Slovakia in History Edited by Mikuláš Teich, Dušan Kováč and Martin D

Slovakia in History Edited by Mikuláš Teich, Dušan Kováč and Martin D

Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-80253-6 - Slovakia in History Edited by Mikuláš Teich, Dušan Kováč and Martin D. Brown Index More information Index This index uses Slovak alphabetical order. 22nd Congress of Communist Party of Hlinka’s Slovak People’s Party 163 Soviet Union 299, 300 SlovakRepublic182,184,185,187,188–90 see also Jews Academy of Music and Drama 152 anti-state conspiracy 289, 290, 292 Achenwall, Gottfried 90n. 9 Antonescu, General Ion Victor 216 Act for the Defence of the State 154 Antonius Cassoviensis, Ja´n 66 Act no. 93 304 Antonov, General Alexei I. 209, 213 Act no. 247 294 appeasement policies 154 Act on National Committees 304 Apponyi laws 131n. 17 Act on the Autonomy of the Slovak April Agreement 238, 238n. 6 Land 169 Aribos 18 Act on the Czechoslovak Federation 358 Army Group North (Ukraine) actors, union 339n. 22 (Heeresgruppe Nord-Ukraine) 211, Adalbert, St see Vojtech, St 216–17, 219 Adalram 31 A´ rpa´d dynasty 19, 32, 36 Adlman, Erasmus 57 art 70, 341, 342 Agnes de Posonio 58 artillery 52, 53 Agrarian Party 143, 144, 146, 160, 161, artistic organisations 339, 339n. 21, 348 167, 169, 202–4, 211, 252 Aston, Francis 372–3, 372n. 5 Agreement on the Stationing of Soviet astronomy 69, 84 Forces 351 atlases 84 Agricola, Georgius 69 Augsburg Confession 73, 80 agriculture 98, 187, 332 Austro-Hungarian Empire 122, 130–3, 137 collectivisation 281–2, 297, 331, 334 attitudes to Slovak nationalism 126, Czechoslovak Republic (1918) 149–50 127, 129 employment during Communist period Autonomist Bloc 153 330, 331, 331n. 2, 333, 334 auxiliary technical battalions 295, 296 Warsaw Pact invasion 346, 347 Avars 16, 30 Alba Iulia (Gyulafehe´rva´r) 19 Aventinus 25 alchemy 372 Alexander the Great 104 Bach, Alexander 128 Alexandri, Pavol 86 Bacha 34 A´ lmos 29 Bacı´lek, Karol 300 Altaich Annals 24 Bahna, Vladimı´r 341 Anabaptists 73 Bajza, Jozef Igna´c 94 Andrew I 23, 24, 25, 26 Bakosˇ, Mikula´sˇ 344 Andrew II 37 Balbus, Hieronymus 59 Andrew III 40, 51–2 Banska´ Bala´ 45, 73 Anna 60 Banska´ Bystrica 45, 69, 70, 81, 84, 153, anti-Semitism 178 217, 221, 373n. 7, 374 391 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-80253-6 - Slovakia in History Edited by Mikuláš Teich, Dušan Kováč and Martin D. Brown Index More information 392 Index Banska´ Bystrica (cont.) as leader of Czechoslovak government- army headquarters occupied by Military in-exile 191, 195, 196–7 Centre 205 legislative powers 229 centre of Slovak National Uprising proposals for provincial national 220, 222 committees 224n. 34 cultural influence (late Middle Ages) 57 protests at German occupation of German occupation 227 Czechoslovakia 193 liberation 228 resigns as president 169 participation in Confessio Heptapolitana 73 signs Soviet–Czechoslovak treaty 200 population (Middle Ages) 43 Slovak–Czech question 155, 156, population (sixteenth century) 55 159, 233 printing presses 82 Slovak National Council’s recognition town charter 39 of 207 Banska´ Sˇtiavnica 45, 63, 66, 69, 70, 84, understanding of Slovak National 373, 373n. 7, 374 Council 210 cultural influence (late Middle Ages) 57 Beniak, V. 342n. 31 Mining