Transfers of major conventional weapons: sorted by recipient. Deals with deliveries or orders made for year range 1986 to 2014 Note: The ‘No. delivered/produced’ and the ‘Year(s) of deliveries’ columns refer to all deliveries since the beginning of the contract. Deals in which the recipient was involved in the production of the weapon system are listed separately. The ‘Comments’ column includes publicly reported information on the value of the deal. Information on the sources and methods used in the collection of the data, and explanations of the conventions, abbreviations and acronyms, can be found at URL <http://www.sipri.org/contents/armstrad/at_data.html>. The SIPRI Arms Transfers Database is continuously updated as new information becomes available. Source: SIPRI Arms Transfers Database Information generated: 28 October 2015 Recipient/ Year Year(s) No. supplier (S) No. Weapon Weapon of order/ of delivered/ or licenser (L) ordered designation description licence deliveries produced Comments Afghanistan S: Bosnia-Herzegovina 60 D-30 122mm Towed gun 2009 2011 (60) Second-hand but modernized before delivery Brazil 20 EMB-314 Super Tucano Trainer/combat ac 2013 $427 m 'LAS' deal (financed by USA); ordered via USA from US production line; delivery probably 2015-2019 Canada 20 PT6 Turboprop 2013 For 20 EMB-314 trainer/combat aircraft from Brazil Czech Republic 6 Mi-24V/Hind-E Combat helicopter 2007 2008-2009 6 Second-hand but modernized before delivery; aid (aircraft donated by Czech Republic and modernization funded by NATO) 6 Mi-8MT/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter 2007 2007-2008 6 Second-hand but modernized before delivery; aid (aircraft donated by Czech Republic and modernization funded by NATO) India 3 SA-315B Lama Light helicopter (2012) 2014 3 Cheetal version Italy 16 G-222 Transport aircraft 2008 2009-2012 (16) Second-hand but modernized before delivery; $287 m deal (bought via and financed by USA) Norway (159) BGM-71 TOW Anti-tank missile 2008 2009 (159) Second-hand; aid; TOW-2 version Russia 1 An-12/Cub Transport aircraft (2002) 2002 (1) Second-hand; aid (5) Mi-24D/Hind-D Combat helicopter (2002) 2002 (5) Second-hand; aid; status uncertain (7) Mi-8MT/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter (2002) 2002-2005 7 Second-hand; aid 6 TV3-117 Turboshaft 2004 2005 6 Spare engines for Mi-24 combat helicopters (4) Mi-8MT/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter (2005) 2005 (4) Probably Second-hand; part of $30 m aid; designation uncertain (reported as helicopters) 4 Mi-8MT/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter 2009 2009 4 $43 m deal (bought via US company); Mi-17 version 10 Mi-8MT/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter 2010 2010 10 Mi-17V-5 version; financed by UAE (6) Mi-8MT/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter (2010) 2011 6 Probably second-hand; Mi-17V1 version; ordered via and financed by USA; incl for training of Afghan crews and US instructors in USA 21 Mi-8MT/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter 2011 2011-2012 21 $375m deal (bought via and finance by USA); Mi-17V-5 version 12 Mi-8MT/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter 2013 2013 12 Part of $171 m deal (financed by USA); ordered via USA; Mi-17V-5 version 30 Mi-8MT/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter 