THE OXFORD AND CAMBRIDGE EDITION. THE SCHOOL AND COLLEGE ST. MARK. BY THR REv. F. MARSHALL, M.A. (Lnt• Exhibitiomr of St, John'• Coli•ge, Cambridg•), ilector of Mileham, formerly Vice-Principal of the Training Colleg', Cannarth,... and lat<ly Head Master of Almondbury Gramma, School, . ~ oubo.n: GEORGE·. GILL & SONS, Lo., MINERVA HOUSE, 13, WARWICK LANE, E,C, 5la4'?4 PALESTINE TO ILLUSTRATE ST. MARK'S, GOSPEL. 3S 36 0 0 ~s..,,. ~ Soa.le 0Y::::.22=!1'~·~!l;::='lil"t!::- =i'!i'!=:!I'° fnglish Miles PREFACE. Tms Edition of St. Mark's Gospel i~ primarily intended for the use of studenls preparing for the Local Examinations of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and also for the Examinations of the College of Preceptors. It will, however, be found of service to University and Theological students. It is compiled mainly from notes drawn up by the Editor for his own pupils, embracing an experience of more than twenty years. Whilst endeavouring to compile a manual suitable for youthful students, the Editor has also endeavoured to treat of the spiritual lessons of the Gospels, The Introduction treats fully of the several subjects with which a student of the Gospel should be acquainted. The arrangement will be found of great assistance to a rapid and thorough acquirement of the essential details, The chief alterations of the Revised Version have been pointed out in marginal and footnotes. In addition, a Commentary upon the most important differences between the Authorised, and Revised Versions will be found in the Appendix, which also contains a Glossary of words and phrases, and also explanations of Jewish manners and customs. The'Editor has prepared a series of Examination Papers on St. Mark's Gospel for use with the present edition, The series consists of forty­ eight papers, viz. sixteen General papers, and thirty-two papers (Junior and Senior) on the separate chapters. These will be found useful, not only for revision of work, but as a guide to the preparation of classes. The papers are on separate sheets, and can be obtained in pacirets from Messrs. G. Gill and Sons, F. M, Mileham. CONTENTS. Introduction to the Gospel­ PAGB TITLE., V ORIGIN OF THE GOSPELS,. vi TUE AUTHOR vii LIFE OF ST. MARK., vii FOR WHAT READERS xi DATE, PLACE, AND LANGUAGE xii CHARACTERISTICS .OF THE GOSPEL xii PECULIARITIES OF ST. MARK"s GosPEL xviii MIRACLES AND PARABLES RECORDED BY ST. M<ARK xxii KINGS AND GOVERNORS XXV APOSTLES xxvii. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES xxiii .· GEOGRAPHICAL NOTES xxxviii THE SYNAGOGUE xliv THE SANHEDRIM •• xlv THE TEMPLE xlvi THE OFFICERS OF TIIE. TEMPLE xlvii THE JEWISH FESTIVALS •• xlvili SECTS AND ORDERS OF MEN xlviii THE NAZARITE Vow liii THE KINGDOM OF Goo liv TEACHING, OF OUR LORD •• liv THE OLD TESTAMENT IN ST. MARK lvii THE MINISTRY OF OUR LORD lx:i TESTIMONY BORNE TO OUR LORD bdi DEMONIACAL POSSESSION •• .lxiii The Gospel according to St. Mark, wHh Marginal and Foot'Notes J. Comments on the Revised Version 97 The Siege of Jerusalem · 109 Critical Notes IIO Glossary 128 Synopsis of the Life of Ohrist 141 Ma.pa, PALESTINE IN THE TIME OF OUR LORD ii ,THE TEMPLE xlvi GALILEE 10 THE SEA OF GALILEE 25 JERUSALEM (NEW TESTAMENT) 60 ENVIRONS OF JERUSALEM •• 76 $KETCH MAP OF PALESTINE (FOR REPRODUCTION) 96 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. MARK. Oospel = God's spell or good tidings .. Greek: euangelion, Hence Evangelist means- first, a preacher of the Gospel, as Philip· the Evangelist ; secondly, a writer of the Gospel, as St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, and St. John. According to-i.e. in accordance with the views and teachings of St. Mark, who most probably represented the teaching of St. Peter. There are four Gospels, viz. according to St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, and St. John. The first three are styled the Synoptie Gospels (from <rov = syii, together; Sfi;; = opsis, view), because they look at the life of Jesus from a common point of view; in fact, tlv.,y present a "synopsis" or "general view" of the same group and succession of events. · [If the total contents of these Gospels be represented by 100, the following table is obtained :- Peculiarities. Coincidences. St. Mark 7 93 St. Matthew .. .42 56 St. Luke ·59 41 (St. John 92 8) WESTCOTT]. Of the four Evangelists, St. Matthew was an Apostle. St. Mark was the friend and companion of SL Peter .. St. Luke was the friend and companion of St. Paul. St. John was an Apostle. · St. Jerome styles St. Mark· and St. Luke " apostolic men "-i.e. men wli.o by their acquaintance with the Apostles were qualified to set forth their teaching. Objects of the Three Synoptic Oospels, St. Matthew wrote for the Jews, to prove that Jesus was the Messiah. St. Mark wrote for the Gentile world (particularly Roman), showing Jesus as" the Son of God," the Lord of the World. St. L,lke wrote for the Gentile World (particularly Greek), showing Jesus as" the Saviour of sinners." Mottoes :-St. Matthew, "Jam not come to destroy but to fulfil." St. Mark, "Preaching tlie Gospel of the Ki11gdom of God." St. Luke," Went about doing good.'' (FARRAR.) Vl. