WEDNESDAY SPORTS LOCAL WEATHER Cougar spkers leash Motorcyclists crusln' to Gonzaga Bulldogs / page 9 change stereotypes /~7 Se tember 25 1991 verEstablished 1894 eenVol. 98 No. 25 Hanna vetoes funds for Hispanic conference amount was too high and not enough WSU Ruben Peralta, MEChA program commit- also were inviting education representatives students would benefit from the conference. tee chairman, said he was surprised by the from all over the state to help us. The main ASWSU Senate "By no means does the conference justify veto. reason the cost was so high was because we "When Hanna was campaigning he came planned to advertise on the radio in areas all passes it II down and told us that minority affairs was over the state with high Hispanic popula- on his list of top priorities," Peralta said. tions. " by one vote Those funds are "He gave us the impression he was very Dave Sheldon, ASWSU public relations supposed to be used to supportive of us. But we're not stupid, we director, said MEChA was not present at the know how campaign promises don't materi- Senate Program Committee review which By Shelley Jones benefit more of the alize sometimes. " may have helped them obtain the funds Evergreen Staff needed for the conference. ASWSU President James Hanna, one student body than the Peralta said the goal of the conference week after criticizing other campus organi- conference would. was to bring in high school students and get The review is for committees to explain zations for not being sensitive to the needs them interested in college. Also, they what they've done and to explain their future - Jim Hanna of minority students, has vetoed a bilI to planned to invite Hispanic college students plans. They tell the review board whether allocate $4,500 to MEChA, ASWSU's His- to try to recruit them for graduate school. they were successful and if they need any anic awareness organization. the amount of the bill," he said. "Those "The amount was high because we extra money for the next year. P The bill was proposed to fund a state con- funds are supposed to be used to benefit planned on inviting several inspirational "They didn't even show up. If they did, ference hosted by WSU in November. more of the student body than the confer- speakers to help us encourage Hispanic stu- Hanna said he vetoed the bill because the ence would." dents to attend college," Peralta said. "We See MECHA on page 3 WORLD BRIEF Play takes British hostage freed, American 'dark look' at could follow in footsteps DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) - In another breakthrough in the hos- tage crisis, kidnappers freed 77-year-old Briton Jack Mann on Tues- sex, society day after holding him for 865 days, and a Shiite Muslim leader said an American hostage may soon follow. Walking painfully and stooped over, Mann was led by officials For the record, "Sexual Per- into a packed news conference at the Syrian Foreign Ministry, where versity in Chicago," Daggy The- he angrily denounced his captors for chaining him and ordering him atre's latest production. isn ' t about what you think it's about. around. It's a one-act comedy about four Asked if he had any news of the other hostages, Mann said, north side Chicago adults (two "None at all." male, two female) who talk Yeltsin arranges cease-fire in south frankly (maybe explicitly) about sex while they struggle against MOSCOW (AP) - Boris Yeltsin scored a diplomatic coup Tues- society's norms. All right, maybe day by arranging a cease-fire between warring factions in Armenia it is what you think it's about. and Azerbaijan. But strife raged in Central Asia and Georgia's "Sexual Perversity in Chi- leader ordered a state of emergency in the Georgian capital. cago" deals with the trials of Yeltsin and Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev negoti- two couples' relationships. ated at least a temporary end to the conflict which has claimed 800 "It takes a dark look at the lives and driven tens of thousands from their homes since 1988. heterosexual relationship," said Georgian President Zviad Gamsakhurdia said he would clamp a director Mark Willison. Most of state of emergency on Tbilisi on Wednesday and vowed to oust the comedy comes from their hundreds of armed opponents who have occupied the republic's thoughts and ideas on sex. broadcasting studios since Sunday. What makes the play shocking Iraq holds U.N.inspectors for spying isn't that the characters talk about sex, but how they talk UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Iraqi troops on Tuesday detained 44 about it. According to Willison, U.N. inspectors for the second time, and officials accused them of the language plays a strong part being spies. The inspectors said they videotaped documents showing in the play. which foreign companies supplied materials