Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly WEDNESDAY, 21 AUGUST 1968 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 10 Death of Hon. J. C. A. Pizzey [ASSEMBLY] Papers WEDNESDAY, 21 AUGUST, 1968 MR. SPEAKER (Hon. D. E. Nicholson, Murrumba) read prayers and took the chair at 11 a.m. PAPERS The following papers were laid on the table, and ordered to be printed:- Reports- Report of the Police Superannuation Board for the year 1967-68. Report of the Commissioner of Land Tax for the year 1967-68. Report of the Manager, Golden Casket Art Union, for the year 1967-68. Report of the Chief Inspector of Factories and Shops for the year 1967-68. Eighty-third Report of the Registrar of Friendly Societies. Papers [21 AuousT] Form of Questions 11 The following papers were laid on the The State Transport Acts, 1960 to table:- 1965. Proclamations under- The Industrial Development Acts, 1963 The Public Works Land Resumption to 1964. Acts, 1906 to 1955. The State Housing Acts, 1945 to 1966. The State Development and Public The State Housing Acts, 1945 to 1966, Works Organisation Acts, 1938 to and The Local Bodies' Loans Guar­ 1964. antee Acts, 1923 to 1957. The Beach Protection Act of 1968. Regulations under- The Queensland Marine Acts, 1958 The Public Service Acts, 1922 to 1965. to 1967. The Public Accountants Registration The Stamp Acts Amendment Act of Acts, 1946 to 1968. 1968. The Fisheries Acts, 1957 to 1962. The Forestry Acts, 1959 to 1964. The Harbours Acts, 1955 to 1968. The Sugar Acquisition Act of 1915. The Insurance Acts, 1960 to 1968. The Stock Acts, 1915 to 1965. The Motor Vehicles Insurance Acts, The Weights and Measures Acts Amend­ 1936 to 1968. ment Act of 1967. The Stamp Acts, 1894 to 1968. The Traffic Acts, 1949 to 1968. The Workers' Compensation Acts, 1916 to 1966. Orders in Council under- The Education Act of 1964. The Co-ordination of Rural Advances The Local Government Acts. 1936 to and Agricultural Bank Acts, 1938 to 1967. 1965. The Water Acts, 1926 to 1967. The Fisheries Acts, 1957 to 1962. The Brands Acts, 1915 to 1965. The Harbours Acts, 1955 to 1968. The Fruit Marketing Organisation Acts, The Racing and Betting Acts, 1954 to 1923 to 1964. 1966. The Meat Industry Act of 1965. The Racing and Betting Acts, 1954 to The Primary Producers' Organisation 1967. and Marketing Acts, 1926 to 1966. The Rural Training Schools Act of The Stock Acts, 1915 to 1965. 1965. The Hospitals Acts, 1936 to 1%7. The Libraries Acts, 1943 to 1949. The Nurses Act of 1964. The Grammar Schools Acts, 1860 to The Health Acts, 1937 to 1968. 1962. The Radioactive Substances Acts, 1958 The Acts Interpretation Acts, 1954 to to 1967. 1962. The Children's Services Act of 1965. The City of Brisbane Acts, 1924 to 1967. The Apprenticeship Act of 1964. The Water Acts, 1926 to 1967. The State Transport Acts, 1960 to 1965. The Irrigation Acts, 1922 to 1965. The Traffic Acts, 1949 to 1968. The River Improvement Trust Acts, The Land Acts, 1962 to 1968. 1940 to 1965. Statutes under The University of Queens­ The Forestry Acts, 1959 to 1964. land Act of 1965. The Banana Industry Protection Acts, By-laws under- 1929 to 1937. The Harbours Acts, 1955 to 1968. The Fauna Conservation Act of 1952. The Dental Acts, 1902 to 1961. The Meat Industry Act of 1965. By"laws Nos. 970, 971, 972, 973 and 974 The Milk Supply Acts, 1952 to 1961. under The Railways Acts, 1914 to The Primary Producers' Organisation 1965. and Marketing Acts, 1926 to 1966. Declaration under- The Regulation of Sugar Cane Prices The Mental Health Acts, 1962 to 1964. Acts, 1962 to 1966. Schedule of particulars relating to the The Stock Acts, 1915 to 1965. Mortgage of Cromwell College Land The Sugar Experiment Stations Acts, within the University of Queensland to the 1900 to 1965. Australia and New Zealand Bank Limited. The Wheat Pool Acts, 1920 to 1957. The Veterinary Surgeons Acts, 1936 to FORM OF QUESTIONS 1964. Mr. AIKENS (Townsville South) having The Explosives Acts, 1952 to 1963. given notice of three questions- The Health Acts, 1937 to 1968. The Medical Acts, 1939 to 1966. Mr. SPEAKER: Order! I advise the hon. member for Townsville South that I shall The Ambulance Services Act of 1967. have a very close look at his first two The Apprenticeship Act of 1964. questions. 