Advanced Info Services (AIS), 155 Advanced Wireless Research Initiative (AWRI), 35 Africa, 161-162 AIR 6468, 23 Alaskan Telco GC

Advanced Info Services (AIS), 155 Advanced Wireless Research Initiative (AWRI), 35 Africa, 161-162 AIR 6468, 23 Alaskan Telco GC

Index Advanced Info Services (AIS), 155 Belgium Competition Authority Advanced Wireless Research Initiative (BCA), 73 (AWRI), 35 Bharti Airtel, 144, 162 Africa, 161–162 Bite,´ 88 AIR 6468, 23 Bouygues, 79 Alaskan telco GCI, 134 Brazil, 125 Altice USA, 132 Broadband Radio Services (BRS), America´ Movil,´ 125, 129 137–138 Android, 184 BT Plus, 105 Antel, 139 BT/EE, 185 Apple, 186–190 Bulgaria, 74 Asia Pacific Telecom (APT), 154 Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT), 6, C-band, 26 25–26 Cableco/MVNO CJ Hello, 153 AT&T, 129, 131 Canada, 125–127 Auction Carrier aggregation (CA), 5, 22 coverage obligation, 10 CAT Telecom, 155 plans, 137–139 Cellular IoT (CIoT), 31 reserve prices, 9 Centimetre wave (cmWave), 34–35 Auction methods, 8–9 Centuria, 88 combinatorial clock, 8 Ceragon Networks, 93 simultaneous multi-round Channel Islands Competition and ascending, 8 Regulatory Authorities Augmented reality, 195 (CICRA), 83, 88 Australia, 139–140 Chief Technology Officer (CTO), 185 Austria, 71–73 Chile, 127–128 Autonomous transport, 195 Chile, private networks, 127–128 Average revenue per user (ARPU), China, 141–142 165–166, 197 China Broadcasting Network (CBN), Axtel, 129 141 China Mobile, 141 Backhaul, 24–25 China Telecom, 141 Bahrain, 156 China Unicom, 39, 141–142 Batelco, 156 Chipsets, 186–190 Beamforming, 24, 29 Chunghwa Telecom, 154 Beauty contest, 8 Citizens Broadband Radio Service Belgacom, 73 (CBRS), 130–131 Belgium, 73–74 CK Hutchison, 145 210 Index Cloud computing, 24 Eir Group, 85 Co-operative MIMO. See Coordinated Electromagnetic fields (EMFs), 38–39 Multi Point software Elisa, 76–77 (CoMP software) End-to-end network slicing, 23–24 Colombia, 128 Enhanced Inter-Cell Interference Combinatorial clock (CCA), 8 Coordination (eICIC), 22 ‘Commercial’ launch, 11 Enhanced machine type Conference of Postal and communications (eMTC), Telecommunications 32 Administrations (CEPT), 25 Enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), Coordinated Multi Point software 27 (CoMP software), 22 Enhanced MTC (e-MTC), 31 Coronavirus, 37 Ericsson, 23 Coverage obligations, 10 Estonia, 76–77 Croatia, 74 Etisalat, 159, 160 Cut-throat pricing, 13 European Commission, 6 Cyprus (South), 74 European Electronic Communications Czech Republic, 74–75 Code, 71 European Telecommunications D-Band, 40 Standards Institute (ETSI), Denmark, 75–76 6 Dense Air, 95 European Union (EU), 67 Densification, 48–49 5G Action Plan, 67–71 Deutsche Telekom, 32, 81–82, 185 European Union, 6–7 Device ecosystem, 190 Extended coverage GSM-IoT Device-to-device technologies (EC-GSM-IoT), 32 (D2D technologies), 48 DiGi Communications, 84 Facebook, 192 ‘Digi Mobil 5G Smart’,96–97 Far EasTone, 154 Digital Communications Commission Fastweb, 86–87 (DCC), 144 Federal Communications Commission Digital dividend, 5 (FCC), 129, 138, 184 DISH Network, 133–134 Fibre to the premises (FTTP), 30 DITO, 165 Finland, 77–78 DNA, 78 Fixed Wireless Access (FWA), 78 DoCoMo, 136, 142, 145–146 5G, 1, 21, 67 Du, 160 5GX Platinum Plan, 152–153 Dynamic spectrum access (DSA), 15 Action Plan, 