for Iraq's secret nuclear "(The language) might offend weapons program. people but I hope they can see President Bush condemned Baghdad's "unaceptable behavior," through it and see the situation," and warned Saddam Hussein not to "miscalculate" as he did during said Michael Porter, who plays the Gulf War. • • • ~taff photo by David Wellington the character of Bernard Litko. "We don't want to see any more anguish inflicted on the Iraqi Brian Taibi and Kelly Meyer enJoy a restive moment people, but overriding that is the international community's determi- in the play "Sexual Perversit in Chica 0." See PLAY on page 3 nation that these resolutions be fully complied with," Bush said in New York. The U.N. Security Council demanded that Iraq release the inspec- tors before an emergency council meeting Tuesday evening. GPSA proposes governor's council Former Polish dissident warns China tants in classes with freshmen that recently gradu- By John Kosh, Jr. BEIJING (AP) - Adam Michnik, a political prisoner in Commu- ated high school." nist Poland and a legislator in the new, democratic Poland, held out Evergreen Staff Berggren said America's high school education is his hands and imitated a man trembling with nerves. The Graduate and Professional Student Associa- inferior to other industrialized nations. "When Chinese officials see me coming ... ," he said, and let tion senators at Monday night's meeting said they The committee could have a big impact by focus- laughter finish the sentence. would like to form a committee to recommend ing and concentrating on the concerns at the high Could this be China's future coming to haunt it? improvements on Washington's public high schools school level. "They (the Polish Communists) put us in jail, but later they to Gov. Booth Gardner. "The high schools are very inefficient. A high invited us to a round table (talks)," said Bronislaw Geremek, the The GPSA senate also approved its 1991-92 bud- school diploma means you were docile enough to Polish delegation's leader, to a group of Chinese officials. "You get and discussed the upcoming National Associa- sit through 12 years of education," he said. "It's a shame." may want to think about your own dissidents. You may have to talk tion of Graduate and Professional Students western to them some day. " regional conference. Earlier in the meeting, the senate approved, with District. representative. Fritz Berggren proposed little debate, its 1991-92 budget. The GPSA will the formation of a committee to gather suggestions receive $134,150 for expenditures - $3,000 less and comments from graduate and professional stu- than requested. The majority of revenue, $106,425, dents on how to Improve the state's high schools. will come from student activity fees. The information will come before the senate to Senators also discussed the NAGPS western QUOTE of the DAY be sorted and will then be presented in written form regional conference, to be held Oct. 18-20 at WSU. to Gardner and members of the state legislature. Graduate students and guest speakers from several There is no free lunch. "As graduate students, we are in the position to western states are expected to participate. se~ the problems and offer suggestions," Berggren Activities include several work sessions, speak- - Milton Friedman said. ers, round table discussions and a banquet. "Graduate students are often young enough to Registration will be held at 7 p. m. Oct. 18 in the rememb€r· high school and many are teachers' assis- C,lJlfs tl1jrd floor lobby, . ~', 2 The Evergreen Wednesday, September 25, 1991 WSU, Pullman, Wash. ACT NOWn TH E '92 "ACF" Money Source Directory is out! Get information on the latest LOCAL BRIEFS FREE Money Grants!! Student Loans!! And Additional Financial Assistance! For your "ACF" (Available College Funds) Briefs policy Directory, Please RUSH $9.95 + 2.00 S&H (refundable) Payable to: Campus briefs are a public service to Evergreen readers and should be submitted at least four days prior to the intended date of publication. The THE MONEY SOURCE PUBLICATIONS - WSUC 1 Evergreen will attempt to publish each brief, but reserves the right to limit r 4587 Mack Road, Suite 333 event announcements to one day per week. Sacramento, California 95823 A brief's form must be submitted for each desired announcement. The Be sure to enclose name, current address Evergreen cannot guarantee space will be available for all briefs submitted. and zip code!!!!! L-~~============ Announcements • WSU Alpine Club presents a slide show on "What I did over summer break" today at 7 p.m. in CUB 222. • Women in Communications, Inc. will meet today at 5:30 p.m. in Murrow 242. All new members welcome. Questions? Call Darcy at 4-1105. • Society of Women Engineers will meet today at 7 p.m.
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