Henri Bohnet Protecting Human and Minority On the country level, one decisive Rights in Europe factor for the prevention of Human rights violations is, thus, human rights It is one of the central responsibili- education, which should be provided to ties of a government to protect the rights all members of society, including of its citizens. With the Universal Dec- schoolchildren and teachers, journalists laration of Human Rights of 1948, the and businessmen, police officers and United Nations started a process of soldiers, lawyers and judges, to incor- putting the protection of Human Rights porate the respect for and awareness on the international agenda, of these fundamental rights. enshrining in the following The second crucial fac- decades the fundamental tor is to uphold the principle rights of every person in of the rule of law to guaran- several international trea- tee the investigation and ties, and establishing spe- punishment of human rights cial institutions such as the violations. In this regard, the Office of the UN High Com- independence of the justice missioner for Human Rights, system, the strength of the special UN representatives democratically elected peo- and the Human Rights Com- ples representatives and mission. This process has the active approach of the led to the recognition that civil society, including the there is an international re- media, play a vital role. sponsibility to protect these In a society with ethnic fundamental rights, and with the es- minorities, additional rights for the tablishment of the International Crimi- ethnic communities to preserve their nal Court to prosecute those who vio- unique identity contribute to the pe- late them. On the other hand, it has led aceful coexistence and the loyalty of the to the incorporation of the Human Rights citizens to their state. Again, human into the constitutions of most countries rights education and the strength of the in the world. Every citizen is entitled to rule of law play important roles here. live in a country where the state guaran- The institution of the Human Rights tees his or her constitutional rights in Ombudsman has been established in everyday life. Important components of many European countries and in all this entitlement are the information and countries of the Balkans with the goal education of every citizen to know his or of achieving these objectives. her rights and to enforce and implement With this new issue of Political these rights through a democratic law Thought, several of the regions Om- and justice system. budsmen present their views on the Godina 6, br. 23, septemvri 2008, Skopje str. 1 Henri Bohnet system of human rights and minority of the European integration processes. rights protection in their respective In addition to highlighting similarities countries. Additional contributions from and common challenges, this issue regional experts and decision-makers, underlines the continuing importance of including Germany, point out the a public debate on how to continue the challenges and perspectives of protec- promotion of the Universal Declaration ting these rights against the background of Human Rights in the 21st century. Rezime So ova novo izdanie na Politi~ka misla#, nekolku od narodnite pravobraniteli od zemjite vo regionot gi prezentiraat svoite gledi{ta za sistemot za za{tita na ~ovekovite prava i malcinskite prava vo nivnite zemji. Dopolnitelni pridonesi od regionalnite eksperti i ~elnici vo donesuvaweto odluki, vklu~uvaj}i ja i Germanija, poso~uvaat na predizvicite i perspektivite {to proizleguvaat od za{titata na ovie prava vrz baza na evrointegrativnite procesi. Pokraj naglasuvaweto na sli~nostite i zaedni~kite predizvici, ova izdanie go naglasuva postojnoto zna~ewe na javnite debati za toa kako da se prodoli promocijata na Univerzalnata deklaracija za ~ovekovi prava vo 21 vek. str. 2 Politi~ka misla SODR@INA / CONTENTS Voved / Introduction Protecting Human and Minority Rights in Europe ..................................... 1 Henri Bohnet Za{tita na ~ovekovite prava i pravata na malcinstvata vo Evropa Anri Bone Za{tita na ~ovekovite prava i pravata na malcinstvata vo Evropa / Protecting Human and Minority Rights in Europe Narodniot pravobranitel vo za{tita na ~ovekovite prava i pravata na pripadnicite na zaednicite koi ne se mnozinstvo ...... 9 Ixet Memeti The Ombudsman Working towards the Protection of Human Rights and Non-majority Community Ixhet Memeti Protection of Human Rights in Germany ................................................. 15 Holger Haibach Za{tita na ~ovekovite prava vo Germanija Holger Hajbah Aiming at Achieving the Required Standards of Good Governance ...... 19 Ermir Dobjani Streme` za ostvaruvawe na baranite standardi za dobro vladeewe Ermir Dobjani Mandat, funkcii i ovlastuvawa na institucijata Naroden pravobranitel na Federacijata BiH: najefikasni praktiki i izvle~eni pouki za za{tita na malcinstvata na Balkanot ........... 