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. MARK. ORIGIN OF THE GOSPELS. The Gospel was not committed to writing at first. It was preached by word of mouth: it was an oral Gvspel delivered by the Apostles and received by their hearers. This oral Gospel was taught to all catechumens or candidates for admission into the Church, Naturally many Christians began to arrange this teachi11g in systematic form and to write it down. We have evidence of the existence of these writings, which were possibly revised MSS. notes of what they heard, in the preface of St. Luke's Gospel. "Forasmuch as many have taken in hand. to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most s11rely believed among us " (St. Luke i. 1). The existence of these writings may explain the similarity of the three Synoptic Gospels. The remarkable thing about them is not their differences but their similarity, not their discrepancies but their sameness. The problem is to explain their similarity, not to account for their differences. Three theories have been propounded- . I. That one of the three Gospels (St. Matthew, St. Mark, or St. Luke) is the original Gospel, and that the other writers borrowed from it. II. That all three Evangelists made use of an original written Gospel, more or less different from any of those in the New Testament. Ill. That the Evangelists·made use of a common oral Gospel, The last is the most probable supposition, for an analysis of the matter common to all three Gospels elicits the following facts :- (1) The common matter is not a perfectly continuous narrative, as it would be were it from a written document, but it is almost continuous, much as an oral Gospel would have been. (2) The common matter commences with the Baptism of lohn and ends with the Resurrection of Jesus-i.e. the exact fimitation laid down by St, Peter at the election of Matthias to take the place of Judas. "Beginning from the baptism of John, unto that same day that he (Jesus) was taken up from us, must one be ordained to be a witness with us of his resurrection " (Acts i. 22). (3) The common matter is exceedingly full on the events of the closing days of our Lord's life, particularly on His Passion. (4) The common matter contains few of the parables and few of the long discourses of Jesus, · (5) The common matter is full of the deeds of lesu.s, parti~ularly miracles,-i.e. the Leper, the Paralytic, tlie Demoniac at Capernaum, the Gadarene Demoniac, Feeding of the Five Thousand, Stilling the Storm, the Transfiguration, etc. (6) The common matter is not a biography, but rather a collection of dialogues a.nd anecdotes. This is precisely the form that the ora.l teaching of the Apostles would take. And it is not improbable that the oral teaching would ~ke somewhat of a settled form, dealing with the same facts and almost usmg the same words. After the lapse of time it would be found necessary to ORIGIN OF THE GOSPEL, vii. reduce this oral teaching to writing. St. Luke tells us that some had already attempted to do so, and in consequence he himself " having had Plt'fect unurstanding from the very first " undertook the task of " writing in (chronological) order" the teaching of the Apostles in which Theophilus "had been instructed ''-i.e. taught orally as a catechumen. Thus we get an intelligible solution of the differences and similarities of the Synoptic Gospels. St. Matthew uses the common oral Gospel and adds to it the special teaching of our Lord to the Jews, thus adapting it for Hebrew readers. St. Mark uses the common oral Gospel, throwing it into the form suitable for Gentile converts of Rome, and adding the graphic sketches imparted to him by the Apostle St. Peter. St. Luke also uses the common oral Gospel, adapting it for Gentile converts-namely, Greeks. The universality of this Gospel would specially recommend it to the Churches founded by St. Paul. St. John, who wrote later, and who must have been acquainted with the existence of the three first Gospels, did not find it necessary to restrict himself to the common oral Gospel. THE AUTHOR. The Gospel has always been assigned to John Mark. The testimony of the early Church is very strong on the point that the Evangelist wrote under the direction of St.
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