THE KENYA GAZETTE Published under the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.03 Vol. LXIV-No. 44 NAEBRI, 9th October, 11962 Price: Sh. 1 CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES GAZETTENOTICES-(Contd.) PAGE PAGE Appointments, etc. 1080 Probate and Administration . 1105, 1106 The Land Registration (Special Areas) Ordinance- Loss of Policies . 1106 Appointment .. .. .. .. .. .. 1080 Tender . 1106 The Mombasa Pipeline Board Ordinance-Authoriza- tion of Water Charges . 1080 County and Municipal Councils Notices . 1107 , The Marketing of African Produce Ordinance- Appointments .. .. .. .. .. .. 1080 East African Power and Lighting-Notice . 1108 The Coffee Ordinance-Appointment . 1080 The Trade Unions Ordinance-Notice of Change of Name . 1108 The African District Councils Ordinance-Appoint- ments .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1080 Bankruptcies . 1108,1109 Somali Consular Representation . 1081 The Companies Ordinance .. .. .. .. 1109 The Surveys Ordinance-Date of Examination . 1081 The Societies Ordinance-Registrations, etc. 1110 The Land and Agricultural Bank Ordinance-Sale of Notice of Change of Name . 1110 Property .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1081 The Wild Animals Protection Ordinance-Appointments 1081 SUPPLEMENT No. 72 The Kenya (Electoral Provisions) (Registration of Voters) Regulations- Legislative Supplement Amendments to Gazette Notices . 1081 LEGALNOTICE NO. PAGE Notices to Electors . 1082,1083 486-The Kenya (Electoral Provisions) (Registration Vacancies .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1084 of Voters) (No. 2) (Amendment) Regula- tions, 1962 .. .. .. .. .. 927 Liquor Licensing . 1084-1097 487-The Kenya (Electoral Provisions) (Registration of Voters) (No. 3) Regulations, 1962 . 929 The Crown Lands Ordinance-Setting Apart of Land 1097 488-The Education (Grants-in-Aid of African H.M. Supreme Court at Nakuru-Civil Cause List . 1100 Education) (Amendment) Rules, 1962 . 931 Kenya Stock .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1100 489-The Grading of Fruits and Vegetables for Export Rules, 1962 . 932 The Dairy Industry (Cess on Retailed Milk) Regula- tions-Rate of Cess . 1100 490-The Detention Camps Ordinance--Declara- tion of Detention Camp . 938 Kenya-Exchequer Return . 1101 491-The Transport Licensing Ordinance-Cancella- TransportLicensing.. .. .. .. .. 1102-1105 tion of Delegation . 938 1080 THE KENYA GAZETTE 9th October, 1962 - z GAZET'I'E NorlcE No. 4494 GAZETTB No'rlcE No. 4497 (CROPINZAIBDI6ILI APPOINTM EN TS THE MARKETING OiF AFRICAN PRODUCE ORDINANCE DoutxAs CHARLBS HAGIJE, M.R.C.v.s., D.T.V.M., resumed duty as Provincial Veterinary Oœcer, Coast Province, with efect from W ap. 184) 20th August, 1962. ' ' APPOINTMENT OF M BMBERS OF THE N YANZA PROVINCE M ARKETING JOHN CATO NOTTINGHAM' to bc District Oëcery Machakos Dis- BOARO trict, Southern Province, with efïect from 5th September, 1962. IN EX ERCISE of the powers conferred by paragraph 1 of the Schedule to the M arketing of African Produce Ordinance, the DAwsox CHRISTIAN M LAMBA to be District Oëcery North Minister for Agriculture and Animal Husbandry hereby- Nyanza District, Nyanza Province, with effect from 5th Septem ber. 1962. (a) reappoints, under paragraph (i) of subparagraph thereof- MAJ. (RET.') DAVID ALBERT URAMPTON resumed duty On return *John Riddoch, C.B.E. ; from leave as Chief Establishment Oëcer, Kenya Police, with (b) reappoints, under paragraph (ii) of subparagraph elect from 20th September, 1962. ' . thereof- LBSLIE CORNELIUS DEADMAN restlm ed duty O;1 return from leave J. Protast Obonyo,* as Chief Accountant, Kenya Police, with eflkct from .12th Robinson Okenye,t Septem ber, 1962. Daniel arap Chepkwony.