Mo.lc..rCA- .s!k:_ J, 0- ~<..<_ 11 H··-J-~ Mahara·shtra. l9?3-74 ·ruLY: 1974 i'11blished by : nm DIRECTO~ATE~OENERAL OF INFORMATION ,.,ND PUBLIC RELATIONS, MAHARASHTRA STATB, BOM8AY MAHARASHTRA AT ~ GLANCE, 1973-74 CONTENTS Serial Particulars Page- No. / GOVERNOR, COUNCIL OF MINISTERS, STATE MINISTERS AND DEPUTY MINISTER, SPEAKER, DEPUTY SPEAKER, CHAIRMAN, DEPUTY CHAIRMAN~ 2.1 MAHARASIITRA LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY 'ELECTIONS, 4 & 1972 2.2 3 MAHARASHTRA : DIVISIONS- AND DISTRICTS 6 4 MAHARASHTRA : GENERAL INFORMATION 7 5 MAHARASHTRA : COMPARISON Wtrn INDIA 8 6 AREA AND PoPULATION-c- 6.1. Districtwise area, Population and Den­ 18 sity of Maharashtra State according to ' 1971 Census. l 6.2. Male and Female Population in each 20 District. 6.3. Districtwise Literate and Educated per­ 22 sons according to 1971 Census. 6.4. Rural and Urban Composition of Popu• lation in each District according to 1971 Census. 6.5. Distribution of Population by Workers 26 and Non-workers according to 1971 Population Census. "-<_6.6. Distribution of Working Population by 28 y· Agricultural and other Workers. \ Serial ~~rliculars Page No. .6.7. Cities having Population more than one 32 lakh according to 1971 Census •. 6.8. Classification of Towns according to 33 Population, 1971. 6.9. StatewiseDistributionofPopulation, 1971.. 34 6.10. Population of Scheduled Castes and 36 Scheduled Tribes, 1971. 7 AGRICULTURE- 7J. Land Utilisation Statistics 38 7.2; Area and Production of Principal Crops· 39 in Maharashtra in the year ;1971-72. 7.3. Distribution of Fertilisers du~ing 1970-71 40 and 1971-72 in Maharashtra; · 7.4. Ag(jcultural Implements during 'the year 41 1972. i 8 !JtRIGATION- / 8.1. Area irrigated by Sources in Maharashtra 42 during 1969-70 and 1970-71. 8.2. Major and Medium Irrigation Works 44 under construction (1971-72). 8.3. Comparative study of number of Major, 66 Medium and Minor Irrigation Projects 1\<ith Irrigation Potential and Expenditure on them. 9 ANIMAL HUSBANDRY- 9.1. · Work done at the Veterinary Dispen- 68 saries in Zilla Parishads and other lnstitu- •. .-. tions during the year 1971-72. •VJ' --..,. ii Serial Particulars Page No. ... 9.2. Miscellaneous Statistics relating to 69 Animal Husbandry as on 31st March ~ 1972. 9.3. Livestock Statistics as per 1972 Census. 71 9.•( Dairy Development and Milk Schemes in 72 the State of Maharashtra as on 31st March 1973. 10 FISHERtES- 10.1. Fish Curing Yards and Salt issued to 73 !bern. 10.2. Miscellaneous Statistics 73 II FoRESTS- 11.1. Classification of Forest Area under State 76 Administration (1971-72). · 11.2. Functional Classification of Forest Area 76 (1971-72). 11.3. Major and Minor Forest Produce Tt (1971.72) 12 INDUSlRY AND MJNtNG­ TeXti/e Jndllslry-- 12.1. No. of Mills, Installed Capacity, . 77 Spindles, Looms, Employment·and Pro- duction as on 31st December 1971. Small Scale lndllslry-- 12.2. Districtwise Industrial Units permanently so ""· registered during 1961 to 1971 in Maha- ~~ rashtra. Serial Particu1ars Page No. Large and Small Scale llldustry- 12.3. Districtwise Industries (Large and Small 82 Scale) registered under Factories Act and Employment in the year 1971. 12.4. Number of Working Factories and 94 Average Daily Employment in Maha- rashtra as on 31&1 December 1971. 12.5. Districtwise number of Letters of Intent 9S issued for Establishing New Units in Maharashtra State during 1965-71. 12.6. Number .of Licences granted during 97 1952-71 . Industry and Mining- 12.1. Typewise Industrial Estates in each Dis- 99 tnct of Maharashtra State (1971-72). 12.8. Typewisc Industrial Estates constructed 100 (Five-Year Plan periodwise.) 12.9. Value of Industrial Output and Value 101 added by manufacture in Maharashtra State during the year 1968. Handicl'afts and Cottage Iudustries- 12.10. Number of Training Schools in various 102 Cottage Industry Trades in the districts of · Maharashtra under the Control of Zilla Parishads. Milling lndustl'y- 12.11. Mineral Production, 1972 .. ~ iv Serial Particulars Page No. Industrial Dl'sputes- 12.12. Industrial Disputes, Workers involved 105 and man-days lost in Maharashtra during 1911 ~nd 1972. 13 ELIJCTRICITY- 13.1. Installed Capacity, Electricity Generated 106 and Electricity Consumed in the State of Maharashtra. 13.2. Places electrified and Agricultural Pumps energised as on 30th April 1973 by the Maharashtra State Electrtcity Board. 107 14 Co-oPERATION- Societies, Members, Working Capital, 108 Advances, Outstanding Loans and Turnover (1971-72). 15 EDUCATION- 15.1. Categorywise number oflnstitutions and 110 Enrolment in the State of Maharashtra as on 15th July 1972. · 15.2. Institutions and Enrolment by the Type 111 as on 15th July 1972. 15.3. Literacy percentages in order of Merit in the Indian States as per 1971 115 Census. 16 .