BALTIMORE, MD. 21^ BALTIMORE CITY ARCHIVES & RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICE 211 E. PLEASANT STREET BALTIMORE, MD. 21202 . ^' HALL ^ f ^- AN INDEX cu t* TO THE Opinions of the City Solicitor (OF BALTIMORE - % For the Period from July J, J903 to January Jt 19U I HON. WILLIAM CABELL BRUCE, CITY SOLICITOR, , (1903-1908) l HON. EDGAR ALLAN POE, CITY SOLICITOR, (1908-1911) Prepared under the direction of Edgar Allan Poe, Esq., City Solicitor By CHARLES PIELERT, OF THE BALTIMORE BAR H-61-5] Press of KING BROTHERS Baltimore, Md. 19 11 NOTE. The references in this Index are to the marginal and page number­ ing of the pages of the bound volumes of the Opinions of the City Solicitor filed in the office of the City Solicitor. These Opinions are contained in sixteen volumes, numbered from one to sixteen, inclu­ sive, the marginal and page numbering aforesaid, being consecutive throughout the sixteen volumes. The marginal and page number­ ing of each volume are as follows: Marginal Paging Numbering Volume 1 1— 302. 1— 748 2 303— 602 749—1573 3 603— 910 1574—2306 4 911—1210 2307—2992 5 1211—1501 2993—36212 6- 1502—1808 3623—4293 . 7 1809—2101 4294—4900 8 2102—2409 4901—5553 9 2410—2704 5554—6101 10 2705—3010 6102—6661 11 3011—3300 6662—7180 12 3301—3600 7181—7779 13 3601—3899 7780—8312 14 3900—4204 8313—8853 15 4205—4505 8854—9459 16 4506—4715 9460—9854 Index of Opinions City Solicitor JULY 1, 1903—JANUARY 1, 1911. A ABANDONED— Par. Page City Property. See City Property. Poles. See Poles and Wires. Railway Tracks. See Street Railways. Realty. See Fire Department. ABANDONMENT OF— Condemnation Proceedings. See Condemnation of Property. Highways. See Street, Highways, etc. Markets. See Markets. Parks. See Abutting Property Owners. Paving. See Paving. ABATEMENTS— Of Assessments. See Assessments. Of Nuisances. See Nuisances; Assessments; Health; Paving; Private Property; Sewers and Drains. Of Tax Assessments and Taxes. See City Property and Taxation of Property. ABATTOIRS— See Nuisances. Legal prerequisites for establishment of within city limits 6314 2821 Provisions of Sec. 89 of Art. 23 apply 3806 1584 Special ordinance required for construction of.... 4419 1864 ABOUT— See Contracts. ABUTMENTS— Of W. M. R. R. at Windsor Mills and Old Liberty Roads 2805 1133 ABUTTING PROPERTY— See Abutting Property Owners; Alleys; As­ sessments; Contractors; Nuisances; Owners of Property; Private Streets and Alleys. Liability of sewerage contractor for settling of foundations 9457 4505 Retaining wall to support; cost of 9803 4687 Undermining of foundations by trench excavation of sewerage contractor 9300 4431 4 OPINIONS OF THE CITY SOLICITOR Par. Page ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS— See Advertisements; Alleys; Assessments; City • Engineer; Grades and Grading of Streets; Jones' Falls; Markets; New Sewerage Sys­ tem; Notice; Nuisances; Owners of Prop­ erty; Paving; Plumbers and Plumbing; Per­ mits; Private Streets and Alleys; Sewers and Drains; Sidewalks and Footways; Streets, Highways, etc. Closing of street pending improvements—Rights of. 9206 4383 Cost of raising sidewalks of streets on Jones' Falls necessitated by work of Sewerage Commission.. 