Academy 375 Benicky´, Peter 85 participation in Confessio Beran, Rudolf 172 Heptapolitana 73 Berger, Gottlob 216, 219 population (Middle Ages) 43 Beria, Lavrenti P. 292 population (sixteenth century) 55 Bernola´k, Anton 92, 93, 94, 96, 97, 261 town charter 39 codification of Slovak language 94n. 17, see also Schemnitium (Schemnitz) 121, 123, 125, 125n. 8 Bara´k, Rudolf 300, 300n. 2 Gramatica slavica 107 Bara´k Commission 300 Berzevici, Henrich 84 Bardejov 47, 72, 81, 82, 85 Beskydy mountains 217 population (Middle Ages) 43 Bethlen, Gabriel 76 population (sixteenth century) 55 Bezprim 21 participation in Confessio Pentapolitana 73 Bible kralicka´ sˇestidilna´ (Bible of Kralice in superintendency 75 six parts) 65, 91, 123 township status (Middle Ages) 43 biblicˇtina 65, 91, 94 Barnabite Commission 301 Bielik, Pal’o 341 Baroque 56, 85 Bihar, Duchy of 26, 27, 28 Baroque Slavism 66 Biheller, Bedrich 390n. 44 Bartolini, Riccardo 60 Bil’ak, Vasil’ 304, 356 Basilius de Deutschenberg, Daniel 66, 69 Bı´na 35 Basˇt’ovansky´,Sˇtefan 338 black market economy 358, 359 Bayer, Ja´n 84 Blaho, Ja´n 65 Bazovsky´, Milosˇ 342 Blatnica 33 Beatrix 57 Board of Commissioners 230 Bedna´r, Alfonz 311, 345n. 36 Communist control 245 Bel, Matej (Matthias) 1, 83, 107 composition and control 242, 242n. 11 Be´la (duke of Nitra and Bihar; king of and federalism 317 Hungary) 23, 24, 25 forced resignation of opposition Be´la (son of Almos) 29 members from 286 Be´la IV 51 legislative powers 235, 236, 237 Belvedere Group 132 Magyar policies 275, 277, 281 Belz 21 powers reduced 239, 240 Bencsik, Miha´ly 121 Bobula, Ja´n 62, 68, 130 Benedictines 84 Bocskay, Stephen 74 Benedikt Nudozierinus, Vavrinec 65, 66, 68 Boguchwal 19, 27 Benesˇ, Dr Edvard 139, 204, 223, 226, 229, Bohemia, Kingdom of 4, 57, 150, 155, 249 240, 245 Magyars’ relocation 279–80, 281 Czechoslovakism 264 Bohemia and Moravia, Protectorate of 179 Decrees 274 Bohemia in History 9, 370–1, 388 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-80253-6 - Slovakia in History Edited by Mikuláš Teich, Dušan Kováč and Martin D. Brown Index More information Index 393 Boleslaw I the Brave 19, 21 Bylica, Martin 57 Boleslaw II the Bold 26 Bzovı´k monastery 34, 35 Bologna University 57 Bonfini, Antonio 56 Caban, Iza´k 83, 84, 85 Borˇivoj I 258 Cace 34 Born, Ignaz (Inigo) von 375, 375n. 12 Calendarium Tyrnaviense 84 Borso´d 36 calendars 69 bourgeois nationalists 292, 301, 343, Calvinists 73, 79 345, 381 Capuchins 84 Bratislava 1, 1n. 1, 8, 31, 49, 54, 74, 83, Caraffa, General Antonio 79 153, 175, 324 Carinthia 15, 23 1620 Diet 76 Carpathian Basin 5, 15, 16 1687–8 Diet 79 Cassoviensis, Ja´n Antoninus 64 captured by Brˇetislav I 23 castles 36, 39 cultural importance (inter-war years) 153 Alba Iulia (Gyulafehe´rva´r) 19 cultural influence (late Middle Ages) 57 Bratislava 324 Danubian trade 290 Devı´n 124, 165 demography (sixteenth century) 55 Dobra´ Niva 46 fortifications 42n. 11 Esztergom 19, 21 liberation 228 Kolodeˇj 321 non-participation in Slovak National L’ubovnˇa 45 Uprising 218 Marosva´r (Cenad; Csana´d) 19 population and township status (Middle Moson 26, 28 Ages) 43 Nitra 26, 33 printing presses 58, 82, 85 Sˇa´sˇov 46 schools 66, 84, 124 Slovenska L’upca 46 social structures 48 Vı´gl’asˇ 46 town charter 39, 40 see