U . 5. DEPARTMENT OF June 15, 1965 NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH HEALTH. EDUCATION. AND WELFARE Vol. XVII, No. 12 PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Scientists Develop PSB Announces New Seminar Explores Progress, T-6,7,9 Bus Service Mouse Leukemia To NIH Reservation Trends in Research on Aging Additional public tmnsporlation to NIH is now being provided by Test Tube Study the D.C. Transit Company. The Mouse leukemia viruses can now Plant Safety Branch announced be studied in a test tub€. Devel­ that arrangements were completed oped by scientists at the National for the new service to begin this Institute of Allergy and Infectious week. Diseases, the new procedure is an Last Sunday, June 13, the local adaptation of the standard com­ T-6 bus was rerouted to include plement fixation antibody test for a stop within the NIH reservation. the study of mouse leukemia vi­ Express buses T-7 and T-9 were ruses gro-..vn in tissue culture. rerouted Monday, June 14, for The new test provides a precise, extra rush hour service. sensitive, reproducible method for Ente rs MIH First detecting laboratory-adapted as well as naturally occurring stt·ains The T-6 bus, which forme1·ly pro­ of mouse leukemia within two to ceeded from the Friendship Heights six weeks. Terminal at Wisconsin and Western Or. Ewald W . Busse, Dire ctor, Ce nter for the Study of Aging, Duke Univer• Avenues, N.W., to the Naval Medi­ sity (for right foreground ) explains o point to writers ottending the PHS lnoculotion Test Slower cal Center, will now enter the NIH Science Writer Seminar on Reseorch Progress ond Tre nds in Aging he ld at Previously, virus growth could reservation before continuing to MIH. To the left of Dr. Busse, two other seminar porticiponts are Or. Reubii, be determined only by inoculating the Naval Medical Center. Andres, Assistont Chief, MHI Gerontology Branch, and Dr. Albert I. Lansing, mice and observing them for the The bus will proceed north on Professor and Chairman, Department of Anotomy, University of Pittsburgh development of leukemia-a pro­ Rockville Pike and enter the NIH School of Medicine.-Photos by Je rry Hecht. cedure which requires three to 12 reservation at South Drive, stop at months. Center Drive east of Building 1, Investigators from seven universities and NIH discussed progress and The test is based on the observa­ and exit on Wilson Drive. It will trends in aging research v.rith 23 writers at an all-day PHS Science tion that mouse leukemia viruses then cross Rockville Pike, proceed Writer Seminar held here re_cently. have at least one major common through the Naval Medical grounds Organized by the National Institute of Child H ealth and Human De­ antigen. Virus growth was demon­ and return south on Rockville Pike velopment Public Information Of­ strated by the formation of viral to the Friendshlp Heights terminal. fice, the seminar was held at the a statistical description of our ag­ request of the President's Council ing population, emphasizing the (See MOUSE. Paoc ,1) (See BUS SERVICE. T'age I ) on Aging as a special activity dur­ increasing portion of our popula­ ing Senior Citizens Month. tion that is 65 years and older. Stars and Stripes Flies Over the Nation The seminar participants consid· Dr. Bernice L. Neugarten, Pro­ ered aging research from the socio­ fessor of Human Development at As Flag Day Marks 188th Anniversary logical and psychological to the the University of Chicago, next cellular and molecular aspects. discussed the sociology of aging. Flag Day was observed yesterday throughout the Nation, and at NIH Many factors were suggested as She said changing age patterns in the large (10 x 19 ft.) Dress Flag of the United States was flown. being important in aging, includ­ American marriages are making It was 16 years ago, on August 3, 1949, that President H arry S. Tru­ ing: Changes in connective tissue grandparenthood a phenomenon of man signed into law a bill officially that make it increasingly less elas­ middle age rather than later years. l'ecognizing June 14 a,s Flag Day. tic; death of ineplaceable cells; Dr. Ewald Busse, Director of Although not a legal holiday, this and increasing errors in cells' abili­ the Center for the Study of Aging day is observed nationally to com­ ties to reproduce new normal gen­ at Duke University Medical Cen­ memorate the adoption of a reso­ erations of cells. lution by the Continental Congress (Scc AGING SEMINAR. Paoe 5) on June 14, 1777, making the Stars Other Factors Cited and Stripes the flag of the United Also clogging of some cells with Clinical Center Blood Bank States. reticular membrane; effects of ra­ Reports Donations for May There are five flag poles on the diation; a nd improper diet in the The Clinical Center Blood NIH reservation. Old Glory is al­ young whlch hastens maturity and, Bank