SurveySurvey NumberNumber:: S-46S-46 BridgeBridge NamNamee andand AddressAddress:; BridgeBridge inin UpperUpper FredrickFredrick TownshiTownshipp L.R.L.R. 4600460077 MontgomerMontgomeryy CountCountyy owner:Owner; CommonwealtCommonwealthh ofof PennsylvaniaPennsylvania DepartmentDepartment ofof TransportatioTransportationn TransportatioTransportationn & SafetySafety BuildinBuildingg Harrisburg,Harrisburg, PennsylvaniaPennsylvania 1712017120 StatementStatement ooff SignificanceSignificance:: TheThe bridgbridgee inin UpperUpper FredrickFredriclc TownshipTownship isis a goodgood exampleexample ofof a multiplemultiple spanspan nineteenthnineteenth centurycentury stonstonee highwayhighway bridgebridge.. TheThe threethree sementalsemental archesarches ofof thisthis bridgbridgee eaceachh spaspann 2020 feefeett and,and, likelike manymany stonestone bridgebridgess builbuiltt duringduring thisthis time,time, areare flankedflanked bbyy longlong approachapproach wallswalls whichwhich makmakee thethe bridgbridgee muchmuch longerlonger thathann itsits archarch spans.spans. A plaquplaquee onon thethe . bridgbridgee documentsdocuments ititss constructionconstruction datedate aass 1854.1854. WheWhenn viewedviewed inin elevation,elevation, thethe archarch spanspanss areare differentiateddifferentiated fromfrom thethe bodbodyy ooff thethe bridgbridgee bbyy a smallsmall built-inbuilt-in recession.recession. ThisThis stylisticstylistic variationvariation describesdescribes a rectanglrectanglee frofromm thethe exterioexteriorr ofof oneone archarch ring,ring, acrossacross botbothh archarch crownscrowns toto thethe exteriorexterior ofof thethe otherother archarch ring;ring; thethe projectioprojectionn ofof thethe restrest ofof thethe bridgbridgee thusthus highlightshighlights thisthis archedarched section.section. ThisThis featurefeature appearsappears ttoo bbee peculiapeculiarr toto MontgomeryMontgomery CountyCounty;; thertheree areare fivefive stonestone archarch bridgesbridges builbuiltt likelike thisthis inin thatthat countycounty.. ThereThere areare tenten stonestone bridgesbridges includedincluded inin thisthis nominationnomination whicwhichh werewere builbuiltt iinn MontgomerMontgomeryy CountyCounty.. AsAs a group,thesegroup,these bridgebridgess areare anan excellentexcellent illustrationillustration ofof thethe continuingcontinuing traditiontradition inin stonestone masonrymasonry bridgbridgee constructionconstruction iinn Pennsylvania.Pennsylvania. ConstructionConstruction datesdates forfor thesethese bridgebridgess rangerange fromfrom 17891789 ttoo 1910.1910. AreaArea ofof SignificanceSignificance:: Engineering.Engineering. BoundaryBoundary DescriptionDescription:: TheThe nominatednominated propertpropertyy consistconsistss ofof a 125125 feetfeet longlong bbyy 2525 feetfeet widewide rectanglerectangle whosewhose verticesvertices coincidecoincide withwith thethe outsideoutside cornerscorners ofof thethe bridge'bridge'ss wingwing walls,walls, andand includesincludes onlonlyy bridgbridgee superstructursuperstructuree andand substructuresubstructure.. AcreagAcreagee ooff NominateNominatedd PropertyProperty:: LesLesss thathann oneone acreacre.. MAYMAY 1I 0 1988198 8 PENNSYLVANIAPENNSYLVANIA