Records of the Office of the Director / Faculty Files / Box 10 / Einstein, Albert -- Photo requests From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA January 25, 1977 Mr. Robert Stephen Cooper 56 West Church Stteet The Bell House Bethlehem, Pennsylaania 18018 Dear Mr. Cooper: Thank you for your letter of January 1. All requests for photos of Professor Einstein should be addressed to Trude Fleischman Photo Studio, 127 West 56th Street, New York, New York 10019. Sincerely yours, Geraldine F. Kaylor . Secretary to the Director Records of the Office.. of, the Director / Faculty Files / Box 10 / Einstein, Albert -- Photo requests From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA I 56 West Church Street '1'be Bell House Bethlehem,Pema7lvania 18018 JaDU&l'1 1,1977 Att/DraBarry WOOlt lzlatttute For .AdTanced Studies c/o: Princeton Univereity Naasua street hincetA:>n,l!lew JereqJ08MO Dear Sirs It at all poaeible,mq •• please ba•1e a large 8 x lO,autographed picture cL, DraJl.bert E:inetein, •? When you mail the enTelope please write "DO NOT BEND, .BO'IliSIIES PLE.ASE1 We are T.- 7 auch 1Dtersted in hear iDg tro .c ,-ou •• ? We bope ,.ou callhelp us,. Records of the Office of the Director / Faculty Files / Box 10 / Einstein, Albert -- Photo requests From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA Juua 1111 1976 Ha. Magee Carney Photo Editor .D.C .. Ueatb Caoada Ltd. Sui"te 1408, 100 Adelaide Str.. t Weat Toronto. Outa rio M5B 1S9 CaDada Dear M8. c.r..-,: 'tblta.k yoa for your letter of June 8. All requeata for pbotoa of ProfuaoT EiuteiD abould be addreaHd to Tru4e fieiacbun Pboto Studio, 127 Weat 56th Street, 1iew York, Rew York 10019. Siacere1y youra, Geraldiu P. ~Caylor Secretary to the Director Records of the Office of the Director / Faculty Files / Box 10 / Einstein, Albert -- Photo requests From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA D. C. Heath Canada Ltd. Suite 1408, 1 00 Adelaide Street West, Toronto, Ontario M5H 159 Telephone (416) 362-6483 8 J une 1976 Director Institute for Advanced Studies Princeton University Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Dear Sir: We are preparing for publication a biology textbook to be used in Canadian schools, grade 10. The text, called simply Biology, will be hard cover and will include several photographs and illustrations. Our authors, John Reimer and Bill Wilson (biology teachers in Ontario) would very much like to use a photographs of Albert Einstein in their text. Would your institute have a colmr slide or p rint on Mr. Einstein which we could use for a few months? Or do you know where we might obtain one? I look forward to your reply and I appreciate any help in this matter. Yours very truly, Magee Carney (Ms . ), Photo Editor Records of the Office of the Director / Faculty Files / Box 10 / Einstein, Albert -- Photo requests From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA December 20, 1976 Mr. Al~af H. Chandry 1206 Cedar Poet #265 Hous~on, Texaa 77055 Dear Mr. Chaudry: Thank you for your letter of December 10. All request• for photos of Professor Einstein should be addressed to Trude Fleischman Photo Studio, 127 West 56~ Street, Rew York, New York 10019. Sincerely yours, Geraldine F. Kaylor Secretary to the Director Records of the Office of the Director / Faculty Files / Box 10 / Einstein, Albert -- Photo requests From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA 1&-t>b Ce~ t!Js.f#a-6r o}lov~~ cfy. '7 ?o~-s- . Records of the Office of the Director / Faculty Files / Box 10 / Einstein, Albert -- Photo requests From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA cc. Miss Dukas Jamaary 14. 1976 Obe~atudteadlrektor Dederlcba Albert•llaatela~lu. Aa lchubeot~ 14 4044 Ka•~•t 1 recte~al ..public of QeftMDY Dear Pl'ofuaor Dadericba: TbaDk you for your letter of Dee.-,.~ 4th, ccmcenlaa the Albert­ llaatelD-G,...aaluaa. I nant thia late aclmowled_.t of your letter but it bad ~ dlncted to Pl'iocetoa UD1wralty ~ather thaD tt. Iaatitute for Aclwoaed Study. hofuaor liutelu we DOt aaaooiated with the Ulliftnlty but rett.r with tM IMtltute, vhioh ia au autoDIJ8NA body not cOIID!Mted to arrJ way to Pd.aeetoa UD1~aity. ~ your 1Df01'1Mtlou I encloee a copy of our eurnat bnchun which explalna briefly the atructure aDd work of tba Iutitute. I b8Ye takeu tba liberty of forwardiaa ,our letter to tt. Truat.. a of tbe liDatela utate • Who I - aura would k pl.aaae4 to kDov ao.ethiaa of tbe Al.. rte.liaateta-o,.aaalua. With but vialwa. llocenly youra. Aida L. La Brutte lecretery to the Director IMloaun Records of the Office of the Director / Faculty Files / Box 10 / Einstein, Albert -- Photo requests From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA /7J . )~ bv /u ,.. fr'-. ;,.:....