper 60s, lo « 70s. (Route 83) Dff Exit 95 Off 1-84,1/4 Mile Nortli of Manchester—A City of Village Charm EIGHTEEN PAGES PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS historical society Vernon Circle, Vernon, Conn. Ma n c h e s t e r , c o n n ., Sa t u r d a y , Se p t e m b e r 27,1975 - v o l . x c t v , no. 305 VERNON featuring many Christmas items and also a White Graveyards and gravestones Elephant table. Artifacts from will be the subject of the Oct. 5 other countries will be meeting of the Vernon available at the Missions Booth. Historical Society. The meeting ’There will be games for the News I Watertown cut in two will be in the second-floor boar­ children including a "fish droom in the school building at pond.” s u m m a ry the comer of Park and School Sts. at 2:30 p.m. Sisterhood dinner Miss Anna Merz, former art ’The Sisterhood of Congrega­ ', ^ Compiled, from tion B ’nai Israel, 54 Talcott by raging flood waters teacher at Hartford Public High School, whose hobby is Ave., Rockville, will have a / United Press International gravestone mbbings, will be the Simchas Torah dinner, Oct. 5 at By United Prew International Twelve families were evacuated when level in Stevenson while the Connecticut the brook poured over its banks, Ciriello River would stop rising four feet short of guest speaker. 7:30 p.m^ in the synagogue A state of emergency has been declared She will explain the technique recreation hall. State in Watertown, Connecticut, where one shid. Seven more homes were evacuated flooding. However, some flooding was of making rubbings and display Entertainment will include yoiith drowned Friday and about 150 in New Hartford, as well as a few families report^ in areas of Hartford. some of her work from area ‘‘Ragtime’’ with Linda National Guardsmen were assigned today in Vernon and the Riverton section of Ca­ Gov. Ella T. Grasso was expected to be GROTON — President Ford’s top cemeteries. This will include Harrington, and ‘"The ’Thirties” \ as a normally small brook flooded and cut naan. in Connecticut this afternoon after cutting labor advisor says he will Announce § examples of puritan sculpture, with Bill Greenough. the town in half. Seven control reservoirs along the 65- short a vacation in Italy by six days. Monday when talks are to resume in an art limited to tombstones. Those wishing to make reser­ \ At least 100 persons were evacuated mile Naugatuck River basin, and one on Meanwhile, Lt. Gov. Robert K. Killian dis­ the 13-week strike by 10,000 | Mrs. Howard Abbot, program vations should call Sharon Friday from their flooded homes across the Farmington River in northwest patched the National Guardsmen to employes of Electric Boat, W. J. S chairman for the society, will Jacobs or Donna Feir. Connecticut. Connecticut ‘ ‘are going to have a hell of an Watertown and authorized overtime for Usery, head of the FederaF, Media-; present information concerning Christmas workshop i “ Flash flood warnings were extended to influence in controlling this flood,” said a state police. I tion and Conciliation Service, said j Vernon’s East cemetery on The Rockville United ail of Connecticut till 5 a.m. today spokesman for the U.S. Army Corps of The Red Cross made an urgent appeal he believes both sides are ready to ; Engineers. for blood, saying the rains had kept donors Bamforth Rd. Methodist Church, Grove St., is I meaning that flooding is occuring or is im­ I meet. Work rules changes are | Members of the society’s conducting Christmas minent,” according to the National The engineers believed the Naugatuck home this week. The state’s Construction : reported to be the major point of : Preservation of Old Cemeteries workshops each Wednesday Weather Service, wiiich said some areas River crest would be three feet above the Industries Association pledged its Committee, Mrs. Charles Grif­ from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in I contention. got' nine inches of rain since Tuesday. 