Articles by Subject The Book - Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World • Alex Jones Caller Promotes Bollyn 9-11 Books • Index to Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World • Ron Paul's Letter to Bollyn • Readers' Comments on Final Chapters of Solving 9/11 • The Book in PDF Format • How to read the book online • Table of Contents • Foreword by Glen Stanish • Preface • I - 9/11 Through the Eyes of an American Skeptic • II - The Planes of 9-11 • III - America the Target: 9-11 and Israel's History of False Flag Terrorism • IV - The Terror Drills That Became Real: 9-11, the London Bombings & the Sinking of Estonia • V - How Did Spy Software Get Onto FAA Computers? • VI - Who Controls Our Elections? • VI A - The Florida Connection • VII - The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Network Behind 9/11 • VIII - The Mass Media & the 9/11 Cover-Up • IX - Who Really Controls Our Political Parties? • X - Who Runs the Obama White House? • XI - The Fleecing of America: 9-11 and the Crisis on Wall Street • XII - The Nexus Linking 9/11 and the Financial Crisis • XIII - Ptech, 9/11, and the Financial Collapse • XIV - Game Over: Evidence of Super-Thermite in the Rubble • XV - The Destruction of the Evidence • XVI - Making Sense of the 9/11 Cover Up Alex Jones Caller Promotes Bollyn 9-11 Books November 28, 2015 "SOLVING 9-11 ENDS THE WAR" is the theme of my upcoming speaking tour, as it was for the previous tour. Alex Jones uses my theme although he claims to be unaware of my work and efforts, and goes nowhere near explaining what the theme means. "Maverick from Texas" called into the Alex Jones show the other day to tell Jones about my Solving 9-11 research. The Alex Jones channel has posted a YouTube video of the 5-minute conversation between Maverick and Jones, in which Maverick promotes my work by pointing out the essence of what my research means, while Jones avoids discussing it. This is very telling behavior from the media personality who claims to be the person who started the 9-11 truth movement - literally. The Maverick-Jones discussion is during the first 4 minutes and 50 seconds of the following video: "Solving 9/11 Ends the War" - Alex Jones Channel steals my tour slogan without going anywhere near the essence of my research which explains what this slogan means. This is an attempt to hijack people who are searching for information about my Solving 9-11 research by using this slogan. Video Link - youtu.be/sGcb21alfHo 533 Google +8 42 2 10 Index to Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World April 2, 2013 Index to Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World (2012 print edition) “60 Minutes”, 206 9-11 Citizens’ Commission Hearings, 110, 242, 297 9-11 Commission Report, 99, 101, 260-261, 265 9-11 Encyclopedia, 175, 176 ABC News, 102, 194 Admoni, Nahum, 65-66, 72 Advanced Metallurgical Group, NV (AMG), 279 Afghanistan, vii, viii, 12, 29, 41, 66-67, 78, 147, 149, 197, 216, 225, 228, 237-239, 277, 280, 286, 287, 290-291, 312, 316 and opium production, 41, 78 Agassi, Sarah, 56 as “terrorist in disguise”, 56 Agua-Agro Fund, 305 Aharonovich, Avinoam Naor, 160, 181 Ahmed Abdul Qudoos, 221 Airborne Express, 43 aircraft, 25 anomalies, 31 