8'708 4132 Crediting assessment for bringing ungraded street to proper grade 5834 2562 Low lot requiring heavy fill; grading sidewalk.... 9331 4443 Must grade and pave sidewalk on macadamized street 9331, etc. 4443 Obstruction of Easement of Access'— By railway tracks in street 4614 1958 By extension of market limits 8561 4049 Ornamental trees on his sidewalk 4465 1891 Paving agreements with. See Contracts. Paving of alley by; agreement with city to discon­ tinue assessment proceedings 5494 2384 Paving of alley on application of; procedure 9716 4635 Removal of alley kerbing on assent of 4685 1993 Rights in disturbance of sidewalks for municipal improvements 8780 4167 Rights of, within market limits 9762 4661 Right to compel gas company to lay mains 7951 3690 Right to demand convenient and safe crossing of railroad on private streets 8404 3954 Status of rights upon abandonment of parking.... 4546 1928 Tree destroyed by sewerage contractor—remedy.. 9553 4555 ACCEPTANCE— Of Bids. See Contracts. Of Contract Work. See Contractors; Contracts; Releases. Of Streets. See Ordinances. ACCIDENTS— City's liability for in street work involving railway tracks 8606 4076 ACCOUNTS— See City Property; Harbor Master; Schools. JULY 1, 1903—JANUAEY 1, 1911 5 ACKWORTH ALLEY— Par. Page Electric wires in bed of 8652 4101 ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY— See City Property; Condemnation of Property and Sales. ACTION AT LAW— See Suits. ACTS OF ASSEMBLY— See Barbers' Act; Advertisements; Appropria­ tions; Contractors; Diseases; Grades and Grading of Streets; Laborers; Legal Holi­ days; Licenses; Mayor; Municipal Subways and Conduits; Paying; Stocks, Loans and Finance; New Sewerage System. Amendatory Acts— Effect on unamended provisions 3407 1402 Authorizing loans; act is to be approved as a whole 8862 4210 Publication of local laws relating to Baltimore City; payment of cost 1197 465 Relating to Free School Book Fund construed.... 9593 4574 Repealing Acts— Effect of 3407 1402 Status of accrued taxes on mortgages 1251 483 When held retroactive 1256 484 Resume of those relating to city loans 923 366 Retroactive effect of—sidewalk obstructions 1901 745 Acts Construed— 1745, Ch. 9, Sec. 10 6655 3008 1779, Ch. 20 9776 4670 1784, Ch. 39, Sec. 6 6655 3008 1803, Ch. 92 3832 1597 1812, Ch. 159 3832 1597 1824, Ch. —, cited 6656 3008 1828, Ch. 186 4474 1895 1841, Ch. 23, Sec. 47 -527 220 1849, Ch. —. Charter "Western Cemetery con­ strued 8378 3940 1852, Ch. 304— Incorporating Baltimore, Carroll & Fred­ erick R. R. Co. : 280 135 Sections 14, 16 2803 1133 1856, Ch. —. Assessing property on county side of N. Avenue ..". 9050 4307 1860, Ch. 123 4132 1736 6 OPINIONS OF THE CITY SOLICITOR ACTS OF ASSEMBLY—Continued. ACTS CONSTRUED— 1862, ch. 71— Par. Page 3812 1586 9808 4690 1868, Ch. 187— Incorporating Broadway & Locust Point Steam Ferry Co 4662 1982 8647 4099 1870, Ch. 115 169 62 1870, Ch. 436. Amending Charter Broadway & Locust Point Steam Ferry Co 4662 1982 1872, Ch. 71, Sees. 1, 4. Amending Charter of W. M. R. R. Co 281 115 1874, Ch. 218 204 76 1874, Ch. 288, Sec. 3 1754 674 1876, Ch. 167 2242 884 1880, Ch. 64 3938 1643 1880, Ch. 187 785 317 1888, Ch. 98— 248 96 261 104 1888, Ch. 426 3938 1643 1890, Ch. 100 9465 4508 1890, Ch. 128— 9656 4606 Is repealable 9668 4610 1890, Ch. 505, Sec. 6— 2979 1205 7508 3477 7520 3483 1892, Ch. 138— '. 