Yale University Library Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library General Collection of Early Books and Manuscripts Preliminary Inventory of the Hartford Seminary Arabic Manuscript Collection r------------------------------------ --- Beinecke inventory of Hartford Seminary Collection August 2005 Missing Hartford Seminary MSS (not checked off when packing in Hartford): 47 182b (noted as missing in Blackburn list) 234 (noted as missing in Blackburn list) 407 572 621 745 (relevant page is missing from our copies of Blackburn list) 1006 1101 (noted as missing in Blackburn list) 1127 (noted as missing in Blackburn list) 1128 (noted as missing in Blackburn list) 1129 (noted as missing in Blackburn list) ll77 1205 (noted as missing in Blackburn list) 1226 (noted as missing in Blackburn list) 1251 (in Blackburn list, but noted there as Turkish) 1254 (identified but with question mark) Total number missing: 16 or 17. Total missing now but present when Blackburn's inventory done: 7 or 8. Additional numbered MSS not in Blackburn list but present in collection: 785a 1259-1266 1268 1270 Total additional MSS: II Total numbered Arabic MSS present: 1253 (NOTE: figure does not include count of small MSS bound/housed together and listed in inventory as, for instance, 983a, b, c, d, etc.) The Arabic Manuscript Collection Duncan Black Macdonald Center Hartford Seminary Interim Report December 1991 steven P. Blackburn ~'\-%V' ~J~'~\\ The Arabic Manuscript Collection of the , Duncan Black Macdonald Center j Hartford Seminary Introduction : h '''1,I~I'~~I';.·;i" ,'J ;~.' Theportion of the coflection c~t~g.orizedthus~far* consists I of 1640 manuscripts, most of which are complete. Distribution of I the manuscripts according to eub j ect; areas, is as follows**: 'j, Theological 682 42% Literary 236 Legal· .. 14% Linguistics __ 227 14% 214 Sciences 13% 129 8% Philosophy 102 Occultism 6% 16 1% Miscellaneous 17 Undefined, Lost, etc. 1% 17 1% These primary sUbject categories into which the manuscripts have been classified are further divided into secondary areas; each has been assigned an abbreviation as appropriate: THL (Theological) . GEN (General; or, requires further classification research) QUR (Qur1an, including commentaries) '/ ' HLP (Hadith; Life of the Prophet) WPD (Worshipi"Prayersi Devotional) , SUF (Sufism) , SHI (Shi'ism, inc~uding refutations thereof) DRZ (Druze) LIT (Literary) GEN (Generali or, requires further classification research) POE (Poetry) PRO (Prosody, including Belles-Lettres) POP ("Popularu Literature) LAW (Legal Systems) GEN (General, or unrelated to a specific schooli or, requires further classification research) HNB (Hanbali) HNF (Hanifi) MAL (Maliki) SHF (Shafi' i) SHI (Shi'i) WAH (Wahhabi) ZAY (Zaydi) • It' -~,-, . , , LNG (Lingusitics and Language) ;,",' 'I GEN (General; or, requires further classificatiori.research) CMP (Composition)' , c,,', , ~,\., GRA (Grammar) " LEX (Lexicons and lexicography) RME (Rhetoric) ",.