as drones, 31 Bedek’s Boeing conversions, 43 evidence suppressed, viii, 25, 31, 288 Albuquerque Journal, 13, 268 Alender, Urmas, 11, Alexandria (Virginia), 68, 74, 161 Alif, Nabil, 136, 142 Alif, Nidal, 136, 142 Allen, Peter, 92-93 Al Qaida, vii, xiii, 6, 152, 165, 222, 237, 272, 280, 285-288, 290-291, 312, 313, 315 Aman (IDF intelligence), 53, 66,73-74, 76 Amdocs, 158-160, 176, 181 American Airlines, xiii American Airlines Flight 11, 31, 100 American Airlines Flight 77, 97 American Free Press, xiv, 5 American International Group (A.I.G.), 164, 175, 176, 226, 237, 240 American Jewish Committee, 170 American Revolution, 236 American Society of Civil Engineers, 262 Amin, Idi, 34, 41-42 Andreas family (ADM), 179-180 Anidjar, Samuel, 136-137, 141 Annan, Kofi, xxiv Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL), 157, 191, 313 Anti-Semitism, 189 AOL Time Warner, 146, 193 Arab League, xxiii Arafat, Yasir, xix Arms Export Control Act (1976), 211 Arnold, Larry, 102 Asia House, 35 Asia Times, 214, 218 Associated Metals and Minerals Corp., 304 Associated Press, 97, 219, 220, 297, 299 Astaneh-Asl, Abolhassan, 262 ATASCO 32-38, 41-42, 44, 294, 305 and Gerald Gitner, 42 connection to Israeli military, 34 connection to Mossad, 34 in Colombia, 38 in Panama, 38 Atta, Mohammed, xxxvi, 22, 149 Atwell Security (Tel Aviv), 167-169, 171, 174, 176, 294 Aurec Group, 176 Austria, 112, 227 Aviation Week, 210 Axelrod, David, 221 Azulay, Avner, 294-295 Bacall, Lauren (Betty Joan Persky), 81 Balkanization, 24 as Israeli strategy for Middle East, 24 Baltic Sea, 103, 105-106 Bank of Israel, 180 Barak, Ehud, xix, 229, 276-277, 279-280, 287, 312 Bardach, Ann Louise, 194-195, 197-203, 211 Bar Ilan University, 65, 224 Barkatt, Aharon, 75 Bazant, Zdenek P., 262 Bedali, Ibrahim, 141 Bedek Aviation, 33-34, 43-44, 83, 305 and Boeing conversions to tankers, 43 and ATASCO, 34 Bedford (Mass.), 113 Beechcraft, 201 Beigon, Ephraim, 281 Begin, Menachem, xx, 53-56, 68, 79, 295, 311-312 Heritage House, 55 Beilin, Yossi, 229 Beirut International Airport, 65-66 1983 truck bombing of U.S. Marine barracks, 65-66, 186 Belcher, Tim, 161, 163 Belger, Monte R., 119-121, 124 Belgium, 104 Beliefnet, 71 Bell Helicopter, 201 Belzer, Nir, 305 Bendor, Avraham (a.k.a. Avram Shalom), 167-169, 171, 174-176, 281 Ben Eliezer, Binyamin, 65 Ben Gurion, David (David Grün), xxi, 54, 62, 72, 75-83, 211, 232 and bombing of King David Hotel 54 Bennet, James, 6, 58 Berez, Julie, 230 Bergen Record (New Jersey), 5, 193, 302 Berger, Stephen, 170 Bermuda, 218 Bernadotte, Folke, 168 Bernanke, Ben Shalom, 240 Betar, 131, 133, 294 in Shanghai and Japan, 294 Bethlehem, xxvii- xxviii Bezeq, 180 Bialkin, Kenneth, 176 Biehl, Arthur, 206-207 Bin Laden, Osama, vii, xiii, 6, 67-68, 115, 128, 188, 222, 237-239, 272, 274, 276, 280 , 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 309, 311-313 family ties to Bush family, 12 lack of evidence connecting to 9-11, 288 Biran, Ilan, 180 Black, Ian, 72 Black Rock, 241 Black Sabbath, 57 Blair, Tony, 228-230, 232-233 Bloomberg, Michael, 220 Blumberg, Benjamin, 213 Blumenthal, Ralph, 174 BMI, 249 B’nai B’rith, 117, 157 Boeing, 35, 38, 43 707 Israeli tanker conversions, 43 757, xiv-xv 767 conversions, 43 and ATASCO, 35 Israel, 