-....,.Ml!DlCAL AND PUBLIC HEALTH- ~·~· Medical Facilities in the State (1972). !15 r: v Serial Particulars Page No. 16.2. Dispensaries and Doctors under Ayurvc- dic System of Medicine during 1972-73 117 in the State of Maharashtra. 16.3. Registered Births, Deaths and Infant 118 Mortality Rates for 1971. Employees State Iusura11ce· Sclreme- 16.4. Miscellaneous Statistics relating to 119 Employees State Insurance Scheme in Maharashtra State as on 31st March 1973. 16.5. Work done by Family Planning Centres. 121 17 TRANSpORT AND CoM~fUNICA TION8- Ratfio Liceuces- 11.1. Dislrictwise Number of Radio Licences 122 issued during the year ending December 1971. 17.2. Typewise Radio Licences issued in the 124 year ending December 1971. Trausport- 11.3. Operational Statistics of Maharashtra 125 State Road Transport Corporation as on 31st March 19..73. 17.4. Number of Motor Vehicles as on Jst 127 January 1973 in Maharashtra Stale. 17.5. Passenger Traffic at the Ports of ~Maha- 128 rashtra during the year 1971-72. vi Serial Particu Iars Page No, 17.6. Number of PassenJlers arrlved and 129 departed, Exclusive of Passen11ers carried by Harbour Sailinll Vessels during 1971-72. Roads- 17.7. Classwise Road Length (extra 130 Municipal) as on 31st March 1972 (Provisional). 17.8. Surfaccwise Road Length (extra 131 Municipal) as on 31st March 1972 (provisional). 18 TRADE- Sea·borne Trade- lB.!. Number of VesSels which entered the 1 32 Docks or were berthed at the Harbour walls and paid Dues during the past Ten Years~ 18.2. Principal Items of Imports (Docks and 133 Bunders) during 1971-72. 18.3. Principal Items of Exports (Docks and 134 Bonders) during 1971-72. 18.4. Cargo Traffic Handled at Minor Ports of 135 Maharashtra during 1971-72. 18.5. Cargo Traffic handled at the Docks and 138 Bunders during the past six years. Rail Trade- 18.6. Important items of Exports from and 140 Imports to the State of Maharashtra from other States by Rail during 1971-72. ~------------------------- vii Serial Particulars· Page No. 19 EMPLOYMENT- 19.1. Employment through Employment 143 Exchanges. 19.2. Stale Government Employees as on lsi 144 July 1966. 19.3. Distribution of Employees (Class I to IV) 145 according to Ranges of Total Monthly Emoluments. 19.4. Employment ·by Industry Divisions • . 146 19.5. Employment-seekers by Level of Edu- 147 cation. 19:6. Employment-seekers by Occupational 148 Divisions; 19.7. Demands and Placements in the various 149 Sectors. 20 POLICE- 20.1. Police Stations, Outposts and · Police 149 Force in Maharashtra Stale as on 31st March 1973. · 20.2. Sanctioned Strength and Cost of Police ISO (including Railways but excluding . Bombay City) as on 31st March 1973. 20.3. Cognizable Offences including Attempts IS 1 under Indian Penal Code for the year 1971 (including Greater Bombay). 20.4. Cost and Strength of Police Force in 152 Greater Bombay as on 31st March 1973. 20.5. Cognizable Offences includin!J Attempts 153 under Indian Penal Code m Greater Bombay during 1972-73. viii Serial Particulars page No. 21 PROHIBmON- 21.1. Number ofTrees tapped, Neera produced 154 and sold in the State of Maharashtra during 1969·70. · · 21.2. Offences under Prohibition and Exci~e !54 Laws for the year 1969-70. 21.3. Districtwise ·Offences under Prohibition !56 and Excise Laws for the year 1969-70. 22 HOUSING- 22.1. Number of Tenements constructed under 158 various Housing Schemes iit Maharashtra (upto March 1973). 22.2. Number of Tenements construc•ed by !58 Co-operative Housing Societies in Maha- rashtra State as on 31st March 1973. 23 RURAL DEVELOPMENT- 23.1. Physical Achievements in respect of !59 Community Development Blocks in the Mabarashtra State sinee inception of the Community Development Programme. 23.2. Districtwise Number cif Panchayat !61 Samitis and Members elected (1972). 23.3. Coverage, Income and ·Expenditure of 162 Village Panchayats (1968·69). 24 LoCAL BODIES- 24.1. Local Bodies by Types .(1972) 163 24.2. Constitution of Municipal Councils and 164 Municipal Corporations (1968·69). 24.3. Income and Expenditure of Municipal 166 Councils and Municipal Corporations :- (1968·69). ix Serial Particulars Page No. 25 l'RE!S AND PIIBLICAnoNs- Printing Presses, Newspapers, Book~ and 168 Periodicals (1972-73). 26 LIFE INSIIRANCl! CoRPORATION OF INDIA- 26.1. Numbor of Policies and Sum assun.d 169 (New Business) in the State of Maha- rashtra. · 26.2, Disbur>emont of Loans against various 170 Schem:s in the State of Maharashtra (1961-72). '27 STANDARD OF LtvlNG- 27.1. Index Numb:rs of Wholesale Prices- 172 New Series by Groups. 27.2. Consumor Price Index Numbers for 174 Working .Classes (New Series). , 28 FINANCE- 28.1. Receipts on Revenue Account 176 28.2. Exponditure on Revenue Account 177 28.3. Capital Expenditure outside the Revenue 178 Account. 28.4. Expenditure on Development and Non- 179 Dovelopment. 28.5. Annual Plans of Maharashtra 180 . 28.6. Net State Domestic Product by Industrial 181 Origin at 1960-61 Prices.
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