US007977319B1 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,977,319 B1 Levine (45) Date of Patent: *Jul. 12, 2011 (54) ULTRA-HIGH FIBER SUPPLEMENT AND 4.996,063 A * 2/1991 Inglett ............................. 426, 21 METHOD OF REDUCING WEIGHT, 5,026,689 A * 6/1991 Ringe et al. ..................... 514/57 CARDOVASCULAR RISKS AND INGESTED 6,419,9115,616,569 B1A * 4/19977/2002 BaileyReinhart ......................... 514/54 TOXINS 6,455,068 B1 9/2002 Licari 7,030,092 B1 * 4/2006 Levine ............................ 514, 23 (76) Inventor: Scott David Levine, Orlando, FL (US) * cited by examiner (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Primary Examiner — Traviss C McIntosh, III patent is extended or adjusted under 35 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Allen Dyer Doppelt U.S.C. 154(b) by 1468 days. Milbrath & Gilchrist This patent is Subject to a terminal dis claimer. (57) ABSTRACT (21) Appl. No.: 11/395,712 An improved ultra-high fiber Supplement that promotes Sati ety, caloric reduction, and weight loss. The Supplement com (22) Filed: Apr. 3, 2006 prises guar, oat, psyllium, locust bean gum, pectin, green tea, multi-anthocyanadins, pyridoxine, and folic acid. The (51) Int. Cl. Supplement can exist as a liquid, semi-solid, or solid comes AOIN 43/04 (2006.01) tible. It improves cardiovascular health and reduces cardio A6 IK3I/70 (2006.01) vascular inflammation and the risk of heart disease. The addi A2.3L 2/00 (2006.01) tion of antioxidants, including green tea, improves weight (52) U.S. Cl. ................ 514/23: 514/25; 426/72: 426/74; loss, and general and cardiovascular health. Also it reduces 426/590: 426/615; 426/658 serum lipoprotein oxidation and risk of free-radical related (58) Field of Classification Search ........................ None diseases. Consumption of the Supplement aids in reducing See application file for complete search history. absorption and assimilation of ingested toxins. A method of providing an ultra-high fiber comestible that is highly palat (56) References Cited able and can be used to Supplement nutrition and to manage and prevent diet-related diseases is disclosed. Further U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS embodiments increase fiberand other nutrients in the diet and 4,315,954 A 2/1982 Kuipers helps manage and prevent all diet-related diseases. 4,766,004 A 8, 1988 Moskowitz 4,950,140 A 8, 1990 Pflaumer 5 Claims, No Drawings US 7,977,319 B1 1. 2 ULTRA-HIGH FIBER SUPPLEMENT AND Supplements and the lack of tight state or federal regulation METHOD OF REDUCING WEIGHT, serves only to confuse the consumer. CARDOVASCULAR RISKS AND INGESTED Obesity is rising at epidemic proportions for both children TOXINS and adults. Marketers seeking to profit from this market have introduced a variety of weight-loss products that are ineffec FEDERALLY SPONSORED RESEARCH tive. These include so-called fat blockers, starch blockers, magnetic diet pills, diet patches, Spirulina (blue-green algae), Not Applicable weight-loss earrings, appetite-suppressing eyeglasses, a vari ety of herbal products, electrical stimulators, etc. SEQUENCE LISTING OR PROGRAM 10 Many diet products on the market are outright dangerous. Thermogenic products—touted to speed metabolism—con Not Applicable tain actual stimulants that can be harmful or deadly. Many diet products contain Such stimulants as ephedra, mahuang, and BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION kola nut; these are names the public does not readily equate 15 with stimulants. Over-the-counter diet pills, while being 1. Field of Invention commercially successful, have not produced Sustained The present application generally relates to nutrition, in weight loss. Most doctors consider these products to be inef particular an ultra-high fiber Supplement, the making of the fective and potentially dangerous. Supplement, and its use in weight loss, promoting health, and Prescription medications for weight loss have had limited minimizing disease. Success as well. People have taken prescription stimulants 2. Discussion of the Prior Art and thyroid medications. These can only be used temporarily Many medical conditions are partially or fully related to the and have numerous side effects (hypertension, insomnia, pal diet consumed. Individuals living in industrialized countries pitations, dizziness etc.). A new product, sold under the trade suffer from a diet that is too high in fats, cholesterol, salt, and mark XENICAL (orlistat) by, Hoffmann-La Roche Inc. Nut Sugars, and grossly deficient in complex carbohydrates and 25 ley, N.J., attempts to minimize fat absorption in the gut. It has fiber. Most foods consumed are highly refined and stripped of not turned out to be the panacea we had hoped for. It must be fiber and nutrients. To make them appealing and commer consumed three times per day and has side effects of diarrhea, cially successful these foods are then enhanced with fat and abdominal pain, fecal incontinence, and