\ >'-, "'-'''' '-~ - .... - - . '. , SCI (The Sciences)' APP (Applied) "" MTH (Mathematics) NAT (Natural) SOC (Social, including History, etc") PHI (Philosophy; no sUbdivisions; incl?des Logic) ,," OCC (OCCUltism) GEN (General) MAG (Magic) DRM (Dreams) " {- ','; -,' ,~, MSC (Miscellany) , GEN (General; or,. requires " • ,i': i; '_''. ~ -:: class~f1cat1on:_research)' G, c CAL (Calligraphy)" ''II!"'' :-'-'4':~'" . EDU (Education) , ~'; ENC (Encyclopedic) MUS (Music) , , ! In addition, five Christian (CHR) and two Samaritan (SAM) manuscripts are part of the collection, and are not included under Miscellany. There is also a limited number of documents ~A (three) for which no categorization has , as yet, been made. ,'''' Another three manuscripts which are in Turkish were inadvertently assigned numbers within the Arabic collection when the original shelf listings were compiled; these are no~ categorized, but are merely listed as manuscripts in the Turkish language with no further identification or categorization. seve~manuscripts referred to in the original shelf list and card catalogue are not to be found in the of this date, considered lost. collection and• are, as * * * Each manuscript is given a listing in the main body of this report as follows: Firstly, the manuscript number is given; this corresponds to ".. ._- , ... ',--- ,-_,C,'_' .. _'.....,..,-_.-.-..... ,...".••',_~" •..-._'.," .., ~. ,> • .-.. '.'C,,". t..H'~,,,, ............. ,"'" ,.;c.-,'_' ---.:....._~ .,>,."l, I ~~ ~" ',,_;'r~, 'i~t'l~~::t{'::.·~:;-::jt~'~~t)::; ,.->,- .;,.,'. , ,.\ :', ~" ~ ,-~ _.·-j,·~:,t.~~.>... ';\_ ,_~_.-.- .<,., '._~,<~,.~,~,!",~. ;;" ,(95 ',:11.' ',.Y, ·:;;';I::.. ,_....,-t>~' - ('.-;:':;~L':·'~:P.:!:,·,.:' the order of the manuscripts as found on 'the 'shelves, whIch is', ,,}"~.;::·~li.{< haphazard •.. " ,~> ~,;' ! "~~f,":',_::'~"'""~~!)·;":H.:;'~f~~~':- - '. - ~'j' . ( -~"""~'-'",.~: \,'. '~,J: Secondly, the-primary and secondary sUbj~ct area cat~gor~es~0,~~£ arel~::::i~~:~e~rd:::r::;::::::;~£::~~~J~Lpt,it.~~;:~l:~~t!;rf( Most often this date is that' given by' the scribe upon completion, of the manuscript; occasionally it denotes ,the date at which the; manuscript was obtained by the~<,own~f;f~: ," ~,. ,/~r.~~·t7? Fourthly, -the title is, listed;:t;pa:t"enthes~s indicat'eJ~~hat~""':1' title. is nc;'t.given in the ~anu~c;rip!;'ri:t:~,~.l,{{~bti~h~s ?th~t~.lise?.;'.'_' been ~dent~f~ed. If the t~tle}"~s not-known,'"th~s ~s ~nd.~cate<i;'>t/" it is ant~c~pated. that as work.. ,"'~.'cont~nues. " on."'" the collect~on~""'~ some.'" of these "unknowns" will have their :nam.es,{supplied. In addition note is made at this point if the manu."script"'is ciefectiye'i-i~;::g6me manner (incomplete, fragmentary', acephalous,,, e,tc. ). "J: ~ ~ , .:.J1\.'. >'1>. '\, \'i"'·;\Ii'\";:'I "j;,- )t-~~/' , Finally,. the author of ~,the-manuscript"'~""""<l." '.'-' '. is '. given; par~nthes~·.A)i" 'f.e,',., ~, t.: indicate that the full name, or part of the author1s nam'e~does f', .. not actually appeaz- in the m,a~~s>c;ript_,.."" ~s ~~th the ~i t~:e'1\i,"<>~t-~t:-{i5<Ji~_~i~?".. "unknown"may ~nd~cate that 'the:/~nfo~at~on- ~I!quesst.Lon.._"may,>be]"::..,i!:7}J"1~'C\$: supplied as work on the manuscr"ipts1progresses.' " '::B- ;,f;:-I';'",~,i,<.:.gti\"i\! . * :~N*"'~~;:;$:~1l1~;'.. .i'~>'j.ri"··}\r)·~t' The transl~tera~~?n sy~tem-'.::,useq'~is,,}a,r<f,~;lXself-exg~<~~ato;r;"Yi~,._~:','''\{~;\'' ·to those a~ready fam~l~ar w~tl;~}I!1odernp~a<?:tl.,ci~~'A mor7~f}lIIYS~'j'i i~.