pi i ^ 2 - • 'immmmv?^ » Business ^HH Directory ^CG AND | STREET GUIDE ^ 1 HARTFORD / Including the Following Vicinities: BLOOMFIELD EAST HARTFORD WEST HARTFORD i^'- WETHERSFIELD k HSfpnBnw WHk 1939 A complimentary service rendered to the residents by the merchants and professional people herein listed. We ask your cooperation in PATRONIZING THESE ESTABLISHMENTS STREET GUIDE LISTED ON PINK PAGES It is suggested that the blank pages opposite the business listings be used for numbers frequently called and that the directory be kept convenient to your telephone. Compiled and Published Annually by * UNITED CLASSIFIED AD SERVICE DURANT BLDG., ELIZABETH, N. J. Certified Distribution by Postal Telegraph Distribution can be verified by calling Postal Telegraph *Note—This Classified Business Directory is sponsored, com- piled and published by the United Classified Ad Service, Postal Telegraph acts solely as our agent in effecting the distribution and in rendering a messenger service for the collection of the Directory Listings. Copyright 1938 by United Classified Ad Service, Elizabeth, N. J. ACCOUNTANTS—CERTIFIED PUBLIC BREWER, SAMUEL G., 36 Pearl 2-6663 If no answer call 3-9955 HATHAWAY, EDWIN B. AND CO., 805 Main 7-2814 KNUST, EVERETT & CAMBRIA, 15 Lewis 2-2243 RAPHAEL, EDWARD, 650 Main -.7-8411 SCHAFFMAN, A., 54 Church - 2-7754 SCHWARTZ, HARRY K., 11 Asylum 2-1076 TOUCHE, NIVEN & CO., 36 Pearl 6-2392 ACCOUNTANTS—PUBLIC KAUFMAN, ALBERT S., 1026 Main ...2-9275 NEW ENGLAND ACCOUNTING SERVICE BUREAU, 36 Pearl 7-7028 Res., P. L. HANSON, 27 Frederick ....5-3656 YUDOWITCH, REUBEN, 75 Pearl ,„.7-3/40 ADVERTISING AGENCIES ROBOTHAM, EDWARD W. & CO.—Advertising and Sale Counsel— 74 Union Place 6-8725 ADVERTISING—DIRECT MAIL DILLON MAILING BUREAU, 720 Main „., 6-2245 ADVERTISING NOVELTIES AND CALENDARS BLUMENTHAL, MORTON A.—Complete Calendar and Novelty Service—Lowest Prices—324 Fern, West Hartford 3-6095 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OLDS & WHIPPLE, INC., 164-168 State — .2-9121 AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS AMERICAN HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING CO., INC.— Heating Apparatus—Oil Burners—197 Church 2-7334 FLAGG, C. N.—Air Conditioning Equipment—Refrigeration Equipment 487 Main ...... - - ~ 2-4968 GENERAL ELECTRIC AIR CONDITIONING, 3 American Row. 7-7266 AIR TRANSPORTATION AVIATION SERVICE CO., INC.—Passenger Planes, Charter Service, Student Instruction, Aerial Photography—Brainard Field 7-6907 DESCOMB FLYING SERVICE, INC.—Charter Service— Brainard Field ........ 5-9354 AMBULANCE SERVICE NEWKIRK & WHITNEY, 921 Main, East Hartford 8-0294 776 Farmington Ave 3-4309 PROFESSIONAL AMBULANCE SERVICE, FORREST W. ORR, R.N., Director—98 Retreat Ave —. 6-0871 ANTIQUES MULBERRY BUSH, THE, BRONSON & GIRDNER, 32 Mulberry 6-9474 APPRAISERS BLISS AND COLE, 36 Pearl - 7-1119 SCOVILLE, MORTON W.—Adjuster and Appraiser—49 Pearl 2-2522 ARCHITECTS BERENSON, JULIUS, 251 Farmington Ave. 2-8020 COOPER, FORD H., Corner Lewis and Gold 2-0652 FEINBERG, ADOLF, 1127 Main 2-8338 KANE, JOSEPH E., 54 Church - 7-3207 KNOX, MALCOLM R., 29 Townley - - 6-3051 McMAHON, JOHN J., 187 Barker 2-55C6 SCHEIDE, LESTER BEACH, INC., 100 Pearl 7-9141 SCHUTZ, ROBERT H. JR., 36 Pearl 2-8353 ARMORED CAR SERVICE MERCER AND DUNBAR, 75 Pearl ....„ :. - 2-7249 1167 Boulevard Branch, West Hartford .... 3-S575 ARTESIAN WELLS HAMMOND, E. D.