Pl. Syst. Evol. 259: 249–258 (2006) DOI 10.1007/s00606-006-0422-0 Brassicaceae: Species checklist and database on CD-Rom S. I. Warwick1, A. Francis1, and I. A. Al-Shehbaz2 1Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Eastern Cereal and Oilseed Research Centre, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 2Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Missouri, USA Received October 6, 2005; accepted November 17, 2005 Published online: June 19, 2006 Ó Springer-Verlag 2006 Abstract. A species checklist has been prepared for rank) on the basis of the most recent taxo- the Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) family, providing the nomic/floristic treatments for specific regions, first updated list in over 70 years. The family, e.g. Europe (Jalas and Suominen 1994, Jalas et currently, includes 338 genera and 3709 species. al. 1996), North America (Rollins 1993), China The database contains approximately 14,000 taxo- (Zhou et al. 2001), etc. (see literature cited). nomic names (records). Taxon status and synon- Our decisions were also based on the many ymy, taxon name, scientific authority, literature taxonomic changes that have resulted from source and source verification, and the basionym are provided for each record. recent molecular phylogenetic studies. Cur- rently, 338 genera and 3709 species are Key words: Brassicaceae, species checklist, accepted (Table 1). Recent changes include Cruciferae, taxonomy, database. transfers from Arabis to Boechera in North America; from Braya to Xerodraba in South America, from Sisymbrium to Crucihimalaya and Olimarabidopsis in Central Asia, and from Introduction to the database Cochlearia or Cardamine to Yinshania A species checklist has been prepared for the in China. Within North America, most species Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) family. The last of Lesquerella were found to be better placed comprehensive monographic treatment of the with the earlier-described genus Physaria, family was that of Schulz (1936). The current while one group of auriculate-leaved taxonomic database (Microsoft access format) Lesquerella species was segregated into the contains approximately 14,000 plant names, genus Paysonia. As a result, the genus Lesque- compiled from the taxonomic literature start- rella has been placed in synonymy. Other ing with Linnaeus’s Species Plantarum in 1753 genera, whose reduction to synonymy is widely to the present and floras from all parts of the accepted, include Dentaria (now Cardamine), world, as well as numerous journal publica- Coronopus (now Lepidium), Guenthera (now tions, including monographs, revisions, and Brassica), Eunomia (now Aethionema), Ero- synopses. The authors have made decisions on phila (now Draba) and Hutchinsia, Pritzelago the status of all taxa (at least at the specific and Hymenolobus (now Hornungia). 250 S. I. Warwick et al.: Brassicaceae: Species checklist Table 1. List of genera and accepted number of Table 1. (Continued) species in the Brassicaceae Calepina Adans. 1 Genus No. of Callothlaspi F.K. Mey. 1 species Calymmatium O.E. Schulz 2 Camelina Crantz 11 Acanthocardamum Thell. 1 Camelinopsis A.G. Mill. 1 ´ Achoriphragma Sojak4Capsella Medik. 5 Aethionema R. Br. 56 Cardamine L. 197 Alliaria Heist. ex Fabr. 2 Carinavalva Ising 1 Alyssoides Mill. 2 Carrichtera DC. 1 Alyssopsis Boiss. 