TRANSGENDER LAW CENTER’S <POC@IOD>LIVES 2015 It will be a struggle…But there’s nothing worthwhile that’s not worth óghting Ior $@$@.>?JI<G? RQ IDVKLRQ ğHUFHQHVV DQG ğJKWLQJ UHYROXWLRQV | | | TRANS HEALTH: ON THE RISE GET FRESH WITH TLC YOUTH ON THE LEADING EDGEOG>OGOG > | <POC@IOD>-*7&4 < VOLUNTEERPOPOCC@IOOD>D SPOTLIGHT:-*7*7&4| ARE YOU 1 NEXT? Welcome to Authentic Lives. We’ve made this issue into an interactive PDF, which means it’s packed full of extra content. Interactive PDFs are best viewed full-screen, and the functionality isn’t usually supported in your browser - so that means for our extra features to work, you’ll have to save this file and then open it, rather than just viewing it in your browser (such as Safari). We hope you’ll find all these goodies easy to navigate, but here’s a quick walkthrough of what you can expect. On the contents page, you’ll notice the links highlight when your cursor passes them. 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FROM OUR Executive Director Twenty years ago I was just starting college and learning vor t e wrst tie t at it was «ossiLle to liÛe outside t e gender Linary° I was just Lecoing aware t at you don½t aÛe to Le w ite to Le Tpt at T «eo«le ov color aÛe long] ric istories° I was wrst discoÛering and Lecoing y aut entic selv] avter s«ending y sc ool years Leing «unis ed Ly classates and adinistrators vor ºacting» too uc lie a Loy° I was wrst learning t at I could Le in t e world in t e way I saw yselv] and wrst eÝ«eriencing t e any urdles and Larriers to aing t at a reality° T oug any ov t ese Larriers still eÝist] twenty years ago I could neÛer aÛe iagined t e oent we½re in today° 7e liÛe in a oent w ere «ower ouses lie aÛerne oÝ grace t e coÛer ov TI agaâine and anet oc½s eoir ,i`iw},i>iÃà deLuts on / i iÜ9À /ià Lestsellers list° Today] y edical needs are coÛered Ly insurance Lecause ov adÛances in Ƃ law] and t e rig t ov transgender students to Le t eir aut entic selÛes at sc ool as Leen re«eatedly u« eld Ly t e vederal goÛernten ° Ƃnd today] I a uLled to lead t e largest transs«eciwc organiâation in t e 1nited -tates] an organiâation t at is «art ov t e ÛiLrant trans oÛeent t at el«ed ae t e current oent «ossiLle° T ere is so uc wor levt to do it can Le oÛerw eling° ro Ûiolence and discriination t at «ose a t reat to t e daily surÛiÛal ov any ov us] «articularly transgender woen ov color] to t e deÛastatingly slow and «atc wor nature ov t e adÛances we aÛe ac ieÛed] to t e ongoing attacs on Llac liÛes] «rogress is not a««ening µuicly or vully enoug vor all ov our counities° Ƃs we celeLrate our adÛances] I re vuse to acce«t ÛisiLility alone and rig ts vor soe as justice° I a «roud to lead Transgender aw enter as we] in «artners i« wit our indred organiâations across Ûarious oÛeents vor social c ange] ee« woring towards t e day w en all «eo«le can liÛe savely] aut entically] and vree vro discriination regardless ov t eir gender identity or eÝ«ression° 7it «ride] ris ayas i] ÝecutiÛe irector TRANSGENDER LAW CENTER BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Shawn Demmons &KDLUb 2015 Rebecca Benton Vice Chair <POC@IOD> LIVES Min Matson 7reaVXrerb Melanie Rowen Secretary Marci Bowers, MD Darin Conley Bobbi Dalley, MD Brielle Darynn Contents! Mat dos Santos Rose Hayes Features Andre LeBlanc -immy Loyceb Jacob Richards Evelyn Rios Theresa Witherspoon Ƃ , - *ers«ectiÛe\ ÛolÛing "ur 6ision 3 STAFF: Flor Bermudez Detention Project Director Sasha Buchert Staff Attorney Cecilia Chung Senior Strategist C. Nathan Harris Director of Advancement Kris Hayashi b([ecXtive Director Anand Kalra +eaOth Programb0anager Danny Kirchof +eOSOine 0anager earning and T riÛing\ Jill Marcellus CommXnications Senior 0anager Trans 9out eading ange 9 Isa Noyola Program 0anager Ola Osaze DeveOoSment Senior 0anager David Patiño Database & Communications Associate Maceo Persson 2Serations 0anager Radha Rodriguez bDeveOoSment & 2Serations Associate 0anager e e c onald\ Ilona Turner Legal Director "n as ion] ierceness] and Matt Wood Supervising Staff Attorney ig ting ,eÛolutions 20 FELLOWS: Daniel Faessler Pride Law Fund Tom Steel Fellow Shawn Meerkamper Legal Fellow VOLUNTEERS: From The Law Desk Jennifer Orthwein Senior Counsel, Detention Project T e -tate ov Transgender aw 13 Alison Pennington Pro Bono Counsel 6olunteer -«otlig t\ Ƃn interÛiew wit en "rt wein] 6olunteer Ƃttorney vor Transgender aw enter½s etention *roject 15 Mapping Trans NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS T e -tate ov Transgender ealt 23 1629 Telegraph Avenue, Suite 400 Oakland, CA 94612 T