west BrIdgFord lIBrary events & exhibitions JUly - oCt 2018 INSPIRE POETRY FESTIVAL CHILDREN’S EVENTS EXHIBITIONS FAMILY THEATRE WORKSHOPS LIVE MUSIC AUTHORS HERITAGE Jo Bell at InspIre poetry FestIval see pages 8 & 9 delivered by in this brochure, the following exciting events are all funded by arts Council england: the Comic strip Workshops, big Draw art activities and Family theatre. we’re an arts award supporter! inspire is proud to be registered as an arts award supporter and offers a wide cultural programme across our venues. Many of our events are free or incur a very small charge and many can be accessed by young people looking for opportunities locally to help them achieve an arts award. inspireculture.org.uk/artsaward west BrIdgFord lIBrary west Bridgford library 03 bridgford road West bridgford WELCOME TO nottingham ng2 6at YOUR jULY - 0115 981 6506 westbridgford.library OCTOBER SEASON! @inspireculture.org.uk arts anD Culture, opening hours live at your open seven days a week Mon, tues, thurs & Fri 9am - 7pm library Wednesday 9am - 1pm saturday 9am - 4pm this season sees the return of the inspire poetry sunday 11am - 3pm Festival (25 – 29 september), with some brilliant events in the festival programme taking place at Contact Inspire [email protected] West bridgford library. our events include a ask inspire: 0115 804 4363 reading by the wonderful Jo bell and a funny, yet heartfelt, spoken word show from former Booking events Mulletproof poet andrew graves. tickets for events can be booked online, in person at the library, or by in July, the annual summer reading Challenge phone during opening hours. arrives at all inspire libraries to help keep children online www.inspireculture.org.uk reading during the school holidays – this time phone 0115 981 6506 with the help of Dennis, gnasher and other tickets are non-refundable except where an event is cancelled. beanotown residents. We host some special programme is subject to change. events inspired by this year’s Mischief Makers theme. Keep up-to-date to receive news and information about and with family theatre, art workshops, heritage inspire, including our events, direct to talks, a book Club live Man booker special and a your inbox, visit the website to sign up to new season of jazz, it’s set to be another packed email updates. you’ll be able to select and varied programme of inspiring events. from a range of preferences based on your own interests. www.inspireculture.org.uk/emails We look forward to seeing you at an event soon. access there is ramped access to the main inspire is registered for the entrance and level access to ground Family arts standards for floor areas. access to the first floor is via family events in our three stairs or lift. please let us know if you largest libraries, including require a wheelchair space for ticketed West bridgford. this means events or have access needs. email us or we are working hard to make call 0115 981 6506. families feel welcome. We’ve identified events in the programme and online that a large print version of this brochure are Fantastic for Families is available on the website, and can with this badge: be made available at the library. Find out more: www.familyartsstandards.com www.inspireculture.org.uk west BrIdgFord lIBrary 04 CHIldren and FaMIlIes sUMMer JoHn KIrK readIng presents: CHallenge dennIs and tHe CHaMBer 2018 : oF MIsCHIeF MIsCHIeF wednesday 1 august, 11am Free MaKers Booking advised saturday 14 July – ages 6+ and their families sunday 9 september For children aged 4 – 11 beanotown has become boring. Free When Dennis hears about the legendary golden pea shooter Join Dennis, gnasher and of everlasting Fun, it sounds like friends this summer on a hunt the only thing that can return his for beanotown’s buried treasure! hometown to its former glory. the summer reading Dennis must go on a quest, Challenge invites children to discovering the mysterious about the storyteller read six library books, of their Chamber of Mischief in his bid to John Kirk is a storyteller. choice, collecting stickers along find the golden pea shooter. his previous work includes the way to explore the map and Michael Morpurgo’s Private find clues. but watch out – with Join storyteller John Kirk on a Peaceful , roald Dahl’s The Dennis around, some of those fun-packed adventure with Twits and Jeremy strong’s stickers are sure to be stinky . some of your favourite beano The Hundred Mile an Hour characters as he retells nigel Dog. John enjoys bringing to help celebrate this year’s auchterlounie’s Dennis and the stories to life with dynamic reading fun, West bridgford Chamber of Mischief. and imaginative ideas. library will be hosting events sure to inspire young mischief With kind permission of beano makers as they take up their studios and Kings road challenge. publishing. Find out more about the summer reading Challenge at