also fortresses Bratislava Greens 362 CDP see Civic Democratic Party Bratislava nahlas 362 Cengler, Ondrej 83 Bratislava 152 censorship 312, 340, 351n. 1 bratrı´ks (‘little brethren’) 51 censuses Brencˇicˇ,Sˇtefan 328 Czechoslovak Republic (1918) 254, Brˇetislav I 23–5 263n. 29, 270 Brezhnev, Leonid I. 312 Hungary, Kingdom of 377n. 16 Brezno 46, 215 post-war 266–8 Broklova´,Eva253 Central Economic Office 178 Brown, Martin D. 380, 388–9 Central Intelligence Agency, US (CIA) 290 Brown(e), Edward 373 Central National Committee (U´ stredny´ Bruso, Antonio 62 na´rodny´ vy´bor) 204 Buda 43, 54, 55n. 3, 56 Centre for State Security 178 Buga´r, Milosˇ 242, 289 CF see Civic Forum Bukven 34 Chamberlain, Neville 157 Bulcsu 32 Charlemagne the Great 16, 30 Bulgaria 193 Charles I (king of Hungary) 44 Bulle, Johannes 57 Charles IV (king of Bohemia; Holy Roman Bu¨rckel, Otto 173 emperor) 104 burghers 73, 80, 88, 96, 121 Charles XII (king of Sweden) 105 military obligations 51, 52 Charles Robert (king of Hungary) 56 Privilegium pro Slavis 103 Charter 77 356, 362 social standing 47, 48–9 chemical industry 346 Bush, President George snr 369 Christianity 30, 33, 258, 259 Butchery of Presˇov 79 Christmas Agreement 203, 264 Buzalka, Michal 293 churches 79, 92, 179, 360 Buzuluk 203 CIA see Central Intelligence Agency, US © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-80253-6 - Slovakia in History Edited by Mikuláš Teich, Dušan Kováč and Martin D. Brown Index More information 394 Index Ciano, Count Galeazzo 166fig. 11 political representation 146 cinema 311, 341, 348, 349 press censorship 343 Cinkota 28 purges 314 Cı´sarˇ,Cˇ estmı´r 324, 325 reactions to attempted reforms of Citizenship Act 269 socialism 299 ‘Civic bloc’ 203 rehabilitation of ‘bourgeois nationalists’ Civic Democratic Party (CDP) 366, 302 368, 386 totalitarianism 371 Civic Forum (CF/Obcˇanske´ fo´rum) 364–5 trials of ‘traitor bishops’ 293 civil rights, Communists abolish 285 Twelfth Congress 305 civitates and civitates muratae 41 Union of Czechoslovak Writers 344 classicism 68 Communist Party of Hungary 281 Clement XIV 55n. 3 Communist Party of Slovakia (CPS) 230, Clementis, Vladimı´r 302, 343 230n. 1, 243, 338, 381 Cleveland Agreement 134n. 23, 250 discredits reformists 352 Club of Engaged Non-Party Members and federalism 304–7 (KAN) 313 membership of national committees 288 Club of Slovak Deputies 141 Ninth Congress 343 coinage, Duchy of Nitra 27 parliamentary elections 237–9 collectivisation 284 political trials of members 292 colonists (hospes) 39, 44 press censorship 343 Colotka, Peter 324 rehabilitation of ‘bourgeois nationalists’ COMECON see Council for Mutual 301 Economic Assistance re-Slovakisation policies 278 Comenius University (Bratislava) 10, 151 and Slovak National Council 211 communism 3, 266–7, 330–46, 363–4, and Slovak National Uprising 202–4, 371, 387–8 214, 221 Communist International 200, 356 subordination to Communist Party of Communist Manifesto 377 Czechoslovakia 246 Communist Party of Czechoslovakia totalitarianism 371 (CPC) 202, 207, 230, 243–6, 284, Communists 229, 243–6, 284–5, 286, 297, 303, 304, 305, 381 285–97, 297 Action Programme 312, 352 exclusion from Zˇ ilina Agreement 160 ‘asymmetric model’ 300n.

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