I«act a« Óä£{ 18 415.865.0176 www.transgenderlawcenter.org Photos L-R: whitehouse gov; Lmnopi http://lmnopi blogspot com/2015/02/street-art-memorial html; Querido Galdo; Javier Soriano/www JavierSoriano com aFRESHperspective: EVOLVING In s ort\ t is is t e tie vor a vres We are in a critical «ers«ectiÛe on t e ind ov world we want to liÛe in] and t e ind ov oÛeent we need moment for the to get us t ere° transgender community, Ƃvter ont s ov t oug tvul revlection and strategic «lanning] Transgender aw enter one ov eÝciting and un«recedented c ange] is ready wit t at vres «ers«ectiÛe° 7e are deÛastating loss] and vierce resistance° ready to inÛest in oÛeent Luilding° 7e T is year] vor t e virst tie] t e «resident are ready to address critical issues faced recogniâed transgender «eo«le in t e -tate Ly t e ost i«acted eLers of our ov t e 1nion address° In Óä£x we aÛe counity w ile centering t eir Ûoices and lost at least £{ transgender counity eLers to Ûiolence] ostly transgender leaders i«° 7e are ready to adÛance legal woen ov color° T e statesanctioned and liÛed eµuality in alifornia and across attacs on Llac liÛes continue° ivesaÛing t e country° www.JavierSoriano.com laws and «olicies are gaining ground across 7e now our duty] and we are ready to win° t e country] as are dangerous] reactionary Lills t at would criinaliâe transgender «eo«le si«ly vor using t e Lat roo° T e goÛernent as increasingly recogniâed and u« eld certain rig ts ov transgender «eo«le] w ile continuing to sanction t e orrivic aLuse ov transgender iigrants eld in detention centers across t e country° TeleÛision s ows and oÛies veaturing transgender «eo«le aÛe won ollywood½s Liggest awards] w ile transgender actiÛists ov color aÛe ad to stor t e stage at t e nation½s Liggest T converence just to Le Activists stage direct action at 2015 Creating Change demanding seen and eard Ly our own counity° prioritization of transgender communities of color by funders and organizations in the LGBT movement. OG>|<POC@IOD>-*7&4| 3 Photos whitehouse.gov; L-R: Lmnopi http://lmnopi.blogspot.com/2015/02/street-art-memorial.html; Querido Galdo; Javier Soriano/ T at starts Ly acnowledging and Luilding on t e legacies of our trans and gender nonconforing ancestors and a««roac ing our oÛeent and ca«aign wor intersectionally and olistically° In Khaled Sayed, khaledphotos.com Sayed, Khaled arc ] we eld t e ational Trans Ƃnti 6iolence onÛening to create s«ace for national dialogues] strategy] and intensiÛe leaders i« deÛelo«ent focused on ending Ûiolence° T e conÛening Lroug t alost £ää transgender and gender nonconforing organiâers and leaders to “Transgender women of address t e issue of antitrans Ûiolence in our counities° T roug t is gat ering we color are facing the brunt s ared] connected] and affired t e wor not just of murder but of t at T leaders on t e ground aÛe Leen doing for years° "ur o«e was to u«lift t e systemic violence, from Ûoices of t ose w o dis«ro«ortionately face t is Ûiolencepin «articular] transgender housing and employment to woen of color° education and incarceration. In addition to t is critical antiÛiolence wor] we also need to address t e systes That’s why the National Trans t at t riÛe on and «er«etuate Ûiolence° 7e launc ed t e etention *roject to eÝ«and Anti-Violence Convening our wor to end t e aLuses trans and gender nonconforing «eo«le eÝ«erience in «risons] and spaces like it are so jails] iigration detention] state os«itals] and ot er fors of detention] as well as at important. We’re prioritizing t e ands of law enforceent° In uan ters] t is eans wg ting for t e freedo the voices of advocates who of icoll ernandeâ*olanco] a young uatealan transgender woan w o as are living the work locally, eÝ«erienced continual seÝual arassent and aLuse at t e ands of Iigration E statewide, and nationally and ustos nforceent ­I ® staff and ot er bringing them together for detained iigrants w ile Leing detained at an allale I facility in lorence] Ƃ<° It a conversation that doesn’t eans re«resenting ic elle orswort y] a transgender woan eld in a alifornia always happen across en½s «rison] and wg ting for er access to edically necessary genderafwring surgery movements and regions.” and a legal nae c ange° "ur counities are dis«ro«ortionately targeted Ly «olicep -Isa Noyola often si«ly for ºwaling w ile trans»p 4 OG>|<POC@IOD>-*7&4| Families across the country are sharing their stories to build empathy and community through Transgender Law Center’s upcoming TRUTH storytelling campaign for transgender youth.
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