The Tudors 1485 - 1603 The Glorious Era • Henry VII built the foundations of a wealthy nation state & powerful monarchy • Henry VIII broke away from the Roman Church • Elizabeth defeated the Spanish Armada HENRY VII • reign 1457 - 1509 • married Elizabeth of York • connected the houses of Lancaster & York • raised merchants to higher positions in the country • saved a lot of money for his son to waste... Henry VII vs. Henry VIII thrift vs. lavishness Henry VIII • born: 28 June 1491, Greenwich Palace • reign 1509 - 1547 • younger son of Henry VII Tudor & Elizabeth of York • his brother Arthur was meant to be king • ruthless, wasteful and temperamental king • “Defender of the Faith?” • Jousting ---> Ulcer ---> Obesity Act of Supremacy (1534) Albeit, the King's Majesty justly and rightfully is and oweth to be the supreme head of the Church of England, and so is recognised by the clergy of this realm in their Convocations; yet nevertheless for corroboration and confirmation thereof, and for increase of virtue in Christ's religion within this realm of England, and to repress and extirp all errors, heresies and other enormities and abuses heretofore used in the same, Be it enacted by authority of this present Parliament that the King our sovereign lord, his heirs and successors kings of this realm, shall be taken, accepted and reputed the only supreme head in earth of the Church of England called Anglicana Ecclesia, and shall have and enjoy annexed and united to the imperial crown of this realm as well the title and style thereof, as all honours, dignities, preeminences, jurisdictions, privileges, authorities, immunities, profits and commodities, to the said dignity of supreme head of the same Church belonging and appertaining. And that our said sovereign lord, his heirs and successors kings of this realm, shall have full power and authority from time to time to visit, repress, redress, reform, order, correct, restrain and amend all such errors, heresies, abuses, offences, contempts and enormities, whatsoever they be, which by any manner spiritual authority or jurisdiction ought or may lawfully be reformed, repressed, ordered, redressed corrected, restrained or amended, most to the pleasure of Almighty God, the increase of virtue in Christ's religion, and for the conservation of the peace, unity and tranquillity of this realm: any usage, custom, foreign laws, foreign authority, prescription or any other thing or things to the contrary hereof notwithstanding. From Statutes of the Realm, III (spelling modernized) Henry VIII vs. Thomas More TIMELINE OF THE BREAK FROM ROME I. Early Attempts to Obtain the Divorce, 1527-30 A) Secret summons to Henry, 1527 B) Campeggio and Wolsey's legatine court, 1529 C) Appeal to the scholars and the universities, 1530 II. The Attack upon the Church of England, 1531-2 A) Threatened with praemunire, Convocation grants the King £118,000 and recognizes Henry as protector and supreme head "so far as the law of Christ allows". Parliament passes Act of Pardon, 1531. B) House of Commons drafts Supplication against the Ordinaries, 1532. C) Submission of the Clergy, 1532 (Sir Thomas More resigns) 1) King could review and veto all legislation by the clergy in Convocation 2) King could review all canon law and prevent execution or enforcement of any canons in England. (King is de facto, but not de jure, supreme legislator and judge of English Church). III. The Attack upon the Papacy, 1532-3 A) Act in Conditional Restraint of Annates, 1532 1) Parliament withholds annates from Rome but gives King the option of allowing them to continue (economic blackmail) 2) Pope cannot delay consecration of bishops or excommunicate Englishmen in retaliation B) Act in Restraint of Appeals, 1533 1) Prevents appeals in certain cases from going to Rome. Solves the problem of possible appeals against the divorce. 2) Recognizes England's national sovereignty (England is an empire). IV. Establishment of the Royal Supremacy, 1534-6 A) Act for the Submission of the Clergy, 1534 1) Confirms earlier Submission in statutory form 2) Forbids appeals in all cases. Appeals now go to the royal commissioners. B) Act in Absolute Restraint of Annates, 1534. 1) Payment of all annates to Rome forbidden. 