RICHARD NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY DOCUMENT WITHDRAWAL RECORD DOCUMENT DOCUMENT SUBJECT/TITLE OR CORRESPONDENTS DATE RESTRICTION NUMBER TYPE 1 Manifest Helicopter Passenger Manifest – 6/24/1971 A Appendix “B” 2 Manifest Helicopter Passenger Manifest – 6/25/1971 A Appendix “B” 3 Manifest Helicopter Passenger Manifest – 6/25/1971 A Appendix “C” 4 Manifest Helicopter Passenger Manifest – 6/27/1971 A Appendix “A” 5 List NSC Meeting – List of Attendees – 6/17/1971 A Appendix “B” 6 Manifest Helicopter Passenger Manifest – 6/22/1971 A Appendix “A” 7 List List of Invitees for NSC Meeting – 6/30/1971 A Appendix “A” COLLECTION TITLE BOX NUMBER WHCF: SMOF: Office of Presidential Papers and Archives RC-8 FOLDER TITLE President Richard Nixon’s Daily Diary June 16, 1971 – June 30, 1971 PRMPA RESTRICTION CODES: A. Release would violate a Federal statute or Agency Policy. E. Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or B. National security classified information. financial information. C. Pending or approved claim that release would violate an individual’s F. Release would disclose investigatory information compiled for law rights. enforcement purposes. D. Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of privacy G. Withdrawn and return private and personal material. or a libel of a living person. H. Withdrawn and returned non-historical material. DEED OF GIFT RESTRICTION CODES: D-DOG Personal privacy under deed of gift -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION *U.S. GPO; 1989-235-084/00024 NA 14021 (4-85) (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day. Yr.) JUNE 16, 1971 ----------- THE WHITE HOUSE TIME DAY WASHINGTON, D. C. 8:45 a.m. WEDNESDAY PHONE TIME P=Placed R=Rcceived ACTIVITY In Out 1.0 LD 8:45 The President had breakfast. 9:02 The President went to the Oval Office. The President met with: 9:05 9:25 Alexander P. Butterfield, Deputy Assistant 9:10 10:00 H. R. Haldeman, Assistant 9:56 10:38 John D. Ehrlichman, Assistant The President met with: 10:39 11:22 Hr. Haldeman 10:59 11: 22 Ronald L. Ziegler, Press Secretary 11:21 12:07 Henry A. Kissinger, Assistant 11:32 12:07 Ellsworth Bunker, U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Vietnam 11:40 11:43 Mr. Butterfield Members of the press in/out 12:07 The President went to the State Dining Room to address members of the Teenage Republican Leadership Conference. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "A." 12:24 The President returned to the Oval Office. 12:26 12:37 The President met with: E. Ross Adair, U.S. Ambassador to Ethiopia Mrs. Adair Marshall Wright, Senior member of the NSC. 12:38 12:45 The President met with: Herbert G. Klein, Director of Communications Stanley S. Scott, Assistant to the Director of Communications Ollie Atkins, White House photographer 12:46 12:59 The President met with officers of the White House News Photographers Association. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "B." 1:02 1:04 The President met with Mr. Ziegler The President met with: 1:04 1:09 Mr. Butterfield 1:05 1:15 Mr. Haldeman 1:15 The President, accompanied by Mr. Haldeman, went to the South Grounds in a surprise visit to a Rural Electric Youth group who were listening to a speech by Secretary of Agriculture Clifford M. Hardin. ~_ u.s. GOVERN/oIENT PR'~ING omCE: 1959-0-332-068 Page :1,,1 __ Page(s). I nt. VYNIl t. NUU:5t.­ PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAILY DIARY (See Travel Record (or Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN OATE (Mo., Day. Yr.) JUNE 16, 1971 THE WHITE HOUSE TIME DAY WASHINGTON, D. C. 1:27 p.m. WEDNESDAY PHONE TIME P=PJaced R=Rcccived ACTIVITY In Out Lo LO 1:27 The President and Mr. Haldeman returned to the Oval Office. The President met with: 1 :27 2:15 Hr. Haldeman 1:50 1:52 Mr. Butterfield 2:58 2:59 The President met with Mr. Ziegler. The President met with: 2:59 3:03 Rose Mary Woods, Personal Secretary 3:02 3:41 Mr. Kissinger 3:08 3:41 Swaran Singh, Foreign Minister of India 3:08 3:41 Lakshmi Kant Jha, Ambassador from India to the U.S. 3:08 3:41 Kenneth B. Keating, U.S. Ambassador to India 3:08 3:41 Joseph J. Sisco, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs White House photographer in/out 3:43 3:51 The President met with Mr. Kissinger. The President met with: 3:51 4:28 Peter G. Peterson, Assistant 3:51 4:29 Charles Bluhdorn, Chairman of the Board of Gulf and Western Industries 3:51 4:29 Mr. Ehrlichman The President met with: 4:30 4:31 Mr. Butterfield 4:30 5:15 John M. O'Neill, member of Vietnam Veterans for a Just Peace 4:30 5:15 Melville Stephens, White House Consultant on Vietnam Veterans Affairs 4:30 5:15 Charles W. Colson, Special Counsel 4:58 5:15 Mr. Kissinger 5:10 5 :11 P The President talked with Miss Woods. The President met with: 5:16 6:05 Mr. Haldeman 5:23 5:46 Hr. Ziegler 5:24 5:30 Mr. Kissinger 6:05 The President, accompanied by Dr. W. Kenneth Riland and Brig. Gen. Walter R. Tkach, went to the second floor of the Residence. 6:08 Brig. Gen. Tkach departed. • " ....;JIUl:I'C I KI~HAt·m- NIXON'S DAILY DIARY (Se( TrJycl Record for Tra-vel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day. Yr.) JUNE 16, 1971 THE WHITE HOUSE TIME DAY WASHINGTON, D. C. 6:21 p.m. WEDNESDAY PHONE TIME P=P!aced R=Received ACTIVITY In Out Lo LD 6 :21 Miss Woods went to the second floor of the Residence. 6:30 Dr. Riland departed. 6:36 P The President talked with the switchboard operator with whom he left a message for the First Lady. The President had dinner on the Truman Balcony with: The First Lady Mrs. Jack Drmm, personal friend of the President and the First Lady Miss Woods 7:46 P The President telephoned Lucy A. Winchester, Social Secretary on the First Lady's staff. The call was not completed. 7:47 Miss Woods departed. 7:48 7:56 P The President talked with Mr. Ziegler. 7 :57 7:58 R The President talked with the First Lady 8:07 The President went to his office in the EOB. 8:22 8:25 P The President talked with Mr. Ehrlichman. 8:31 8:36 P The President talked with Miss Woods. 8:55 P The President telephoned Hrs. Winchester. The call was not completed. 9:00 The President returned to the second floor of the Residence. REM/JNC/HMM _~ Pa~e«l U.s. GOVERNf,lENT PRINTING Onla:, ItI60--0-332-068 Pare __ of __:.t APPENDIX it All • .Att( .ance not confirmed -' ~B/­ ABRAHAM - FLORIDA JMES BYRNES - PENNSYLVANIA BOB ALTIZER - STAFF' DAVID CALDWELL - TENNESSEE MARK AMES - MASSACh'USEITS ANNE CAMP- STAFF STEVEN ANDERSON - CALIFORNIA TOM CAMP - NEBRASKA TERRY ANDERSON - SOU'IH DAKOTA DUNCAN CAMPBELL - mNrANA LlliDA LEE ARNOLD - DIDIANA PHILLIP CARLYON - COWRAW MAC ARNOLD - ILLINOIS DEBBIE CARRIER - PENNSYLVANIA MIKE ARNOLD - CONNEGrlCUT ELLEN CARSON - TENNESSEE. LINDA