179-180 Israeli aircraft conversions, 43, 47 Bogota, Colombia, 38 Bollyn, Christopher, xiii-xvi, xxxiv-xxxv, 7, 10-12, 32, 313, 325 background, 10-12, 325 undercover police attack and TASERing, ix, 7, 32 trial of, ix, 7 undercover police assault, ix, 7, 313 Bonner, Robert C., 205 Bosnia, 222 Boston Center (FAA), 100 Boston Globe, 241 Bregman, Lior, 306-307 Breitweiser, Kristen, 118 Bremer, Lewis “Jerry”, 178 Brezenoff, Stanley, 170, 177 Brigham Young University, 17, 257, 259, 269 Britain, 73, 75-76, 82, 228, 232 British Broadcasting Corp. (BBC), 14, 92, 95, 190, 192-193, 276-277, 287, 293 BBC World television, 95, 276-277, 280, 287, 293, 312 and Ehud Barak on 9-11, 280, 287, 312 censors 9-11 report of “series of explosions”, 14, 95, 293 destroys original 9-11 tapes, 96 reports collapse of WTC 7 prior to actual event, 95 Broadview International, 160, 162 Bronfman family, 179 Brown, Gordon, 228-230, 232-233 Buenos Aires, 171 Busch, Anita, 202 Bush, George H.W., 39 and drug smuggling rumors, 39, 41 Bush, George W., ix, xiii, xxv, 12, 25, 28, 41, 151, 155, 229, 237-238, 287, 290 Bush, John Ellis "Jeb", 44 and IAI business in Florida, 44 visit to Israel, 44 Business Week, 154-155 Byrne, Scott, 296 Cable News Network (CNN), 146, 186, 190, 192, 193, 240, 313 Cacchioli, Louie, 13 eyewitness to explosions, 13 Cahill, Thomas A., 17, 256, 262-264, 266 research on WTC smoke particles, 17, 256, 262-263 Cairo, 68, 72, 74 CAL, 61 Cameron, Carl, 27 Camp David Accords, xvii Cana (Qana), 56 Canada, 104, 204 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC), 306-307 CIBC Oppenheimer, 306-307 CIBC World Markets, 306-307 Carlson, Tucker, 259 Carter, Brian R., 210 Carter, Jimmy, xvi, xx, xxiv-xxxii Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, xvi-xxxii Castro, Fidel, 172 Cedar Fund, 116 CBS, 313 Cellcom Israel Ltd., 181 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 39, 64, 97, 208, 242-243, 246, 248-249, 252-253 Centreville (Virginia), 121 Chantilly (Virginia), 97 Challenge Fund (Etgar), 179, 181-182 Challenge Partners, 180 Chase Manhattan, 195 Cheney, Richard “Dick”, ix, 242, 244, 288 Chertoff, Michael, 25-26, 152, 173, 238, 295-296, 309, 313-315 and destruction of evidence, 25, 238, 295-296, 309, 313-314 and ‘non-investigation’ of 9-11, 25, 295-296, 313-314 and Sensitive Security Information, 25, 314 as Zionist agent, 26, 152, 238, 295, 309, 314 at Dept. of Homeland Security, 25, 314 Chicago, 97, 119, 312 Chicago Tribune, 60, 64, 240, 313 China, 37, 176, 204, 227, 235, 295 Christian Coalition, 204 Christian Science Monitor, 146 Christian Zionists, 187, 203 Chomsky, Noam, 79 Ciechanover, Joseph, 180, 182 Ciechanover, Tamar, 180 Citibank, 234, 255 Citizens Budget Commission (NY), 176 Claremont Channel, 300 Clinton, Hillary, 233 Clinton, William, xix, xxi, 39, 41, 83, 233, 236, 312, 314 Clipper Jupiter, 41 CNN (see Cable News Network) Cockburn, Andrew and Leslie, 203, 281 Dangerous Liaison, 203 Cohen, Ronald, 230, 232-233 Colombia, 20, 38, 176 Commodore Aviation, 43-45 Bedek operation in Miami, 44 moves from Miami to Griffiss AFB, 44-45 Congress (U.S.), 25 failure to investigate 9-11, 25 Continental Airlines, 37 Controlled Demolition, Inc.
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