2) Engishmen forbidden to obtain papal bulls for the consecration of bishops. King nominates and Archbishop consecrates bishops. C) Dispensations Act, 1534 1) Stops all remaining payments to Rome 2) All licenses and dispensations from canon law to be granted by English authority (Archbishop of Canterbury). D) First Succession Act, 1534. Succession vested in heirs of Henry and Anne E) Act of Supremacy, 1534. King declared to be Supreme Head of the English Church. F) Act of First Fruits and Tenths annexes old papal taxes to the Crown G) Treason Act, 1534. H) Act Extinguishing the Authority of the Bishop of Rome left to right: ‘Mother Jak,’ Mary, Edward VI, Henry VIII, Jane Seymour, Elizabeth, Wil Somers The Six Wives of Henry VIII •Catherine of Aragorn - divorced •Anne Boleyn - executed •Jane Seymour - died •Anne of Cleves - divorced •Kathryn Howard - executed •Katherine Parr - widowed Catherine of Aragon • born 16 Dec 1485, Alcala de Henares, Spain • youngest surviving child of Ferdinand & Isabella • married to Prince Arthur: 14 Nov 1501, St. Paul’s Cathedral, London (betrothed at 3) • married to King Henry VIII: 11 Jun 1509, Franciscan Church at Greenwich; marriage dissolved in 1533 • died: 7 Jan 1536, Kimbolton Castle • born between 1500 & 1509, at Blickling Hall • married to Henry VIII: 25 Jan 1533 - 1536, unknown location • executed: 19 May 1536, at The Tower of London Anne • got her education at the French court • her sister Mary, used to be the king’s Boleyn mistress • failed to provide Henry with a male heir • accused of incest, i.e. with her brother George ANNE BOLEYN'S SPEECH AT HER EXECUTION MAY 19, 1536, 8 O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING • Good Christian people, I am come hither to die, for according to the law, and by the law I am judged to die, and therefore I will speak nothing against it. I am come hither to accuse no man, nor to speak anything of that, whereof I am accused and condemned to die, but I pray God save the king and send him long to reign over you, for a gentler nor a more merciful prince was there never: and to me he was ever a good, a gentle and sovereign lord. And if any person will meddle of my cause, I require them to judge the best. And thus I take my leave of the world and of you all, and I heartily desire you all to pray for me. O Lord have mercy on me, to God I commend my soul. • After being blindfolded and kneeling at the block, she repeated several times: To Jesus Christ I commend my soul; Lord Jesu receive my soul. • Recorded by Edward Hall (spelling modernized) Jane Seymour • born 1508 or 1509, possibly at Wolf Hall, Wiltshire • married to Henry VII: 30 May1536, Queen’s Closet, Whitehall Palace • died: 24 Oct 1537, Hampton Court Palace • buried: 13 Nov 1537, St. George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle • supposedly the only wife he truly loved • but definitely the only wife who gave him a surviving son Henry’s & Jane’s Grave What could this almost 3-year break mean? Could this be love? Anne of Cleves • born 22 Sep 1515 • married to King Henry VIII: 6 Jan to July 1540 • marriage to Henry VIII dissolved: July 1540 • Henry married her due to the nudging of Cromwell to get the support of the Protestant League • died: 16 July 1557, Chelsea Manor, London; buried at Westminster Abbey Kathryn Howard • born circa 1521 • married to King Henry VIII: 28 July 1540, Oatlands Palace • argued with Mary • executed: 13 Feb 1542, The Tower of London • accused of pre-marital promiscuity and adultery Katherine Parr • born in 1512 • married to King Henry VIII: 12 July 1543, Queen’s Closet, Hampton Court Palace • Henry was her third husband, after he died, she married Thomas Seymour • widowed: 28 Jan 1547 • died: 5 Sep 1548 • Catherine’s Protestant sympathies • CARDINAL THOMAS WOLSEY • BORN: c. 1470; DIED: 29 NOVEMBER 1530 • Son of an Ipswich ButchEr who EnterEd thE church and BEcamE a cardinal in 1515. He was Henry VIII's Lord ChancEllor from 1515-1529. Lost favor with Henry whEn hE failEd to gEt thE annulmEnt of thE King's marriagE to CathErinE of Aragon. DiEd on his way to imprisonmEnt in thE TowEr of London. THOMAS CROMWELL, EARL OF ESSEX BORN: 1485 EXECUTED: 28 JULY 1540 Lord Privy SEal to Henry VIII and chiEf sEcrEtary to thE King un[l his downfall aEr arranging Henry's marriagE to Anne of Cleves. ARCHBISHOP THOMAS CRANMER BORN: 1489 EXECUTED: 21 MARCH 1556 ArchBishop of CanterBury from 1533. Granted thE anulmEnt of Henry VIII and CathErinE of Aragorn’s marriagE. BurnEd at thE stakE in Mary I’s rEign. The Reformation • ThE English Reformaon started in thE rEign of Henry VIII. ThE English Reformaon was to havE far rEaching consEquEncEs in Tudor England. Henry VIII dEcidEd to rid himsElf of his first wifE, CathErinE of Aragon, aEr shE had failEd to producE a malE hEir to thE thronE. He had alrEady dEcidEd who his nExt wifE would BE - Anne Boleyn. By 1527, CathErinE was considErEd too old to havE anymorE childrEn. • HowEvEr, a divorcE was not a simplE issuE. In fact, it was a vEry complicated onE. Henry VIII was a Roman Catholic and thE hEad of this church was thE popE BasEd in RomE. • ThE Roman Catholic faith BEliEvEd in marriagE for lifE. It did not rEcognisE, lEt alonE support, divorcE. ThosE who wErE widowEd wErE frEE to rE-marry; this was an En[rEly diffErEnt issuE.
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