312 133 !2815 1139 3925 1638 3979 1663 1892, Ch. 200— 2815 1139 8781 4167 1892, Ch. 219 205 76 1892, Ch. 284 206 77 1892, Ch. 448. Construed not to affect engine- men of Fire Department 6526 2943 1892, ch. 525 9277 4419 1894, Ch. 123 9225 4393 1894, Ch. 256, Sec. 128— 5601 2435 5603 2436 JULY 1, 1903—JANUARY 1, 1911 ACTS OF ASSEMBLY—Continued: ACTS CONSTRUED— 1896, Ch. 120— Par. Page 153 54 901 356 2702 1086 3444 1414 1896, Ch. 135— . 9615 4583 9620 4586 1896, Ch. 143 901 356 1896, Ch. 350 ; 2820 1140 1896, Ch. 366 8545 4040 1898, Ch. 210 927 367 1898, Ch. 373 927 367 1898, Ch. 444 927 367 1898, Ch. 458 5925 2612 1900, Ch. 152 92T 367 1900, Ch. 280 927 367 1900, Ch. 320 1374 529 1900, Ch. 337 3874 1617 1900, Ch. 500 1180 460 1900, Ch. 523— 556 233 927 367 2240 883 1900, Ch. 663 733 298 1901, Ch. 19 2837 1148 1902, Ch. 1. Extra session 1182. 461 1902, Ch. 36 3828 1595 1902, Ch. 130 261 104 1902, Ch. 246— • 927 367 2815 1139 1902, Ch. 486— 3352 1380 ' 3354 1381 1902, Ch. 269 9041 4304 1902, Ch. 327— ; 493 208 6177 2747 1902, Ch. 333— 927 367 2395 951 1902, Ch. 391 2465 981 1902, Ch. 453— 8 OPINIONS OF THE CITY 'SOLICITOR CTS OF ASSEMBLY—Continued: ACTS CONSTRUED— 1902, Ch. 453— Par. Page 3141 1276 3927 1639 6978 3195 1902, Ch. 475 1299 497 1904, Ch. 34— 1088 427 1451 555 2677 1074 2900 1176 3135 1273 3152 1281 3405 1401 3514 1446 : 3520 1449 3982 1663 6146 2732 6982 3196 1904, Ch. 42— 4352 1837 4524 1916 1904, Ch. 55 9663 4608 1904, Ch. 87— 1624 623 ' • 1870 733 4398 1858 4448 1882 4738 2020 4767 2034 Section 2 9520 4539 1097 430 1551 593 2037 802 6643 3003 1964 773 Section 13 3639 1510 7305 3377 1838 716 Section 29 1628 625 1904, Ch. 210 3259 1336 1904, Ch. 263 1912 749 1904, Ch. 274— 1984 780 2849 1154 2893 1174 2895 1174 JULY 1, 1903—JANUARY 1, 1911 9 ACTS OF ASSEMBLY—Continued: ACTS CONSTRUED— 1904, Ch. 274— Par. Page 3181 1299 3415 1404 .' 3597 1490 4057 1698 4778 2040 5038 2159 5053 2165 6000 2652 .-• 6048 2674 6051 2675 6331 2831 6869 3127 7076 3247 708'5 3252 , 7813 3615 9235 4397 9573 4564 Section 2 7580 3509 Section 5 2853 1155 Section 6 5900 2599 Section 6 6052 2676 1904, Ch. 338— 3579 1481 3705 1541 , 6508 2935 Sections 6748 3056 1904, Ch. 343 1168 457 1904, Ch. 349— (New Sewerage Loan Act.) 3664 1523 3705 1541 4057 1698 4585 , 1946 6898 3142 9190 4375 Section 2 8705 4131 Section 2,8 2837 1148 Section 4 3717 1547 Section 4 3726 1550 Section 4 3739 1555 Section 4 5278 2267 Section 4 • ' 5301 2280 Section 4 5780 2535 Section 4 5995 2649 Section 4 7290 3367 10 OPINIONS OF THE CITY SOLICITOR ACTS OF ASSEMBLY—Continued: ACTS CONSTRUED— 1904, Ch. 349— Par. Page Section 4. - 8090 3769 Section 4 9641 4597 Section 5 5720 2503 Section 6 2258 888% Section 7 * 7392 3419 Section 7,2 6192 2756 Section 7 7921 3676 Section 8 442'3 1870 Section 8 6358 3121 As to house drainage in Gwynn's Palls...
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