Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. A, 33(1), pp. 31–40, March 22, 2007 Description of a New Species and Collection Data of Pamphiliid Sawflies (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Symphyta) Mainly from the Russian Far East Akihiko Shinohara1 and Andreas Taeger2 1 Department of Zoology, National Museum of Nature and Science, 3–23–1 Hyakunin-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 169–0073 Japan E-mail: [email protected] 2 Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e.V., Eberswalder Str. 84, 15374 Müncheberg, Germany E-mail: [email protected] Abstract Pamphilius leleji sp. nov. is described on the basis of the material from Primorskiy kray, the Russian Far East. Collection records are given for 15 species of pamphiliid sawflies of the genera Neurotoma, Onycholyda and Pamphilius mainly from various regions of the Russian Far East. New distribution records are P. archiducalis Konow, 1897, from Sakhalin, P. balteatus (Fallén, 1808) from Sakha and Primorskiy kray, P. hilaris (Eversmann, 1847) from Sakha, Khabarovskiy kray and Primorskiy kray, P. hortorum (Klug, 1808) from Magadanskaya oblast and Primorskiy kray, and P. latifrons (Fallén, 1808) and P. lobatus Maa, 1950 from Primorskiy kray. The first definite collection data of P. tricolor Benesˇ, 1974 from Primorskiy kray and those of P. pallidus Shinohara, 1988 from Korea are also given. Key words : Hymenoptera, Pamphiliidae, Pamphilius, new species, new distribution records. The sawfly family Pamphiliidae is richly repre- tomologisches Institut, Müncheberg: DEI); 2) the sented in the Russian Far East, but our knowl- material obtained in the same regions by A. Shi- edge on this subject remains rather fragmentary nohara in 1994 and 1995 (kept in the National (Shinohara, 2004). The monumental but now Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo: NSMT); badly outdated monograph of Gussakovskij and 3) the collection housed in the Zoological In- (1935) is still the only work covering the Far stitute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Peters- Eastern species of the family as a whole. Subse- burg (ZISP). Some of the Far East Russian mate- quent revisions of respective genera or species- rial kept in DEI was already studied by Shino- groups and some faunal works, such as Benesˇ hara (2000, 2001, 2005) and the material in (1972, 1974, 1976, etc.) and Shinohara (1987, NSMT by Shinohara (1995a, b, 1998, 2001, 1991, 1995a, 2001, 2005, etc.), included material 2005), Shinohara and Hara (2000) and Shinohara from the Russian Far East. and Zhou (2006). In the present paper, we will describe a new Other material used are kept in the following species of the genus Pamphilius from Primorskiy depositories: kray and give collection data of 15 species of the HU: Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Univer- genera Neurotoma, Onycholyda, and Pamphilius sity, Sapporo mainly from the Russian Far East. IBPV: Institute of Biology and Soil Science, The material used in this work mainly comes Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok from the three different sources: 1) the material MU: Zoological Museum, Moscow State Uni- collected in Khabarovskiy kray and Primorskiy versity, Moscow kray by A. Taeger in 1993 (kept in Deutsches En- OPU: College of Agriculture, Osaka Prefec- 32 Akihiko Shinohara and Andreas Taeger ture University, Sakai