Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Rose-Hulman Scholar The Rose Thorn Archive Student Newspaper Winter 2-6-2009 Volume 44 - Issue 16 - Friday, February 6, 2009 Rose Thorn Staff Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://scholar.rose-hulman.edu/rosethorn Recommended Citation Rose Thorn Staff, "Volume 44 - Issue 16 - Friday, February 6, 2009" (2009). The Rose Thorn Archive. 145. https://scholar.rose-hulman.edu/rosethorn/145 THE MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS ROSE-HULMAN REPOSITORY IS TO BE USED FOR PRIVATE STUDY, SCHOLARSHIP, OR RESEARCH AND MAY NOT BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. SOME CONTENT IN THE MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS REPOSITORY MAY BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT. 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T HE R OSE T HORN R OSE -H ULMAN I NSTITUTE OF T ECHNOLOGY T ERRE H AUTE , I NDIANA FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2009 ROSE-HULMAN.EDU/THORN/ VOLUME 44, ISSUE 16 Erhart, Barron take top SGA spots News Briefs Tim Ekl friends and anyone that was By Andrew Klusman Photo Editor involved in a social and fra- ternal organization to talk tudent Government As- to their friends about it, and Kyrgyzstan wants sociation elections took then I went door-to-door to Splace last Wednesday, every single dorm on campus bringing with them new lead- as well as the fraternities to to close U.S. base ership for the organization that talk to people. The government of Kyrgyzstan has provides Rose-Hulman stu- RT: How did it feel to find asked their parliament to close the dents with on-campus involve- out you won? United States air base in Kyrgyzstan. ment. Sarah Erhart, a junior SE: It was definitely very Government spokesman Aibek Sult- chemistry with a double major exciting. I really wanted it. angaziyev has stated the reason for in biochemistry and molecular It was somewhat of a bitter- the move is popular disapproval of biology, won the presidency by sweet victory. I do like Marsha the base. The air base is the only U.S. about 60 votes; while Cody Bar- [Krisenko], and I like her as a base in central Asia, and is crucial for ron, a sophomore biomedical person. It was hard running the support of U.S. and North Atlantic major, took the vice-presiden- against her, because she was Treaty Organization (NATO) forces in cy by a mere 6 votes. The Rose vice-president last year, and Afghanistan. President Bakiyev stated Thorn sat down with Erhart it was hard to see her disap- that the base was set up in 2001 to help and Barron to talk about their pointment. the U.S. military fight the Taliban and campaigns and victories. RT: What are some of the al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, and was only Sarah Erhart, SGA president things that you want to get to remain open for two years at the Rose Thorn: Why did you done? most. The move to close comes after $2 decide to run for the presi- SE: One of the first things billion in Russian aid was promised to dency? I’ve already started work- the Kyrgyzstan government. Sarah Erhart: The main rea- ing on is the meal plans. The son I decided to run is just other big thing is just making that I really think the students’ sure that SGA holds events for Rose-Hulman SGA Gas prices on voices need to be heard. I al- all of campus, whether it be Sarah Erhart, President of Rose-Hulman Student Government ways hear a lot of students talk more tailgating or something Association, was elected to her new office which she will now to people and have these great like that, making sure that hold through winter quarter 2010. the rise? ideas, but they’re just not be- we reach everyone and not Gas prices may rise again in the ing heard on campus. I believe the same group over and over coming weeks as refiners cut back on I can facilitate that. The other again. and I’ve already started doing RT: How do you feel about fuel production due to sagging profits big reason is that I’ve been in- RT: Do you feel you’re ready that with Adler [Edward]. Cody as your VP? and weakening demand. A gallon of volved in SGA and I feel that it for the transition? RT: Has it been strange SE: I’m confident that Cody gas has risen 22 cents since early Janu- was a natural transition to go SE: Yeah, definitely. I feel like transitioning from [former will do an excellent job. It’s ex- ary to $1.91, and could reach $2 a