2013 2014 30 $572 m deal (financed by USA); ordered via USA; Mi-17V-5 version Slovakia (24) D-30 122mm Towed gun 2006 2006 24 Second-hand; aid (3) Mi-8MT/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter 2007 2008 (3) Second-hand; aid Soviet Union (600) BTR-60PB APC (1978) 1979-1986 (600) Probably Second-hand (508) D-30 122mm Towed gun (1978) 1978-1991 (508) (350) K-13M/AA-2C SRAAM (1978) 1979-1990 (350) For Su-22 combat aircraft (500) T-55 Tank (1978) 1979-1991 (500) Second-hand; aid (6000) 9M14M/AT-3 Anti-tank missile (1979) 1979-1990 (6000) Incl for Mi-24 helicopters and BMP-1 IFV (142) BM-21 Grad 122mm Self-propelled MRL (1979) 1979-1988 (142) (350) BMP-1 IFV (1979) 1979-1990 (350) Possibly incl Second-hand (250) BRDM-2 Reconnaissance AV (1979) 1979-1988 (250) Probably Second-hand (560) BTR-50 APC (1979) 1979-1988 (560) Second-hand (120) D-1 152mm Towed gun (1979) 1979-1988 (120) Second-hand (428) M-46 130mm Towed gun (1979) 1979-1991 (428) Second-hand (50) Mi-8MT/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter (1981) 1982-1988 (50) Incl Mi-8 (61) Mi-24D/Hind-D Combat helicopter (1984) 1984-1991 (61) (100) Strela-3/SA-14 Portable SAM (1985) 1986-1989 (100) Probably incl for Mi-24 combat helicopters (36) Su-22/Fitter-H/J/K FGA aircraft (1985) 1986-1990 (36) 73 An-32/Cline Transport aircraft (1986) 1987-1991 (73) An-32A version (16) Strela-10/SA-13 Mobile SAM system (1986) 1987-1988 (16) Possibly Second-hand (400) Strela-10/SA-13 SAM (1986) 1987-1988 (400) (1500) 9M111 Fagot/AT-4 Anti-tank missile (1987) 1989-1991 (1500) For BMP-2 IFV 3 An-26/Curl Transport aircraft (1987) 1987 (3) (150) BMP-2 IFV (1987) 1987-1991 (150) Possibly incl some Second-hand (222) D-1 152mm Towed gun (1987) 1988-1991 (222) Second-hand (40) MiG-21MF/Fishbed-J Fighter aircraft (1987) 1987-1990 (40) Second-hand; probably incl some MiG-21UM (40) 2S9 120mm Self-propelled gun (1988) 1988 (40) Second-hand; handed over when Soviet forces withdrew from Afghanistan (30) 9P117/Scud-B TEL Mobile SSM launcher (1988) 1988-1990 (30) Mainly for use against Mujahideen rebel forces; operated by Soviet crews 1988-1992 (360) BTR-70 APC (1988) 1988-1990 (360) Probably most Second-hand; incl handed over by Soviet forces withdrawing from Afghanistan 1990 (200) Kh-25/AS-10 ASM/ARM (1988) 1988-1989 (200) AS-10B/Kh-25ML version (13) Luna-M/FROG-7 Mobile SSM launcher (1988) 1988 (13) Second-hand (53) MiG-23MS/Flogger-E Fighter aircraft (1988) 1988-1990 (53) (2300) R-17 Elbrus/Scud-B SSM (1988) 1988-1991 (2300) Mainly for use against Mujahideen rebel forces (225) R-23/AA-7 BVRAAM (1988) 1988-1990 (225) For MiG-23MF combat aircraft (250) R-60/AA-8 SRAAM (1988) 1988-1990 (250) For MiG-23MF and MiG-21bis combat aircraft 12 An-12/Cub Transport aircraft (1989) 1989 12 Second-hand (40) MiG-21bis/Fishbed-N Fighter aircraft (1989) 1989-1990 (40) Second-hand Switzerland 18 PC-12 Light transport ac 2012 2013-2014 (13) $218 m deal; ordered via USA and possibly modified in USA for reconnaissance role before delivery; delivery 2013-2015 Turkey 24 M-114A1 155mm Towed gun 2007 2007 24 Second-hand; aid Ukraine 4 An-32/Cline Transport aircraft 2007 2008 4 Second-hand; $19 m deal (bought via and funded by USA); An-32B version United Kingdom 2 Mi-8MT/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter 2009 2010 2 Second-hand Mi-17 version bought by UK for 