Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-79433-6 - Plants: Evolution and Diversity Martin Ingrouille and Bill Eddie Index More information Index ABA see abscissic acid algae 49 animals differences from plants 49, Abies 218, 336 colonial 40--41 52 abscissic acid 77, 78, 264 coenocytic or siphonous 39--40 anisogamy 29--30 abscission 58, 103 filamentous 41--43 anisophylly 68 Absinthe see Artemisia absinthum groups of 34--35 anisospory 145 Abutilon, nectar 171 intertidal 45 ANITA group 224 Acacia 103, 242, 272, 285, 298, 338 multicellular 38--39 annatto see Bixa orellana phyllodes 126 unicellular 36--37 Annonaceae 173 Acanthaceae 247, 286, 288 Alismatales 231, 254 annual see life-forms Acanthus as a mangrove species allele 29 annulus 142, 162 267 allelopathy 99, 159 Anothofixus 279 Acetabularia 38--39, 46 Alliaceae as vegetables 329 ant plants, ant-thorns 293, 299 development 93--94 allicin 341 Antheridium 137 Acetobacter 21 Allium 61, 223 Anthocerophyta, Anthocerotales, Achillea, sneezewort 352 allometric growth 106--107 hornworts 198--199 Acorus 230, 254, 350 Alluaudia place in phylogeny 195 Acrostichum 267 Alnus 243, 255 Anthoceros 143, 199 Actinidiaceae 246 catkins 161 anthocyanadins 175, 176 Actinomorphy see flower symmetry Alocasia 180 anticlinal cell division 42 Adanson, M. 384 Aloe 185, 232, 301--302, 232, 314 Antirrhinum 91, 418 Adansonia 186, 303 Aloeaceae 185 Apiaceae, Apiales 249, 339 adaptation 99, 396--398, 410 Alsomitra 164 apical dominance 76 adaptive landscape 119 alternation of generations 31--32, apical meristem 64, 127 adaptive radiation 313--314 136 Apiopetalum 313 Adenium 303 Amaranthaceae 238--239 Apocyanaceae 246, 289, 303 adventitious roots 158 leaf venation 84 Apoideae 249 Aegialitis 267 pigments 176 apomorphy 416 vivipary 165 Amborella, Amborellaceae 227, 312 Aponogeton 165 Aegiceras 267 Ambrosia maritima ragweed 342 apophysis 142, 143 Aegle marmelos, Bael Tree 343 Ammophila, marram grass 160, 297 apoplasm 78 Aeonium 313 Amorphophallus 180, 186 apostasioideae 233 Aerenchyma 56, 259 Ampelodesmus 235 apple see Malus Aeschynanthus 278, 313--314 Amyema 279 aquatic plants, general adaptations Aeschynomene 258 Anabaena 18, 41, 212, 257, 273 254--257 Aesculus 187 Anacamptis 233 Aquifoliaceae 248 Aextoxicon 239 Anacardium occidentale 331 Aquilegia 185 Agalmyla 313 Anacyclus pyrethrum, white pellitory as Arabidopsis 81 agar 21 snuff 352 Araceae 175, 290 Agathis 218, 220, 311--313 Anadenanthera peregrine 355 Araliaceae 249 Agavaceae 169 Ananas pineapple 173, 332, 335 Araucaria 116, 218, 312--313 Agave sisalina, sisal 335, 345 Anarcardiaceae 245 island endemics 311 Agave tequilana 349 Andopogon 297 male gametophyte 153 Aggregate fruit 329 Andreaea protonema 138 regular branching 76 Aglaophyton 203 Andreaeopsida, stone or lantern Araucariales, Araucariaceae 220 air plants 234, 235 mosses 201 Arber, A. 371, 387, 412, 414--415, 423 Aizoaceae 238--239, 263 place in phylogeny 195 Arbutus 172, 270 Alchemilla 150 anemochory, see seeds, dispersal Arceuthobium 279 alcohol, production of 349 Angiopteris 208 archaebacteria 13, 19--22, 49 Aleurites, Tung Nuts 326, 337 Angraecum sesquipedale 171 Archaeopteris 125, 207 