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INDEX Academy of Music, 47, 48 appearance of, 29, 68, 215 afternoon tea, 342, 343 background and personal traits of, 4–5, Age of Innocence, The (Wharton), 95, 26–29, 31 140, 275 Bohemian party of, 400 Allard, Jules, 132, 158, 173, 260–261, 304, children of, 30, 99–104 306, 307–308, 323, 327, 329, 331 daughters’ marriages and, 75–78, Alva (yacht), 234–235, 236, 312 121–122, 170, 280 Ambassadress (yacht), 27, 30, 234 denunciation of vulgar displays by, Anthony, Susan B., 442 402, 425 archery, 74, 273, 334 diamond jewelry of, 61, 103, 227–229, aristocracy, 7, 36, 112–113, 118–119, 122– 369, 374, 425 123, 222, 224, 225, 378, 380–382, 443 dinner parties and, 350, 351, 354 marriages to, 382–390 European travel of, 377, 380 arrivistes. See nouveau riches four hundred and, 38, 47, 183 art collections, 10, 12, 26, 35, 37, 132, 133, houses of, 103, 135, 138, 157, 165–177, 257–258, 379 189, 368, 426, 427, 441, 450 Belmont, 95, 139 husband’s death and, 76, 77, 78, 170 Huntington, 181 last years and death of, 425–427, 453 as masculine pursuit, 88–91 Lehr and, 107, 109, 111 philanthropic donations of, 454 marriage of, 29, 30, 31, 234, 269 prevailing taste in, 88–89 McAllister and, 33–38, 52, 61, 104, 105, Stewart, 137–138 166, 300 Vanderbilt, 149–150, 288, 295 morning routine of, 68, 69–70 Whitney, 188, 189 as national legend, 177 Astor, Alice, 101, 427, 441, 442 Newport and, 157, 169, 171, Astor, Ava WillingCOPYRIGHTED (Mrs. John Jacob IV), 300–303,MATERIAL 452 101–102, 172, 367, 369, 442 only interview given by, 402 Astor, Brooke (Mrs. Vincent), 442, 451 opera balls of, 65, 103, 367–370, Astor, Caroline (Carrie). See Wilson, 424–425 Caroline Astor opera ritual of, 48, 345, 348 Astor, Caroline Schermerhorn (Mrs. Astor/ portrait of, 173–175, 369, 374 Mrs. William Backhouse II), 4–9, 23, principled ideals of, 7, 9, 12, 102, 150 26–38, 246, 341, 388, 424–427 restaurant dining and, 344 491 bbindex.inddindex.indd 449191 88/29/08/29/08 11:11:59:11:59 PPMM 492 INDEX Astor, Caroline (continued) career and personality of, 26–27 shift in society and, 402 children of, 30, 75, 76, 122 as social arbiter, 4–9, 23, 32–35, 47, 52, collections of, 168 57–59, 66, 71, 115–116, 117, 121, death of, 76–78, 170, 176, 269 166, 168, 177, 280, 343, 453 marriage of, 26, 29–30, 35 social infl uence decline of, 9, 11, 78, Rhinebeck estate of, 27, 268–269, 300, 98, 105, 107, 370, 399, 402, 424, 452, 450–451 453–454 scandalous liaisons of, 30, 77 as the Mrs. Astor, 169–170, 177 son Jack as heir of, 269 Vanderbilts and, 60, 61, 65, 126 yachting passion of, 27, 30–31, 88, Astor, Charlotte Augusta, 30, 75–78, 170 99, 234 Astor, Charlotte Gibbes (Mrs. John Astor III), Astor, William Waldorf, 26, 126, 26, 32 168–171 Astor, Emily (later Mrs. James J. Van Alen), Astor Cup, 327, 331 75, 78 Astor family, 118 Astor, Emily (later Mrs. Samuel Ward), at apex of society, 367–368 30, 32, 34 history of, 23–28 Astor, Helen (later Mrs. James Roosevelt), socially advantageous marriages of, 26, 30, 32, 75, 426 29, 66 Astor, John Jacob, 4, 23–26, 33, 263 social respectability and, 28 portrait of, 302–303 the Mrs. Astor and, 169–170 Astor, John Jacob II, 24 Trinity Church and, 339 Astor, John