2 Catadysia O.E. Schulz 1 Alyssum L. 195 Catenulina Soja´ k1 Ammosperma Hook. f. 2 Catolobus (C.A. Mey.) Al-Shehbaz 1 Anastatica L. 1 Caulanthus S. Watson 17 Anchonium DC. 2 Ceratocnemum Coss. & Balansa 1 Andrzeiowskia Rchb. 1 Chalcanthus Boiss. 1 Anelsonia J.F. Macbr. & Payson 1 Chamira Thunb. 1 Aphragmus Andrz. ex DC. 11 Chartoloma Bunge 1 Aplanodes Marais 2 Chaunanthus O.E. Schulz 3 Arabidella (F. Muell.) O.E. Schulz 6 Chilocardamum O.E. Schulz 1 Arabidopsis (DC.) Heynh. 11 Chlorocrambe Rydb. 1 Arabis L. 118 Chorispora R. Br. ex DC. 11 Arcyosperma O.E. Schulz 1 Christolea Cambess. ex Jacquem. 2 Armoracia Gaertn., B. Mey. & Scherb. 3 Chrysochamela (Fenzl) Boiss. 3 Aschersoniodoxa Gilg & Muschl. 3 Cithareloma Bunge 3 Asperuginoides Rauschert 1 Clastopus Bunge ex Boiss. 2 Asta Klotzsch & O.E. Schulz ex 2 Clausia Korn.-Trotzky 6 O.E. Schulz Clypeola L. 9 Atelanthera Hook. f. & Thomson 1 Cochlearia L. 19 Athysanus Greene 2 Coincya Porta & Rigo ex Rouy 6 Aubrieta Adans. 12 Coluteocarpus Boiss. 1 Aurinia Desv. 9 Conringia Heist. ex Fabr. 6 Baimashania Al-Shehbaz 2 Cordylocarpus Desf. 1 Ballantinia Hook. f. ex E.A. Shaw 1 Crambe L. 34 Barbarea R. Br. 29 Crambella Maire 1 Berteroa DC. 5 Cremolobus DC. 8 Berteroella O.E. Schulz 1 Crucihimalaya Al-Shehbaz, 9 Biscutella L. 53 O’Kane & R.A. Price Bivonaea DC. 1 Cryptospora Kar. & Kir. 3 Blennodia R. Br. 2 Cuphonotus O.E. Schulz 2 Boechera A. Lo¨ ve & D. Lo¨ ve 65 Cusickiella Rollins 2 Boreava Jaub. & Spach 2 Cymatocarpus O.E. Schulz 3 Bornmuellera Hausskn. 7 Cyphocardamum Hedge 1 Borodinia N. Busch 1 Dactylocardamum Al-Shehbaz 1 Botschantzevia Nabiev 1 Degenia Hayek 1 Brassica L. 39 Delpinophytum Speg. 1 Braya Sternb. & Hoppe 13 Descurainia Webb & Berthel. 48 Brayopsis Gilg & Muschl. 6 Desideria Pamp. 12 Brossardia Boiss. 1 Diceratella Boiss. 11 Bunias L. 3 Dichasianthus Ovcz. & Yunussov 1 Cakile Mill. 6 Dictyophragmus O.E. Schulz 2 S. I. Warwick et al.: Brassicaceae: Species checklist 251 Table 1. (Continued) Table 1. (Continued) Genus No. of Halimolobos Tausch 16 species Harmsiodoxa O.E. Schulz 3 Heldreichia Boiss. 4 Didesmus Desv. 2 Heliophila L. 82 Didymophysa Boiss. 2 Hemicrambe Webb 3 Dielsiocharis O.E. Schulz 2 Hemilophia Franch. 5 Dilophia Thomson 2 Henophyton Coss. & Durieu 2 Dimorphocarpa Rollins 4 Hesperidanthus (B.L. Rob.) Rydb. 5 Diplotaxis DC. 32 Hesperis L. 46 Dipoma Franch. 1 Hollermayera O.E. Schulz 1 Diptychocarpus Trautv. 1 Hormathophylla Cullen & T.R. Dudley 10 Dithyrea Harv. 2 Hornungia Rchb. 3 Dontostemon Andrz. ex C.A. Mey. 11 Horwoodia Turrill 1 Douepea Cambess. ex Jacquem. 2 Hutchinsia R. Br. 1 Draba L. 363 Ianhedgea Al-Shehbaz & O’Kane 1 Drabastrum (F. Muell.) O.E. Schulz 1 Iberis L. 27 Dryopetalon A. Gray 5 Idahoa A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr. 1 Eigia Soja´ k1Iodanthus Torr. & A. Gray ex Steud. 1 Elburzia Hedge 1 Ionopsidium (DC.) Rchb. 5 Enarthrocarpus Labill. 5 Irenepharsus Hewson 3 Englerocharis Muschl. 2 Isatis L. 79 Eremobium Boiss. 1 Iskandera N. Busch 2 Eremoblastus Botsch. 1 Ivania O.E. Schulz 1 Eremodraba O.E. Schulz 2 Kernera Medik. 1 Eremophyton Be´ g. 1 Kremeriella Maire 1 Eruca Mill. 4 Lachnocapsa Balf. f. 1 Erucaria Gaertn. 10 Lachnoloma Bunge 1 Erucastrum (DC.) C. Presl 25 Leavenworthia Torr. 8 Erysimum L. 223 Leiospora (C.A. Mey.) F. Dvora´ k6 Euclidium R. Br. 1 Lepidium L. 231 Eudema Humb. & Bonpl. 