January 26, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S527 Fayetteville. He was awarded the mas- their efforts. I ask that the letter from vision of Wildlife and Marine Resources ter of arts degree in history and polit- Paul Alan Cox, Ph.D., chairman of the under your leadership has made important ical science from the University of Ar- board of Seacology Foundation to Gov- progress in evaluating and protecting the wildlife of American Samoa. Coastal Zone kansas at Fayetteville and the juris ernor Lutali be printed in the RECORD. The letter follows: Management has flourished under your lead- doctor degree from George Washington ership. But perhaps most important has been University in Washington, DC. THE SEACOLOGY FOUNDATION, your quiet personal example. You quietly led A well-respected executive in the na- Springville, UT. October 24, 1995. an effort to re-introduce the rare Samoa tional electric cooperative community, Gov. A.P. LUTALI, toloa or duck to your home island of Annu’u. Carl also has worked tirelessly in nu- Office of the Governor, American Samoa Gov- The crack of dawn has frequently found you merous civic and community affairs ernment, Pago Pago, American Samoa. on your hands and knees weeding the garden positions in our State and our region. DEAR GOVERNOR LUTALI: On behalf of the plot in front of the territorial offices. Many Board of Directors and the Scientific Advi- Mr. President, wherever Carl have seen you picking up rubbish and doing sory Board of the Seacology Foundation, it your own part as private citizen to beautify Whillock has lived and worked gives me great pleasure to inform you that throughout our State, his support for the exquisite islands of American Samoa. you have selected as the 1995 Indigenous Con- Because of your stellar service, both public community goals and initiatives has servationist of the Year. This award, be- and private to conservation, and because of been sought. He is the personification lieved to be the only one of its kind in the the tremendous example of dedication and of what citizenship is about. world, annually recognizes an indigenous courage that you have set for your own peo- I want to join thousands of others in person who has demonstrated heroic efforts ple—the Polynesian Islanders—and for indig- wishing Carl and Margaret a happy and in protecting the environment. The enous peoples throughout the world, the healthy, peaceful and prosperous re- Seacology Foundation invites you, at our ex- Seacology Foundation is pleased to bestow pense, to attend an award dinner in your upon you the most distinguished award for tirement. They have certainly earned honor and a presentation ceremony in Provo, it.∑ indigenous conservation in the world by Utah to receive your award, which will con- naming you Indigenous Conservationist of f sist of an engraved plaque and a cash award the Year 1995. We offer you our sincere ap- INDIGENOUS CONSERVATIONIST of $1,000. Lorraine Clark, Executive Asso- preciation for your tremendous devotion to ciate Director of the Seacology Foundation, OF THE YEAR AWARD AWARDED protecting this planet. will be in touch with Rob Shaffer from your Warmest personal regards, TO GOV. A.P. LUTALI, GOVERNOR staff to arrange a convenient date for this OF AMERICAN SAMOA NAFANUA PAUL ALAN COX, Ph.D., event. Chairman of the Board.∑ ∑ In making this award, the Seacology Foun- Mr. INOUYE. Mr. President, all f Americans, including those of us in the dation wishes to recognize your personal courage and foresight in protecting the Congress, are concerned about the de- OFFICER RONALD MICHAEL RYAN, rainforests and wildlife of American Samoa. JR., AND OFFICER TIMOTHY struction of rainforests that is occur- You have demonstrated your commitment to ring all over the world. The rainforests conservation in many different ways. Exam- JAMES JONES constitute unique and irreplaceable ples of your environmental leadership in- ∑ Mr. WELLSTONE. Mr. President, I ecosystems sometimes called the lungs clude passage of an act to protect flying rise to pay tribute to two gallant po- of the Earth. In addition to their func- foxes, including the rare Samoan Flying Fox, lice officers from Saint Paul, MN. On tion in replenishing the Earth’s atmos- Periopus samoensis, or pe’avao by the Terri- August 26, 1994, Officer Ronald Michael torial Legislature of American Samoa. Your phere, the rainforests provide essential Ryan, Jr. and Officer Timothy James protection against global warming, leadership was crucial in passing this legisla- tion, which is believed to be the first legisla- Jones gave their lives in the line of contain hundreds of plants found no- tion enacted by any Pacific island govern- duty. where else on Earth, house many ani- ment to protect flying foxes. Because of your It is important that the memory of mals unique to the rainforests alone, example, many other island governments their brave lives be a part of the offi- and