ABBREVIATIONS ADB Asian Development Bank GRA Grievances Redressal Authority AfDB African Development Bank FR Feasibility Report AIBP Accelerated Irrigation Benefits FRL Full Reservoir Level Programme GSI Geological Survey of India AR Artificial Recharge Ha Hectare BB Brahmaputra Board HAD Hydrological Design Aid BCB Bansagar Control Board HE Hydro-electric BIS Bureau of Indian Standards HIS Hydrological Information System BRB Betwa River Board HP Hydrology Project CADWM Command Area Development & HPC High Performance Concrete Water Management CCA Culturable Command Area IBRD International Bank of Reconstruction and Development CEA Central Electricity Authority IDS Infrastructure Development Scheme CGWB Central Ground Water Board IEC Information, Education and Ch Chainage Communication CLA Central Loan Assistance IGNTU Indira Gandhi National Tribal CMC Cauvery Monitoring Committee University IMD India Meteorological Department CRA Cauvery River Authority IMTI Irrigation Management Training CSMRS Central Soil & Materials Research Institute Station INCGE Indian National Committee on cumec cubic metre per sec CM Geotechnical Engineering and cusec cubic foot per sec Construction Materials CWC Central Water Commission INCGW Indian National Committee on Ground CWPRS Central Water & Power Research Water Station INCH Indian National Committee on CWDT Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal Hydraulic Research DBE Design Basic Earthquake INCID Indian National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage DPR Detailed Project Report INCOH Indian National Committee on DRIP Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Hydrology Project ISRO Indian Space Research Organisation DSARP Dam Safety Assurance and ISRWD Inter-State River Water Disputes Rehabilitation Project DSS Decision Support System JBIC Japan Bank for International Cooperation EFC Expenditure Finance Committee JCWR Joint Committee on Water Resources ERM Extension, Renovation and JET Joint Expert Team Modernization EW Exploratory Well JGE Joint Group of Experts FBP Farakka Barrage Project JRC Joint Rivers Commission FPARP Farmers’ Participatory Action KHLC Koshi High level Committee Research Programme KWDT Krishna Water Disputes Tribunal FMP Flood Management Programme m Meter GFCC Ganga Flood Control Committee M & M Major and Medium GHLSC Gandak High Level Standing Mha million hectares Committee MI Minor Irrigation i MoU Memorandum of Understanding Yojana MoEF Ministry of Environment & Forest PSC Permanent Standing Committee MoWR,RD Ministry of Water Resources, River PZ Piezometer &GR Development and Ganga Rejuvenation R&R Rehabilitation and Resettlement MPPGCL Madhya Pradesh Power Generation RFD Results Framework Document Corporation Ltd. NAPCC National Action Plan on Climate RMIS Rationalisation of Minor Irrigation Change Statistics NASC National Agriculture Science Centre ROS Reservoir operation system NCA Narmada Control Authority RRR Repair, Renovation and Restoration NCMP National Common Minimum RRSSC Regional Remote Sensing Service Programme Centre NCSDP National Committee on Seismic RTDAS Real Time Data Acquisition System Design Parameters RTSF Research Technology Support Facility NEEPCO North Eastern Electric Power SAC Standing Advisory Committee Corporation Limited SCEC Sub Committee on Embankment NeGP National e- Governance Plan Construction NERIWALM North Eastern Regional Institute of SFRC Steel Fibre Reinforced concrete Water and Land Management SS State Sector NGRI National Geophysical Research Institute SSCAC Sardar Sarovar Construction Advisory NHDC Narmada Hydro-electric Development Committee Corporation SSP Sardar Sarovar Project NLC Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited SW Surface Water NLPMC National Level Programme Monitoring TAC Technical Advisory Committee Committee TAMC Technical Assistance and Management NLSC National Level Steering Committee Consultancy NPCC National Projects Construction TB Tungabhadra Board Corporation Ltd Th. Thousand NPP National Perspective Plan TOR Terms of Reference NRLD National Register of Large Dams UYRB Upper Yamuna River Board NWDT Narmada Water Disputes Tribunal VWDT Vansadhara Water Dispute Tribunal NWM National Water Mission WALMI Water and Land Management Institute NRSC National Remote Sensing Centre WAPC Water and Power Consultancy NWDA National Water Development OS Services (India) Ltd. Authority WB World Bank OFD On Farm Development WEGWIS Web Enabled Ground Water ONGC Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Information System OW Observatory Well WQAA Water Quality Assessment Authority PAC Project Advisory Committee WRIS Water Resources Information System PAF Project Affected Families WUA Water User Association PDS Purpose Driven Studies WUE Water Use Efficiency PIM Participatory Irrigation Management PMKSY Pradahan Mantri Krishi Sinchai ii CONTENTS SECTIONS: PAGE NO. 1. OVERVIEW 1 2. NATIONAL WATER POLICY 15 3. MAJOR