—Artesian Wells and Test Washborings— 57 Wilson Ave., Wilson „ - 5-6225 ARTISTS—COMMERCIAL COWLES, FRANK, 488 Main 6-4692 ASSOCIATIONS—(See Clubs—See Social Service) CONNECTICUT DAIRY AND FOOD COUNCIL— Educational Organization—43 Farmington Ave 2-5552 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, 28 Prospect 2-8075 KNIGHTS OF LITHUANIA, 339 Capitol Ave - 7-5730 LABOR TEMPLE ASSOCIATION OF HARTFORD, INC., CHAS. A. HELLYAR, Treas.—97 Park 5-9123 PRODUCTION CREDIT ASSOCIATION, 130 Washington 7-9208 PROFESSIONAL MEN'S SERVICE BUREAU, DR. JAMES RAGLAN MILLER, Pres.—104 Asylum 2-2285 AUCTIONEERS MANLEY, ROY E„ 377 Blue Hills Ave 6-5759 AUTOGRAPHIC REGISTERS ATLANTIC REGISTER CO., 125 Trumbull 6-7764 AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES HOFF AUTO SUPPLY CO., 349 Trumbull 7-3339 LION AUTO STORES, INC., 330 Main 6-9001 TRIPLEX STORES, INC.—Radios, Wheel Goods and Electrical Supplies—315 Trumbull 6-0255 AUTOMOBILE AGENCIES AND DEALERS AETNA MOTOR SALES, INC.—Chrysler and Plymouth Sales and Service—697 Connecticut Blvd., East Hartford 8-2782 ELMER AUTOMOBILE CO.—Willys Sales and Service— 348 Trumbull 2-2184 GENERAL AUTO SALES CO.—New and Used—Dodge and Plymouth 945 Farmington Av., W. H 3-5261—Branch, 108 Farmington Av....2-3905 HARRINGTON HUDSON CO.—Hudson and Terraplane Sales and Service—New and Used Cars—305 Broad 2-3196 HARTFORD MOTOR CAR CO., THE—Ford - Mercury, Lincoln Zephyr Sales and Service—51-59 Farmington Ave 7-3125 LAMPHIER MOTORS, INC.—DeSoto and Plymouth Cars- New and Used Cars-—613 Connecticut Blvd 8-2133 TABER CADILLAC CORP., THE—Cadillac, LaSalle, Oldsmobile Sales and Service—1530 Albany Ave 7-0171 TABER, RUSSELL P., INC.—Oldsmobile and LaSalle Sales and Service—128 Allyn 2-4271 AUTOMOBILE BODY BUILDERS AMERICAN BODY CO., 2172 Main 6-5918 AUTOMOBILE BODY REPAIR GENERAL AUTO BODY & RADIATOR WORKS, 89 Chapel 6-9685 JOHNSON & GRANDAHL, 76 Elm 5-9818 KLATT, JOHN CO., 373 Washington .6-6509 KOELSCH AND GATES, 12 John, East Hartford 8-3178 PARKVILLE AUTO BODY WORKS, BROR LINDAU, Pres., 1643 Park - 32-3788 AUTOMOBILE BRAKE SERVICE SAM'S SCIENTIFIC BRAKE SERVICE, 351 Ann 2-4878 AUTOMOBILE DEALERS—USED CONNECTICUT TIRE AND RUBBER CO., INC., 261 Connecticut Blvd, East Hartford 8-3917 & 15-19 Mather 5-1381 RAMBIS MOTOR SALES, 750 Connecticut Blvd., East Hartford 8-3971 STEINMAN, H. AND SONS—Parts—2149 Main 2-7412 AUTOMOBILE ELECTRICAL SERVICE LASSON'S AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE, 585 Windsor 2-7545 LOTZE, A. R. CO.—Specializing in Generator Repairs—191 Hudson 6-4883 AUTOMOBILE FINANCING COLONIAL ACCEPTANCE CORP., 650 Main 7-8163 DEVONSHIRE FINANCIAL SERVICE CORP., 410 Asylum 2-7167 Name and Address Telephone Number AUTOMOBILE GLASS DWYER CO., 28 John 6-9026 WEISMAN, LOUIS, 690 Albany Ave .5-9374 AUTOMOBILE PARKING CENTRAL PARKING STATION, INC., 115 State 7-6507 EAST SIDE PARKING AND GAS STATION, JOSEPH D'AMATO, Prop., 160 Front „ .7-6732 AUTOMOBILE PARTS—NEW GODDARD AUTO PARTS CO., 537 Ann 6-4388 HARTFORD MOTOR PARTS, INC., 406 Main 6-9739 AUTOMOBILE PARTS—USED LEONE'S, V., AUTO MART, Fish Fry St 6-5852 PANDOLFE'S USED AUTO PARTS—Auto Glass Installed— Parts Shipped to all points—Columbia Gardens 7-7286 7-8630 AUTOMOBILE PISTON RING REPLACEMENTS GRANT PISTON RING SALES, 387 Park 6-9126 AUTOMOBILE RADIATOR REPAIR CONNECTICUT AUTO RADIATOR & BODY WORKS, 2025 Main 6-9967 NATIONAL AUTO RADIATOR & BODY CO., 740 Connecticut Blvd., East Hartford 8-4441 SMITH RADIATOR SERVICE, 409 Ann 7-1615—Residence 5-5738 AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING ABATTE, ANGELO—General Repairing and Safety Lane Work— 29 Portland - - 6-2021 CARPENTER, R. E.