A Systematicenumerationof J Apanese (Salicaceae)

A Systematicenumerationof J Apanese (Salicaceae)

植物研究雑誌 J. J. Jpn. Bo t. Originals Originals 75: 1-4 1 (2000) A Systematic Enumeration of J apanese Salix (Salicaceae) Hiroyoshi Hiroyoshi OHASHI Biological Biological Institute ,Graduate School of Science ,Tohoku University ,Sendai ,980-8578 JAPAN (Received (Received on August 2, 1999) A systematic enumeration of the genus Salix of Japan is provided. Chosenia and Toisusu Toisusu are included in Salix. About 40 species have been recognized as distinct in recent recent floras of Japan ,bu ,( they were reduced to 31 species in this work. Of these , 28 28 are recognized as nativetOJapan and three are supposedly imported from China or or Korea. These are classified into four subgenera and 17 sections. Subgenus Urbanianae Urbanianae (Seemen) H.Ohashi is newly proposed. Thirty-seven natural hybrids are recognized. recognized. Four subspecies , one variety , ten forms and one nothosubspecies are newly newly proposed. They are indicated in a systematic list in this pape 工 Each taxon is enumerated enumerated with its original reference ,selected bibliography and principal synonyms. Types Types of specific and infraspecific names are quoted after the original reference. Areas Areas of distribution are shown for species and infraspecific taxa. Key words: Bibliography ,enumeration ,J apan ,Salix , taxonomy Introduction Introduction 1979; Kimura 1989 and Ohwi and Kitagawa Salix Salix comprises some 400 (Newsholme 1992) , but they were reduced to 31 species 1992 ,Ohashi 1995) or 450 species (Argus with 37 hybrids in this work. These are 1997). 1997). Within the genus ,Chosenia and/or newly classified into four subgenera and 17 Toisusu Toisusu are often treated as distinc t. In this sections. A new subgenus ,Urbanianae paper , the broadest concept of Salix is (Seemen) H.Ohashi ,is proposed for accom- adopted adopted on the basis of mo ゅhological stud- modating Chosenia , Toisusu and Salix sub- ies ies of the three genera (Kimura 1988) and genus Protitea in the system of Kimura m01ecular m01ecular analysis of Salicaceae (Leskinen (1928 ,1938 ,1989) and Kitamura and and Alstrom-Rapaport 1999 ,Azuma et al. in 乱1urata (1 979); Chosenia and Salix sections press). press). Glandulosae and Urbanianae in Nakai Salix Salix is distributed mostly in cold and (1930); Chosenia and Salix sections temperate temperate regions in Northern Hemisphere Tetraspermae and Wilsonianae in Chou and a few species extending to South (1 984); Chosenia and Salix sections Flori- America and Africa. The species are rich in danae and Humboldianae in Argus (1 997); East East Asia ,especially in China. According to or subgenera Pleuradenia and Protitea in Argus (1997) ,there 訂 e about 270 species in Kimura (1 988). The subgenus contains all China ,120 in the former Soviet Union , 103 species having the bud scale with a free and in in North America and 65 in Europe. imbricate margin and short or absent necta- About 40 species with 30 hybrids are rec- ries. Subgen. Urbanianae is the most primi- ognized in Japan in recent works (Ohwi tive group of Salix. 