12 Death of Hon. Sir [ASSEMBLY] Alan Whiteside Munro, K.B.E. Mr. BROMLEY (Norman) proceeding to Less than two years ago, on the rising of give notice of a question- the Thirty-seventh Parliament, the late Sir Alan Munro, in responding to a tribute from Mr. SPEAKER: Order! I think it would all sides of the Chamber, said that although be better if the hon. member used his material in the Address-in-Reply debate. parliamentary life was something of a battle he was sure that, in spite of political The question is far too long. I ask the hon. member to condense it. differences, Parliamentarians could look upon the great majority of their fellows as friends. Mr. BROMLEY: It contains only 42 These sentiments, uttered as he prepared to questions. leave politics, epitomised the whole manner of Sir Alan's approach to his parliamentary Mr. SPEAKER: Order! The question is duties. At all times he refrained from out of order; it is far too long. I ask the personalities, and in debate he preferred logic hon. member to reframe it in a much briefer and reason in resolving the issues at hand. manner and present it again. He was a tremendously dedicated person and Mr. BROMLEY: I have already given contributed the very best of his outstanding notice of some of the questions. Will it be ability in promoting the advancement of all right if I give notice of the others on Queensland and its people. As a Cabinet subsequent days? They are all tied up with Minister he insisted on accuracy in the the one subject. minutest detail, demanding clarity and logic, and was averse under any circumstances to Mr. SPEAKER: Have you another embellishing the truth. question that you wish to ask? Sir Alan Munro entered this Parliament in Mr. BROMLEY: No. 1950 as the elected representative for Toowong. He was appointed to Cabinet rank Mr. SPEAKER: Reframe your question, in 1957 as Minister for Justice and Attorney­ and we will look at it later. General. In this office he distinguished him­ self as an administrator, and by the diligence NOTICE OF MOTION he applied to law reform over a wide and varied field. Mr. AlKENS (Townsville South) having given notice of a motion- The important legislation that Sir Alan Munro introduced included Bills for the Mr. SPEAKER: Order! inauguration of District Courts and the more effective control of prisons, liquor and hire­ Mr. AIKENS: Now will five of you stand purchase. He also supervised arrangements up? How many other honest men are there for the consolidation and reprinting of the in the Chamber? Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Queensland Statutes. for standing up. He succeeded Mr. K. J. (now Sir Kenneth) Mr. SPEAKER: Order! Are there any Morris as Parliamentary Liberal Party Leader, supporters of the motion? and in 1963 accepted the portfolio of Minister for Industrial Development, as head of the Two hon. members rising in their places­ new department created by the Government to co-ordinate the promotion of industrial Mr. SPEAKER: Order! The notice of growth in our State, particularly factory motion does not comply with Standing industries. In this role he laid the foundation Orders and therefore cannot appear on the of an important new function of government Business Paper. which has been of inestimable value in promoting the expansion of private industry. DEATH OF HON. SIR ALAN WHITESIDE While unshakably loyal to Liberal Party MUNRO, K.B.E. principles, he worked always as Parliamenta~y Party Leader to cement the strong partnership MOTION OF CONDOLENCE of the joint-party Government. The Cabinet and the two Government parties missed him Hon. J. BJELKE-PETERSEN (Barambah­ greatly when he relinquished ministerial Premier) (11.54 a.m.), by leave, without rank in January, 1965, as a prelude to com­ notice: I move- plete departure from the political scene. His " 1. That this House desires to place on reason for retirement-to allow younger men record its appreciation of the services to take the reins-was consistent with that rendered to this State by the late Hon. sincerity of purpose for which he was Sir Alan Whiteside Munro, K.B.E., a respected among hon. members, including former member of the Parliament of those whose politics differed from his own. Queensland and Minister of the Crown. His elevation to knighthood by Her Majesty "2. That Mr. Speaker be requested to the Queen, in June, 1965, graciously acknow­ convey to Lady Munro and family the ledged his outstanding services to this State. above resolution, together with an expres­ I know that all hon. members will join with sion of the sympathy and sorrow of the me in expressing to Lady Munro and her members of the Parliament of Queensland family the sincere sympathy of this Parlia­ in the loss they have sustained." ment in the grievous loss they have sustained. Death of Hon. Sir [21 AUGUST] Alan Whiteside Munro, K.B.E. 13 Hon. G. W. W. CHALK (Lockyer­ worked energetically for, and dedicated his Treasurer) (11.58 a.m.): It is with very sincere considera:ble talents to, the advancement of regret that I rise to support the motion of Queensland and the welfare of its people, sympathy moved by the Premier in the death and when these services were rightly recog­ of the late Sir Alan Munro.
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