provide protection against destruc- have now enacted similar legislation. cial history of our country. I therefore tion of coral reefs and marine life. I Even more impressive was your visionary ask that the following eulogies by would like to call my colleagues’ at- foresight in establishing the 50th National Chief William Finney be printed in the Park of the United States of America, the tention to a unique effort to save these CONGRESSIONAL RECORD on behalf of vital systems and to an individual who National Park of American Samoa. It was your leadership and your vision that brought these two slain police officers: The eu- is being honored for his own efforts to together a coalition of Samoan school chil- logy by Chief William Finney in mem- save the rainforests. dren, villagers, matai and other traditional ory of Officer Ronald Michael Ryan, Jr. Gov. A.P. Lutali of American Samoa community leaders, territorial officials, sci- and the eulogy by Chief William has been selected to receive this year’s entists, conservationists, and U.S. Congress- Finney in memory of Officer Timothy Seacology Foundation Award as the In- men to create a new future for the people of James Jones. digenous Conservationist of the Year in American Samoa. You personally held meet- The eulogies follows: recognition of his superb efforts to pre- ings with key scientists and village leaders, you personally hosted a distinguished con- RONALD MICHAEL RYAN, JR.—EULOGY BY serve the rainforest and indigenous Sa- CHIEF WILLIAM FINNEY moan culture. Governor Luitali’s suc- gressional delegation in Samoa, you person- ally traveled to Washington, D.C. to testify Ron Ryan junior brought youthful enthu- cesses include leading the effort to cre- on behalf of the park and you personally pro- siasm, warmth, friendship and loyalty to our ate the National Park of American vided leadership at every phase to assure department. He touched our lives in a very Samoa. He is also responsible for pas- passage of the enabling legislation. You ex- special way, and gave has all to his brothers sage of an act to protect the American ercised this leadership without any concern and sisters in blue. The greatest thing this Samoa Flying Fox. Neither of these for its potential impact on your political fu- extraordinary young man gave to us was his achievements would have occurred ture. Because of your selflessness and bi-par- commitment, to make our city a better without Governor Lutali. tisan approach, the American Samoa Na- place to live, to make our department a Seacology Foundation is a nonprofit tional Park Bill became one of the first na- more pleasant place to work, and to add foundation founded to help protect is- tional park bills to pass both houses of the whatever he could to the lives of those around him. He represented the very best land ecosystems and island cultures. United States Congress without a single dis- senting vote. You played a key role in guar- that a Police Officer can be, and in a very Seacology scientist include experts in anteeing that the aspirations and well being real way represented the spirit of the St. endangered species, island flora and of Samoan villages were paramount in the Paul Police department. fauna, and island ecosystems. Hundred enabling legislation. Unique land acquisition Many people think it’s easy for the son of percent of the money donated to techniques, revolving around long term a Police Officer to follow in dad’s footsteps, Seacology goes directly to building leases, were used under your direction. Vil- especially when they work for the same de- schools, hospitals, installing safe water lage chiefs were guaranteed important roles partment. And especially when the son supplies, and meeting other needs of in formulating park policy. The Samoan lan- shares the father’s gift of gab, easy humor, the rainforest villagers so that they guage and culture are to be highlighted in all and superior people skills. But Ron Ryan junior learned just the opposite. He learned will not have to sell off the rainforest park activities. As a result of your foresight, American Samoa will have a national park that the trials and tribulations of being a to survive. Seacology scientists donate that will preserve both Samoan wildlife and rookie cop who is the son of a cop were extra their time as well. Samoan culture. hard, that there would be a little more I congratulate Governor Lutali and Many other examples of your conservation razzing from the troops. Ron Junior had a the Seacology Foundation for all of leadership could be cited. The Territorial Di- routine of polishing the brass buttons on his VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:25 Jun 20, 2008 Jkt 041999 PO 00000 Frm 00137 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA16\1996_F~1\S26JA6.REC S26JA6 mmaher on MIKETEMP with SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS.
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