Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-17059-9 — Ancient Theatre and Performance Culture Around the Black Sea Edited by David Braund , Edith Hall , Rosie Wyles Index More Information Black Sea Index Abdera 94, 203, 365 n. 10, 486, 487 Prometheus Unbound 9, 229 n. 8, 242–6, Academy of Plato 47, 54 252, 261, 437 Achaios (tragedian from Eretria) 20 Seven Against Thebes 233–5, 239, 246–7 Achilles 6, 12–13, 30–2, 39, 47, 88, 96–7, 100, Suppliant Women 267, 273 n. 25 103, 122–4, 207, 225, 250, 262, 293, 298, Women of Etna 53, 82, 90 336, 367, 453–65, 466–9 [Aeschylus] acrobats 202 Prometheus Bound 3, 9, 225–51, 264, 276, actors 12, 16, 18, 20–2, 25, 57, 64, 119, 121, 437 126–7, 128, 129, 132, 143, 146, 165–6, 175, Aethiopis 31 and n. 22, 262 n. 56, 457 177–221, 309, 347, 372, 398–400 Agaetes 104–5 comic 7, 19, 48, 64 n. 18, 59–81, 126–7, Agamemnon 33–4, 36, 47, 207, 292–3, 298–9, 140–5, 147–8, 150, 153, 156–8, 160, 162, 454, 456–7 163, 349 Agathon (tragedian) 16 satyric 101–2, 137–9, 156–8 See also Agave (mythical figure) 451 technitai Agones, agonothetic 95, 131–2, 161, 166, 170, tragic 8, 19, 164, 167–8, 307, 324 173–4, 178, 197, 212, 272 tragoedic (tragic singers) 165 and n. 20, 168, Alcaeus 32, 96, 460 247 n. 88 Alexander III of Macedon (the Great) 4, 9 n. 7, Adriatic xxx, 6, 10, 19 16 n. 7, 21, 47, 57, 88, 161, 368, 384, 389, Aeetes 26, 45, 104–5, 259, 260 and n. 45, 269, 413 n. 34 277, 286, 380 Alexandria, Alexandrian 46, 57, 385, 392, Aegeus (mythical figure) 270 476–80, 484–5 Aegina 20, 97 Alexis (comic poet) 20 Aelius Herodianus (grammarian) 55 n. 49, 104 Amastris 49, 163 nn. 6 and 9, 169, 487–8 Aeneas (mythical figure) 33, 311, 323 Amazon, Amazons 8, 31, 45–6, 122, 123–5, Aeschines 72, 85–6, 94, 95, 273 and n. 22, 274 128, 237–8, 348, 366, 436, 464, 473 Aeschylus 5, 6, 15, 20, 47, 53–5, 126, 212, 226, Amirani (Caucasian folk–hero) 240 and nn. 229 n. 8, 235, 238 n. 50, 244, 252, 254 n. 59–60, 241 10, 255–6, 264 n. 67, 276, 444, 457 Amisos 50, 169, 170, 382 n. 33, 389 Agamemnon 47, 274, 457 Amphitrite 468 Argo (Oarsmen) 252, 256, Anacharsis 438, 440–4 and n. 29, 449, 450–1 263 n. 63 Anapa settlement 338 Circe 212 Anaxandrides (comic poet) 20 Eumenides 244 Anthesteria 64 Iphigenia 38 Antigonus 57 Oreithyia 252, 260 Antioch-on-the-Orontes 184, 385, 392, 394, Pentheus 444, 451 396 Persians 82, 238 n. 50, 244, 247 n. 90, 256, Antiphanes (comic poet) 55 and n. 50 267, 472 n. 2 Antoninus Liberalis 459 Phineus 252, 256, 258, 260, 264 Antoninus Pius 175 n. 73, 208, 218, 385, 397 Prometheus Pyrphoros 229 n. 8, 245–6, 437 Apatouria (festival) 100 542 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-17059-9 — Ancient Theatre and Performance Culture Around the Black Sea Edited by David Braund , Edith Hall , Rosie Wyles Index More Information Black Sea Index 543 Apatouron (Phanagoria) 100–1, 103 Artemis 5, 7, 32–3, 37–9, 49, 76, 125, 269, Aphrodite xxvii, 7, 33, 37, 60, 95 n. 39, 100–1, 284–6, 290, 295, 299, 301, 305–27, 336, 103, 125, 274, 287, 340, 341, 344 n. 75, 349, 352, 397, 453–5, 457, 459 349, 442, 459 articulated figurines 400–32 Api (Scythian deity) 125 Asclepius 382–3, 486 Apicius 479 Astydamas (tragedian) 55 Apollo 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 41, 46, 87, 88, 91 n. 20, 93 Athena 243–4, 263, 284–5, 295, 297–9, 301, n. 31, 95–7, 172, 290, 301, 314, 315, 335–6, 323, 336, 353 338, 346, 349, 367, 377, 382–3, 394, 396 n. Athenaeus 48, 50 n. 25, 54 n. 43, 56 n. 55, 88, 66, 397, 440 n. 30, 442, 445, 446, 453–5, 244, 254 n. 10, 262 n. 52, 479, 484 n. 43, 463, 474, 476, 486 n. 48, 489 488 n. 53, 489 n. 55 Apollodorus of Athens (chronographer) 477 Athens, Athenian xxx, 4, 6, 7, 9, 17 n. 13, 19, Apollonia Pontica xii, xxx, 9, 95, 178, 184, 20, 22, 23, 32, 35, 37 n. 37, 39, 41, 48, 51, 195–201, 333 53, 56, 62–4, 71–9, 82, 85–90, 96–103, Apollonius of Rhodes 45 n. 2, 46, 234–6, 383 126, 137, 139, 161, 177, 225, 232, 247, 252 Apollonius of Tyana 462 n. 2, 253–60, 268, 273, 276–80, 354, 366 Archelaus (king of Macedon) 16, 53, 83, with n. 12, 389, 401, 433–7, 439 n. 26, 90 442–533, 444 n. 47, 450, 454–5, 472 n. 2, Arctinus of Miletus 31, 33, 262 n. 56 474, 479–80 Argo 26, 45, 50, 252–3, 255–6, 260, 266 n. 46, Atlantic 274 271, 277–8 Attalids 476–81 and n. 28, 485 Argonauts 5, 9, 10, 26 n. 2, 45, 104, 105, 239 Attalos I 124 and n. 53, 245, 263, 267–71, 286–7, 477 Auge 149, 196–8 and n. 54 Argos xxx, 16, 167, 253 n. 5, 277, 284, 290, Augusta Traiana 213–15 293–4, 299 n. 20, 314, 455, 457 Augustus Caesar 316, 372 Ariadne 375, 382–5, 387, 392–5 Aulis 6, 10, 32–3, 39, 96, 290, 299, 323, 453, Arimaspians 40–1, 232 and n. 21 455–8 Aristagoras 29 and n. 16 aulos, auloi, aulete 4, 24, 65, 67 and n. 21, Aristeas of Proconnesus 40–1, 232 n. 21, 332–5 and n. 9, 336–40, 344, 348–51, 354, 438 356, 362 and n. 2, 376–7 n. 22, 396, Aristophanes 52, 55, 58, 62, 76, 77 n. 37, 416–18, 425–30, 450 and n. 67, 471–2 126–7, 165, 261, 262 n. 52, 286 Autolycus (mythical figure) 45 and n. 2 Acharnians 72 n. 29, 230, 246 n. 85 Birds 23 n. 30, 51–3, 127, 201 n. 64 barbiton (musical instrument) 338, 339, Frogs 4, 127, 248 n. 91, 261–2 351 Gerytades 261 n. 52 Batumi 373 Holkades 