1955 flood stage of 12 feet which caused member’s 2,500 bulldozers and 150 cranes fiths, Miss Eleanor Lewis, and preparation for the Colonial The Watertown flood apparently was $200,000 million in damages. The NWS said to clearing up the damage. Mrs. Donald Boulanger, will Christmas Bazaar scheduled I NEW HAVEN - IRS Com- : worse than one last July which reportedly the Farmington River would probably Several mud slides and rock falls were present a report, with charts for Nov. 15 at the church. ; missioner Donald C. Alexander, un- caused $400,000 in damages, said Police crest early Sunday at one foot above flood reported in North Canaan, Hartford and descriptive slides of the All men, women, and ! der investigation foe alleged Chief Joseph A. Ciriello. He said an un­ level. Colebrook, Torrington, Litchfield and cemeteries. Mrs. Thomas teenagers are asked to par- ! sabotage of tax evasion probes of identified 14-year-old boy apparently The weather service said the Southbury. A bridge over a small brook in Litchfield Connell will show slides of the tipate in the workshops. Those I contributors to Richard Nixon’s 1972 drowned when a raft he was riding with a Housatonic River was expected to crest ; presidential campaign, denied any friend overturned-in Steele Brook. this morning at 2-4 feet above flood level was washed away, and another on Rte. 20 East cemetery, taken before attending should bring scissors 'aa . .4, -■ -*■- restoration wqs started. , and glue and a sandwich. Coffee I improprieties and said he stopped in Gaylordsville, and 3-4 feet above flood in Granby was reported under water and PERMIT possibly has been washed out. Bridges in Miss Hazel Lutz, is president will be provided. Mrs. Robert ! abuses of IRS power as soon as he New Fairfield and Bridgewater reportedly Bridge washed out of the society for this year. Sweeney is in charge. NO. 297 i heard of them. were damaged. Club donates Pinochle winners SALE Several car accidents and mud slides The bridge on Bidwell St. by the Folly Pond was partially washed out by The Men’s Club of the Last 'Tuesday winners in the Thousands forced were reported in Hartford sections of flooding before 10 p.m. Friday. Town highway crews placed piles of sand on Talcottville Congregational Vernon Senior Citizens’ _ _ Wi Interstate 84 as commuters headed home both sides of the bridge to prevent traffic over the weaken©! remainder of Church has donated ?500 to the Pinochle group were: Jennie Regional i Friday for the weekend. the bridge. (Herald photo by Dunn) church to help pay part of the Starke 711; Edward Kreyssig to leave home& cost of paving the church 699; Eric Andersen 670; and I parking lot. Sophie Bogdan 664. LOWELL, Mass. - At least 15 | By United Press International tions of Pennsylvania a disaster area. The club has been running tag Last ’Thursday tournament persons were-Injured early today g Swirling flOodwaters in the East have It was the worst rainstorm in 41 years in sales, auctions, and other winners were: Joseph Gessay when an explosion, thought caused » driven thousands of persons from their the nation’s capital, where all major com­ Roads, basements flooded money-making activities to 620; Carl Murphy 588; Mike by a gas leak, leveled a section of g homes, stranded travelers, closed schools muter routes to the capital were flooded. raise funds to help various Desimone 585; and Eld Kreyssig Lowell, police said. The blast g and caused millions of dollars in damages. Thousands of persons were trapped on church projects. Robert Tucker 571. shattep^ windows for a 15-mile ^ -By late Friday, at least six persons had flooded highways leading into the city. In is president of the club. Pinochle is played Tuesdays Alexandria. Va., a Washington suburb, by Friday night rainfall radius and ^lice said it was a g drowned in the floods that developed as Apple festival and Thursdays at 1:30 p.m. at miraple n(/ohe was killed. » heavy rains soaked the central eastern boats evacuated many of the 400 persons The Vernon United Methodist the Lottie Fisk Building, Henry f. g Seaboard states in the aftermath of who had to move out. By MAL BARLOW of time fixing people’s flooded engines on basement flooding problems. Fire Park. Departments in many towns helped Church, Rt. 30, wili sponsor its SPRINGFIELD, Mass. - Five | Hurricane Eloise. With the backlash of Hurricane Eloise Herald Reporter Tolland Tpke. for small fees, police said. residents pump out flooded cellars. annual Apple Festival, Oct. 4 Church film Democratic presidential hopefuls § An estimated 20,000 persons were still affecting the weather. Hurricane Heavy rains during Friday evening The parking lot behind the older portion AVE One bright spot appeared in the bleak from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the The Grace Bible Baptist journeyed to rainy New England S homeless in Pennsylvania, and more fled Faye apparently ended its daylong flirta­ caused road and basement flooding and of the Parkade along Bigelow Brook weather scene at 6:55 a.m. today in the church grounds. Church, Rt. 30, Vernon, will today to begin mining 1976 national ‘g metropolitan Washington and parts of tion with Bermuda late Friday night and washed out a part of the Bidwell St.
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