<,,, comprehens Lva catalogue of th~s:~collect~on·,.-"currently ~n',>~1. :ft.: ~ ''';j preparation, will include not, only'. c,: the,~ trans~~terated"'".,'_ ". titles"I,. ~ .,. and'.,", :,", authors of the manuscripts i'ntguestfcin, but a'tso will give"',this:' inform~tion in the original Arabic. • ", 1""" * There are·a number'of fragments which have yet to be integrated into the collection proper; in addition, some illuminated texts, which were never enumerated when,:th'e original shelf lists were made, will needf~o .be added(to this number. S-i -':' 'if--'. \'" ,:".: 1 fjl.T' 1,_._'J'\4... '0. j".- ... '''''~l ** It is anticipated tha~ the're will be minor changes in the totals as difficult manuscripts are reassigned and as category.unassigned ones are classified out of the "Undefined" ,, , Mss Number: 000l. SUbj~ctAreas: SCI SOC j j 1 i By: Muhammad b. Mss Number: 0003 Title: (Taqyidat Jawhara walidih) By: Muhammad b. Muhammad Title: 'By: Muhammad b. Mss Number: 0004 SUbJect Areas: LAW GEN Date: unkhown Title: Shar~ 'aqa'id al-Nasafi By: al-Taftazani .... Mss Number: 0005 SUbject Areas: LAW GEN Date: unknow~,', .,., e, ~:' '~'i; ., Title: Shar~ 'aqa'id al-Nasafi '\ By: al-Taftazani Mss Number: 0006 SUbject Areas: THL HLP; Date: unknown r " <0.;. Title: Futuh aI-Bah nasa ; li'.,;;." .v- ! By: al-Waqidi Mss Number: 0007 SUbject Areas: LNG GRA Date: unknown ..; '-, .. ,, ,--,,,,,...,.,,,~....... ~"'_-..... .. ,--.., By: Zakariyy~' aI-Ansari By: 'Abd Allah Suwaydan :-;:- Mss Number: 0011 SUbject Areas: THL,GEN Date: unknown ~-l -: Title: Fath ,-~" al-hamld. al-majid bi-sha~h,khUlasat.". ",.; i; al-ta~iiid By: IbrahIm b. Muhammad al-Bajuri ;~ 4 • Mss Number: 0012 Subject Areas: THL GEN Date: unknown Title: Cl.Iashiya'ala matn al-sanusiyya)j' ,J _ ..,.:A':~!.ll"..,t~t,,:t'; '; :F By: IbrahIm b. MUhammad al-Bajuri :'l,;'~~_~'~',d':,:~t.;,,' -..,W " ,'; ,-,'...•,,~.. ~" ~'·d,.$.; .. '.!--.-..' ,,-.,', ,'" '_.I:"'.~-<,._." ~. ,\.,~.>,~.-.. t\fi":'(':.~· ~;te,"~~i~ , Mss Number: 0013 SUbject Areas: THL GEN Date: unknown Title: (Risala fi'l-radd 'ala'l-rawafi~) ,1.:,.:' > ....• '-' .. '•. , By: (MUJ.1ammadb. al-SaY~id' d Title: Alghaz Mss NUmber: 0015 Title: ('Aqidat By: Muhammad b. I I I Mss NUmber: 0016 Title: al-Ajwiba Mss Number: 0017 I Mss NUmber: 0018 Title: al-Durar al-bahiyya fi mawlid khayr al-bariyya By: 'Ali b. Muhammad al-?? Mss Number: 0019 SUbject Areas: LNG eMP' Date: unknown ,t).· j~ii ,.,'''::,.'l~'_- Title: Sifa za'iraja (lil-shaykh 'Abd ~l-Rah%an al-Harawi) '-'k~r.: By: Muhammad b. Sa'id b. 'AlI Ibn SUlayman , Mss Number: 0020 SUbject Areas: LAW MAL Date: unknowrl, .~ - '-~' .. -, •. " - -i' !'.I ---"'-', . - .~). ~- $:.,*;- Title: al-Muqaddimat al-'Iz.ziyya liL";jama~'at;:al-azha'riyya ~,,"- ~-"'"' ",,-~,",'~- : -,- ".0,,;' "t - .~ ;:.-'.;.,_:~" ...:-;-,,-,, . By: Abu'l-Hasan 'Ali al-Maliki al-Shadhili Mss Number: 0021 SUbject Areas: THL GEN .Date: unknown • ;, •• .-'. -_!.. ,';--:;---~-,"',;,,,••,.. ""':>-'-"..:""--~~'-< ~;;.,-..". .... ""-",-,,-~,, ;, '--... .-. ,. -'-' .;,-'•••• -_ •• -~ ........-~".----~'- "-'-¥' • . I ,".')'(",'j Title: al-Fath al-rabbani
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