HISTORICHISTORIC RESOURCERESOURCE SURVEYSURVEY FORMFORM w 1 9.9. HISTORICALHISTORICAL DATDATAA BureauBureau forfor HistoricHistoric PreservationPreservation BoxBox 10261026 H 0 0 PAPA HistoricalHistorical & MuseumMuseum CommissionCommission HarrHarrisburgisburg, PAPA 1712171200 C: K i :, Designer/Engineer: ~ 8.. USGSUSGS QUAD.QUAD. SassamanSassamanvill villee Designer/Engineer: UnknownUnknown s:, ITTM'sUTM's: ZoneZone 1188 rt 00oo E lllllll Builder/Contractor:BuiIder/Contractor: o 0o I I I I I I I n 3 UnknownUnknown ro(0 N LI I II I I '1 I I I I '< E Ul sMI 7l 5l ol m l 41~13!1lslal BridgeBridge Company:Company: UnknowUnknownn o. N 1I4|4|5|9|4|5|041415191415101| rt H- n . 10.10. SITE PLAN Date(s):Date(s): Jlas 854A (?)(9) ,; basisbasis PlaguePlaque onon BridgeBridge ,; basisbasis c C o • B - 01 ; basis rq 3 , basis 03 " I-l < (B T, - (D I-l H- ,; basisbasis n ?r I H K I Use:Use: VehYeh.. present;present; Yeh.Veh . original.original, 13 \ V 12.12. VIEVIEWW no.no. 11 .. INTEGRITINTEGRITYY ~altered;^ altered; unknown""known :-' ~ ., ....... _unaltered;unaltered; ______ 0 — t~n 0.. 2 _moved;moved; ______ _ 5· ON "is .. ~ « K) Z•z E ? Explain:Explain: >-r1i-n SoutSouthh- parapet,parapet, wingwallwingwallss anandd 10 (9 pierpier reconstructedreconstructed ! PHOTPHOTOO O o iI,.. ~ o ~ 13.. COMMENTSCOMMENTS h> ; UnusualUnusual features:features: ~ [Q -0 -I-" ---N .....--- c; QJ :;;- Locale/enLocale/environmentvironment:: ----------.-----------------~~14.14. DIMENSIONSDIMENSIONS 3 '-- 125'125' 'Cl spans:spans: 3__ nono., . ___;;..:;__6060 ft.ft . O/0/AA 0 !> RuralRural woodlandswoodlands withwith severalseveral houseshouses nearbnearbyy '1 00 00 (/l .o I-" C: mainmain:: 3__ nono., . __,.2.,,.,O_ft.ft. EA ro I-" 20 EA ::,;- < <.. secondary:secondary: __nono., . ___ft ,. 0 Machinery (describe/identify type/ 0 Machinery (describe/identify type/ Q. equequipment)i pment):: approach:approach: __nono., . ft.ft. • piers:piers: nono.. C/)CO I towers:towers: __nono., . ft.ft. .&:- --- 0-,0^ 15.15. TYPTYPEE CHARACTERISTICCHARACTERISTICSS - 1D 1 Truss:Truss: continuous/cantilever:continuous/cantilever : - webbingwebbing:: - anchoranchor span:span: - cantilevercantilever span:span: - suspendedsuspended span:span: thru/deck/lothru/deck/loww (pony):(pony) : full-slope/half-hip.full-slope/half-hip. - connections:connections: pin/riveted.pin/riveted, - eyebars:eyebars: looloopp welded/diwelded/diee forged.forged, - railing:railing: - columnscolumns:: . - (~x[x]) ArchArch:: masonry/metal:masonry/metal: IX-X thru/deck/Js-thruthru/deck/½-thru.. fixecr-nrrngeless)fixed (hingeless) /1/2/3-hinged./1/2/3-hinged. ribsribs:: sosolid/braced Ii d/braced;; crescent/parallel.crescent/parallel, .• - -IXX spandrels:spandrels: open/solid/braced.open/solid/braced, X intrados/vault; ribbed/solid. -~ intrados/vault; ribbed/ solid. shape: semi-circular/elliptical/segmental; stilted, ~X shape: semi-circular/elliptical/segmental; stilted. - skewskew stiffening: braced-chain (•1/2/3-hinged) /suspended 01 1 Suspension:Suspension: ~ stiffening: braced-chain (-1/2/ 3-hinged) /suspended trusstruss.. wirwiree cable:cable: twisted/parallel.twisted/parallel, eyebareyebar chainchain.. back-stayback-stay:: straight/curvedstraight/curved.. - 1D { BasculeBascule: - single/doublesingle/double leaf.leaf, - rollinrollingg lift:lift: SchertzerSchertzer.. - trunniontrunnion:: simplesimple (Chicago)(Chicago) /multipl/multiplee (Strauss).