1953 ,1965a & b; Kitamura and Murata Salix does not occur naturally in the 2 植物研究雑誌第75 巻第1号 平成12 年2月 Ryukyu Islands (Hatusima 1971 ,Shimabuku hardly comparable with those of Skvortsov 1997) , although Walker (1976) recorded (1968a , 1968b) or Argus (1 986 , 1997). Salix Salix integra from Okinawa Island as a na- Many hybrids have been recorded mainly tive. tive. Kagoshima Prefecture is generally re- by Ki mura in Japanese Salix , but these have garded garded to be the southernmost boundary of not been treated systematically. Only names Salix Salix in Japan for its natural distribution. were cited in Floras of Japan (Ohwi 1953 , Among seven species and two hybrids re- 1965a ,1965b , Kitamura and Murata 1979 , corded corded in this Prefecture , Salix eriocarpa Ohwi and Kitagawa 1992). Any citations of known in Yakushima ,Tanegashima and references for hybrids of the J apanese Salix Amami-oshima (culti vated?) and S. in the Floras have not been made. sieboldiana sieboldiana in Tanegashima (Hatusima The importance of citation of taxonomic 1978) 1978) grow in the southernmost places in references was emphasized in my previous Japan. Japan. paper on genera of J apanese Leguminosae Since Since the comprehensive taxonomic work (Ohashi 1999). Generally ,1 believe this is by Seemen in 1903 ,a number of studies true for every taxon in biology. Citation of have have been made on the Japanese Salix. Es- selected taxonomic references for a given pecially ,Koidzumi (1 913) ,Kimura (1 926 , taxon is important for co 町 ect understanding , 1934 ,1981 ,1988 ,etc.) , Nakai (1 930) ,and because present-day knowledge of a taxon is Ki tagawa (1939 , 1979) made great contribu- constructed mostly by the accumulation of tions tions to the genus of Japan ,Korea ,Manchu- knowledge since it was first described. Usu- ria , Kuril Islands and Sakhalin. Recent ally ,taxa 訂 e not fully recognized when they works on Japanese Salix have treated the are initially circumscribed; charac- various taxa taxa occurring in present-day Japan (Ohwi teristics are added by later students of the 1953 ,1965a ,1965b , Kitamura and Murata group. Additions or revisions are made not 1979 ,Kimura 1989 ,Ohwi and Kitagawa only in gross morphological characters but 1992); 1992); Chosenia and Toisusu are recognized also in various cryptic characters such as as as distinct. These works ,however , lack any chromosomes ,pollen , chemical components , citation citation of taxonomic references or bibliog- DNA sequences ,etc. Naturally ,moreover , raphy raphy for the taxa ,detailed synonymy and discovery of future new characteristics are citation citation of the types of the names. to be expected for a given taxon. Accumu- Infrageneric Infrageneric system for the J apanese Salix lation of characteristics is necessary for full is is incomplete. Seemen (1903) and Schneider recognition of a taxon , and citation of taxo- (1916) (1916) founded system for J apanese Sα lix. nomic references contributes important in- Recent Recent systematic works and nomenclature formation to its true understanding. of of Sα lix are greatly advanced by Skvortsov 1 believe that citation of synonyms for a (1 968a , 1968b) and Argus (1986 , 1997). correct name has a role similar in impor- Kimura (1 928 ,1938 , 1988) proposed a sys- tance to the citation of selected taxonomic tem of Salicaceae , but did only subgeneric references. In this