Contents PRESENTATION 1 THE UNIVERSITY THE YEAR AT A AND THE FUTURE GLANCE 2 ACADEMIC YEAR 2010-2011 SUMMARY OF THE UOC ANNUAL REPORT THE UOC IN FIGURES 8 THE UOC IN THE WORLD 16 RESEARCH, TRANSFER AND INNOVATION 18 EDUCATION AND QUALITY 20 FINANCIAL REPORT 22 THE UOC ONLINE 24 portada okENG.indd 1 09/02/12 11:04 “OVER THE LAST ACADEMIC YEAR WE HAVE MADE EVERY EFFORT TO ENSURE THAT THE UOC IS EVEN MORE OPEN AND ACCESSIBLE, FLEXIBLE AND ADAPTABLE TO SOCIETY’S NEEDS, AND MOBILE, MULTILINGUAL AND MULTI-FORMAT IN ORDER TO BE ABLE TO RESPOND TO THE LIFESTYLES OF OUR STUDENTS.” Imma Tubella, President of the UOC rectora.uoc.edu THE UNIVERSITY AND THE FUTURE Recently, I have had the opportunity to For this reason, over the last academic present the UOC’s educational and gov- year we have made every effort to ensure ernance model at international university that the UOC is even more open and ac- forums in such diverse corners of the world cessible, fl exible and adaptable to society’s as Washington, Paris, Singapore, Qatar and needs, and mobile, multilingual and multi- Kenya to widely differing audiences from the format in order to be able to respond to the academic, scientifi c, business and govern- lifestyles of our students. ment sectors. On each occasion, I felt great pride on hearing how speakers – both those This commitment means we have to who already knew about us and those who reinvent ourselves constantly and steer our only just had – saw the UOC as a point of organisation so as to bravely navigate the reference for their online universities. It very crisis. Above all, we have to be able to take gratifying, though also a great responsibil- on board the changes in the culture and ity, to see how wherever we go we are put habits of education and lifelong learning forward as an example for other universities that the crisis brings with it. We need to be to follow if they want develop and grow on chameleonic, able to work as a network, the web, connect with the new knowledge collaboratively and transversally, with fl ex- society, adapt to students from the digital ibility and effi ciency, with greater implica- generation and focus on lifelong learning tion in the impact of our projects to benefi t which is increasingly vital as we suffer and society and with a high degree of creativity. face up to this crisis. Other universities look to us for our edu- cational model and we are in their sights As Professor Castells says in the institutional (which is not exactly the same thing) for our video that you can fi nd a link to at the end ability to adapt to the new times without of this Annual Report, “as far as we know, endangering the UOC’s sustainability. Once the UOC is the leading online university” and again, I would stress that this makes me now, beyond our pioneering mission, we very proud, but it also represents a great have to accept responsibility for giving the responsibility. As the proverb says, if you knowledge and experience accumulated over want to go fast, go alone, and if you want all these years back to society. to go far, go together. We want to go far, in collaboration with and at the service of our society. 1 sintesi 2011 ENGok.indd 1 20/02/12 16:32 THE YEAR AT A GLANCE INAUGURAL CLASS Francesc Pedró gives the inaugural lecture ‘Between SEPTEMBER conservatism and messianism: OCTOBER Is technology really changing 2010 student expectations in higher education?’ FrancescF Pedró, P d ó senior i policy li www.uoc.edu/inaugural10 analyst at the OECD REGIONAL PRESENCE EDUCATION INNOVATION The UOC inaugurates »The UOC launches the fi rst »The UOC and Orange develop a new information and MBA in Property Sciences the fi rst learning app for the student service centre in in Spain. iPad in Spain. Falset (Priorat). »Localret and the UOC offer »The ReadSpeaker app is inte- training to local council grated into the UOC website, workers in Catalonia. allowing users to download and listen to content from the site in MP3 format. OPEN ACCESS INNOVATION The Governing Council »The UOC launches APTIC, the approves the open-access fi rst social network for caretak- policy, thereby offering the NOVEMBER ers of children with chronic scientifi c community free DECEMBER illnesses in Spain. and open access to all of 2010 »The UOC helps map mass the university’s scientifi c and graves from the Spanish Civil teaching output. War. GRADUATION CEREMONY Nearly 6,000 students gradu- ate from the UOC. Eduard Punset, guest of honour at the graduation ceremony for the class of 2009-2010 2 sintesi 2011 ENGok.indd 2 20/02/12 16:32 CAMPUS OF EXCELLENCE THE PRESIDENT The UPF-Icària International ONLINE Campus project, coordinated The president’s web- by Pompeu Fabra University site is redesigned. The (UPF), is recognised as an In- site reports on Imma ternational Campus of Excel- Tubella’s in-person