www.ukrweekly.com Xlth Congress of Americans of Ukrainian Descent Meets in New York PROF. CLARENCE MANNING, 79, DIES I AND OTHER PANELS AT CONGRESS TO AIR TIMELY ISSUES РВОШгаХТ SLAVICIST WAS AUTHOR OF MANY BOOKS ON UKRAINE Xlth CONGRESS OF АМІЯИСАКЯ OF UKRAINIAN DESCENT APPEAL To Honor PLESANTVILLE, N.Y. — work published by the Uni­ October 6. 7 and 8,1972 — Hotel Commodore OF THE UKRAINIAN CONGRESS COMMITTEE USIA Chief Prof. Clarence Augustus Man­ versity of Toronto Press and OF AMERICA ning, outstanding American financed by the UNA. Most 42nd Street and Lexington Avenue, New York, N.Y. NEW YORK, N.Y. - In Slavicist, a crusading scholar, of Prof. Manning's English recognition of his outstand­ From October 6 through October 8. 1972. an important ing services to this country, translator and publicist who language works were publish­ PROGRAM j event will take place in the life of the Ukrainian American authored major books on Uk­ ed and financed by the UNA the Hon. Frank Shakespeare, THURSDAY, October 5: t community. During these days the Xlth Congress of Amer- Director of the United States raine in the English language and the Svoboda Press. I icans of Ukrainian Descent will be held in New York City, Information Agency (USIA), and was a contributor to The 8:00 to 10:00 pan.: j at which questions of vital significance will be discussed and will receive the "Shevchenko Ukrainian Weekly for 37 Weekly Articles Registration of Delegates, Parlor E resolved, determining the future course of our community Freedom Award" at the con­ years, died Wednesday, Octo­ life in this country. gressional banquet to be held ber 4, 1972, at his residence Associated with The Uk­ FRIDAY, October 6: We are living in complex and rapidly changing times. tonight at the Commodore here after a long illness. He rainian Weekly since its in­ Before our very eyes events are taking place that change Hotel in New York City. The was 79 years old. ception in 1933, Prof. Man­ 8:00 am to 5:00 pan.: the fate of peoples. The inter-relationship of forces in the banquet is being held in con­ He was a professor emeri­ ning was a permanent weekly Registration of Delegatee, Foyer near Grand Ballroom world is also undergoing substantial changes, but the strug­ junction with the Xlth Con­ contributor of articles and tus in Slavic Studies of Co­ 10:30 a.m.: gle for the ideals of truth, justice, national liberty and in­ gress of Americans of Uk­ commentaries on Ukrainian lumbia University, where he Opening of the Congress; Presentation of Colors; Ukrain­ dividual freedom goes on. rainian Descent. had studied and taught for developments and events re­ Our people in their native land, captives of Communist ian and American national anthems; Invocation by the Eight other American and three decades, a member of lated to Ukraine and its peo­ Russian imperialism, play a special role in this struggle. The Very Rev. Dr. Votodymyr OawLich, OSBM. pastor of St. Ukrainian leaders will also major American scholarly so­ ple. He also published scores fifty years of enslavement by the Soviet regime were mark­ George Ukrainian Catholic Church in New York City; receive the freedom award, cieties, a member of the Shev- of articles and reviews for ed by physical destruction of millions of Ukrainian peasants, Greetings by Dr. Roman Huhlewych, representing the host named after Taras Shevchen­ chenko Scientific Society and Prof. Clarence A. Manning The Ukrainian Quarterly, and workers and intelligentsia, who perished in concentration community of New- York City, and by Msgr. Dr. Basil ko, Ukraine's poet-laureate holder of honorary doctorate continued writing until his camps and during the man-made famine in the 1930's. and Kushnir, representing Ukrainians in Canada. and national hero, for their from the Ukrainian Free Ukrainian History" (1949), recent illness. in the war years. During World War II our people rose to 11:00 алп.: contributions to the cause of University. "Twentieth Century Ukraine" He is survived by hia wife, fight for the right to their own independent life by organ­ Report on the Status of Delegates by the Credentials Com­ freedom of Ukraine and (1951), "Ukraine Under the Louise M., and daughter. izing their own armed forces — the Ukrainian Insurgent Born April 1, 1893, Prof. human rights. Soviets" (1953), "Hetman of Alice Vail. Requiem services mittee; Adoption of the Roles of Congress Sessions; Adop­ Army. Manning traced his lineage to tion of the Program of the Congress; Election of the Con­ Ukraine: Ivan Mazepa" were held Thursday and Fri­ At the present time the terror by the alien occupying The Xlth Congress is con­ English immigrants who came gress Presidium; Announcement of the Composition of (1957). and edited "Spirit of day at Grace Episcopal power in our native land continues unabated. We all know ducting its business in plen­ to the U.S. in the 1750's. Nominating and By-Laws Committees; Election of the ary sessions and through He completed his studies at Flame: Lesya Ukrainka" Church in White Plains, N.Y. of the ruthless persecution of Ukrainian patriots in Ukraine, (1950). He collaborated on The body was interred at St. Working Committees: (1) Committee on Education and the arrests and severe sentences, and the implacable Russffi* several working committees, Columbia University with a Ukrainian Schools; (2) Committee on Coordination of dealing with a variety of doctorate iu 1915, and began "Ukraine: A Concise En­ Paul's Church Yard in Mount cation* of the Ukrainian population by Communist Russia. cyclopaedia", a two-volume Vernon, N.Y.