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-79433-6 - Plants: Evolution and Diversity Martin Ingrouille and Bill Eddie Index More information INDEX 427 Archegonia 137 Austrobaileyaceae 312 Belliolum 173 archetypes 191, 192 Austrotaxus 313 Bennettitales 215 Archezoa 23 autochory, explosive fruit 163 Bentham, G. 402 architecture 116--118, 129--132 autopoiesis 1, 4--7, 401 benthic organisms 38 Arctic-alpine plants 303--306 auxins 66, 76--77, 82--83, 87 Berberidaceae 237 Arctium, burdock fruit 170 Avicenna see Ibn Sina Berberidopsis Berberidaceae, Arctocarpus 157 Avicenniaceae, Avicennia 266--267 Berberidopsidales 239 Areca catechu 319 avocado see Persea americana Berberis 80, 171, 345 Arecaceae, Arecales palms 234, 284, Ayahuasca 355 berry 329--330 318, 326 Ayurvedic medicine 343 Berry, W. 422 Argemone 169 Azadirachta indica, neem 245, 346 Bertholletia aril 170 Argranthemum Azolla 212, 257, 259 Bessey C. E. 402 Argyroxiphium 307--308, 313--314 Azorella 305 Beta vulgaris, sugar beet 332 arid habitats 299 Azorina 315 beta-carotene 10, 36 aril 170, 173 Azotobacter 272 beta-cryptoxanthin 36 Arisarum 181 betalains, betanidin, betaine 176, Aristolochia 180, 223, 343--344 Bacillariophyceae 35--37 264 Aristotle’s Essentialism 372--374 bacteriochlorophyll 11 betel nut see Areca catechu Armeria 261, 262 Baer K. E. von 399 Betula 74, 161 Aroid, see Araceae Balanites 241 Betulaceae 243 Arrhenatherum elatius, False oat-grass Baldwin effect 119 beverages 347 298 Baldwin effect 405 Bidens 250, 260, 315 Artemisia absinthum, A. nilagirica Balsam of Peru see Myroxylon biennial 90, 103 350--351 Balsaminaceae 245 Bignoniaceae 247, 289 allelopathy 159 Balsawood see Ochroma bi-lipid membrane 6 Arthrocnemon 262 bamboo 235, 297 Biological Species Concept, BSC see Artocarpus altilis 329 leaf anatomy 86 species concepts Arum 180 use of 318 BIOS 109 pollination 175 Bambusoideae 235 bird pollination 184--185 Arundo 297 banana see Musa Bird’s nest fern 288 Asclepias 178, 246 Bangia 42 Bixa orellana, annatto, bixin 337 pollination, pollinia 246--247 Bangiophycidae 36 bloodroot see Sanguinaria Canadensis Asclepiad, Asclepiadaceae 180, Banisteriopsis caapi 355 blue-green algae, see cyanobacteria 300 Banksia 185 Bobart, J. 380 Ashwagandha see Withania Baobab see Adansonia Boehmeria 60, 334 asparagales 231--232 Barinophyton 145 Bolax 305 aspirin 344 bark 73, 291 Bonnet, C. 382 Asplenium 214, 288 barley see Hordeum vulgare Bonnier, G. 410 Astelia 313 Barringtonia 165 Borassus flabellifer 318 Aster 178, 264 Bartram, John 364 botanical exploration 388 Asteraceae 189, 249--250, 313--315, Bartsia 276 botany, evolutionary 388 326, 329, 339 bat pollination 171, 186 botany, history of 372--385 Asterales 240, 245, 249 Bateson, W. 400--401, 404, in the Age of Enlightenment Asterella capsule 142 411 381--384 Asterid see Asterales Batidaceae 244 in the Age of Romanticism 385 Asteroxylon 68--69, 124, 203 Bauer, F. 406 in China 376, 377 Astilbe 239 Bauhin, G. 379 in the Renaissance 377--380 Astragalus 242, 305 Bauplan 413 of Ancient Greece 372--374 ATP 9 Bazzania 196 Bourbon 349 Atrichum 201 bee pollination 182--183 Bower, F. O. 414 Atriplex 261, 264 beetle pollination 184 bracken