reports that 139 units of ways flown in front of Buildings hence, the process of aging. blood were received from NIH 1, 31 and 38. At the Clinical Cen­ The scientists pointed out that donors during the month of ter, the American flag always flies no one can be certain whether or May. In the same period CC from the right hand pole and one not aging is paced by one or a few patients received 1,370 units of three others flags may be flown processes, is simply a product of of blood. from the other pole. many independent processes, or re­ The bank also reports a new Usually, Monday through Fri­ sults from a central process. gallon donor: J ohn E. Polen day, a white flag with the PHS Dr. Leroy E . Duncan, Head of of the Shop Section, Plant En­ Old Glory and the white PHS Flag Corps Device (a winged caduceus the Section on Comparative and gineering Branch, Division of wave proudly in front of the Clinical crossed with a fouled anchor) in Human Biology in NICH D's Aging Research Services. Center,- Photo by Je rry Hecht. (See FLAG DAY, Pao• 8) Program, opened the seminar with Page 2 June 15, 1965 THE NIH RECORD Dances of 6 Nations Captivate Patients At CC' s 1st International Folk Festival By Lauren Binda ecord CC Normc,l Volunteer Patient "Fou1·teen, please---and hurry!" the spunky 8-yca1·-old in the wheel­ Published bi-weekly at Bethesda, Md., by the Public Information Section, chair exclaimed to the elevator operator in the Clinical Center. Office of Research Information, for the information of employees of the National Instit utes of Health, principal research center of the Public "Where's the fire?" a member of the older generation asked, winking Health Ser vice, U.S. Department of Health, Educa tion, and Welfare, and good-naturedly to his companions. "Don't you know? The Interna­ circulated by request to interested members of the public. The NIH Rec­ Dr. Geisser Participates ord content is reprintable without permission. Pict ures are available. tional Folk Festival in the Assem­ bly H all. We can't be late!" In First lnt'I Symposium NIH Record Office ............................. .Bldg. 31, Rm. 4B13. Phone: 49-62125 Enthusiasm of this nature typi­ fied the feeling at the "first, and On Multivariate Analysis Editor ...................................................................................... E. Kenneth Stabler hopefully annual, International F olk Associate Editor ...................................................................... George J. Mannina Dr. Seymour Geisser, Chief of Festival for CC patients," accord­ the Biometry Section of the Epi­ Staff Correspondents ing to Arnold Sperling, Chief of demiology and Biometry Branch, Georgiana Brimijoin, NCI ; Tony Anastasi, NHI; J an Etheridge, NIAID; the CC Patient Activities Section, National Institute of Arthritis and Mary Anne Gates, NIAMD; Bob Callahan, NIDR ; Ga il Dearing, NIMH; who was M.C. for the event. Metabolic Diseases, is participating Frances Dearman, NIN DB; Elsie Fahrenthold, CC; Faye Peterson, DBS; Six countries were represented t his week in the first International Linda J acobson, NIGMS; Beverly Warran, DRFR; Dick Turlington, DRG; in the song and dance presentation Symposium on Multivariate Analy­ Bill Kleven, DRS; Frances Mills, OAM; Dan Rogers, NICHD. for the patients and their guests sis. The NIH Record reser ves the right to make corrections, changes or recently in the CC, sponsored by The symposium, which began deletions in s ubmitted copy in conformity with the policy of the pa per various clubs and organizations in yesterday and will continue through and the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. the Washington area. June 19, is being held at the Uni­ The Scots led the way with the versity of Dayton in Ohio under U.S. Air Force Pipe Band. The 9- the sponsorship of the U.S. Air NEWS/rom CC Schedules June 24 member unit piped and drummed Force's Aerospace Research Labor­ Marine Band Concert through five selections, entering atories. and exiting through the audience. PERSONNEL The first in this season's series The J apanese daJ1cers, whose Considers Voriobles Multivariate Analysis-statisti­ ORIENTATION CHECKLIST of outdoor band concerts for Clin­ translated names mean "little cher­ New staff members and em­ ical Center patients will be pre­ ry blossoms," included 14 youJ1g cal analysis made on the basis of ployees need on-the-job orientation sented on Thursday, June 24, at girls in red and white kimonos. the simultaneous consideration of to make them feel at home and to 7:30 p.m. by the United States Their three dance numbers por­ many variables-is an important assist them in gaining personal Marine Band, on the patio adjoin­ trayed a legend or facet of J ap­ branch of statistics. satisfaction from effective work. ing the Clinical Center auditorium.
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