- Youth and Student activities; '3) Committee on Review of We are deeply disturbed over the fate of our kin in Ukraine. problems confronting the Uk­ teaching at the University, the Present State of Ukraine and the Defense of Human rainian American community subsequently assuming the We cannot remain impartial onlookers as the enemy en­ Rights; (4) Committee on Scholarship and Culture; (5) deavors to destroy our own people and the country of our and today. There are twelve such chairmanship of the Depart­ Committee on Church Affairs;-(6) Coordination of Activi­ working committees covering ment of Slavic Studies there. St. Louis ІГУА'ег* Host President our fathers' origin, and transform it into a colony of Russia. ties of Women's Organizations; (7) Committee on Exter­ We want to help our suffering people to the best of our problems of Ukrainian youth, On His First Visit nal Affairs; (8) Committee on Internal Affairs; (9) Fi­ ability. schools, the political situation Challenged School ST. LOUIS, Mo. — Officers butes of the Ukrainian heri­ nance Committee; (10) Resolutions Committee; (11) Cre­ in Ukraine, Ukrainian culture of UNA Branches 179 and 373 tage and in this manner con­ Our attention must also be directed to problems which and scholarship, external dentials Committee; (12) Banquet Committee. Verification confront us here in this country. Our community in the A non-conformist for his in St. Louie, Mo., and those tinue the constructive work of of minutes of the Xth Congress. and internal affairs, church times, Prof. Manning chal­ of Branches 284 and 308 in Ukrainian pioneers. United States, due to circumstances beyond our control, is and religious matters, resolu­ 1:30 pan.: lenged the pro-Russian school East St. Louis, III, were join­ Mr. Lesawyer noted that it facing many dangers, among them the threat of losing our tions, and so forth. Luncheon Meeting, West Bejljym of historiography in this ed by over 60 guests at a is, a matter of historic record national identity through assimilation. This is closely con- country and persisted in a meeting-banquet Saturday, that Ukrainian immigrants S:(W p.m., Reporter fleeted with our concern for bur children and youth; We all ; wish they become good citizens of this country, but that Youth Panel crusading spirit tb publish September 30, here, attended brought physical and social Prof. Lev B. DobrianBky, iUCCAi President; Joseph Lesa­ scholarly works that eventu­ wyer, UCCA Executive Vice-President; Mrs. Iflana Dia- they also retain pride in their heritage and always keep in by UNA President Joseph improvement wherever they The Committee on the Co­ ally opened the field of study chuk, UCCA Treasurer; Dr. Edward Zarsky, / Head of 'mind'-the welfare of the country of their forefathers. We Lesawyer, the first such visit settled. In the last quarter of ordination of Activities of to other Slavic1" peoples. He UCCA Educational CduncH,". Mykola Bemanyshyn,' UCCA must think of improving the education of our growing by the organization's presi­ a century rapid strides have Student and Youth Organiza­ published a series of thought- Youth Coordinator* Ivan Bazarko. UCCA Administrative generations in our own schools and of bringing the youth dent to this Ukrainian com­ been made in education, the tions is sponsoring a youth provoking articles and books Director; Dr. Walter Deshnyck, UCCA Editor/, Iwan Wyn- into the fold of Ukrainian cultural, social and political life. munity in the Midwest. arts, the professions, and panel, organized by the Con­ on the history and literature nyk. Chairman, UCCA Auditing Committee; Yaroslav Rak. No less important in our deliberations is the question Mr. Lesawyer, who made every effort should be made ference of Ukrainian Central of Ukraine, as well as studies Chairman. UCCA Board of Appeals. •<" >..• of the proper development and growth of our church and the stopover here on his way to continue such progress, religious life. We must realize the Wet that our Churches Youth and Student Organiza­ on the history of Bulgarians, 5:00 p.m.: to the National Fraternal said the president. are and will remain in the future a factor which will ensure tions.
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