kray. Neurotoma sibirica Gussakovskij, 1935 Onycholyda nigroclypeata Shinohara, 1987 Distribution. East Siberia, “Amur”, Khaba- Distribution. Khabarovskiy kray, Primorskiy rovskiy kray, Primorskiy kray, Sakhalin, Korea, kray, China (Heilongjiang), Korea. Japan (Hokkaido), Shikotan Is. Material examined. Primorskiy kray: 1? , Material examined. Khabarovskiy kray: 6/ , Tamga, 17 km NE Lesozavodsk, 130 m, 45.37N 4? , Boitsovo, 20 km N Bikin, Bolshoi Sol- 133.36E, 24.V.1993, leg. A. Taeger (DEI). ntsepyok Hill, 300 m, 47.02N 134.21E, Remarks. This species is already known 26.V.1993, leg. A. Taeger (DEI); 3/ , Bychikha, from Primorskiy kray. One of the paratypes is Bolshekhekhtsirskiy Zapovednik, 11.VI.1994, A. from Vladivostok (Shinohara, 1987). Shinohara (NSMT); 28/ , 6? , Sosninskiy River, 5km SW Bychikha, Bolshekhekhtsirskiy Za- povednik, 12–15.VI.1994, A. Shinohara Onycholyda sertata (Konow, 1902) (NSMT). Primorskiy kray: 4/ , 2? , Samarka, 70 (Fig. 1 A–C) km N Chuguyevka, 200 m, 44.43N 134.12E, Onycholyda rufofasciata: Benesˇ, 1972: 388 (not 30.V.1993, leg. A. Taeger (DEI); 1/ , Anisimovka Norton, 1869 in Norton, 1867–1869). (ϭKangaus), 70 km E Vladivostok, 250 m, 43.11N 132.41E, 7.VI.1993, leg. A. Taeger Distribution.Northern Europe, across Sibe- (DEI); 2/ , Anisimovka, 300 m, 1.VI.1994, A. ria to Primorskiy kray, China (Jilin), Korea. Shinohara (NSMT); 1/ , 1? , same locality, Material examined. FINLAND: 1/ , Turenki, 21.V.1995, A. Lelej (NSMT); 1/ , same locality, EH, 14–17.VI.1975, A. Shinohara (NSMT). 5.VI.1995, A. Lelej (NSMT); 2/ , Okeanskaya, RUSSIA: Leningradskaya Oblast’: 1/ , “Gatchi- Vladivostok, 28.V.1994, A. Shinohara (NSMT); na, Tsarsk. U. SPB. G. Malogatchivsk. Liesn. 1/ , Uglekamensk, 2.VI.1994, A. Shinohara Dacha, 18.VI.21, V. V. Barovskij” (ZISP). (NSMT); 50/ , 9? , Valley of Tigrovaya River, Tatarstan: 1/ , “Kas [?] VI” “Lyda arbustorum 180 m, 12 km N Partizansk, 4–7.VI.1994, A. Shi- Fabr., k Eversmana” “Pamphilius sertata Knw. nohara (NSMT). / , Gussakovskij det.” (ZISP). Bashkiria: / (lec- Remarks. Shinohara (1992) already recorded totype, Fig. 1 A–B), “Typus” “Ural Gouv. Ufa” this species from Khabarovskiy kray and Pri- “coll. Konow” [other labels as in Fig. 1C] morskiy kray. (DEI). Altai: 1/ , “Altai, v gorakh, 11.VI.09, Emel’yanov” “Pamphilius sertatus Knw. / , Gus- Onycholyda armata (Maa, 1949) sakovskij det.” (ZISP). Krasnoyarskiy kray: 1/ , Distribution.Tomskaya oblast, Khabarovskiy “Vyezzhij Log., Krasn. u., Enis. g., Tugarinova, kray, Primorskiy kray, China (Jilin, Zhejiang), 6/VII/ 912” (ZISP). Irkutskaya oblast: 1/ , Korea. “Irkutsk, r-n., s M. Goloustnoe, s Dasiphora, [?], Material examined. Primorskiy kray: 1? , B. Verzhutskij” “Pseudopamphilius rufofasciatus Anisimovka (ϭKangaus), 70 km E Vladivostok, Nort., det. Benesˇ, 1970 / ” (NSMT). Sakha: 1/ , 250 m, 43.11N 132.41E, 7.VI.1993, leg. A. “Yakutiya, [illegible hand-written Cyrillic], Taeger (DEI); 1/ , 6 km E Okeanskaya Station, 26.VI.976” (ZISP); 1/ , “Yakutiya, ust’e Olekmy, Vladivostok, 9–10.VI.1994, A. Shinohara Troitskoe, Kajmuk, 3.VII.970” (ZISP). (NSMT); 1/ , Ussuriyskiy Zapovednik, Khabarovskiy kray: 1/ , “Wyazemskiy, 100 km 9–12.VI.1995, A. Lelej (NSMT). SSW Chabarovsk, 27–28.V.1968, A. Shtundyuk” Remarks. Shinohara and Benesˇ (1988) al- (MU); 1? , Boitsovo, 20 km N Bikin, Bolshoi ready recorded this species from Primorskiy Solntsepyok Hill, 300 m, 47.02N 134.21E, Pamphiliid Sawflies from the Russian Far East 33 Fig. 1. Onycholyda sertata (Konow), female lectotype (A–B) and attached labels (C) and Pamphilius leleji sp. nov., female paratype (D–E, H, J) and male holotype (F–G, I).