Jacob III, 26, 27, 32, 37, 92, Astoria Hotel, 171 93, 166, 168, 170 Auchincloss, Louis, 155 Astor, John Jacob IV (Jack), 30, 124, 171, automobiles. See motorcars 172, 367, 375, 388, 414, 427–497 Avery, Samuel P., 89–90 personality and interests of, 99–102 remarriage of, 427–439 Bagehot, Walter, 453 Rhinebeck estate of, 27, 269–270, 451 Bailey’s Beach, 114, 332, 336 Titanic sinking and, 434–439 Bal Blanc, 327–332 unhappy marriage/divorce of, balls, 7, 8, 17, 36–38, 52, 58, 104, 120, 144, 101–102, 427 198, 203, 333, 361–376 Astor, John Jacob V, 441 Astor (Caroline), 65, 103, 176–177, Astor, Madeleine Force (Mrs. John Jacob IV), 367–370 427–439 carriage transport to, 243 subsequent marriages of, 441 components of, 103, 189, 361, 364–367, Titanic survival by, 435–439 369–370, 375 Astor, Margaret Armstrong (Mrs. William debutantes and, 362, 363 Backhouse), 26, 29, 30, 32, 166 as displays of excess, 10–11 Astor, Mary (Mrs. William Waldorf), invitations to, 70 169–170 jewelry worn at, 221, 229 Astor, Mrs. See Astor, Caroline ladies’ unspoken communication at, 365 Schermerhorn novelty, 400–401 Astor, Vincent, 101, 427, 428, 438–439, 451 of Oelrichs, 327–332 inheritance of, 441 preparation for, 363 marriages of, 442 Vanderbilt (Alva), 59–66, 304, 370, 386 Astor, William Backhouse, 24–28 Vanderbilt (Corneil and Alice), 325–326 Astor, William Backhouse II, 26–28, 33, Whitney, 189 34, 37, 165–166, 427 See also costume balls bbindex.inddindex.indd 449292 88/29/08/29/08 11:11:59:11:59 PPMM INDEX 493 Balsan, Jacques, 444, 445 Bonheur, Rosa, 89, 90, 95, 138, 149, 454 Bancroft, George, 326–327 Borrowe, Hallet, 76, 77 Bar Harbor, 116, 427 Boucher, François, 89, 161, 162, 329, 454 Baril, Maria de, 350–351 Bouguereau, Adolphe-William, 89, 90, 95, Baring, Cecil, 122–123, 124 137, 139, 149, 150, 257 Beard, Geoffrey, 382 Bourget, Paul, 6, 9, 130, 326 Beebe, Lucius, 96, 390–391, 412 Bradley-Martin, Cornelia (daughter), 223, Beechwood, 157, 171, 300–303, 304, 400, 225, 370 428, 452 Bradley-Martin, Cornelia Sherman, 223, Beekman family, 28, 47 225–226, 370–376, 423 Beer, Thomas, 2 Bradley-Martin Ball, 370–376, 423 Belcourt, 142, 157, 246, 315–317 Brann, William, 225, 383–384 restoration of, 452 Breakers, 157, 241–242, 319–326, 452 Belmont, Alva Vanderbilt (Mrs. Oliver), 71, Brinnin, John Malcolm, 232 345, 350, 367, 410, 416, 425, 455 Broadway, 15–16, 24, 47, 135, 339, 340 death of, 443 Brown, Isaac, 340 marriage of, 314–317 “Brown’s Brigade,” 340 social power of, 399, 452 brownstones, 129–130, 135–136, 140, 151, social welfare causes and, 442–443 166–168, 170 See also Vanderbilt, Alva Buccaneers, The (Wharton), 56, 383 Belmont, August, 94–95, 98, 139, 185, Burden, Evelyn Townsend, 107 283, 311 Burden, Florence Adele Sloane mansion of, 134, 165 (Mrs. James), 191–194, 223 social acceptance of, 252 Burden, Florence Twombly Union Club and, 92, 326 (Mrs. William), 191 Belmont, Caroline Perry (Mrs. August), Burden, Henry, 191 94, 166, 300, 311 Burden, James, 191–194, 223 Belmont, Eleanor, 85 Burden, Mrs. and Mrs. Townsend, 368, 424 Belmont, Oliver, 242–243, 311–317, 367, Burden, William, 191 375, 400, 442 butlers, 195–198, 351, 353, 355–356, Belmont, Perry, 185, 283 358–359 Belmont family, 66, 317 duties of, 