vomiting. It can also sugars. Such foods area multi-billion dollar industry, which is cause a deficiency in fat-soluble vitamins. Despite taking this rapidly growing. Snack foods are notorious for being rich in 30 medication three times daily for a year, and partaking in a salt, fat, cholesterol, and calories. The explosion in Snack reduced-calorie diet, the weight loss in a test group was on foods available over the past 15 years closely mirrors the average only 13.4 lbs at the end of one year just greater than increased incidence of obesity that has become alarmingly a pound per month. prevalent. The National Cancer Institute estimates that at least Various commercial weight-loss centers exist. They use 30% of cancers are diet related. The explosion of diabetes is 35 various methods to help weight reduction. Some offer pre related to a diet too rich in calories and simple Sugars. Coro packaged meals that reduce choice, and can be costly. Others nary artery disease accounts for 50% of deaths and is strongly are overly cumbersome, requiring food items to be weighed related to cholesterol, saturated fats, and obesity. Another or converted into a number of calories or points that are then common disease tied to obesity is sleep apnea, a breathing restricted on a daily basis. Some of these programs have disorder that occurs while sleeping, is responsible for cogni 40 group counseling which may be inconvenient or embarrass tive dysfunction, a variety of medical ailments and even 1ng. death. Several weight-loss drinks are commercially available. Even so called low-fat or “light snacks have their prob Typically, they consist of low-calorie meal replacements. lems. Many “light snacks are not really low in fat but meet Some are premixed and ready to drink. Some are dry powder the criteria to be called “light” or low fat because they contain 45 mixes that are reconstituted in liquid to form a Sweet-tasting, one-third fewer calories or half the fat of a non-light or ref fruit-flavored liquid. These drinks have allowed some to lose erence food. Hence, a food item that may contain 20 grams of weight, but they have had little Success in getting most people fat is considered “light' if the reference food contained 40 to reduce their weight down to the ideal body weight and grams of fat. Low-fat foods by definition can contain up to maintain it. Furthermore, most users abandon the program three grams offat per serving. The public is further harmed by 50 and regain their weight. the fact that serving sizes are not standard and confusing. A There are several problems with these drinks. In order to low-fat cookie containing 3 grams of fat becomes a Substan make the drink taste good they have added fat, salt, Sugar, and tial source of fat when two or more are consumed. Unfortu even undesirable sweeteners. Many of these meal replace nately many of these seemingly healthy products are not ment drinks do not taste well, are not satiating, and commonly healthy since they contain hydrogenated fats, cholesterol, 55 people become bored with drinking the same flavor or group saturated fats, and trans fats—all considered harmful. The of flavors daily. Eventually, the person drops the drink pro beverages consumed by both children and adults have con gram and gains their weight back. tributed to the obesity of the population. Most of these drinks Some of the drinks do not contain any fiber. Typically the are high in Sugar (sucrose or high-fructose corn syrup). drinks contain 3 grams of fiber or less. Many of contain The public is inundated by ads claiming to offer health 60 undesirable ingredients, such as fat, Saturated fat, and Sugars. benefits for various products. In reality, many of these prod These fats and Sugars are a source of unwanted calories. Many ucts offer little or no help and may even be detrimental to contain potentially harmful vitamins and nutrients that are not health. Many health fads have come and gone. The Federal be recommended by medical doctors, such as iodine, iron, Drug Administration has little control over the exploding chromium picolinate, etc. These drinks typically contain sig nutritional Supplement market that permits companies to 65 nificant protein, which may be harmful to anyone who has make unsubstantiated claims, and launch new products that Some kidney insufficiency. (This is especially so, if they are have no proven value. The growing market for nutritional getting other sources of protein in their diet e.g., from meat US 7,977,319 B1 3 4 and dairy products). People have even gained weight on these Other advantages of fiber include a delay in stomach emp drinks. Commonly the drink is not fully-satiating, so the tying, while stimulating motility of the large intestine. This individual may eat a meal or Snack food in addition to the creates Satiety, yet speeds waste products and toxins out of the drink, thereby actually increasing their normal caloric con body.
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