'Project Curium' training of Afghan pilots in UK and donated to Afghanistan after end of programme United States (188) M-113 APC (2004) 2005 (188) Second-hand; aid; M-113A2 version; incl 15 M-577A2 CP version (800) HMMWV Up-Armoured APV 2006 2007-2008 (800) Second-hand; aid (4735) HMMWV Up-Armoured APV 2008 2008-2011 (4735) $760 m deal; aid; M-1151 and M-1152 versions 4002 HMMWV Up-Armoured APV 2010 2011-2013 (4002) Part of $1 b deal; M-1152A1B2 version; incl for police; delivery by 2014 (237) HMMWV Up-Armoured APV 2010 2012 (237) $45 m deal; incl 137 M-1152 and 100 M-1151 version 2566 HMMWV Up-Armoured APV 2010 2011-2012 (2566) Second-hand; M-1114 version (41) ASV-150/M-1117 APC 2011 2011-2012 (41) 240 ASV-150/M-1117 APC 2011 2012-2013 (240) $257 m deal; MSFV version; incl command, ARV, AEV, ambulance and mortar carrier versions 6 Cessna-180 Skywagon Light aircraft 2011 2011 (6) Part of $88 m deal; Cessna-182T version; for training 26 Cessna-208 Caravan Light transport ac 2011 2011-2012 (26) Part of $88 m deal; Cessna-208B version (744) HMMWV Up-Armoured APV 2011 2012 (744) 6 MD-500E Light helicopter 2011 2011 6 $17-20 m aid; MD-530F version; for training 71 ASV-150/M-1117 APC 2012 2014 (71) $79 m deal; MSFV version (136) ASV-150/M-1117 APC (2012) 2013-2014 (136) MSFV version (4) C-130H Hercules Transport aircraft (2012) 2013-2014 (3) Second-hand; aid 135 ASV-150/M-1117 APC 2013 2014 (20) $113 m deal; MSFV version; delivery probably 2014-2015 12 MD-500E Light helicopter 2014 Armed MD-530F version; option on more; delivery 2015 Unknown country 6 Mi-8MT/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter (2007) 2008 6 Probably second-hand; financed by UAE African Union** S: Canada 105 Piranha APC (2004) 2005 105 Second-hand; loan; for use by AU/AMIS peacekeeping forces in Darfur (Sudan); Grizzly and Husky version South Africa (60) Mamba APC (2005) 2006 60 For use by AU/AMIS peacekeeping forces in Darfur (Sudan); Mamba-3 version (68) Casspir APC (2007) 2008 68 Second-hand but modernized before delivery; for peacekeeping mission in Sudan 10 Casspir APC (2008) 2008 10 Second-hand; for peacekeeping mission in Burundi 7 Casspir APC (2012) 2013 (7) Possibly second-hand; for AU peacekeeping operations in Somalia Unknown country 15 Mi-8MT/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter 2004 2005 (15) Leased from and operated by civilian company for transport of AU/AMIS peacekeeping forces in Darfur (Sudan); financed by Canada Albania S: China (1) HY-2 CDS Coast defence system (1994) 1995 (1) (15) HY-2/SY-1A/CSS-N-2 Anti-ship missile 1994 1995 (15) France 4 AS-532 Cougar/AS-332 Helicopter 2009 2012-2014 4 EUR79 m deal; AS-532AL version Germany (FRG) 6 Bo-105C Light helicopter 2006 2007 (6) Second-hand; aid, modernized to Bo-105E4 before delivery Italy 7 Bell-205/UH-1H Helicopter 2003 2005 (7) Second-hand; AB-205A1 version; aid 7 Bell-206/OH-58 Light helicopter 2003 2003 (7) Second-hand; aid; AB-206C-1 version Algeria L: United Kingdom 3 Kebir Patrol craft 1986 1991-1993 (3) Assembled/produced in Algeria; Algerian designation El Yadekh (6) Kebir Patrol craft (1990) 1997-2006 (6) Assembled/produced in Algeria; Algerian designation El Yadekh; more planned but cancelled S: Belarus (2) Su-24/Fencer Bomber aircraft (1997) 1997 2 Second-hand; Su-24MR reconnaissance
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