Before the Arkansas Public Service Commission in The

Before the Arkansas Public Service Commission in The

APSC FILED Time: 6/27/2011 12:55:42 PM: Recvd 6/27/2011 12:55:18 PM: Docket 11-049-U-Doc. 10 BEFORE THE ARKANSAS PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ENTERGY ARKANSAS, INC. FOR A ) CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY TO CONSTRUCT AND ) DOCKET NO. 11-049-U OPERATE A 115 KV TRANSMISSION ) LINE AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES, IN ) SALINE COUNTY, ARKANSAS CERTIFICATION OF PROOF OF NOTICE I, Murry K. Witcher, Regulatory Project Coordinator — Transmission, Entergy Services, Inc., for Entergy Arkansas, Inc. -- certify that pursuant to Rule 3.03(c)(1) of the Rules of Practice and Procedure of the Arkansas Public Service Commission, a public notice concerning the above captioned Docket No. 11- 049-U was published on May 1, 2011 and on May 8, 2011, in The Benton Courier newspaper. A copy of the Proof of Publication from the newspaper is attached. Additionally, that I certify copies of the Application, Direct Testimony and Exhibits have been placed in the Bob Herzfeld Memorial Library located at 1800 Smithers Dr., Benton, AR 72015. I also certify that copies of the Application, Direct Testimony and Exhibits have been placed in the Mabel Boswell Memorial Library located at 201 Prickett Road, Bryant, AR 72022. A copy of the letters of transmittal for the filing documents sent to the libraries is attached. APSC FILED Time: 6/27/2011 12:55:42 PM: Recvd 6/27/2011 12:55:18 PM: Docket 11-049-U-Doc. 10 Finally, I certify that a copy of APSC Order No. 2, dated June 15, 2011. which Order contains the Docket procedural schedule, has been forwarded to landowners along the proposed and alternate transmission line routes, and also forwarded to community and government leaders as well. A copy of the letters of transmittal, a copy of APSC Order No. 2, and a list of recipients are attached. Murry K. Witcher Regulatory Project Coordinator Entergy Services, Inc. -2- trriswst oawAaaaa nrc F’ O)I’ClSEtt its 110 mexsidaattsa Linie Ann owuntl-iddn alexesea SfXI’F tIE ARKANS’iS xorele cc clunG t’euatv ofhahni’ slanO usa’ ihet Sanity A,sensoe. 1w teAs wit lee alex trddul,an ,ca e to Serene ttnremtwneai laeact en epploedaa ice rteenaoalo at eatoa i,ir-a”,,aene cia Nanceelte lanheseola, elee’ete end nreeneae e 115 oar eva 1,155 wire icr brine’s aedvten etalOvee and etsarralva eliot in l,,uui,,e ,r ,ewlr Cnianty Arirceon The ebreeunep Ororetet Ins etelasainte n sslI’toOlO sit ear t, ‘‘“4’,’ ‘the ra000lail cad edeetnete reetie ire tile Sanearlouwl Ste ,,ai that 1 am t.egat Ads ert ang C ‘lark oft he fenton C Harley, — “ texan iliac The brIton teetlewed te dee aflalesilen tisaicie a daul newopaper printed to xi d CCItt and that I wae a.’ wa’vnnar 0-nh fun tiC to Sereanletna be mid tee 110 tO rag van. saInt‘a aelava con be rerase,aled between then eeadng tteetan aruas eneb at the date if puntiralirn hen’tnafter stated, and ‘5 nil CV S,drlsesrv’ cal the cedIng Beaten learn Itorla we 0.darat,oii an rn sudr vie, Sat ‘carat F-cat e,,dueeeOn,n iiee erelel niece deese lee due wan--c that otat neaspap-r had a bans tide etretelat is-aC I nit enrocal treinnueean tine cr15 eel eeIWt*e1ynneaerw ed ann county at said dates, and has been regularly published in sunnier I Se, vane’rsrr t,eneeeen eec eiweeq tielleveletiel tines. a, Ira tin rsllaa San hi S Hal data, EHV tare leaded lithe eeeetn pea or tea Ca1 n1 s-aId tnuntv I ii’ a period of J,3, sear— next before Outer aid Ira Metalewe we to ir Cheetah ileeteeleg Stellar tine reeled a lai an, WF ,-i Inc ells- a Reaur The wee wrrveeees Reed its we Clev4ren the date of the first puhin all in of the ads-ertici mint -i-,tan ,e,ites nireniraca an rrureety nieeltiee en,erptiuirelreie sax we ia-la add advertisement wax pub sl’,ler tu Ii a ainrerran lld SW Seance 14 iausnetdpa South Rewa hereto annexed, and that is Weal via raw lilac, Bilge Its wvsrrdreeeg Sledre wIt b rnnsilialed air in said newspaper times far o ya’,aaai nrcae,itlrng ldthelaele arose tiCiurvhnn Seddnieleg Sleeve tire APSC FILED Time: 6/27/2011 12:55:42 PM: Recvd 6/27/2011 12:55:18 PM: Docket 11-049-U-Doc. 10 tlohEl ‘a,wla tile 55 Sarelva 10 Thentirip I teeth, Oen$ *5 Welt - A___iosueo, the Pest insertion there n having been Ira knton,n C5ieisur& eeueltiee wed hasten aehethet detested at made on ,yJh4_L_Z,.LIL_, and the _s’ jj I I a l’nan sea is-air nuns tie Waaileee BalmS Sidelong Oaenvet b,eiaui the last insertion an ‘as a iii, ‘l’-oun Ic I case,, South, l1wee IS Wee, ella lacer,, eat siarsrg -,,as MaItre Sweet end eeleidiw Ic eteeltlse reeled Rlrlrcece tree, lOses-a lenA length 5115 betlan 15) The Pteconeil Reed nat a,nen’la,,lnirldteenl rlrraaa Rea,ade Swine the Idheesed Pane, Beersad 3 legal AdvertIsing Clerk vase ran breni cad Aria, tOne )aeeeratdeauerele the eerli ,d liv, tire,, ale i Aleeneit Ieee eeteeedl’i lee tiled comet et rise end rita, Cu a isa, ‘-Faa rank toileneal deer leegthSWi It SilIca II) The lIornsa-ra nh 00’ -.arsaeeeeaiartrarranlngteleieesinidOibeleWaltheat Oerl,sn It Swam to and subnrrihed before me tin Sri -v-ace lesa,n tine Fr. 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