6 Lepidostemon Hook. f. & Thomson 6 Eunomia DC. 1 Leptaleum DC. 1 Eurycarpus Botsch. 2 Lithodraba Boelcke 1 Eutrema R. Br. 26 Litwinowia Woronow 1 Farsetia Turra 27 Lobularia Desv. 4 Fezia Pit. ex Batt. 1 Lunaria L. 3 Fibigia Medik. 13 Lyrocarpa Hook. & Harv. 3 Foleyola Maire 1 Macropodium R. Br. 2 Fortuynia Shuttlw. ex Boiss. 2 Malcolmia R. Br. 32 Fourraea Greuter & Burdet 1 Mancoa Wedd. 11 Gagria M. Kra´ l1Maresia Pomel 3 Galitzkya V.V. Botschantz. 3 Mathewsia Hook. & Arn. 10 Geococcus J.L. Drumm. ex Harv. 1 Matthiola R. Br. 48 Glastaria Boiss. 1 Megacarpaea DC. 9 Goldbachia DC. 5 Megadenia Maxim. 1 Graellsia Boiss. 8 Menkea Lehm. 6 Grammosperma O.E. Schulz 1 Menonvillea DC. 24 Guillenia Greene 1 Microlepidium F. Muell. 2 Guiraoa Coss. 1 Microstigma Trautv. 3 Gynophora Gilli 1 Microthlaspi F.K. Mey. 4 252 S. I. Warwick et al.: Brassicaceae: Species checklist Table 1. (Continued) Table 1. (Continued) Genus No. of Phlebolobium O.E. Schulz 1 species Phlegmatospermum O.E. Schulz 4 Phoenicaulis Nutt. 1 Morettia DC. 3 Physaria (Nutt.) A. Gray 105 Moricandia DC. 8 Physocardamum Hedge 1 Moriera Boiss. 1 Physoptychis Boiss. 2 Morisia J. Gay 1 Physorhynchus Hook. 2 Murbeckiella Rothm. 5 Planodes Greene 1 Muricaria Desv. 1 Polyctenium Greene 2 Myagrum L. 1 Polypsecadium O.E. Schulz 3 Nasturtiopsis Boiss. 1 Pringlea Anderson ex Hook. f. 1 Nasturtium R. Br. 10 Pseuderucaria (Boiss.) O.E. Schulz 2 Neotchihatchewia Rauschert 1 Pseudoarabidopsis Al-Shehbaz, 1 Neotorularia Hedge & J. Le´ onard 11 O’Kane & R.A. Price Nerisyrenia Greene 8 Pseudocamelina (Boiss.) N. Busch 3 Neslia Desv. 1 Pseudoclausia Popov 10 Neuontobotrys O.E. Schulz 5 Pseudofortuynia Hedge 1 Nevada N.H. Holmgren 1 Pseudosempervivum (Boiss.) Grossh. 3 Noccaea Moench 77 Pseudoturritis Al-Shehbaz 1 Noccidium F.K. Mey. 1 Pseudovesicaria (Boiss.) Rupr. 1 Notoceras R. Br. 1 Psychine Desf. 1 Notothlaspi Hook. f. 2 Pterygiosperma O.E. Schulz 1 Ochthodium DC. 1 Pugionium Gaertn. 3 Octoceras Bunge 1 Pycnoplinthopsis Jafri 1 Olimarabidopsis Al-Shehbaz, 3 Pycnoplinthus O.E. Schulz 1 O’Kane & R.A. Price Quezeliantha H. Scholz ex Rauschert 1 Onuris Phil. 6 Raffenaldia Godr. 2 Oreoblastus Suslova 1 Raphanoryncha Rollins 1 Oreoloma Botsch. 3 Raphanus L. 3 Oreophyton O.E. Schulz 1 Rapistrum Crantz 2 Ornithocarpa Rose 2 Rhammatophyllum O.E. Schulz 10 Orychophragmus Bunge 2 Rhizobotrya Tausch 1 Otocarpus Durieu 1 Ricotia L. 9 Pachycladon Hook. f. 10 Robeschia Hochst. ex O.E. Schulz 1 Pachymitus O.E. Schulz 1 Rollinsia Al-Shehbaz 1 Pachyneurum Bunge 1 Romanschulzia O.E. Schulz 13 Pachyphragma (DC.) Rchb. 1 Rorippa Scop. 86 Pachypterygium Bunge 3 Rytidocarpus Coss. 1 Parlatoria Boiss. 2 Sameraria Desv. 9 Parodiodoxa O.E. Schulz 1 Sandbergia Greene 1 Parolinia Webb 5 Sarcodraba Gilg & Muschl. 3 Parrya R. Br. 34 Savignya DC. 1 Paysonia O’Kane & Al-Shehbaz 8 Scambopus O.E. Schulz 1 Pegaeophyton Hayek 7 Schimpera Hochst. & Steud. ex Endl. 1 & Hand.-Mazz. Schivereckia Andrz. ex DC. 2 Peltaria Jacq. 4 Schizopetalon Sims 10 Peltariopsis (Boiss.) N. Busch 2 Schouwia DC. 1 Pennellia Nieuwl. 9 Scoliaxon Payson 1 Petrocallis R. Br. 1 Selenia Nutt. 4 Petroravenia Al-Shehbaz 1 Shangrilaia Al-Shehbaz, 1 Phaeonychium O.E.
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