£. :2.' . ~ J~-- Albert-Einstein-Gymnasium 4044Kaarst1,den 4.12.1975 1 1_1: Kaarst Am Schulzentrum 14 Telefon: (021 01 I 6 53 09 I .!JS~ Gymnasium mit differenzierter Mittel- und Oberstufe fur Jungen und Madchen Der Oberstudiendirektor r Albert-Einstein-Gymnasium · 4044 Kaarst 1 ·Am Schulzentrum 14 I Rector of the University i~ i~~=;~ U S A L .J Your l1agnificence, on 1st January 1974 tea chers, pupils and parents, together with the munici­ pality of Kaarst gave the name of "Albert-Einstein-Gymna sium" to the loca l school. This is the reason why I should like to come into contact with your univer- · sity, as I may suppose that your university has a strong feeling of liability for the cultivation of Einstein's heritage. Our local school is highly interested in a) inf orma tion about scientifiQ works dealing with Einstein, b) information about groups and associations spending a lot of time on the cultivation of Einstein's heritage, c) personal contacts of professors and students of your university with teachers and pupils of the "Albert-Einstein-Gymnasium". I should be glad if you had the same interests and could send me a favourable answer. I should like to give you the following inf ormation about our local "Albert­ Eins t ein-Gymnasium": The school lies in the rapidly growing municipality of Kaarst with about 35.000 inhabitants situated in the middle between the l arge towns of DUsseldorf, Neuse, Krefeld and Monchen-Gladbach. Because of the parents of the pupils who primarily work in DUsseldorf (a distance of 12 kilometers), Kaarat i at closely associated with the capital of North-Rhine Westphalia. Kaarst ·is a merely residential municipality. Many of the boys and girls of our school were born in Dusseldorf. The "Albert-Einstein-Gymnasium" was founded in 1966 axdhas 1452 schoolboys and schoolgirls at the present, who can gain their university qualification (leaving examination) in 9 years - after 13 scholastic years altogether. The pupils are t aught by 79 t eachers. -2- Records of the Office of the Director / Faculty Files / Box 10 / Einstein, Albert -- Photo requests From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA - 2 - The Ministers of Culture in the Federal Republic of Western Germany decided on a reform of the upper classes some years ago. This reform is valid for our school, too. Ac cording to the name of our school a special emphasis is on the field of mathematics an the natural sciences, furthermore on t he f ield of languages (English, Latin, French and Russian) and sociology. I should be very glad to r eceive your answer. Yoc;tery} truly ; ' ~< (Dederichs) Records of the Office of the Director / Faculty Files / Box 10 / Einstein, Albert -- Photo requests From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA April 19, 1972 Or. Marten Goulbergh, J.P. P.O. Box 42 Eaat: Brighton 3167 Victoria Australia Dear Dr. Goulbergh: Your letter of 8 April has been forwarded here because tbe Einstein archive is at the Institute, and Professor Einstein'• secretary ia at work oo them here. I have sbowo your letter to ber, and sbe tells me that Mr. Einstel11' s daughter Marl died in 1951 aud ba- busbaDd a year later. They bad no children. Your beat contact is the oue you mention, that with Mrs. Steinthal. Although this aay not help you, perhaps it will save your having to search further. Si111Cerely yours, Mrs. Paul Bartell, Jr. Secretary to the Director Records of the Office of the Director / Faculty Files / Box 10 / Einstein, Albert -- Photo requests From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT 4/ 13/ 72 ( DATE) TO: Dr. Carl Kaysen FROM: ROBERT F . GOHEEN To handle, please. R.F.G. vms Records of the Office of the Director / Faculty Files / Box 10 / Einstein, Albert -- Photo requests From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA Memlx!r Royal Vocto6on A»>n. of Honorary Justo ces PHONE 92 1967 All correspondence to Post Office Box 42. East Brighton, 3187, Victoria, Australia 270 DENDY STREET, EAST BRIGHTON, 3187, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA 8th April 1972 GP:DrHG 4PC8 The Director PitiNCETO\ffl UNIVEltSITY ~!~~~!~~~~~~! ______ _ JJear Sir, You certainly will be surprised to receive this letter from"lJO\iN UNDER" and I would be very grateful indeed if it would be possible to enlist your co-operation in the following mattero First of all may I Advise that my letter concernsthe family of Prof.Albert Ein stein,because we are trying at the moment to find out of how many are still alive from our familieso The father llerman Einstein had two children namely Albert and ~lari and we are related via Pauline Einstein born Koch - we do know that JUbert had died but we are not certain where to find Hari born 18.11.1881 who married Mr.Paul h.onrad inteler.We are directly conneeted via the family Koch,Victor and ~teinthal and during my last visit (Hay 1971) to London Hrs.
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