PROGRAMMES 21 4. INTER-STATE RIVER ISSUES 59 5. INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION 65 6. EXTERNAL ASSISTANCE IN WATER RESOURCES SECTOR 69 7. ORGANISATIONS AND INSTITUTIONS 73 8. PUBLIC SECTOR ENTERPRISES 143 9. INITIATIVES IN NORTH EAST 161 10 ADMINISTRATION TRAINING AND GOVERNANACE 165 11. TRANSPARENCY 167 12. ROLE OF WOMEN IN WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 169 13. PROGRESSIVE USE OF HINDI 171 14. STAFF WELFARE 175 15. VIGILANCE 179 16. APPOINTMENT OF PERSONS OF SPECIAL NEEDS 181 ANNEXURES: I ORGANIZATIONAL CHART OF MOWR, RD &GR II STAFF IN POSITION IN MOWR, RD & GR AS ON 31.12.2016 III LIST OF NAMES & ADDRESSES OF SENIOR OFFICERS & HEADS OF ORGANISATIONS UNDER THE MINISTRY OF WR, RD & GR IV BE, RE & ACTUAL EXPENDITURE UNDER PLAN SCHEMES DURING 2015-16 & 2016-17 V BUDGET AT A GLANCE (SECTOR-WISE) VI LIST OF CENTRAL PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICERS / APPELLATE AUTHORITIES IN THE MINISTRY iii ANNEXURES: VII THE ESTIMATED FUND REQUIREMENT (CENTRAL ASSISTANCE AS WELL AS STATE SHARE) FOR COMPLETION OF 99 PROJECTS VIII STATE WISE SUMMARY OF NUMBER OF PROJECTS, THEIR ESTIMATED BALANCE COST, ADMISSIBLE CENTRAL ASSISTANCE AND TARGETED POTENTIAL UTILIZATION OF 99 PROJECTS IX COMPLETION OF PRIORITY PROJECTS DURING 2016-17 X CA RELEASED DURING 2016-17 UNDER AIBP XI STATE-WISE FUNDS RELEASED UNDER "FLOOD MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME" DURING XI AND XII PLANS TILL 31.12.2016 XII STATE-WISE DETAILS OF WORKS COMPLETED AND AREA PROTECTED UNDER FLOOD MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME DURING XITH PLAN iv MINISTRY OF WATER RIVER GANGA RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT REJUVENATION Priceless Water Annual Report 2016-17 Priceless Efforts vii 1. Overview Our country is endowed with a rich The Ministry has also been and vast diversity of natural resources, allocated the subject of regulation and water being the most precious of them. development of inter-State rivers, Water security, water management and its implementation of awards of Tribunals, development is of immense importance in water quality assessment, bilateral and all walks of human life and also for all external assistance and co-operation living beings. Integrated water programmes in the field of water resources management is essential for environmental and matters relating to rivers common to sustenance, sustainable economic India and neighbouring countries. development of the country and for bettering human life through poverty The above-mentioned functions of reduction. the Ministry are performed through its two attached offices (Central Water The Ministry of Water Resources, Commission and Central Soil and River Development and Ganga Materials Research Station); seven sub- Rejuvenation (MoWR,RD&GR), ordinate offices (Central Ground Water Government of India, is responsible for Board, Central Water and Power Research conservation, management and Station, Ganga Flood Control development of water as a national Commission, Farakka Barrage Project, resource; overall national perspective of Sardar Sarovar Construction Advisory water planning and coordination in relation Committee, Bansagar Control Board and to diverse uses of water; general policy, Upper Yamuna River Board); six statutory technical assistance, research and bodies (Brahmaputra Board, Narmada development, training and matters relating Control Authority, Betwa River Board, to irrigation and multi-purpose projects, Tungabhadra Board, Godavari River ground water management; conjunctive Management Board, and Krishna River use of surface and ground water, command Management Board); four autonomous area development, flood management societies/body (National Water including drainage, flood-proofing, water Development Agency, National Institute of logging, sea erosion and dam safety. Hydrology, North-Eastern Regional Institute of Water & Land Management, Twelve wings of the Ministry are as below: and National Ganga River Basin Authority); and two public sector enterprises (WAPCOS Limited and National Projects Construction Corporation Limited ). The Ministry is headed by Hon‟ble Union Minister for Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation - Sushri Uma Bharti. Sushri Uma Bharti took over the charge of the Ministry on 26th May, 2014. On 5th July 2016 two Ministers of State, viz. Shri Ganga Conservation Mission namely Vijay Goel and Dr. Sanjeev Kumar “Namami Gange” with an allocation of Rs. Balyan, also assumed their charges in the 2037 crore (Rs 1500 crore for Namami Ministry. Shri Shashi Shekhar was Gange and Rs. 355 crore for on-going Secretary of the Ministry w.e.f 5th June, NGRBA projects, 100 crore for project in 2015 and continued till 31st December the tributaries including river Yamuna and 2016. Dr. Amarjit Singh, working as Rs. 82 crore for National River Special Secretary/
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