271–2 Baubo 150–2, 160 Knights 473 n. 7 Bellerophon 126, 128, 392 Lysistrata 286 bells 356–8 Peace 51 n. 32, 248 n. 91, 281, 286 Berezan 232–3 and n. 29, 332, 335–7, 445 n. Plutus (the first one) 75 n. 32 50, 446, 458 See also Borysthenes Thesmophoriazousai 17, 478 n. 20 Bion of Borysthenes 46 Arrian 460 Bithynia 13, 50–1, 97, 319, 470, 474–85 Periplus 9, 29 n. 14, 31 n. 23, 32, 97, 276, Black Sea (Euxine) xxvii, 5, 6, 7, 11–13, 26, 30, 319, 349, 466 41, 267–8, 277, 466–9, 485–9 Aristonicus (citharode) 88, 91, 106, 367–8, 371 Boeotia 18, 72 n. 29, 100, 401 Aristotle 21, 23, 46, 50, 54–6, 100 n. 66, 254 n. Bol’shaya Bliznitsa 80, 86, 94, 125, 146–9, 160, 10, 277, 297, 309, 438 334, 348–50, 372 Arkteia 286 bone, bones, bone objects 125–6, 322, 332–3, Arrian 9, 29 n. 14, 31 n. 23, 32, 97 and n. 50, 354, 362, 366–7, 401, 445–6, 448 n. 63 276, 319, 460 and n. 18, 466, 479 Boreas 252 n. 2, 258, 260 and n. 48 Artaxerxes II 49 Borysthenes (region/city, for river see Dnieper) Artemidorus of Daldis 318–19 46, 233 n. 29, 433, 436 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-17059-9 — Ancient Theatre and Performance Culture Around the Black Sea Edited by David Braund , Edith Hall , Rosie Wyles Index More Information 544 Black Sea Index Bosher, Kate 4 and n. 1 child, children 24, 48, 64 and nn. 14 and 18, Bosporan kingdom 7, 11, 12, 82–105, 106, 78, 143–4, 146, 148, 164, 195–7, 250, 267, 125–6, 163 n. 7, 277, 332–3, 342, 344, 348, 269–70, 272, 274–6, 280–6, 288, 293, 319, 350–2, 356, 362–72, 400–32, 481 n. 25, 344, 365, 401, 416, 454, 458, 462 485 Chimaera 125, 192 Bosporus 29, 38, 59, 82, 85–90, 95–7, 101, Chios xxx, 20 103–5, 125–8, 131, 167, 277, 344, 362–72, Chiron 233 n. 27, 97, 101, 459 400–32, 485 Christianity 3, 11, 13, 35 n. 31, 192, 202, 206, Brauron 13, 49, 285–6, 320 208, 213, 218, 220, 240 n. 60, 284, 306, bronze 55, 88, 92 n. 26, 126–7, 139, 169, 180, 319, 374, 397–8, 470, 489 n. 56 189, 195, 201, 211, 213, 231–2, 239, 258–9, Chrysaorus (mythical figure) 125 278 n. 42, 3–5, 309, 332–4, 347, 357, 366, Chryses (mythical figure) 252 n. 2, 264, 265 374 and n. 5, 375–7, 380–3, 385 and n. 50, Chrysopolis 252 n. 2 389, 391–2, 394, 426, 445–6, 452 Cicero 236 n. 245 and n. 82, 316, 413 n. 31, Bug, River (ancient Hypanis) 8, 22, 28, 436 n. 484 n. 43 12 Cimmerians 27, 28 n. 7, 38, 55, 59, 98 Bulgaria 8, 54, 177–221, 309, 362 n. 4 Circe (mythical figure) 212, 255 Bryson of Heraclea (philosopher) 6 Clashing Rocks 27, 268, 270, 456 bull, bulls See cattle Clazomenae 335 Byzantium xxx, 21, 28 n.
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