V ESTNIK OF THE M AR I ST AT E UN I V E R S IT Y 157 CHAPTER “HISTORY. LAW”. 2019, VOL. 5, NO. 2 УДК 930(092) DOI: 10.30914/2411-3522-2019-5-2-157-165 WILHELM KUBITSCHEK – AN AUSTRIAN SCHOLAR OF CLASSICAL ANTIQUITY T. Klokner Danubius College, Janko Jesensky Faculty of Law, Slovakia The paper provides a brief biography of the Austrian professor Wilhelm Kubitschek (1858–1936), whose scientific interests in the field of ancient history were extremely diverse. Most of his work was devoted to the field of numismatics, though he also dealt in studies of ancient chronology, geography, economic history and Greek and Roman epigraphy. He is, therefore, rightly considered to be one of the last Austrian polymaths. He left a strong imprint in the studies of antiquity which we should not forget about even more than 80 years after his death. Keywords: Wilhelm Kubitschek, ancient numismatics, Austrian scholars, antiquity. ВИЛЬГЕЛЬМ КУБИЧЕК – АВСТРИЙСКИЙ УЧЕНЫЙ АНТИЧНОГО МИРА Т. Клокнер Колледж Данубиус, Юридический факультет им. Янко Есенского, Словацкая Республика В статье приводится краткая биография австрийского профессора Вильгельма Кубичека (1858–1936), научные интересы которого в области древней истории были чрезвычайно разнообразны. Большая часть его работ была посвящена нумизматике, хотя он также занимался исследованиями древней хронологии, географии, экономической истории и греческой и римской эпиграфики. Поэтому он по праву считается одним из последних австрийских ученых-универсалов, а его значительный вклад в исследование антич- ного мира представляет научную ценность и через 80 лет после его смерти. Ключевые слова: Вильгельм Кубичек, древняя нумизматика, австрийские ученые, античность. Knowledge of its own past comprises a significant Archeo-epigraphical seminar (1876) led by Otto part of every scientific discipline. Despite of that the Hirschfeld and Otto Benndorf.1 Here Kubitschek spe- historiography of classical antiquity somehow still cialized in classical philology, ancient history, clas- escapes consistent treatment. We would like to con- sical archaeology and epigraphy.2 In his studies, he tribute to bridging this gap in knowledge of lives, was influenced by lectures of leading scholars as fortunes and successes of distinguished scholars of Max Büdinger, Alexander Conze, Wilhelm von Hartel, classical antiquity by presenting a humble portrait of Karl Schenkl, as well as Otto Hirschfeld a Otto Benn- Wilhelm Kubitschek. The following text does not dorf.3 As a member of Archeo-epigraphical seminar attempt, in any sense, to bring a complex picture of which fused ancient history and classical archeology, life and work of this scholar, since such a goal has Kubitschek was asked to carry out a mission to south- not yet been met even by much more advanced, ern Hungary, Croatia and Slavonia between 1878 and German historiography. Instead it focuses primarily 1879 in order to study local antiquities. on recognition and assessment of his works, efforts and contribution to our field of study. Wilhelm Kubitschek was born on 28 June 1858 ———— in Bratislava as a son of high ranking postal officer 1 Winkler, Gerhard: Kubitschek, Wilhelm. In: Neue Deutsche of the imperial council, Wilhelm Kubitschek. Be- Biographie. Band 13. Berlin 1982, p. 161. 2 Pesditschek, Martina: Kubitschek, Wilhelm. In: Geschichte der tween 1867 and 1875 Kubitschek studied at an aca- Altertumswissenschften. Biographisches Lexikon. P. Kuhlmann – demic gymnasium in Vienna. He continued his stud- H. Schneider (eds.). Reihe Der Neue Pauly-Supplemente, Band 6. ies at the University of Vienna, where he belonged to Stuttgart; Weimar 2012, p. 674. 3 the first generation of students at the newly-founded Betz, Artur: Kubitschek Wilhelm. In: Österreichisches Biogra- phisches Lexikon 1815–1950. Band 4. Wien 1968, p. 314. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– © Клокнер Т., 2019 158 ВЕСТНИК М АРИЙСКОГО ГОСУДАРСТВ ЕННОГО УНИВЕРСИТЕТА СЕРИЯ «ИСТОРИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ. ЮРИДИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ». 2019. Т. 5. № 2 His first journey to southern Hungary, Croatia in Vienna. Shortly thereafter he presented a work in and Slavonia Kubitschek took with his colleague Latin titled “De Romanarum tribuum origine ac prop- Emmanuel Löwy.1 The report on the result of the agatione“, for which in 1881 he was awarded a doc- journey was published in Archäologisch-epigraphische torate in philosophy. For the winter semester of Mitteilungen aus Österreich-Ungarn.2 According 1881/1882 academic year Kubitschek was granted to the report their journey lasted from 22 August a state scholarship in Berlin where he had a chance to to 9 November 1878. The report was divided into meet many distinguished scholars and authorities in epigraphical part, written by Kubitschek, and an ar- study