198, 201 Belton House, 277, 278 By-the-Sea, 300 Benedict XV, Pope, 447 Bennett, James Gordon (“Young café society, 452–453 Bennett”), 95–98, 334, 448 calling cards, 60, 70–72 yachts of, 233–234, 236 of Mrs. Astor, 169 Bergdorf-Goodman, 450 Calumet Club, 92 Berkshires, 1, 8, 68, 117, 271–286, 439, Canfi eld, Richard, 94 451, 454 Canfi eld family, 368 Billings, Cornelius, K. G., 18–21 Canfi eld’s, 93–94 Biltmore, 157, 286, 288–297, 445, 454 Carnegie, Andrew, 351 scale of, 292–293 Carnegie family, 2, 117 as tourist destination, 451 Carolus-Duran, Charles, 173–175, Birmingham, Stephen, 181 369, 374 Bitter, Karl, 158, 159, 173, 293, 294, 295, Carpathia (ocean liner), 438, 439 308, 339 carriages, 15, 16, 95, 218, 231, 243–245, blackmail, 411–412, 414–415, 422 273, 334 Blenheim Palace, 39, 385, 445 cost of maintenance of, 117 bbindex.inddindex.indd 449393 88/29/08/29/08 11:11:59:11:59 PPMM 494 INDEX Cartier, 224, 225, 227, 380 Codman, Ogden, Jr., 267, 275, 276, Castellane, Paul Ernest Boniface 277–278, 283, 325 (“Boni”), Comte de, 223, 390–398, Collier, Peter, 413 446–447, 448 Collier, Robert, 413–414 Catholicism, 111, 339, 444, 447 Collier’s Weekly, 413–414, 417 Central Park, 14, 16–17, 218, 241, Confessions of a Social Secretary 243–244, 291, 454 (anon.), 208 Chanler, Margaret, 416 conspicuous consumption, 10–11, 221 Chanler, Mrs. Winthrop, 36, 360 corruption, 1, 2, 24, 41, 186, 251 Chanler, Winthrop, 101 corsets, 215 Château-sur-Mer, 157, 300 costume balls chef de cuisine, 195, 199–200, 203 Bradley-Martin, 370–376 French, 35, 95, 196, 199 Hyde, 402–406 privileges of, 206 Vanderbilt (Alva), 59–66, 370 children, 5, 73, 116, 133, 240 country estates, 249–286, 336 Christian Science, 268 costs of maintaining, 117 Christmas, 261–262, 268, 296 lady’s clothing and, 216–217 Church, Frederick, 250 leisure diversions and, 74 churches, 5, 339–341 transportation to, 231, 239 selling of pews by, 340–351 See also specifi c places names See also specifi c churches court presentations, 68 Churchill, Allen, 89 Craven, 4th Earl of, 223, 225 Churchill, Jennie Jerome, Lady, 134, 381 Crockett, Albert, 405, 406 Churchill, Randolph, Lord, 134, 381 Crossways, 112, 113, 247–248, 332–333 Churchill, Winston, 134 Crowninshield, Frank, 249 cigarette cases, 224, 357, 367 cultural life, 6, 8, 37, 73, 84, 85, 88–89, cigarette smoking. See smoking 343. See also art collections; opera Civil War, 2–3, 120, 407, 415 Cunard Line, 430, 438 Cleopatra’s Needle, 454 Currier and Ives, 241 Clermont, 250, 259 Curzon, George, 384 Cleveland, Grover, 186, 187 Cushing, Otto, 375 Clews, Harry, 14, 65, 92, 400 Cutting, James, 112 Cliff Walk, 335–336 Cutting family, 368 clothing, 16, 36–37, 118, 197, 202, 209–220, 231, 240, 245, 247, 380 Damrosch, Walter, 389 at-home days, 341–342 dance cards, 363 beach attire, 217, 336 dance halls, 93 cost of, 117 dancing class, 37, 74 display of, 231, 338 Davis, Alexander Jackson, 254, 256, 257 laundering of, 204 debutantes, 37, 72, 74–75, 343, 381–384 for motorcars, 247 balls and, 362, 363, 364 servants’ care of, 200–201, 210, 213, social season and, 337–338 215, 216 Decoration of Houses, The (Wharton and young girl’s, 74 Codman), 275, 277 clubs,

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