paper each synonym is system system for Salix without any references to listed with its references and the type under works of Skvortsov (1968a , 1968b) and the correct name. Argus Argus (1986). Kitamura and Murata (1979) This paper is intended to provide a basic merely merely quoted sectional names in a key to systematic information for J apanese Salix the the species of J apanese Salix in their Flora accumulated to date and my opinions on the of of Japanese Woody Plants. It lacks any ci- taxa examined. tation tation of synonymy and references for the sections sections and their infrageneric taxa are February February 2000 Journal of Japanese Botany Vo l. 75 No. 1 3 Systematic Ii st of Japanese Salix with 6-3. subsp. yezoalpina (Koidz.) H.Ohashi エ the the Japanese name ゾタカネヤナギ (New names in boldface) 6-3- 1. f. yezoalpina (Koidz.) H.Ohashi *Cultivated *Cultivated plants 6-3-2. f. neoreticulata (Nakai) H.Ohashi イ Fam. Salicaceae Mirb. ヤナギ科 ヌマルパヤナギ Subfam. Salicoideae Kimura ヤナギ亜科 11 1. Subgen. Salix ヤナギ亜属 Gen. Salix L. ヤナギ属 III-i. Sec t. Triandrae Dumortier 1. 1. Subgen. Urbanianae (Seemen) タチヤナギ節 H.Ohashi トカチヤナギ亜属 7. Salix triandra L. タチヤナギ I-i. I-i. Sec t. Chosenia (Nakai) Kimura III-ii. Sec t. Subalbae Koidz. ケショウヤナギ節 シダレヤナギ節 1. 1. Salix arbutifolia Pal l.ケショウヤナギ 8. *Sα lix babylonica L. i. I-i i. Sect. Urbanianae (Seemen) 8 .., 1. *f. babylonic αシダレヤナギ C.K.Schneid. トカチヤナギ節 8-2. *f. rokkaku Kimura ロッカクヤナギ 2. 2. Salix cardiophylla Trautv. & Mey. トカ 8-3. *f. seiko Kimura セイコヤナギ チヤナギ 9. *Salix matsudana Koidz. va r. tortuosa 2-1. 2-1. var. cardiophylla Vilm. ウンリュウヤナギ、 2-2. 2-2. var. urbaniana (Seemen) Kudo オオパ 10. Salix eriocarpa Franch. & Sav. ジャヤ ヤナギ ナギ I-iii. I-iii. Sec t. Glandulosae Kimura 11. Salix pierotii Miq. オオタチヤナギ マルバヤナギ節 11-1. f. pierotii 3. 3. Salix chaenomeloides Kimura マルパヤ 11-2. *f. auricoma Kimura コガネヤナギ ナギ 12. Salix yoshinoi Koidz. ヨシノヤナギ 11. 11. Subgen. Chamaetia (Dumortier) Nasarov 13. Salix jessoensis Seemen シロヤナギ エゾマメヤナギ亜属 13 同 1. subsp. jessoensis II-i. II-i. Sec t. Herbella Seringe 13-2. subsp. serissaefolia (Kimura) エゾマメヤナギ節 H.Ohashi コゴメヤナギ 4. 4. Salix nummularia Andersson エゾマメヤ IV. Subgen. Vetrix バッコヤナギ亜属 ナギ IV-i. Sec t. Hastatae (Fries) A.Kerner 4-1. 4-1. f. nummulari α シパヤナギ節 4-2. 4-2. f. hebecarp α(Kimura) H.Ohashi キヌ 14. Salix japonic αThunb. シパヤナギ ゲエゾマメヤナギ 15. Salix shiraii Seemen シライヤナギ II-ii. II-ii. Sec t. Myrtilloides (Borrer) Andersson 16. Salix rupifraga Koidz. コマイワヤナギ ミヤマヤチヤナギ節 16- 1. f. rupifrag α 5. 5. Salix fuscescens Andersson ミヤマヤチ 16-2. f. eriocarpa (Kimura) Kimura ex ヤナギ H.Ohashi ケコマイワヤナギ II-iii. II-iii. Sec t. Glaucae (Fries) Andersson IV -ii. Sec t. Sieboldianae C.K.Schneid. タカネイワヤナギ百行 ヤマヤナギ節 6. 6. Salix nakamurana Koidz. タカネイワヤ 17. Salix sieboldiana Blume ヤマヤナギ ナギ 18. Salix reinii Seemen ミネヤナギ 6・1. subsp. nakamurana 18-1. f. reinii 6-1-1. 6-1-1. f. nakamurana 18-2. f. pendula Kimura シダレミネヤナギ 6-1-2. 6-1-2. f. eriocarp α(Kimura) T .Shimizu ケ IV -iii. Sec t. Helix Dumortier タカネイワヤナギ コリヤナギ節 ふ2. subsp. kurilensis (Koidz.) H.Ohashi ヒ 19. Salix miy αbean αSeemen エゾノカワヤ ダカミネヤナギ ナギ 4 植物研究雑誌第75 巻第l号 平成12 年2月 19- 1. subsp. miy αbean α IV -ix. Sec t. Cinerella Seringe 19-2. 19-2. subsp. gilgiana (Seemen) H.Ohashi カ バッコヤナギ節 ワヤナギ 28.

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