PPRREE FFEEAASSIIBBIILLIITTYY RREEPPOORRTT OOFF LLAATTEERRIITTEE MMIINNEE MINERAL - LATERITE VILLAGE-RAKAMCHERLA, SURVEY NO. 5 (LEASE PERIOD 09-05-2006 TO 08-05-2026) LEASE AREA- 12.55 HECTARE MINING PROJECT - CATEGORY-“B2” RAKAMCHERLA VILLAGE , PUDUR MANDAL DISTRICT- VIKARABAD (TELANGANA) PROJECT PROPONENT LESSEE:SRI G. SRINATH GOUD H. NO. 1-8-497/3, CHIKKADAPALLY, HYDERABAD STATE-TELANGANA, PIN- 500004 ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT M/S. GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED SEPTEMBER -2017 PRE FEASIBILITY REPORT For Laterite Mine Project (Area 12.55 Ha.), RAKAMCHERLA Village, PUDUR Mandal, 1 VIKRABAD District, TELANGANA State 11.. EEXXEECCUUTTIIVVEE SSUUMMMMAARRYY The proposed Laterite mining site is located at Village Rakamcherla, Puddur Mandal, District- Vikarabad, and State- Telangana. The total mining lease area is 12.55ha. The area of mine lease is Govt. waste land; Semi Mechanical Open cast Manual mining is the only suitable method of mining for such type of deposit. The location map of the mining site is added as Annexure-I. Brief description of the project is described below. 1.1 SALIENT FEATURE OF THE PROJECT Table 1-1:- Salient Features of the Project Sl. Parameters Description No. 1 Name of the project Laterite Mine 2 Nature of the project Opencast semimechanised Mine 3 Project Proponent Sri.G.Srinath Goud, H.No.1-8-497/3, Chikkadapally, Hyderabad. Telangana State- 500 004. Mob No. 9849377212, 9490793498. Email Id: [email protected] 4 Lease period validity 09-05-2006 to 08-05-2026 5 Existing Capacity Total Mineable Reserve: 39 ,86304 T 6 Details of the Lease Total area of 12.55 ha on Survey No.5 Area 7 Total Lease area 12.55ha 8 Proposed capacity of 289836TPA the project 9 Category of the project “B2” 10 Location of the project Village – Rakamcherla, Pudur Mandal, District- Vikarabad, State- Telangana 11 Lease area Coordinate Points Latitude Longitude 1 17’48.20”N 77’32.70”E 2 17’.” N 77’.”E 3 17’.” N 77’.”E PAGE ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT LESSEE: 1 GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, SRI G.SRINATH GOUD 1 PRE FEASIBILITY REPORT For Laterite Mine Project (Area 12.55 Ha.), RAKAMCHERLA Village, PUDUR Mandal, VIKARABAD District, TELANGANA State Sl. Parameters Description No. 4 17’.” N 77’.”E 5 17’.” N 77’.”E 6 17’.” N 77’.”E 7 17’.” N 77’.”E 8 17’.” N 77’.”E 9 17’.” N 77’.”E 10 17’.” N 77’.”E 11 17’.” N 77’.”E 12 17’.” N 77’.”E 13 17’.” N 77’.”E 14 17’.” N 77’.”E 15 17’.” N 77’.”E 16 17’.” N 77’44.55”E 17 17’.” N 77’.”E 18 17’.” N 77’.”E 19 17’.” N 77’.”E 20 17’.” N 77’.”E 21 17’.” N 77’.”E 22 17’.” N 77’.”E 23 17’.” N 77’.”E 24 17’.” N 77’.”E 25 17’.” N 77’.”E 26 17’.” N 77’.”E 27 17’.” N 77’.”E 28 17’.” N 77’.”E 29 17’.” N 77’.”E 30 17’.” N 77’.”E 31 17’.” N 77’.”E 32 1714’.” N 77’.”E 33 17’.” N 77’.”E Source: Approved Mine Plan 12 Land Type Type of Land Area in Hectares Government Waste Land 12.55 13 Method of Mining Semi Mechanized Open cast PAGE ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT LESSEE: 2 GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, SRI G.SRINATH GOUD 2 PRE FEASIBILITY REPORT For Laterite Mine Project (Area 12.55 Ha.), RAKAMCHERLA Village, PUDUR Mandal, VIKARABAD District, TELANGANA State Sl. Parameters Description No. 14 Operational days/year 300 Days per Year 15 Total water requirement 12.6 KLD 16 Source of water The source of drinking water is nearest village water tankers. Besides above rain water is collected in the working pit. As water requirement will be very low & water table is not encountered during the mining, 17 Man power requirement 33 Persons per day 18 Nearest Railway Godamgura Railway Station, 15 km, NW Station / Airport along Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, Hyderabad- 75 km in E direction. with distance in kms. 19 Nearest Town, city, Nearest Town- Vikarabad ( 12km ,in NW direction) District Headquarters District Headquarter- Hyderabad (40km, in E direction) along with distance in kms. 20 Ecological Sensitive Area Distance (km) Direction Areas (Wild life Somangudi R.F, Naskal R.F & 0.15 SW Sanctuaries, National Damangudem R.F. all mixed Parks, Biosphere Tippapur R.F 0.20 NE Reserves, Reserve/ Musa Nadi 8 E Protected Forest etc) Kayaking Lake 10.5 NW Lakhnapur Tank 13 SW Mrugavani National Park 40 NE 21 Power Supply Nearest village i.e. Rakamcherla 22 Financial & Social This Project is providing employment to local people directly and benefit indirectly. PAGE ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT LESSEE: 3 GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, SRI G.SRINATH GOUD 3 PRE FEASIBILITY REPORT For Laterite Mine Project (Area 12.55 Ha.), RAKAMCHERLA Village, PUDUR Mandal, 2 VIKARABAD District, TELANGANA State 22.. INTRODUCTION OF THE PROJECT/BACKGROUND INFORMATION 2.1 IDENTIFICATION OF PROJECT PROPONENT. IN CASE OF MINING PROJECT, A COPY OF MINING LEASE /LETTER OF INTENT SHOULD BE GIVEN. 