—General Repairing—234 White - 6-2354 CLINTON STREET GARAGE, W. BILL LAVOIE, Prop., Chevrolet Specialist—11 Clinton 7-5728 DUTCH AND DUTCH AUTO SERVICE, 37 So. Prospect 6-6403 JOHN'S AUTO REPAIR SHOP, JOHN RONDINONE, Prop., Rear 74 Edwards - 6-6896 SALESBURY, A. R., Rear 73 Edwards 2-5634 WOODLAND GARAGE—General Repairing, Towing and Storage— 1137 Albany Ave - 7-8919 AUTOMOBILE SPRINGS SUPERIOR SPRING AND MFG. CO., INC., 397 Washington 7-0366 AUTOMOBILE TIRE RECAPPING TIRE REGROOVING & SERVICE CO., 18>/2 Squire ..7-4628 AUTOMOBILE TIRES AND BATTERIES WHOLESALE TIRE & BATTERY CO. OF CONNECTICUT, 110 Walnut, Corner Edward 2-5735 AUTOMOBILE TIRES—RETAIL CONNECTICUT TIRE AND RUBBER CO., 15-19 Mather 5-1381 DUNLOP TIRE AND RUBBER CORP., JOHN NAGEL, Mgr. of Hartford Branch—9 Webster 2-4564 HELM. TIRE SERVICE CORPORATION—Tires and Brakes— 59 Edwards 7-9718—Residence 2-8435 HUB TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE—Batteries— 1136 Albany Ave 6-5401 JOE THE TIRE EXPERT—Federal, Goodyear and Miller Tires— 10 Homestead Ave . - ........ ,7-2067 NUTMEG TIRE EXCHANGE—New and Used Tires—Truck Tires Our Specialty—Distributors for Denman Tires—Vulcanizing and Regrooving—38 Albany Ave 6-3470 SOS BATTERY SERVICE—U. S. Tires—Sales and Service— 110 Jewell ...... - 2-2281 TRUMBULL TIRE AND SERVICE CO., INC., Pearl and Trumbull sts 7-4343 (Trumbull Garage 2-7020) UNITED STATES TIRE DEALERS CORPORATION, 1407 Park 2-6293 AUTOMOBILE TIRES—RETREAD GORDON TIRE WORKS, 110 Connecticut Blvd., East Hartford 8-2322 AUTOMOBILE TIRES—WHOLESALE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER CO., INC., 100 High 7-5161 AUTOMOBILE TOPS AND BODIES U. S. AUTO TOP AND BODY CO., 525 Park 7-9600 AUTOMOBILE TOWING ABATTE, ANGELO—General Repairing—Towing Service and Safety Lane Work—29 Portland 6-2021 WOODLAND GARAGE—General Repairing—Towing and Storage— 1137 Albany Ave 7-8919 AWNINGS, FLAGS AND TENTS SKIFF, F. B.. INC., J. A. MURPHY, Treasurer- Waterproof Canvas—8 Mountford 2-8885 BAKERS—RETAIL BAGGISH, JULIUS, BAKERY, INC., 1270 Albany Ave 6-9468 198 Windsor - 7-8473 DE PASQUALE BROS., 325 Franklin Ave 6-9189 EMPIRE BAKING CO.—Delivery Service—At Your Service 24 Hours A Day—1050 Albany Ave 6-0036 GUS'S CAKE SHOP, 222 Asylum 1 6-0219 LASOFF BROS. BAKERY, INC., 112 Barbour 6-5254 LYONS, MRS., CAKE SHOP—Wedding Cakes and Birthday Cakes Made To Order—531 Farmington Ave - 3-4041 (Continued) 10 BAKERS—RETAIL—(Continued) MIRSKY, M. & SON, 214 Pleasant .6-5330 NEWTON, ROBERTSON, BAKERY, 1146 Albany Ave. .7-5221 PESKIN & PERLER, 406 Garden 5-9992 ROMA BAKERY, 112 Windsor . - 6-6192 SANITARY BAKERY, 1969 Main 2-8387 SUN LIGHT BAKING CO., 885 Broad - 6-7240 SUN LIGHT BAKING CO., 283 Albany Ave — - 6-4358 UNION BAKING CO., 195 Sheldon - — 7-6165 VEGA BAKING CO., ERIC CARLSON, Prop.—1010 Broad 6-5615 VIENNA BAKERY—Wedding Cakes Our Specialty—553 Park 2-6634 VIKING BAKING CO., 500 Oakwood Ave., West Hartford... 3-5292 WOODBRIDGE BAKING CO., INC., 341 Franklin Ave. 2-9381 BAKERS—WHOLESALE CONNECTICUT PIE BAKING CO., INC., 90 Maple Ave 7-9217 MOON BAKERY CO., CONCETTO J.

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