j963 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD.- HOUSE 23729 ADJOURNMENT TO MONDAY, AT ideals and principles which Thou hast or­ and affection by the people. I can think NOON dained. of no one more deserving. Mr. HUMPHREY. Mr. President, if Deliver us from selfishness and self­ Governor Lehman was a compassion­ there is no fw-ther business to come be­ seeking and may we daily bear testimony ate and humane Governor. The 10 years fore the Senate at this time, I move, pur­ by doing good unto all the members of of his administrations are unexcelled in suant to the order previously entered, the human family that we are seeking the annals of New York State. that the Senate adjourn until 12 o'clock to bring unto mankind the spirit of Senator Lehman will be remembered noon, on Monday. brotherhood. as the voice of liberalism in the Senate The motion was agreed to; and (at Show us how we may enlarge the areas during the hysteria of the 1950's. A cou­ 5 o'clock p.m.) the Senate adjourned, of fellowship and cooperation among the rageous fighter for civil rights, civil lib­ under the order previously entered, until nations of the earth, with none seeking erties, and a fair and just immigration Monday, December 9, 1963, at 12 o'clock its own advantage and welfare. policy, he was rightly known as the con­ meridian. Hear us in the name of our blessed science of the Senate. Lord, who came to show us the way to His retirement from the Senate in the more abundant life. Amen. 1956 did not mean rest from political CONFIRMATIONS combat. Rather his deep concern for the welfare of New York motivated him Executive nominations confirmed by THE JOURNAL at the age of 80 to lead another cause, the Senate December 6 (legislative day The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ the cause of political decency and reform of December 5) , 1963: terday was read and approved. within the Democratic Party. He fought ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION fiercely against the boss system, inspir­ William Jack Howard, of California, to be ing thousands of amateurs to become Chairman of the Military Liaison Commit­ MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE active in grassroots politics. tee to the Atop1ic Energy Commission. A message from the Senate by ·Mr. Mr. Speaker, I was privileged to work u.s. ARMY McGown, one of its clerks, announced closely with Governor Lehman during The following-named officer, under the that the Senate had passed a bill and the past 5 years in our fight for political provisions of title 10, United States Code, joint resolutions of the following titles, reform. I knew.him as a man of deep section 3066, to be assigned to a position of conviction-an idealist and humanitar­ importance and responsibility designated by in which the concurrence of the House is requested: ian who believed in the essential worth the President under subsection (a) of sec­ and dignity of every individual. tion 3066, in grade as indicated: S. 927. An act to amend title 12 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1936, in order to re­ To know him was to love· him. I will To be lieutenant general always cherish the memory of the hours Maj. Gen. Alva Revista Fitch, 018113, U.S. move certain limitations with respect to war Army. risk insurance issued under the provisions I spent with him, talking with him in The following-named officer to be placed of such title; his study about issues close to his heart on the retired list in grade indicated under S.J. Res. 113. Joint resolution to author­ or campaigning with him on the street the provisions of' title 10, United States ize the President to issue annually a procla­ corners of New York. Code, section 3962: mation designating the first week in March of each year as "Save Your Vision Week"; Only last weekend he described to me To be general and his deep feeling of sorrow at the tragic Gen. James Francis Collins 016819, Army S.J. Res. 128. Joint resolution providing loss of President Kennedy. As usual, he of the United States (major general, U.S. for the· establishment of an annual National was looking forward, concerned about Army). Farmers Week. his country but confiden'; in the ultimate The following-named officer under the pro­ triumph of reason and tolerance. visions of title 10, United States Code, sec­ tion 3066, to be assigned to a position of Governor Lehman will serve always as importance and responsibility designated by THE LATE SENATOR HERBERT H. a guiding spirit in the everlasting fight the President under subsection (a) of sec­ LEHMAN against bigotry and tyranny. tion 3066, in grade as indicated: Mr. RYAN of New York. Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, throughout his career Lt. Gen. Hugh Pate Harris 018518, Army I ask ·unanimous consent to address the Governor Lehman relied completely of the United States (major general, U.S. House for 1 minute, to revise and extend upon his beloved and devoted wife, A,rmy). ~ Edith. She was his constant inspira­ U.S. Am FORCE my remarks, and to include pertinent editorials. tion. In this hour of her grief, I extend The following-named officers to be as­ my deepest sympathy to Mrs. Lehman signed to positions of importance and re­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection sponsibility designated by the President, in to the ·request of the gentleman from and their children. the grade indicated, under the provisions New York? Mr. Speaker, I include at this point of section 8066, title 10, of the United States There was no objection. in the RECORD sevj:!ral editorials about Code: Mr.RYANofNewYork. Mr.Speaker, Herbert H. Lehman. To be lieutenant generals I rise with profound sorrow and great The New York Times editorial of De­ Maj. Gen. Cecil M. Childre 1551A, Regular grief to inform the House of the death cember 6: Air Force. HERBERT H. LEHMAN Maj. Gen. Benjamin J. Webster 974A, Reg­ yesterday at the age of 85 of Herbert ular Air Force. H. Lehman, a great American. A second riband of mourning now hangs Today at this how- President Johnson on the American fiag. For the death of •• .... •• was to present to him the Presidential Herbert H. Lehman closes the active career of an indomitable national and international Freedom Medal awarded to him by servant. As Governor of New York, U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES President Kennedy. The citation ac­ Senator, and Director General of the United companying that medal reads: Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Admini­ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1963 Citizen and statesman, he has used wisdom tration, his life and activities soared in ex­ and compassion as the tools of the Govern­ ample and significance far beyond the bor­ The House met at 12 o'clock noon. ment and has made politics the highest form ders of this, his native city. The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Bi'askamp, of public service. He lived a private and public life that D.D., offered the following prayer: moved in a straight and true line. In the Governor Lehman had one of the most richest sense of the words, he was a liberal Galatians 6: 10: As we have therefore remarkable and distinguished records of and humanitarian. Against the enemies of opportunity, let us do good unto all men. public service in the history of our coun­ the Republic, he saw service in the U.S. 0 Thou spirit of the living God, grant try, including a political career spanning Army in the First World War and resigned that a longing for obedience to Thy di­ the period from Alfred E. Smith to John from the Governorship in the Second World vine will may be woven into the very tex­ • War to direct foreign relief operations for F. Kennedy. Time and again the voters the State Department. Wherever human ture and fabric of our human nature. of New York elected him to high o:ffice­ distress existed, all over the globe, there May we guard ourselves against the twice as Lieutenant Governor, four times could be found Herbert Lehman, saving lives temptations and dangers which threaten as Governor, and twice as U.S. Senator: as a representative of the best instincts of to undermine our loyalty to those moral Few men have been held in such esteem the United States and the United Nations. 23730 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-· HOUSE December 6 Reform, sound administration and courage ciency, he inspired trust and devotion. And of an article which appeared recently in marked his political career. He entered he gave of himself in many ways to the very the Washington Post: politics at the side of Alfred E. Smith and end of his admirable life. This is an ex­ Franklin Delano Roosevelt, serving one as ample to cherish. LEHMAN'S RECORD FOR PUBLIC SERVICE campaign chairman and the other as Lieu­ UNRIVALED tenant Governor. As Governor for 10 years The Washington Post editorial of De­ NEw YoRK, December 5.-Herbert Lehman, from 1932 until America's entry into the cember 6: 85, who died here today, was the only man war, he brought the State distinction and HERBERT H. LEHMAN in the past century to bold all the highest honor during difficult years for the people There was so much simple goodness, gen­ elective posts in New York State. and Nation. All thts time he was a stalwart erosity, and grace in Herbert Lehman that Few can match the Lehman record for New Deal Democrat, closely affiliated with one rarely thought of him as suited to the public service--4 years as Lieutenant Gov­ the programs of President Roosevelt.
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