ALMOST A YEAR ago today Major Ernesto Che paying the price for it. The verdict of the military its extension to the whole of Latin America - an Guevara was murdered in the Bolivian jungle by tribunal in Bolivia which is trying him for high ideal for which Che perished - NOT IN VAIN. the military regime of Bolivia. We are informed treason is a foregone conclusion, but the spirit that CIA representatives were present. of internationalism inspired in Latin America by This special issue of The Black Dwarf is the Cuban revolution cannot be quelled by legal TARIQ ALI devoted entirely to the Bolivian Diaries of Che statutes. It will continue till the last battle has EDITOR Guevara, which we consider to be an important been fought, the last victory won. political document. The diaries were first publish­ A different version of the Diary is being pedd­ EDITORIAL AND PRODUCTION GROUP: Tariq Ali, ed by Ramparts magazine in the United States and led by some publishers in league with those who Clive Goodwin, Robin Fior, David Mercer, Mo we are making use of their translation. These Teitlebaum, Adrian Mitchell, Fred Halliday, Sean murdered Che. We spit on them! The blood-money Thompson, Roger Tyrrell, Published by THE BLACK diaries were presented to the revolutionary Cuban they paid for the Diaries makes them accomplices DWARF, 7 Carlisle Street, London Wl. Printed by government by the Bolivian Minister of the Interior to the crime. And they will pay for it. Socialist Review Publishing Co. Ltd. (TU), Paxton Senor Antonio Arguedos, who has declared his As for ourselves we can do no better except Works, Paxton Road, London N17. solidarity with the Cuban revolution and is now Distributed by Moore-Harness Ltd., 11 Lever Street, to declare ourselves for the Cuban revolution and EC1 01-253 4286. [A NECESSARY INTRODUCTION By FIDEL CASTRO] ers, including the founders of Marxism who were unable to culminate their work and see during their lifetimes the fruits T was Che s habit during his days as a guerrilla to uba is A small economically underdeveloped coun­ of their noble efforts. write down his daily observations in a personal diary. try, like all those countries dominated and exploited During the long marches over abrupt and difficult I C by colonialism and imperialism. It is situated only n Cuba, neither the death in combat of Marti and terrain, in the middle of the damp woods, when the lines 90 miles from the United States’ coast, having a Yankee • Maceo, later followed by Yankee intervention at the of men, always hunched over from the weight of their naval base on its own territory, and confronts numerous end of the Independence War, frustrating the im­ mochilas, munitions and arms would stop for a moment to obstacles in the carrying out of its economic and social de­ I mediate objective of their struggle, nor of the brilliant pro­ rest, or when the column would receive orders to halt and velopment. Great dangers have threatened our country ponents of the socialist revolution like Julio Antonio Mella, pitch camp at the end of a long day’s journey, one could see since the triumph of the Revolution but not because of this assassinated by agents at the service of the imperialists, could as he was from the beginning affectionately nick­ will imperialism succeed in making us yield, since the dif­ impede in the long run the triumph of a process which be­ named by the Cubans—take out his notebook and, with the ficulties which a consequent revolutionary line entails are gan 100 years ago. And absolutely no one could doubt the not important to us. small and almost illegible letters of a doctor, write his profound justice of the cause and the line of the struggle notes. What he was able to conserve from these notes he From the revolutionary point of view, the publication of of those Fathers, nor the actuality of the profound princi­ later used in writing his magnificent historical narrations of Che’s diary in Bolivia admits no alternative. Che’s diary ples which never failed to inspire the Cuban revolutionaries. the revolutionary war in Cuba. They were of revolutionary fell into Barrientos possession who immediately sent copies From Che’s diary it is possible to gather how real the content, pedagogic and human. to the CIA, the Pentagon and the United States government. possibilities of success were and how extraordinary the This time, thanks to his invariable habit of jotting down Newspapermen connected with the CIA had access to the catalyzing power of the guerrilla was. On a certain occasion, the principal occurrences of each day, we have at our dis­ document in Bolivia and have made photostatic copies of in the light of the weakening and rapid deterioration of the posal rigorously exact, priceless and detailed information it—but with the promise to abstain from publishing