inspireculture.org.uk/summerreadingchallenge WWW.inspireCulture.org.uK 05 FaMIly arts worKsHop MIsCHIeF MaKers CoMIC strIp worKsHop Monday 13 august, 10am - 3pm Free Booking essential ages 5+ and their families Write and print your own comics this summer with author emma pass and artist Duncan pass. First emma eXHIBItIon will help you create a cracking story with a ZInes magnificent hero and a Until wednesday 25 July mischievous villain. then Free Duncan will show you how to turn it into a comic strip Members of the public and which you’ll print on one of school pupils turned their ideas his hand-built printing into ink and published their own presses, made from a printed and bound Zines – see 200-year-old washing the results in this stunning mangle. exhibition of original work. visit the gallery to enjoy a range of Zines, including special poetry Zines developed in workshops with poet andrew graves. all participants experimented to great effect with image, layout, design and editing in risograph printing workshops with print studio Dizzy ink. what’s a Zine? a Zine is a self-published magazine, often used to reproduce images, ideas and writing simply and creatively. ) 8 1 0 2 ( d t l n o s m o h t C D © west BrIdgFord lIBrary 06 FaMIly tHeatre the spark arts for Children presents: Hiccup theatre in association with derby theatre tHe gIngerBread Man sunday 29 July, 3.30pm library members: £3 child or adult non-library members: £6 child or adult Booking essential ages 4+ and their families “Run, run as fast as you can, hiccup theatre cook up a you can’t catch me, I’m the brand new version of this Gingerbread Man!” classic tale adding original lIve MUsIC live music, tasty storytelling JaZZ steps lIve at tHe Chase after our cheeky and dollops of fun. lIBrarIes presents: gingerbread hero as he sets off on the biggest adventure “Hiccup Theatre will tHe BIg easy thursday 13 september, 7.30pm of his life! out of the kitchen, charm, entertain and through the town, across the £10 / £8 fields and all the way to the delight in equal Booking essential river . now if he could just measure.” adults (Under 18’s to be avoid that sly old fox! whatsonstage.com accompanied by an adult) the big easy’s dynamic, energetic the gingerbread Man will be on tour across inspire and often virtuosic performances libraries this summer. For details, visit make them great to watch and inspireculture.org.uk/popup perfect for dancing; their high-energy swing interspersed with moments of soulful melancholy will get your toes tapping and onto the dance floor. this performance is also available at beeston, Worksop and southwell libraries. For dates and bookings visit inspireculture.org.uk/jazz in collaboration with Jazz steps. WWW.inspireCulture.org.uK 07 Join us for this book Club live special to hear our BooK panel chat about the books on this year’s Man booker ClUB prize shortlist. Will you agree lIve with their views? Which book will get your vote? how can Book Club live the judges compare six very events aim to bring different titles and choose readers and writers one above all others? Don’t miss this evening of closer together. fascinating live chat about the Man booker – the perfect preparation for the HerItage talK BooKs and readIng winner announcement on grantHaM Canal: BooK ClUB lIve speCIal: tuesday 16 october. the past, present and Man BooKer shortlisted books will be FUtUre prIZe announced on 20 tuesday 25 september, 2.30pm september. £3 sHortlIst Booking advised evenIng look out online and at the adults thursday 11 october, 7.30pm library this summer when we £5 reveal our panel for this David lyneham-brown, Chief Booking advised special event. executive of the grantham Canal adults (Under 18s to be society, tells the story of the accompanied by an adult) Find out more about the canal from its opening in 1797, Man booker prize at through abandonment in the the Man booker prize for Fiction themanbookerprize.com 1920s to the current three - the premier uK literary award shires project, scheduled to with a global reputation – have completed £10 million celebrates 50 years of the finest worth of restoration work in fiction this year. 2020. Come and hear all about the progress so far and plans for the future. Don’t miss a special performance this evening from former Canal poet laureate Jo bell as part of inspire poetry Festival. see page 9. west BrIdgFord lIBrary 08 INSPIRE POETRY FESTIVAL 2018 tuesday 25 september – saturday 29 september Following the success of last year ’s festival – worKsHop including a sell-out performance from hollie How to Be a poet Mcnish – and the wonderful poetry hour with wItH Jo Bell henry normal in april, we’re bringing more tuesday 25 september, fantastic poetry to West bridgford library in 2.30 – 5pm september 2018 – and to our libraries in beeston, £10 southwell, Mansfield and Worksop too.
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