see Pteridium Atropa belladonna 355 Begonia 86, 243 Bradley, R. 380 Aucuba 246 Belamanda 224 branching 67--69, 76 Aulocomnium 202 belladonna see Atropa Brasenia 254 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-79433-6 - Plants: Evolution and Diversity Martin Ingrouille and Bill Eddie Index More information 428 INDEX Brassicaceae, Brassicales 149, 244 Calamus 288, 289 cassava see Manihot as crops 318, 326--329 see also Acorus calamus Cassia 242 lack of mycorrhizae 270 Calceolaria, Calceolariaceae 172, 247 Cassytha 276, 277 brassinosteroid 78 California nutmeg 221 castor oil plant see Ricinis Braun--Blanquet vegetation Calliandra 179 Casuarina, Casuarinaceae 243--244, classification 406 Callistemon 185 270, 273, 279 breadfruiut see Artocarpus altilis Callitriche 255, 418 Catharanthus roseus 344--345 breeding systems 186 Calluna 184, 246, 270 Caulerpa 40 Brighamia 316 calmodulin 81 cauliflory 186 Bromeliaceae 185, 234, 288 Calobryales 197 Caytonia 149, 215 Brongniart, A. and A.-T. 389 Calvin cycle 16, 17 Cecropia seedling germination 158 brood place flowers 168 Calycanthus 180, 181 Cedrus 130 Broussonetia papyrifera, paper CAM see Crassulacean Acid Ceiba 186 mulberry 162, 335 Metabolism Celastrales 241 brown algae, see Phaeophyceae cambium, bifacial 207 cells 20--30 Brown, R. 390, 399 Camellia 245 complex 19 Brugmansia 247, 355 Camellia sinensis, tea 347 determination 81 Bruguiera 267 Camerarius, R. J. 381 division 22, 30 Brunoniaceae 250 Campanula, Campanulaceae 188, 315 membrane 21, 58 brush blossom 179, 185 Campnosperma 157 signaling 75, 78--79 Bryidae, arthrodontous mosses 202 Canacomyrica 313 size 21--22 Bryophyta, Bryopsida, mosses 199--201 Canada balsam see Abies types, cell wall 20, 57--59, 66 adaptation 31, 47, 126, 138--142, canalization 405 cellulose 21--23, 58 160--163, 294--295, 299 Canarina canariensis 315 in paper-making 335 phylogeny 195, 196 canellales 229 Celmisia 304 Bryopsis 40 Candolle, A. de 388--390, 395, 402 Centaurea 250 Bryum 162, 202 Canna 178, 236 centriole 26 Bubbia 173 Cannabidaceae 243, 326 Centropogon 175 Buch, L. von 395 Cannabis 60, 334, 353 Centrospermae see Caryophyllaceae buckwheat see Fagopyrum esculentum Cannaceae 236 Cephalotaceae 279 bud 62, 67, 68 canola see oilseed crops Cephalotaxus 143 Buddleja 183 cantharophily see beetle pollination Cephalotus 241 Buffon G. L. L. 389, 395 Canthium 313 Cephaloza, spore dispersal 162 bulbil 61, 62 capitulum structure 249, 250 Ceratonia 337 Bulbophyllum 61, 178 Capparis 179 Ceratophyllum Ceratophyllales 166, Burmanniaceae 231 Caprifoliaceae 248 254, 256 Burseraceae 245 capsaicin 341 Ceratopteris 260 Busbecq, G. 363 Capsella embryogenesis 156 Cercidiphyllaceae 239 Butomaceae 231 Capsicum 341 cereal crops 318, 321 Butomus 230 capsule 142 Ceropegia 180--181 butterfly and moth pollination 183 Caralluma 300, 302 Cesalpinioideae 242 Buxbaumia 140 carbon fixation 9, 18 Cesalpino, A. 378, 381 buzz pollination 182 cardamon see Elettaria cardomomum Chaetomorpha 42 Byblidaceae 279 Carex 235 Chaleuria 145 Caricaceae 244 Chamaecyparis foliage 110 C3 plants 282 Carnegia gigantea 303 Chamaelium, chamomile as snuff
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