gal- from treasurer to president. I’ve pretty much taken over. president] Adler [Edward]? citing to work with somebody lon in the coming weeks, according to One of the things done as pres- SE: No. Adler and I have sim- that you don’t know every- the travel group AAA. At least seven RT: What did you do during ident to be at all the big insti- ilar views about most things, thing about. I think it’ll be a refineries are cutting fuel production, the campaign? tute meetings as well as weekly so he’s been good about help- good term. including ConocoPhilips and Valero SE: I definitely told all my meetings with Pete Gustafson, ing me out. Continued on Page 3... Energy Corp.\, the nation’s largest fuel producers. At the end of January, re- finers were operating at 82.5 percent Jakubowski supports Public Service Academy of capacity, which is four points lower than last year. Noel Spurgeon Public Service Academy would S t a f f W r i t e r be a federally subsidized four- year college at which more ose-Hulman President than 5,000 students would TV analog Dr. Gerald Jakubowski receive an intensive under- Rrecently endorsed the graduate education in service switch delayed U.S. Public Service Academy and leadership development. Act, joining more than 70 lead- After graduation, the students On Wednesday, the House of Rep- ers in higher education from would be required to serve in resentatives voted to delay the switch colleges and universities across education, health care, or an- from analog television to digital televi- the country in supporting the other public service field for sion by four months, which the Senate foundation of a civilian coun- five years. had approved last month. President terpart to military academies “It sounds like a great idea,” http://uspublicserviceacademy.org/ Obama is expected to sign the bill into like West Point and the U.S. Na- says Dr. Jakubowski. “We have law soon. The backers of the delay are val Academy. the military academies, where A sketch of what the U.S. Public Service Academy could look like worried that 20 million people in the The Public Service Academy we send them and off they go following its approval by the U.S. government. United States are unprepared for the Act was introduced in March of to work in the military, and switch to digital, after the government 2007 by Senators Hillary Clin- it seems to me that having a foundation of the Public Service a group of men and women ran out of financing for the TV con- ton (D-NY) and Arlen Spec- public service academy is an- Academy would be several years making decisions on the future verter boxes. The legislation allows ter (R-PA), and Representa- other way of having educated away and that in the meantime, of this country that should be broadcasters to switch to digital before tives James Moran (D-VA) and people to work for the country Rose-Hulman students should based on science and engi- the new date. The switch from analog Christopher Shays (R-CT). The in the public service sector.” consider public service as a pos- neering who are making de- to digital has been in the process since Act will establish America’s first Although Dr. Jakubowski’s en- sible career choice. cisions without any kind of a 1996, and the spectrum freed from an- public college devoted solely to dorsement of the Public Service “If you look at the number background. That’s why we alog TV usage will be used for public developing civilian leaders for Academy will “not effect/im- of people serving in Congress, should have more scientists safety purposes. the public sector. Modeled on pact Rose-Hulman in any way,” there’s a very small percentage and engineers serving [the] military service academies, the he emphasized that the actual who are engineers. We have government.” In this issue of the Rose Thorn... Datenomics... Athlete of the Don’t sleep through OPINIONS Week: NEWS your birthday F Sutton Coleman LIPSIDE ENTERTAINMENT4 LIVING 6 3 3-D, a change for Consensus Sciences 8 Engineers’ Week 5 the worse? 7SPORTS 8 PAGE - NEWS - PAGE 3 ENTERTAINMENT - PAGE 4 LIVING - PAGE 5 OPINIONS - PAGE 6 SPORTS - PAGE 7 FLIPSIDE 2 PUZZLES & CLASSIFIEDS The Rose Thorn Rose-doku Crypto-Quote of the Week By Melissa Brumbaugh By Melissa Brumbaugh Instructions: Instructions: Use the letters: E N G I N R W K L to fill in Solve the puzzle by deciphering the following quote and the missing spaces.
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