—A–B, D–G, Entire insects; H–I, heads, dor- sofrontal view; J, sawsheath, lateral view. 26.V.1993, leg. A. Taeger (DEI). Primorskiy tatus Knw., / , Gussakovskij det.” (ZISP); 1/ , kray: 1/ , “Primori’e, okr. Frolovki, L. Zhil’tsova, “Vladivostok, 19 km, 17.6.62g, A. Rasnitsyn, V. 11.VI.1984” (ZISP); 1/ , “Yu. Ussur. Kr. Tki, Sulimov” (MU); 1/ , “Gribnoje env., Sinnij Kamlyaya/Ussur. zaya. Prinada, 1928” (ZISP); Chrbet Mts., 17–19.VI.1997, L. Roller & L. 1/ , “Primorsk. Obl., oz Khanka, c. Kamen-Ry- Vidlicka” (NSMT); 1/ , Anisimovka (ϭKan- bolov, 17.VII.10, A. Tarabarov” “Pamphilius ser- gaus), 70 km E Vladivostok, 250 m, 43.11N 34 Akihiko Shinohara and Andreas Taeger 132.41E, 7.VI.1993, leg. A. Taeger (DEI); on 3rd to 5th sterna large and that on 7th very 1/ 1? , Anisimovka 300 m, 1.VI.1994, A. Shino- small, 3rd and 4th sterna often marked with dark hara (NSMT); 1/ , Anisimovka 300 m, orange. 31.V.1994, A. Shinohara (NSMT); 1/ , Anisi- movka 300 m, 3.VI.1995, A. Shinohara (NSMT); Onycholyda viriditibialis (Takeuchi, 1930) 1/ , Uglekamensk, 250 m, 4.VI.1994, A. Shino- Distribution. Primorskiy kray, Korea, Japan hara (NSMT); 1/ , Tigrovoy, 300 m, 5.VI.1995, (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu). A. Lelej (NSMT); 4/ 1? , Ussuriyskiy Zapoved- Material examined. Primorskiy kray: 1 , nik, 33 km SE Ussuriysk, 250 m, 43.37N / 1 , Anisimovka (ϭKangaus), 70 km E Vladi- 132.18E, 14.VI.1993, leg. A. Taeger (DEI); ? vostok, 250 m, 43.11N 132.41E, 7.VI.1993, leg. 1/ 1? , Ussuriyskiy Zapovednik, 9–12.VI.1995, A. Taeger (DEI). A. Shinohara (NSMT). Korea: 2/ , “27.VII.1935, Remarks. Shinohara (1986) noted some dif- Mosanrei [ϭMusanryong, Hamgyongbuk-do], ferences between Japanese and continental popu- Takeuchi” (OPU). lations after studying a long series from the for- Remarks. This species is widespread in mer region and three females from the latter (two northern Eurasia. In Europe, males have not been females from Korea and one female from the collected and Viitasaari (2002) and Vikberg Russian Far East). Specimens from Japan have (2002) regarded this species as parthenogenetic, the postocellar stripe usually fully developed in though this view has not been confirmed by rear- the female, the tegula almost entirely yellow ing (Vikberg, pers. com.). In the Russian Far (only narrow basis black), and the hind femur East, however, females as well as probably cor- mostly or entirely yellow (only rarely marked rectly associated males have been collected. largely with black), while those from the Russian A comparison of a series of females from Fin- Far East and Korea have the postocellar stripe land and various parts of Russia (mostly from the often reduced posteriorly, the tegula often largely Far East), including the lectotype (Fig. 1A–C) black-marked and the hind femur with basal half from Ural, has revealed no significant geographi- black. Two more females each from the Russian cal differences, though some of the East Asian Far East and Korea and a male from the former females have the yellow marking on the head region have become available since then, and the more or less reduced.
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