of ancient history. During his stay in Berlin he chaeological part prepared by Löwy. Their primary aim regularly visited lectures of Theodor Mommsen, Emil was to study and record ancient remains in situ. They Hübner, Adolf Kirchhoff and Otto Seeck.4 He drew paid particular attention to epigraphical remains, re- a lot of inspiration from his stay in Berlin, since in that viewed their conditions and discovered and copied new time the study of ancient history was flowering in ones. During their journey they visited these locations: Germany. Authorities as Theodor Mommsen called to Dalja, Erdöd, Almás, Osijek (Mursa), Pécs (Sopianae). action, inspired and heavily influenced younger gen- In Pécs they parted ways: Löwy continued directly to erations of colleagues. After his return from Berlin, Zagreb while Kubitschek paid a visit to Hungarian city Kubitschek worked as a high school teacher at Ober- Keszthély (Mogentiana) and Teplice pri Varaždíne hollabrunn gymnasium (1881–1883). Here he grew his (Aqua Viva) before he reached Zagreb. in ancient geography and published his remarks on In a short time, Kubitschek set out on another jour- cosmographer Iulius Honorius in the annual reports.5 ney, this time to Slavonia. The journey lasted from For 1883/1884 academic year Kubitschek was 25 July to 10 August 1879 and at this time Kubitschek granted a scholarship in Italy. During his one year’s was accompanied by another colleague, Josef Brunšmid stay he studied and collected a considerable amount (1858–1929). The report published after completing of epigraphical data.6 Afterwards he continued his their mission shows that their primary aim was an epi- career of a high school teacher in various schools in graphical survey of the surroundings of late-antique Vienna. Besides his teaching he also paid particular Sirmium (Mitrovica).3 However, already in the introduc- attention to his academic work. In 1886 he complet- tion to the report the authors noted that this was not fully ed the Handbook of Roman Antiquities (Handbuch accomplished because of health issues. While Brunšmid der römischen Antiquitäten) and decided to extend suffered from cold fever right from the fifth day, his dissertation and publish it under the title “Imperium Kubitschek became ill towards the end of the journey. Romanum tributim discriptum“ (1889). On the way from Osijek to Sirmium they visited several He did not lose his passion for travel even after sites (e.g. Diakovar, Vukovar, Ilok, Susek, Petrovaradín), finishing his studies. He set out on various study trips some which Kubitschek had already known from his within the area of Habsburg monarchy as well as to previous travels. Because of its significance and rich various parts of the late Roman Empire. Sometimes history, they devoted most time to Sirmium, which he traveled by himself, sometimes with a companion. provided them with the most extensive data. In 1893, for example, Kubitschek set out on a quite After finishing his university studies and obtaining distant journey with archaeologist Wolfgang Reichel to teaching qualification in classical philology in 1879, Greece and Asia Minor.7 Reports on his travels and Kubitschek was assigned to Mariahilfer gymnasium ———— ———— 4 Szaivert, W.: Wilhelm Josef Kubitschek zum 60. Todestag. 1 Emanuel Löwy became, later on, a professor of classical ar- In: Mitteilungsblatt des Instituts für Numismatik 13, 1996, p. 5–25. chaeology and taught at universities in Rome (1891–1915) and 5 Kubitschek, Wilhelm: Kritische Beiträge zur Cosmographia Vienna (1918–1928). He also enjoyed a close friendship with des Julius Honorius. 2 Bände. Oberhollabrunn 1882–1883. Sigmund Freud. See KENNER, Hedwig: Loewy, Emanuel. See also Kubitschek, Wilhelm: Die Erdtafel des Julius Honorius. In: Neue Deutsche Biographie. Band 15. Berlin 1987, p. 114–115. In: Wiener Studien, 7, 1885, p. 1–24; 278–310. 2 Kubitschek, Wilhelm – Loewy, Emanuel: Bericht über eine 6 Pink, Karl: Wilhelm Kubitschek. In: Numismatische Zeitschrift, Reise in Ungarn, Slavonien und Croatien. In: Archäologisch- 30, 1937, p. 20. epigraphische Mitteilungen aus Österreich-Ungarn, 3.2, 1879, 7 They published a report on the result of the journey: Kubitschek, p. 152–174. Wilhelm – Reichel, Wolfgang: Bericht über eine Reise in Karien und 3 Kubitschek, Wilhelm – Brunšmid, Joseph: Bericht über eine Phrygien. In: Anzeiger Wiener Akademie, 30.1, 1893, p. 93–105. For Reise in die Gegend zwischen Essegg und Mitrovica. In: information on Wolfgang Reichel (1858–1900) see Vetters, Hermann: Archäologisch-epigraphische Mitteilungen aus Österreich-Ungarn, Reichel (Ernst) Wolfgang. In: Österreichisches Biographisches Lex- 4.1, 1880, p. 97–124. ikon 1815–1950. Band 9. Wien 1988, p. 30. Т. Клокнер V ESTNIK OF THE M AR I ST AT E UN I V E R S IT Y 159 CHAPTER
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