311 SUPPLEMENTARY BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ANDALUSI STROPHIC POETRY AND ITS INFLUENCE 312 Influence,” Bibliotheca Orientalis, 55(1998), col. 642-726. HZs = Heijkoop, H. and O. Zwartjes, “Cor- rections and Additions to ‘A Supple- mentary Bibliography of Andalusi Strophic Poetry and its Influence’.” II. CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS TO PREVIOUS BIBLIOGRAPHIES [H 17]: Hebrew title: Y. F. Baer, “HamaÒ- Òaw happoli†i sel yehude Sefarad bedoro sel R. Yehudah Hallevi.” ∑iyyon, 1 (1936): 6-23. [H 21]: Reprint: Genève, 1984. [H 58]: Original title: M. del R. Fernández Alonso. “Un nuevo capítulo inicial para la literatura española. Cantos andalusíes. Amanecer lírico de España,” Revista de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Uni- versidad de Montevideo, 21 (1963): 33-74. In separate form: Monte- video, 1973. Expanded version: Amanecer lírico de España. Monte- video, 1974, 72 pp. CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS TO [S 25]: Arabic translation in: S. al-Î. al- «A SUPPLEMENTARY Jayyusi (ed.), Al-Îa∂ara al-{arabiya BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ANDALUSI STROPHIC al-islamiya fi al-Andalus, vol. I, POETRY AND ITS INFLUENCE» Beirut, 1998 [Arab Islamic culture in (Bibliotheca Orientalis 55, 1998, col. 642-726) al-Andalus]. [S 30 and HZ 181]: Identical items. [S 145.1 and HZ 596]: “Review.” {Monroe; S 145.1} Ia. INTRODUCTION reprinted as “The Origins of the Andalusian MuwashshaÌ: A Theory In the 55th volume of Bibliotheca Orientalis, we published Examined.” {HZ 596}. a supplementary bibliography on kharja-scholarship, strophic [S 160]: Arabic translation in: S. al Î. al- poetry from al-Andalus and its analogous forms in literary Jayyusi (ed.), Al-Îa∂ara al-{arabiya and musical traditions. In this article we offer the readers the al-islamiya fi al-Andalus, vol. I, latest developments on this subject, closing the milennium. Beirut, 1998. Particularly, more entries concerning the ethnomusicological [S 176 and HZ 895]: Identical items. context have motivated us to put our bibliography up to date. [S 196 and S 197]: W. Schmidt, “Die arabische Dich- Corrections and additions have been made to earlier bibli- tung in Spanien,” and “MuwassaÌ ographies, and for the first time a discography has been und LaÌn-Dichtung.” Additonal bib- added. We welcome again any correction and/ or addition. liography in R. Weipert, Ergänzun- For the correction of the Arabic and Hebrew entries, we par- gen zu den bibliographischen Teilen ticularly wish to thank Gunvor Mejdell (University of Oslo) von Band I und II. In: W. Fischer and Wim Delsman (University of Nijmegen). (hrsg.), Grundriß der arabischen Philologie, Band III: Supplement. Wiesbaden, 1992, 260-262. Ib. ABBREVIATIONS [S 216]: Reprint in: The Formation of Al- Andalus, Aldershot, etc. 1998, part H = Hitchcock R., The Kharjas. A Criti- II: M. Fierro, J. Samsó, Language, cal Bibliography. London, 1977. Religion, Culture and the Sciences, S = Hitchcock, R. and C. López-Mori- 3-17. llas, The Kharjas. A Critical Biblio- [SA 8 and SA 39]: Al-Afrani (sometimes transliterated graphy. Supplement 1. London, as al-Ifrani), Al-maslak al-sahl fi 1996; European section. tawsiÌ Ibn Sahl [The easy way to the SA = Idem; Arabic section. tawsiÌ of Ibn Sahl]. Lith. Fez, 1324/ HZ = Heijkoop, H. and O. Zwartjes, “A 1907, 200 pp. New edition: ed. M. Supplementary Bibliography of al-{Umari, al-MuÌammadiya, 1997, Andalusi Strophic Poetry and its 515 pp. 313 BIBLIOTHECA ORIENTALIS LVIII N° 3-4, mei-augustus 2001 314 This work is a commentary of Ibn Sahl al- Isra’ili al- al-Kha†ib: an Anthology of Andalu- Isbili’s famous muwassaÌa. Last named work forms part sian Arabic MuwashshaÌat. Cam- of al-Darari al-sab{… Beirut, 1864 [SA 39]. bridge, 1997, XXII, 300 pp. [SA 24 and HZ 1062]: Identical titles, although written dif- [HZ 569 and HZ 570]: Correct spelling of the name: Krac- ferently. kovsky, I. Ju. [SA 70]: Second edition: 1992. [HZ 596]: See: [S 145.1] and [HZ 596]. [HZ 1]: Read Abbas Adnan. [HZ 607]: Last part of this multi-volume work: [HZ 2]: Read {Abbas {IÌsan. Jehuda ha-Levi. Diwan. Nach Hand- [HZ 52]: Full description of Ribera’s work in schriften und Druckwerken bear- [HZ 859]. beitet und mit Anmerkungen verse- [HZ 55]: Reprint: Madrid, 1998, 256 pp. hen von H. Brody, Band IV: [HZ 94]: German version: “MuwashshaÌ.” Gottesdienstliche Poesie. Berlin, In: Enzyklopaedie des Islam, Band 1930, XIII, 295 pp. III: L-R. Leiden — Leipzig, 1936, [HZ 660]: This article can be found in 859-860. Turkish version: “Mü- Quaderni di Filologia e Lingue ve≥≥aÌ.” In: Islâm Ansiklopedisi, 8 Romanze, 3a Serie, 1 (1985): 85- cilt: Mescid-Mzab. Istanbul, 1979, 110. 866-868. [HZ 661]: Editors of the Festschrift: C.B. Faul- [HZ 99 and HZ 822]: Identical items. haber, D.E. Carpenter, J.S. Geary. [HZ 125]: This title should be cancelled. [HZ 677]: See also: A. Merdacci [HZs 160] [HZ 181]: See: [S 30] and [HZ 181]. and M. Yelles Chaouch [HZs 234]. [HZ 200]: Refers to [S 39]. [HZ 727]: The correct title of J.T. Monroe’s [HZ 203]: Complete title: F. Corriente, “De dissertation is: Main Currents in nuevo en torno al protocejel del año Spanish Arabism (18th Cenury to the 913.” Sefarad 52, I (1992): M.V. Present). Spottorno, Á. Sáenz-Badillos, G. del [HZ 739]: Article published in 1997 (not Olmo Lete (eds.), Homenaje al prof. 1998): Atalaya, 8 (1997): 113-134. Díaz Esteban, 69-73 (with English [HZ 748]: Contents of this volume: and Spanish abstracts). pp. 24-29: R. Fernández Manzano, E. de Santiago Simón: The protocejel is quoted from Ibn Îayyans Al-Muqtabis… “Cuestiones liminares/ Prelimina- [HZ 216]: Article published in 1997 (not 1998) ries/ Questions liminaires.” and forming pp. 73-88 of Atalaya, 8 pp. 30-59: The same authors: “Música y poesía del Sur (1997), etc. de al-Andalus/ Music and Poetry in [HZ 227]: Correct version: M. Cortés García, the South of al-Andalus/ Musique et II congreso internacional de música poésie du Sud d’al-Andalus.” árabe, Kaslik…” Summary: “II con- pp. 61-93: “La exposición/ The Exhibition/ L’exposition.” greso internacional de música árabe, (text and 30 illustrations). Kaslik (Líbano), Música Oral del All articles are in Spanish, English Sur, 2 (1996): 257. and French. About a congress, Juniyah (1995), on the muwassaÌ. [HZ 755 and HZ 756]: The author’s name is Nassar, {A. S. [HZ 296]: Turkish version: “Nevbet (Navba).” al- In: Islâm Ansiklopedisi, 9. cilt. [HZ 756]: The article is on pp. 122-155 (Euro- Naba’-RüzziÈ Istanbul s.a. (ca. pean section). 