(Strauss), - counterweights:counterweights: heel/overhead.heel/overhead. - Page/RailPage/Rall.. - semi-lift/directsemi-lift/direct lift.lift. 01 1 Swing:Swing: Bbearing:bearing : center/rim/combination.center/rim/combination. (see(see TrusTrusss above)above).. 0r~ l VerticaV~ rticall Lift:Lift: B01 1 (see(se e TrussTruss above).above). 01 1 Other:Other: D1 1 other:other: 16.16. MATERIALMATERIALSS (primary)(primary) SuperstructureSuperstructure typetype treatment/finistreatment/finishh sourcesource maimainn span:span: MasonrMasonryy ;, RandoRandomm , towerstowers:: ;, , . railingsrailings:: ;, , SubstructureSubstructure pierspiers:: MasonrMasonryy ;, GuniteGunite ,. abutments:abutments: ;, , wingswings:: MasonrMasonryy ;; RandoRandomm , . intrados/ribs:intrados/ribs: "II ;; ; voussoirsvoussoirs:: "II ;; , 17.17. PHOTPHOTOO NO's.NO'S. 18.18. PREPAREPREPAREDD BYBY:: 06-406-433 (1-4(1-4)) AGENCY/ORGANIZATIONAGENCY/ORGANIZATION:: DistDist.. 6-06-0 ;9 DATE:DATE: 11-8-811-8-822 NPS Fom OMB ApprtvU No 102*001$ (MS) UnitedUnited StatesStates DepartmentDepartment ofof thethe InteriorInterior NationalNational ParkPark ServicServicee NationalNational RegisterRegister ofof HistoricHistoric PlacesPlaces ContinuationContinuation SheeSheett SectionSection numbernumber ___ PagePage ___ MultipleMultiple ResourceResource AreaArea ThematicThematic GroupGroup HighwayHighway BridgesBridges OwnedOwned byby thethe CommonwealthCommonwealth ooff NamNamee __ P~e~n=n=s_y~lv=a=n=1=·a~,-+:D=e~p-a=r=tm=en=t=------o_f....,.,...T~r_aPennsylvania , Department of Transportatio_n_s_p_o_r_ta_t_1_·o_n_T_Rn TR_______________ _ State Adams County (~nd others), PA gt-aj-"^---------------- Adams County (and others), i'A ---------------------- Nomination/TypeNomination/Type ofof ReviewReview Pate/SignatureDate/Signature I ~) 51. Bridge in Snake Spring Towg^^||^j th, keeperfx^epex <i ~~AA^^^''''^^^'^''''''''^^ Katlunal Beglataietar:c AttestAttest 52. Bridge in Solebury Town~~~Town^hl£__,~P--­ Keeper-Keeper ~-,--fAC^^/A.~-r--J~ &~-&(/4- J?)^A(/CAa^QAzV^f^fM./-,-/zyff SUEstantlvMst antivea Sevieievieww AttestAttest --------------- 53. Bridge in South Beaver TownshipTownship^ Ke(r^eepex^^pA^^A^-^^^-^^^AA^c^eper~-<' ^ /J-x/^^ ... J h· ~ A^a^.... l1 JiA::-.. Jl J.,;'f,..l,,;• 1 ,,w - AttestAttest --------------- 54.54. BridgeBridge inin TinicumTinicum Townsh·Townsh|^^^^ ^ feeperke eper b~Ay-^-^'^-^'^-y'^y^'^^ r;,/<P/1A 0tf'>/^<^^ Attest _ c,t'> <i)(^^^5. 55. Bridge in Tredyffrin TownshipTownship KeeperKeeper ;fjfc^/tjf4Lk_ ^/4 Jh (lej;;;:Z,;^AA/J^^i^^h-.y lf ^t-l^lr:; t- /l r ^ fiubataatli^iub at&Qt b:4 Bayi^ia.vl,j.fJ AttestAttest --------------- 56. Bridge in 1!:UpparPP ~f _., .,FFrederick_rederick TownshipTownship f-f:eeper^Keeper ( AAAAA'-T--<-...:..;,^^A^,.r...^~ ^A^'A^^ "'2.-2. u--y-u^^^~~^ Vv^^ "-c... Entered in inthe the ~—^^^^ National.National BegistBeglstenttes ttestt --------------- _ 57.57 . Bridge in UpperUp er Fredrick
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