6 Februarie 2020 Prys: R6,40 Webblad: www.potchefstroomherald.co.za Geen vlotte: EersteEerste keerkeer inin 5353 jaarjaar Studente vlug in alle rigtings om uit die reën te kom en toerusting te red. Foto: Tsholofelo Motswenyane Community Spoegwolf BekendeTurkstra Stranger prays seën oorlede Bl.9 chases together studente met rapists following ‘n optrede in away murder die Spur P2 Bl.5 P5 2 www.potchefstroomherald.co.za Potchefstroom Herald 6 Februarie 2020 A resident lays hands on the store’s walls, passionate- ly praying for crime in the communi- ty. Tsholofelo Motswenyane the death of the shop owner as so many people, young and old, fre- The community of Promosa firmly quented the shop and the nearby believes that with prayer, things will shops in that street. get better. Uddin Kutub, a shop owner of Following the shooting of a shop Tumelong 2 Supermarket & Takea- owner, Bayzid Mohammed (33), the ways, (next door to Bayzid’s store) community of Promosa gathered at recalls the day of the incident. Casper’s Shop (Tumelong 2 Super- According to him, he was standing market & Takeaways) for a mass outside his shop between 19:00 and prayer for the crime happening in 20:00 last Wednesday when he heard Promosa. Bayzid was shot in his a loud bang. He explains that he shop at the Promosa business area then asked the people in the parking last Wednesday (29 January). lot what the sound was. “They just On Monday evening (3 February), said it was the sound of people the community gathered at Casper’s lighting fireworks,” he says. Shop. Mr Glenville Fransman led the Shortly after he entered his shop, The community of Promosa praying for the crime in Promosa, in front of Casper's shop mass prayer. The residents started he says there was a commotion and (Tumelong 2 Supermarket & Takeaways). Photos: Tsholofelo Motswenyane with a few choruses. Then, while people started scattering. Some even holding hands, they began to pray. went into his shop. He then asked Uddin adds that he was equally “He was a nice guy. He wasn’t one After the first session, they moved them what was happening. One of distressed at the sight of people to bother other people, or have to the Promosa Supermarket & his customers told him that the looting the store while the owner problems with other people,” he Takeaways, laid their hands on the shop owner next door had been shot was still lying there. “He was lying says. He also mentioned that his walls of the store and started to and pleaded with him to let them on the counter. Some took cigarettes, children were in tears when they pray. stay inside. some took the money and some took heard about his passing. The community is traumatised by Uddin and his younger brother chips. So, no one wanted to help Residents vowed to put a stop to immediately locked the gates of their that guy,” he said with a heavy heart. the bloodshed in Promosa and shop until it was safe for them to go According to him, he doesn’t feel believe this will be done through outside. safe or secure. The incident has prayer. Ps Van Wyk pleaded with the Uddin says he is extremely trou- trauma- youth to be vigilant and speak up, as bled by what happened and what he tised him so much that he even had they are the ones who can help saw. When he walked to the shop, he to seek medical attention. protect the communities. saw Bayzid lying in a pool of blood. Fransica Second, a community Fransman says, following the member, says she was also trauma- passing of Bayzid, a fellow communi- tised about what had transpired. A ty member, Melvirine Veldschoen, few minutes before the incident, she realised the urgency for a mass was buying some things at the prayer as crime incidence was on tuckshop. “What if someone else was the rise. also injured? What about our chil- “I want to encourage the parents, dren?” says the shaken mother. teachers, the elders, leaders and According to her, she was a regu- pastors to remain in God’s presence lar customer of the late Bayzid and and pray for our community every used to buy milk or bread. “They minute of every hour. Wherever we helped us a lot. We could even buy may be, keep on praying,” he says. things on credit,” she says. He pleads with the community to Pastor Andries van Wyk of the New take responsibility in playing their Beginning Community Restoration part in creating a safer Promosa. Centre, says what happened, was a “The time for blaming and pointing great shock to the community. fingers is over. We need to act now.” 6 Februarie 2020 Potchefstroom Herald www.potchefstroomherald.co.za 3 Venessa van der Westhuizen Dit is die eerste keer in ongeveer 50 jaar dat die jaarlikse vlotoptog gekan- selleer word. Die ongelukke het vanjaar se JOOL behoorlik getref. Soveel so