2.1.1 Project Proponent- Sri.G.Srinath Goud 2.1.2 Address of the Lessee: H.No.1-8-497/3, Chikkadapally, Hyderabad. Telangana State- 500 004. Mob No. 9849377212, 9490793498. 2.1.3 Mining Lease Area The mining lease area is 12.55 hectare and it is Government Waste land; No Forest land is present within lease hold area. The Lease deed was executed in favour of Sri.G.Srinath Goud, dated 09.05.2006. 2.2 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF NATURE OF PROJECT: Sri.G.Srinath Goud has applied for grant of Laterite mine; Validity of mining lease is 09-05-2006 to 08-05- 2026. This Mining Lease is situated in Village – Rakamcherla, Mandal.- Pudur, District- Vikarabad (Telangana) over an area of 12.55Ha. The Mine Plan has been approved on Dated 17.01.2017 for the period of 2016-17 to 2020-21 The highest production capacity of the mine is 289836 ton/annum with average capacity of the project is 2,36,742 metric ton/ annum. To measure actual reserve a detail bore hole drilling has been conducted which computed the actual reserve of this mine. With reference of these bore hole data a modified mining plan with the proposal of 2017-18 to 2019-20 was prepared where reserve is revised. Now The total Proved Mineral Reserve (Category 111) is 4692393 tonnes , Probable Mineral Resource (Category 121&122) is 2200687 tonnes. The area of mine lease is covered with Government. waste land; No Forest land is present within lease hold area. Any national park/sanctuary is not present within 10 km from lease area. Topographically this area is in polygonal shaped and this area is occurring as a blanket type North- South side of the lease area is covered by laterite out crop, purple shale is exposed on NE side of the area is covered by the soil. On the surface the out crop width is seen to vary between 150m to 200m and the south it crops out at 119m R.L PAGE ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT LESSEE: 4 GREENCINDIA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, SRI G.SRINATH GOUD 4 PRE FEASIBILITY REPORT For Laterite Mine Project (Area 12.55 Ha.), RAKAMCHERLA Village, PUDUR Mandal, VIKARABAD District, TELANGANA State Whereas the murram soil and purple shale are available at lower. At this point it is exposed on 115m R.L. Semi Mechanical Open cast Manual mining is the only suitable method of mining for such type of deposit. 2.3 NEED FOR THE PROJECT AND ITS IMPORTANCE TO THE COUNTRY AND REGION 2.3.1 Need for the project The compact and ferruginous variety of laterite is used widely as a road metal and as a local stone for culverts and buildings. It cannot withstand heavy pressure and as such it is used for construction of light structures, partition walls, boundary walls, etc. Laterite as a building stone possesses one advantage that it is soft when quarried and can be easily cut and dressed into blocks and bricks which on exposure to air become hard. The industrial use of laterite is in the cement industry. It is used as an additive for lowering the clinkerisation temperature and supplementing aluminous and iron contents required in the manufacture of cement. It is also reported that laterite is capable of removal of phosphorus from solutions and percolating columns of laterite remove cadmium, chromium and lead to very low concentrations. 2.3.2 Importance to the country and region The Laterite of this area is not meant for captive use. The mineral Laterite will be sold to cement Industries. The laterite which is rich in Alumina & Iron with low silica will be used in Cement Indus tries as a corrective agent. So this laterite can be sold to the Cement industries which are located around Nalgonda, Ranga reddy, Karimnagr and Adilabad etc districts of Telangana state. The speciation will vary from plant to plant. However the following normal specifications of laterite are required by the cement industries. Laterite is used as an additive in cement industry. The industrial end-use consumption of laterite in 2010- 11, 2011-12 and 2012-13 was approximately 3.74 million tons, 3.89 million tonnes and 4.02 million tonnes, respectively. Other consuming sectors are building construction and road metal. Though vast resources of laterite are available in India, systematic exploration and estimation of resources need to be taken up. There seems to be no major change in the end-use pattern of laterite. The consumption of laterite in cement has increased due to increased demand of cement in the country. In future, laterite could be used as a source of metallic minerals like iron, aluminium and chromite and of trace elements like gallium and vanadium.
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