47 Dynamic spectrum sharing, 24 applications, 48, 195–196 business models, 49–51 Ecuador, 128 coverage, 197–199 Educational Broadband Service (EBS), emerging 5G ecosystems, 51–52 137–138 equation, 21–23 EE, 104–105 GigaCube, 82 Index 211 Home Broadband, 140 Hungary, 83–84 Hub, 140 Hutchison, 86–88, 144 speed, 197–199 technology update, 23–24 Ice Group, 93 Wi-Fi Pro, 140 Iceland, 85 5G Public Private Partnership IDATE DigiWorld, 6–7, 195 (5G PPP), 40 Iliad, 79, 87 5G Technology Forum (5GTF), IMT-2020, 26 130 IMT-Advanced, 7 Former Soviet Union (FSU), 5 India, 144–145 4G, 1, 7–8 Indonesia, 145 4.5G, 23 Industrial IoT (IIoT), 37 4ka (SWAN), 98 Infrastructure sharing, 13–14 France, private networks, 78–80 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Frequency division duplex (FDD), 36 Engineers (IEEE), 27 Funn, 93 International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation General Authorised Access (GAR), Protection (ICNIRP), 39 137 International Communication Union Germany, private networks, 80–82 Radiocommunications Gigabits per second (Gbps), 1 Sector (ITU-R), 3 Global mobile Suppliers Association International Data Corporation (IDC), (GSA), 10, 12 190–191 Global System for Mobile International Mobile Communication (GSM), 2–3 Telecommunication GlobalConnect, 93 system-2020 (IMT-2020), 3 Greece, 83 International Telecommunication Guam/Mariana Islands, 142 Union (ITU), 3–4 Guernsey, 83 Radiocommunications Sector, 27 Internet of Things (IoT), 30–31, 47, Harmonisation, 3–4, 6–7 53–57 Healthcare, 48 Iran, 156–157 High frequency bands, 34–36 Ireland, 85 High-speed packet access (HSPA), 4 Israel, 157 Honduras, 128 Italy, 85–88 Hong Kong, 142–144 ITU-R, 3 HongMeng OS, 184 ITU-T, 3 Hot-spot, 22–23 Huawei, 102, 144, 183–186 Japan, private networks, 145–147 5G CPE Pro router, 157–158 Jersey, 88 Honor View Pro 30 5G, 192 Joint-Venture Consortium (JVCo), 151 Mate 20X 5G, 191 Nova 7 SE 5G, 155 Kazakhstan, 157 P40, 192 Kazakhtelecom (Tele2-Altel), 157 212 Index KDDI, 145 LTE-B, 22–23 Kenya, 161 LTE-Licence Assisted Access (LAA), Keysight Technologies, 195 130 KPN, 90–91 LTE-U, 33 KT Corp, 152 Luxembourg, 89–90 KT Telecom, 152–153 Kuwait, 157–158 M1, 151 Macau, 147 L-band, 26 Machine Type Communication Laos, 147 (MTC), 31 Lattelecom, 88 Machine-to-machine communications Latvia, 88–89 (M2M communications), 22, Launch, definition of, 10 165–166, 199 Launch data, 197 Madagascar, 161 Lebanon, 158 Magyar Telekom, 84 Lenovo, 193 Malaysia, 147–148 Lesotho, 161 Malaysia, private networks LG Uplus, 153 Maldives, 148 LG V50 ThinQ 5G, 100 Malta, 90 Libya, 161 Market leadership, 195 Licence Assisted Access (LAA), 33 MasM´ ovil,´ 100, 101 Licence costs, 107–108 Massive machine type communications Licence-exempt spectrum, 33 (mMTC), 27 Licensed shared access (LSA), 15 Massive MIMO, 23, 28 Ligado Networks, 134 Megabits per second (Mbps), 1 Liquid Telecom, 162 MegaFon, 97, 151, 159 Listen before talk mechanism (LBT Merger and acquisition (M&A), 9 mechanism), 33 Mexico, 128–129 Lithuania, 89 Mid-band spectrum, 38 Local operators, 50–51 Millimetre wave (mmWave), 34–36 Localised services, 51 Mobile Communication Company Long term evolution–Advanced (MCI), 156–157 (LTE-A), 1, 7 Mobile edge computing, 24 Long term evolution (LTE), 1, 183 Mobile network operator (MNO), launch data, 10–12 50–51, 165 network, 