and lence. The UOC participates online activities in her in the project as a partner role as president of the university. UOC. http://rectora.uoc.edu TRANSFER »The UOC’s UNESCO Chair in e-Learning holds its 7th Inter- national Seminar. This year’s topic is ‘Mobile Technologies for Readspeaker Learning and Development’. »4th International Conference on Confl ictology and Peace. »The UOC Telemedicine Conference is held at Hospital Moisès Broggi. The conference focuses on business models, future plans, challenges in remote assistance and telemedicine in medical emergencies. Readspeaker AWARDS Manuel Castells is awarded the Erasmus Medal by Academia Europaea. ManuelM l Castells C t ll TRANSFER LLETRA »Larry Cuban explains the US The UOC launches Viquil- experience in the use of ICTs letra (Wikiletters) to promote in the classroom as part of the reading in secondary-school ‘Debates on Education’ series. classrooms. »The UOC coorganises MINIPUT 2010, the only quality television fair in Spain. Larry Cuban http://lletra.uoc.edu/ viquilletra/ 3 sintesi 2011 ENGok.indd 3 20/02/12 16:32 INNOVATION »A new website is launched to showcase JANUARY the proposals submitted APRIL for the APLICA call 2011 for innovation project proposals. www.innovauoc.org The Innovation Showcase HONORARY DOCTORATE ACADEMIC LIFE Brenda Gourley, former Vice Fifteenth anniversary Chancellor and CEO of the of the launching of the Open University in the UK, is Educational Psychology awarded an honorary doctor- programme. ate by the UOC. www.uoc.edu/hc Brenda Gourley, doctor honoris causa EDUCATION INTERNATIONALISA- »The Mollet, Tremp and Seu TION d’Urgell hospitals become new »Launching of a web- centres for UOC student intern- site for Latin America. ships and training. »The UOC will join forces with Consorci de Formació i Iniciatives Cercs-Berguedà to promote edu- cation in Berguedà County. Latin American website RESEARCH MOBILITY »The UOC publishes its The UOC’s e-journals begin knowledge map. to publish articles in ePUB »UOC students can format, which is optimal for use health-mapping mobile devices and e-readers. technology to research epidemic surveillance. http://mapadelconeixement.uoc.edu COOPERATION REGIONAL PRESENCE THE SOCIAL UOC The Campus for Peace joins The UOC inaugurates its In honour of St. George’s Day, the Doctors Without Borders offi ce in Tarragona. LletrA holds a micro-story and campaign ‘Pills against other book recommendation con- people’s pain’. test on Twitter. The hashtag #jollegeixo (#iread) and the account @lletra are trending topics for Barcelona. 4 sintesi 2011 ENGok.indd 4 20/02/12 16:32 »The UOC launches OPEN ACCESS SpeakApps, a set The UOC’s open-access of Web 2.0 tools for policy is ranked tenth best in language learning. the world and best in Spain by Melibea. SpeakApps for language learning IN MEMORIAM Homage to Dr William J. Mitchell, professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and recipient of an honorary doctorate from the UOC in the academic year 2005-2006. www.uoc.edu/monumentvirtual/ TheT digital city, a virtual and posthumous memorial to Dr Mitchell »The UOC joins the Interna- »The University reaches tional Association of University out to the French- Presidents (IAUP) and the Open speaking world with a Digital Space for the Mediter- new website in French. ranean (eOMED). »The UOC and Telmex create a digital community to promote knowledge and the use of ICT. French-language website ACCESSIBILITY ACADEMIC LIFE All teaching materials cur- Graduation ceremo- rently adapted for the visu- ny with the students ally impaired are transferred from Mexico. to the ONCE collection. Graduation ceremony in Mexico TRANSFER »The 1st Open Cinema Week is held. »Isaac Mao talks about sharism at the 5th Meeting of UOC Associate Institutions and Companies and the 4th Tech Talk. Isaac Mao, father of sharism 5 sintesi 2011 ENGok.indd 5 20/02/12 16:32 INTERNATIONALISATIONINTERNATIONALISATION »A cooperation agreement is signed with Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (UASB) in Bolivia to promote research and tech- MAY nological innovation activities in telemedicine. JULY »The UOC joins the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie 2011 (AUF) and signs agreements with the University of New England in Australia and the Open University of Israel. ACCÉSTRANSFER OBERT »The UAB and the UOC El»The Consell UOC deand Govern the CatDem aprova jointly publish the com- laFoundation política d’accés hold theobert seminar i amb munication journal Anàlisi. això‘Small posa nations a disposició in the context de la comunitatof the economic científi ca crisis. tota la sevaLooking producció for a way científi out’ ca with i docentthe participation d’una manera of the lliure Cata- i gratuïtalan president, Artur Mas.
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