dat die vuurwerkvertoning, Donderdagaand se musiekprogram en die vlotoptog gekanselleer moes word. Slegs Vrydagaand (31 Januarie) se reeks musiekoptredes by die Jool- plaas het soos beplan, plaasgevind. Volgens dr. Lennie Gouws, navorser in Potchefstroom se geskiedenis, was daar nog nooit ‘n geleentheid waar Jool gekanselleer moes word nie. Volgens haar het dit baie in 1997 gereën, maar selfs die trompoppies het voortgegaan met hulle optrede saam met die vlotte, hoewel hulle hul duur pelshoede vir die geleentheid afgehaal het. Hierdie jaar se reeks ongelukkige gebeure met Jool het alles met die reën en haelstorm begin wat die Joolplaas verlede Donderdag (30 Januarie) getref het. Nadat die bier- tent inmekaargesak het en die storm swaar reëns en weerlig meegebring het, is daar noodgedwonge besluit om die konsert Donderdag weens veilig- heidsredes te kanselleer. Studente wat uitgesien het na hulle gunsteling Konsternasie het uitgebreek met die biertent wat inmekaargesak het. Foto’s: Tsholofelo Motswenyane kunstenaars, soos Spoegwolf en Francois van Coke, moes druipstert ongelukke in drieë gebeur. En toe van Jool gedoen het. 1942 ‘n vlotoptog beplan het wat die aftog blaas. breek die nuus dieselfde dag dat die Volgens haar, was die eerste stu- hulle “Vreugdedag” genoem het. Zané Botha, voorsitter van die vlotoptog nie die volgende dag sou dente-optog in Potchefstroom ook “Hulle wou onder die swaar omstan- Joolkomitee, was die volgende dag voortgaan nie. Met die twee vorige toevallig aan ‘n ongelukkige gebeurte- dighede sorg vir ‘n bietjie jolyt,” skryf verbaas oor die positiewe gees van voorvalle en ekstra aandag wat nis gekoppel. Sy skryf dat daar dr. Gouws. Die vlotoptog was ‘n die studente, want hulle het spontaan daaraan gegee moes word, kon die tydens die Tweede Wêreldoorlog baie sukses en daarna het dit tot 1964 ‘n in massas opgedaag om die Joolplaas veiligheidsklarings vir die vlotoptog spanning tussen die studente op die jaarlikse instelling geword. Dit is te help opruim, sonder dat iemand nie betyds uitgereik word nie. Die PUK en die soldate by die militêre daarna afgeskaf en het later in 1967 daarvoor gevra het. “Daar was ‘n NWU wou nie die veiligheid van die basis was. Die spanning was as weer plaasgevind wat toe “Karnaval” awesome positiewe gees onder almal,” studente op die spel plaas nie. gevolg van die studente wat die oorlog genoem was. sê sy. Gelukkig het Vrydagaand se kon- nie goedgesind was nie. Die soldate In 1988 het Karnaval Jool geword Maar, soos die duiwel dit wil hê, sert voortgegaan en is al die kaartjies was weer ten gunste daarvan. wat, volgens dr. Gouws, nie met ‘jol’ het nog ‘n ramp gevolg. Omstreeks uitverkoop. Volgens dr. Gouws samel Op 7 Augustus 1940 het die soldate verwar moet word nie. Die akroniem 11:30 het die vuurwerke, heeltemal te die musiekkonserte die meeste geld die kampus aangeval en die studente- staan vir Jou Onbaatsugtige Opoffe- vroegtydig, ontplof. Dit sou tydens in vir Jool. “Die vlotoptog is slegs saal, ‘n sinkstruktuur, vernietig. In ring vir Liefdadigheid, waar fondse Vrydagaand se konsert afgevuur daar om die publiek te vermaak en die proses is daar tussen 14 en 20 vandag nog vir liefdadigheidsorganisa- word. Volgens Zané was die vog in die harde werk met die bou van die studente beseer, onder wie nege sies ingesamel word. die lug en statiese elektrisiteit hier- vlotte sorg weer vir onderlinge gees damestudente. Daar was ‘n neerdruk- *Lees meer oor die geskiedenis voor verantwoordelik. tussen die studente wat nie met geld kende atmosfeer wat daarna geheers van Jool, en meer geskiedenis oor Twee ongelukke in twee dae. Asems gekoop kan word nie,” sê dr. Gouws, het, totdat ‘n tweedejaarstudent, Potchefstroom, op dr. Lennie Gouws is opgehou, want almal weet mos dat wat self navorsing oor die geskiedenis Gertie Maré en haar medestudente in se blog - lenniegouws.co.za. 4 www.potchefstroomherald.co.za Potchefstroom Herald 6 Februarie 2020 Angry workers invade municipal building, demand wage payment Venessa van der Westhuizen Chaos broke loose when the subcon- tractors and workers who are cur- rently renovating the Ikageng sta- dium invaded the J.B. Marks muni- cipal offices on Monday morning (3 February) to demand their wages. The workers were furious, clai- ming top officials are not doing their work. One of the subcontractors, Tebogo Mngomezulu, said the muni- cipal manager (MM) and chief financial officer (CFO) were sup- posed to have signed documents on Wednesday for their wages to be paid. When they enquired on Friday, they heard that the papers were still unsigned. “When we didn’t receive our money on Monday, we decided to confront the MM and CFO at their offices.
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