2 Mobile TeleSystems (MTS), 97 unlicensed (LTE-U), 130 Mobile Virtual Network Enablers LoRa Alliance, 32 (MVNEs), 11 LoRa Alliance WAN (LoRaWAN), 34 Mobile Virtual Network Operators Low-power, wide-area network (MVNOs), 11 (LPWAN), 31 Monaco, 90 LTE Cat-M technology, 34 Monaco Telecom, 90 LTE in Unlicensed Spectrum (LTE-U), Motorola, 134 130 Edge1, 191 Index 213 MTN, 162 OnePlus, 192 MTS, 150–151 7 Pro 5G, 78 Multi-access edge computing (MEC) OnePlus 8 Pro, 192 see Mobile edge computing OnePlus 8, 192 Multi-operator core network Ooredoo, 158, 185–186 (MOCN), 13 Ooredoo 5G Supernet, 158 Multi-operator RAN (MORAN), 13, OpenAPI, 37 107 OpenRAN (O-RAN), 145 Multi-user MIMO (MU-MIMO), 28 OpenSignal, 29, 134–135, 166 Multiple input multiple output OPPO antennas (MIMO Find X2 5G, 191 antennas), 4 Find X2 Pro, 74, 191 Reno 5G, 145 Narrowband LTE (NB-LTE), 31 Reno3 Pro, 145 Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT), 31–33 Optus, 140 NB-IoT Forum, 32 Orange, 73, 79, 94, 96, 100 Nepal, 148 Ordinance on Protection from Net4Mobility, 101 Non-ionising Radiation Netherlands, private networks, 90–92 (ONIR), 102–103 Netia, 93–94 Orthogonal frequency division Network densification, 25 multiplexing (OFDM), 36 Network function virtualisation (NFV), 23–24, 48–50 P4 (Play), 94 Network sharing. See Infrastructure Pakistan, 149 sharing Partial Economic Areas (PEAs), 136 Network slicing, 23–24 PCCW, 143 Networks Software 17a, 32 Peru, 129 ‘NetWorkS!’ network, 95 Philippines, 149–150 New Radio (NR), 132 Pioneer band, 71 New Zealand, private networks, Poland, 93–95 148–149 Polkomtel (Plus), 94 Nigeria, 161 Portugal, 95–96 Nokia, 146 Post-WRC-15, 26–28 Non-Standalone (NSA), 22 PPF Group, 75 North Macedonia, 92 Price comparisons, 113 Norway, 92–93 Priority Access Licences (PALs), 137 NOW Telecom, 150 Private networks, 193–195 NSA-5G, 27–28 Puerto Rico, 129 Numericable-SFR, 79 Qatar, 158–159 Ofcom, 103–104, 106–107 Quadrature amplitude moderation Oman, 158 (QAM), 4 Omantel, 158 Qualcomm, 27–28, 33, 190 1&1 Drillisch, 82 214 Index Radio access network (RAN), 13 Slovanet, 99 Radio access technologies (RATs), 3 Slovenia, 99 Radio Regulations, 3–4 Smart city projects, 54–55 Radio Spectrum Policy Group Smart homes, 53–54 (RSPG), 27 SmarTone, 143–144 Radio Spectrum Policy Programme, 6 Smartphones, 190–193 Rakuten, 145–146 Softbank, 145–146 RCS&RDS, 83 Software defined infrastructure Re-farming, 12–13 (SDI), 23 Realme X50 Pro 5G, 191 Software-defined networking Reno, 141 (SDN), 48–50 Reserve prices, 9 Sony, 102 Rewheel, 113 South Africa, 161–162 Romania, 96–97 South Korea, 152–153 Rostelecom (Tele2), 97, 150 Spain, 99–101 Russia, 97–98 Spectral efficiency, 27 Russia, 150–151 Spectrum bands, 5–6 re-farming, 12–13 Safaricom, 161 Spectrum cap, 92 Salt, 103 Spectrum sharing, 14–15 Samsung Sprint, 131, 133 Galaxy A51 5G and A71 5G Sri Lanka, 153 models, 192 Stakeholders, 55 Galaxy A71 5G, 192 Standalone (SA), 22 Galaxy S10 5G smartphone, 132, StarHub, 151 152–153 StarHub-M1, 152 Galaxy S20 smartphone, 102 State Commission for Radio Galaxy S201 5G smartphone, 135 Frequencies (SRCF), 97 San Marino, 98 STC, 159 Satellite Industry Association (SIA), 26 Sunrise, 103 Satellite provision, 26 ‘Super Rete’ project, 88 Saudi Arabia, 159 Supplementary downlink (SDL),

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