1981): 220-222. [HZ 776]: Complete title: “Review.” {Lévi- [HZ 437]: Spanish translation and adaptation: Provençal; HZ 612}: “Old Proven- La música andalusí en el Magreb. çal Lyric Poetry.” Thought, 21 Simbiosis musical entre las dos ori- (1946): 574-576. llas del Mediterráneo. Revisión, [HZ 805]: Originally a dissertation of the Uni- adaptación, edición y traducción de versity of Bonn, 1976. M. Cortés y M. del M. Carrillo, [HZ 814]: pp. 179-180: Abstract in French. Sevilla, 1999, XVI, 182 pp. illustr. [HZ 822]: See: [HZ 99] and [HZ 822]. [HZ 458 and HZ 529]: These titles are identical. [HZ 827]: This article has been published in [HZ 524]: Rosin’s edition of secular poems by issue 10 (1414/1993), instead of Abraham Ibn Ezra consists of two vol- issue 9 of this journal. umes, resp. Breslau 1885, 1887, 1888, [HZ 853]: Partial translation: “Al-Maqqari, 1891 (four parts, together 226 pp. ) and Story of Ziryab.” Translated into Breslau 1894 (one part, IV, 48 pp.). Spanish by J. Ribera (from the treatise [HZ 532]: More editions of Ibn Sahl al-Isbili’s La Música de las Cantigas). Trans- Diwan: [HZs 73] and [HZs 126]. lated into English by M. Dolmetsch. [HZ 545]: Better transliteration: {Abbas al- The Consort, 29 (1973): 41-43. Jarari. See: [SA 68-70]. [HZ 864]: Add: Revista da Universidade de [HZ 551]: Complete title: A. Jones (ed.) The Coimbra, 11 (1933). Jays al-TawsiÌ of Lisan al-Din Ibn [HZ 895]: See: [S 176] and [HZ 895]. 315 SUPPLEMENTARY BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ANDALUSI STROPHIC POETRY AND ITS INFLUENCE 316 [HZ 907]: Reprint in: W.R. Dynes, S. Donald- terpoint to Popular Tradition?” son (eds.), Homosexual Themes in Scripta Mediterranea, 19-20 (1998- Literary Studies. New York, 1992, 1999): B. Catlos, K. Mallette 268-299. (eds.): Toronto, 45-54. [HZ 943]: First Spanish edition has been pub- lished in 3 vols. Madrid, 1867-1871. [HZ 946]: Instead of Conservative Judaism, 35 III. NEW TITLES (1982) read: 35, IV (1982). [HZ 961]: Partial reprint: Y. Schirmann, Tole- Abbas, A(dnan) dot ha-sirah ha {Ivrit bi-Sefarad. Ed. [HZs 1] (1994) The Band as a New Form of Poetry in by E. Fleischer, Jerusalem, 1995, Iraq, 17th Century. Poznán, 1994, 140 pp. 584 pp. [The history of Hebrew Concerning structure and thematical features. poetry in Spain]. pp. 89-140: “{Abd al-Karim al-Dugayli, al-Band fi al-adab [HZ 1001]: Add to the title of the encyclopae- al-{arabi.” Baghdad, 1959. Some poems have the struc- dia: ….Zweite neubearbeitete Aus- ture of the Andalusi muwassaÌ. gabe. Sachteil… Abbas, A(dnan) [HZ 1045]: Spanish translation: H.H. Touma, La [HZs 2] (1996) Studie na prozodi∏ arabsk∏: band i música de los árabes. Prólogo de R. muwassaÌa. Warszawa, 225 pp. Barce. Madrid, 1998, 193 pp. + mus. [Studies in Arabic prosody: band and ex. muwassaÌ]. [HZ 1055]: Correct title: H. Triki, “Îa∂ir al- Concerning both classical and modern literature. musiqa al-andalusiya fi al-Maghrib” Abdel-Malek, K. [The present situation of Andalusi [HZs 3] (1988) “The «Khawaja» Then and Now: Images music in Morocco]. Al-Wa†an al- of the West in Modern Egyptian «zajal».” {Arabi, 179 (1980): 64-65.
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