ARPlli - FLORIDA FRED CASONI - NEW JERSEY CHARLES BAIlEY - OHIO MIKE CHANNING - ALASKA KRIS BAKER' - NEBRASKA SUSAN CLARKSON - SOUl'H CAROLINA GLENN BALSIS - ILLmOIS MARGARET .COLDIroN. - MONTANA DAVID BARNEBEY - TEXAS LEWLS COILINS JR - FLORIDA -. ~--- --- .JOMBARRY - }1JNTANA,c.. ~. -' --·:''iVlIKEOo'.CONNERA}( ~'NE\irJERSEY CATHIE BENlOOT - lLLINOIS SKIP CONRAD - NEW JERSEY .,JOHN BICKERSTAFF - ARIZONA CHERYL COUCH - COLORAOO ROBERI'A BONACQUISTI - COLDRALO GARY COXE - PENNSYLVANIA DEBBIE BOOl'S - OKLAHOMA OOBERl' CRAFT - MARYLAND JAN BOST - OKLAHOMA CAroLE CURRIN - NORIH CAROLINA DAVID BRADLEY - WASHINGTON, D. C• DAVE DAUGHERIY '- INDIANA JOSEPH BRITT - NEW JERSEY PillL DAVIS - PENNSYLVANIA WHTIT BROMM - VIRGINIA SUSAN DELCOUR - STAFF BILL BROOKS - TEXAS MIKE DELEHOY· - ILLINOIS BEI'H BUClWJAN - WEST VIRGINIA ROBlli DE PAEPE - ILLINOIS DANNY BURCH - MISSISSIPPI RANDAIL DICKEY - MAINE ELlEN BUI'LER - TENNESSEE MARalli DUBARRY - STAFF' -- FORRES'J:1 HARI' - OKLAHOMA DAVID EATCN JR - MAlliE JOCELYN B. HAWKINS - PENNSYLVANIA GLORY EBNER - COLORADO HAKEY HENDERSCN - SOUTH CAroLINA WIILIAM EDWARDS - IDUISIANA JOYCE HIGGINS - VIRGINIA FRANCES EGAN - KANSAS JOHN HILDEBRAND - VIRGlliIA LAURIE EIDRID3E - NEW JERSEY BRIAN H:rnDELANG - TEXAS BURTON ESRIG - NEIl YORK SCOIT HODGES - SOUI'H DAK0rA MARK EXLEY - fiIINNESorA BARl ANNE HOLDEN - STAFF JAY CURI'IS FEAGLES - CALIFDRNIA JIM HOLMFS - FIDRIDA RICHARD FOURAKER - MARYLAND GEOFFREY HOPPE - WISCONSIN MARK FRENCH - PENNSYLVANIA ROGER A. HUNT - GEORGIA . TY FRENCH - FLORIDA JO HYNES - ILLINOIS ELENORE FRITZ - ALASKA JEFF JEFFERS - ALASKA DEBORAH JO GARCIA - COIDR.AJX) GREG JENSON - WISCONSIN , MARK GARNEAU - CONNEcrIcur BRENT JOHNSON - PENNSYLVANIA BARBARA GEORGE - \'iEST VIRGINIA DAVID JOHNSON - MISSISSIPPI GAYIE GERL.t\.CH - OKLAHOf'lJA SERENA KAlUG - UI'AH BRUCE GJLBERI' - PENNSYLVANIA PAULA KAY - 'IEXAS BILLY GLASS - KENTUCKY . MAUREEN KELLY - NEW YORK BOB GLOrFELTY - FIDRIDA LEDN KENYON - LOUISIANA FRANKLlli GRIEBEL - VIRGINIA MARrIN KIILIAN - PENNSYLVANIA roNNIE GUGGISBERG - MINNFSorA TAMI KING - CONNECTICUT mUG GUEI'ZLOE - FLORIDA ROBERI' KIRK - SOUI'H CAIDLINA JE.ANEI'I'E HAAS - VIRGINIA BOONIE KIRKLAND - SOUI'H CAROLINA roBEm' HALVORSON - WISCONSJN DAVID KNUDSEN - FLORIDA BETH HANT-EY - PENNSYLVAt'iIA CARL KOUPAL JR - HISSOURI • • MARCIA IDIT - OKLAHOMA MARK KRYSIAK - CONNECTICUT MARK MURPHY - MASSACHUSEl'TS . KEITH KUNDEHI' - SOUTH DAKarA roBIN MURPHY - ALN3KA DEBI LACY - OKLAHOMA KENNErH MURRAY - MISSISSIPPI RON LAJI'DREAUX - CALJJtORNIA MARK NYSTUEN - NORrH DAKOTA FREDERICK WONT - soum DAKarA KATHIE 0' CONNELL - CALIFDRNIA ROSEMARY LANG - IOWA GREG OIDS - KANSAS ROBERr LARSEN - ALASKA WALrrER OMDAHL - SOum: DAKarA R03ER LEE - CALIFORNIA DAVID O\llEN - VIffiINIA PAMELA IEGRENDRE - LOUISIANA CISSY PARKS - FLORIDA JITCK IEWANOOWSKI - \::LSCONSIN NANCY PATI'ERSaJ - M)NTANA STEVE LITI'LE - NORIH CAROLINA BECKY PHIIUPS - SOUI'H CAROLmA BLAKE LORICK - SOUI'H CAROLINA RANDY PICKETr - UTAH SANDRA IlJNT - CALIFORNIA - JOEY PlliRCE - OKLAHOMA NORA Me CONNAUGHEY - MICHIGAN CHRISIDPHER PIIDILO - PE.t\INSYLVANIA MARY Me CORrllCK - OKLAHOMA PEGGY POESKE - YHSC01\JSm LINDA Me HAM - CALJJiDR~IA VICKI POOL - OHIO 'TOM MARQUETTE - ILLINOIS STEVE PRADER - TIIDIANA WDIEY ~1ARSTELIER - VIRGINIA GARY PRICE - INDIP.NA RICHARD MARrIN - MARYLAND .
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