25 Vera Jovanovi} The Mandate, Function and Jurisdiction of the Ombudsman in the Federation of bosnia Herzegovina: the Most Efficient Practices and Lessons Learned from the Protection of the Minorities in the Balkans Vera Jovanovi} Godina 6, br. 23, septemvri 2008, Skopje str. 3 Polobata i ulogata na pravobranitelot za ~ovekovite prava i slobodi vo Crna Gora, so osvrt na za{titata na malcinskite prava .................................................................................. 35 Budimir [}epanovi} The Position and Role of the Ombudsman in Montenegro: in the Light of the Protection of Minority Rights Budimir [}epanovi} The Ombudsman in Romania Works for the Individuals ......................... 45 Mihaela Stanciulescu Ombudmanot vo Romanija raboti za poedinecot Mihaela Stan~ulesku Minority Rights from the Ombudsmans Perspective: Between Rights and Practice .................................................................... 55 Milena Gogi} Pravata na malcinstvata od perspektuvata na Ombudsmanot Pome|u pravata i praksata Milena Gogi} Prava i za{tita na malcinstvata vo Romanija ................................. 59 Jozef C. Karl The Rights and the Protection of the Minorities in Romania Josef C. Karl Aktuelno / Curent Za{titata na ~ovekovite prava vo Republika Makedonija............ 83 @arko Trajanovski The Protection of Human Rights in the Republic of Macedonia @arko Trajanovski Me|unarodni organizacii / International Oraganization Za{tita na malcinstvata vo Evropa ................................................... 91 Zvonimir Jankuloski The Protection of the Minorities in Europe Zvonimir Jankuloski str. 4 Politi~ka misla Makedonija i EU / Macedonia and EU Ustavno-pravniot status na religiite i slobodata na veroispoved..................................................................... 97 Aleksandar Spasenovski The Constitutional and Legal Status of Religious Communitiesand the Freedom of Religion Aleksandar Spasenovski Teorija / Theory Civil Society: An Alternative Safeguard of Human Rights Protection and Promotion .............................................. 103 Nenad Markovi} Gra|ansko op{testvo: alternativnite formi na za{tita i afirmacija na ~ovekovite prava Nenad Markovi} Portret / Portrait Martin Luther King, Jr.: The Man and His Times ................................... 113 Alvin Magid Martin Luter King: li~nosta i vremiwata Alvin Magid Recenzii / Reviews Pregovarawe vo konflikti na identiteti ...................................... 119 Vlado Popovski Negotiation in Identity Conflicts Vlado Popovski Dokumenti / Documents Univerzalna deklaracija za ~ovekovite prava .............................. 123 Universal Declaration of Human Rights Za avtorite / About the Authors ..................................................................... 129 Godina 6, br. 23, septemvri 2008, Skopje str. 5 str. 6 Politi~ka misla Godina 6 Year 6 Br. 23 Nº 23 septemvri September Skopje, 2008 Skopje, 2008 ISSN 1409-9853 ISSN 1409-9853 Spisanie za politi~ko-op{testveni temi Magazine for Political and Societal Issues Izdava~: Publisher: Anri Bone Henri Bohnet Osnova~i: Founders: d-r \orge Ivanov Dr. Gjorge Ivanov m-r Andreas Klajn Andreas Klein M.A. Urednici: Editors: m-r Dane Taleski Dane Taleski M.A. Emilija Tuxarovska Emilija Tudzarovska B.A. m-r Nenad Markovi} Nenad Markovic M.A. m-r Ivan Damjanovski Ivan Damjanovski M.A. m-r Vladimir Bo`inovski Vladimir Bozinovski M.A. Goce Drtkovski Goce Drtkovski B.A. Adresa: Address: Fondacija "Konrad Adenauer# Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung ul. Maksim Gorki 16, kat 3 ul. Maksim Gorki 16/3 MK - 1000 Skopje MK - 1000 Skopje Tel.: 02 32 31 122 Phone: 02 32 31 122 Faks: 02 31 35 290 Fax: 02 31 35 290 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Internet: www.kas.de Internet: www.kas.de Institut za demokratija Institute for Democracy "Societas Civilis# Skopje "Societas Civilis" Skopje ul. Kragueva~ka br. 2 ul. Kraguevacka 2 MK - 1000 Skopje MK - 1000 Skopje Tel./Faks: 02 30 94 760 Phone/fax: 02 30 94 760 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Internet: www.idscs.org.mk Internet: www.idscs.org.mk Makedonska asocijacija na politikolozi Macedonian Political Science Association E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Pe~at: Printing: Vinsent grafika Vinsent Grafika Dizajn: Design: Natali Nikolovska Natali Nikolovska Organizacija: Organization: Daniela Trajkovi} Daniela Trajkovic Tehni~ka podgotovka: Technical preparation: Pepi Damjanovski Pepi Damjanovski Prevod: Translation: Marija Micevska - Kokalanova Marija Micevska - Kokalanova Jazi~na redakcija na angliski: English language editor: Rajna
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