it for Bolivian regime, he said, “The government is disintegrating concerning the heroic final months of his life in Bolivia. the moment. rapidly; it is a pity we don’t have 100 more men right now. ” These notations, not exactly written for publication, Barrientos government and his highest military chiefs Che knew from his experience in Cuba how often our served him as a working guide in the constant evaluation have abundant reasons for not publishing the diary since it small guerrilla detachment was on the verge of being ex­ of the occurrences, the situation and the men. They also confirms the tremendous incapacity of the Bolivian Army tinguished. This could have occurred because of the likeli­ served as an expressive outlet for his profoundly observant and the innumerable defeats which it suffered at the hands hood of the hazards and imponderabilities of war, but, spirit, analytical but often laced with a fine sense of humor. of a small fistful of determined guerrillas who captured if we had indeed been extinguished, would it have given the They are soberly written and contain an uninterrupted co­ almost 200 arms in combat in a few weeks. right to anybody to consider our line erroneous or to use herence from the beginning to the end. Che also describes Barrientos and his regime in terms this as an example to discourage the revolution and to in­ It should be kept in mind that they were written during which they deserve and with words that cannot be erased still impotency in the people? Many times in history the those rare moments of rest in the middle of an heroic and from history. revolutionary processes have been preceded by adverse epi­ superhuman physical endeavor—notwithstanding Che’s ex­ On the other hand, imperialism had its reasons: Che and sodes! Didn’t we in Cuba have the Moncada as an experi­ hausting obligations as chief of a guerrilla detachment in his extraordinary example gain increasing force in the ence almost six years before the final triumph of the armed the difficult first stages of a struggle of this nature—which world. His ideas, his image, his name, are the banners of struggle by the people? unfolded under incredibly hard material conditions, reveal­ the struggle against the injustices of the oppressed and ex­ For many, between the 26th of July, 1953—the attack ing once more his particular way of working and his will ploited and stir up a passionate interest on the part of stu­ on the Moncada quarters in Santiago de Cuba—and the 5th of steel. dents and intellectuals all over the world. of December, 1956—the disembarkment of the “Granma” Right in the United States, members of the Negro move­ In the diary, detailed analyses of the incidents of each —the revolutionary struggle in Cuba, faced with a modern ment and the radical students, who are constantly increasing day, the faults, criticisms and recriminations which are ap­ and well-equipped army, lacked all perspective, and the in number, have made Che’s figure their own. In the most propriate to and inevitable in the development of a revo­ action of a handful of fighters was viewed as a chimera of lutionary guerrilla are made evident. combative manifestations of civil rights and against the idealists and deluded beings “who were profoundly mis­ aggression in Vietnam, his photographs are wielded as em­ In the heart of a guerrilla detachment, these criticisms taken. ” The smashing defeat and the total dispersion of blems of the struggle. Few times in history, or perhaps never, must take place incessantly, especially when there is only a the inexpert guerrilla detachment on the 3rd of December, has a figure, a name, an example, been so universalized small nucleus of men, constantly confronted by extremely 1956, appeared to confirm completely the pessimistic omens. with such celerity and passionate force. This is because Che adverse material conditions and an enemy infinitely superior But only 25 months later, the remains of that guerrilla force in number, when a little carelessness or the most insignifi­ embodies in its purest and most disinterested form the in­ had developed the power and acquired the necessary experi­ cant mistake can be fatal and the chief has to be extremely ternationalist spirit which characterizes the world today and ence to annihilate that army. demanding. He must use each occurrence or episode, no which will do so even more tomorrow. matter how insignificant, as a lesson to the combatants and From a continent oppressed by colonial powers yesterday In all ages and under all circumstances there will always future leaders of new guerrilla detachments. and exploited and kept down in the most iniquitous under­ exist abundant reasons not to fight, but that will be the only way not to obtain liberty.
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