* REVERSION S Dated this 2nd day of October, 1962. S'ICAXI-EY W II-I-IAM FRYER, A.c.c.s., ceased to act . as Chief Accouatant with eflect from 12th September, 1962. ' W . B. H AVELOCK , EDwARD BRIGHTMAN ceased to act as Chief Establishment Oëcer Minister ybr Agriculture tz/i# Animal Husbandry. with elïect from 20th September, 1962. ' *G.N. 3092 /59. JG.N. 5171 /61. RONALD GEORGE PBARSON, M.R.C.V.S.P ceased to act as Provincial Veterinary Om cer, Coast Province, with effect from 201h August, 1962. GAZBI'TB NolqcE No. 4498 (COFFIBDI6) By Command of the G overnor. THE COFFEE ORDINANCE, 1960 ' A. M . W EBB, (No. 26 of 1960) Minister pr Legal Afiairs. APPOINTMENT T0 THE COFFEE M ARKETING BOARD IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by p'aragraph (c) of subsection (1) .of section 4 of the Coffee O'rdinance, 1960, the Minister for Agriculture and Animal Husbandry hereby GAZE'I'TE NoTlcB No. 4495 reappoints* with effect from 20th September, 1962- (LND. 16/2/1) JOHN PERCIVAL BENSON THE LAND REGISTRATION (SPECIAL AREAS) ORDINANCB, 1959 to be a member of the Coffee M arketing Board. (No. 27 oj 1959) Dated this 25th day of September, 1962. APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 6 of the W . B . HAV ELOCK , Land Registration (Special Areas) Ordinance, 1959, I hereby M inister ltpr Agrîculturc and Animal Husbandry. direct that any person for the time being holding the oëces specised in the first column of the Schedule hereto s.hall be the *G.N. 4418 /60. - Adjudication Oëcer for the adjudication areas respectively specised in the second column thereof. GAZETTB NOTICE NO. 4499 SCHEDULE First Column Second Column THE AFRICAN DISTRICT COUNCILS ORDW ANCE, 1950 The District Commissioner, Kisii . Kisii. (Revised Edition, 1959) The District Commissioner, Central Nyanza Central Nyanza. A PPOINTMBNT AND ELECTION OF M EMBERS- FILLING OF CASUAL VACANCIBS D ated this 2nd day of O'ctober, 1962. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 7 (1) of the African District Councils Ordinance, 1950, the Provincial T. TOW EIV , Commissioner, Rift Valley Proviflce, hereby appoints the persons M înister ktlr Lands, Nurrey.ç and Ttpwrl Planning. named in the F'irst Schedule hereto to be members of the African District Council of Baringo. The persons named in the Second Schedule to this notice are members elected in accordance with the proviso of the same tJAZETTE ploTlcs lqo. 4496 section. (WATJMPBIL) Gazettt Notice No. 1053 of 1960 is varied accordingly. THE M OM BASA PIPELINE BOARD ORDINANCE, 1957 (No. 19 ol 1957) FIRST SCHEDIJLE Appointed M em bers AUTHORIZATION OF SVATER CHARGES Mr. Eliud Cheboi. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 8 of the Chief Komen Daudi. M ombasa Pipeline Board Ordinance, 1957, the M inister for Land Settlement and W ater Development, after consultation with Mrs. Florence Ngeturiy, vice Chief W esley Tomno (retired). the Mombasa Pipeline Board, authorizes the Board to charge the following rates to the Mombasa W ater Undertaker for water SECOND SCHEDULE supplied to the M unicipal gardens and traëc islands, up to a maximum quantity of 1,000,000 gallons in any one.month :- Elected M embers From the month of November, 1961, to 30th M r. Stephen M , K essei. June, 1963 . .N o charge. M r. Harun Chepsat Limo, vicp Mr. Joel Kipkech (retired). Gazette Notice No. 6112 of 1961 is hereby canctlled. M r. Aweretoi Chimarok. M r. Richard Chelelgo. Dated this 3rd day of October, 1962. Mr. Johanna Leloina. J. A. H. W OLFF, BRUCB M CKENZIE, Provincîal Commissioner, Minister !or Land Settlement (pkff Water Development. 1062.. Rift Valley Frtpvfncc. THE KENYA GAZETTE (EXT. 21 /361) T#lE WILD ANIMALS PROTECTION ORDINANCE, 1951 SOM ALI CONSULAR REPRESENTATION (No. 18 oj 1951) IT IS hereby notilied for general inform ation that- AIYOINTMSNTS MR. ABDIJLKADIR 1. M ussA IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 52 of the W ild Animals Protection Ordinance, 1951, I hereby appoint- has been aecorded formal recognition in his capacity as Vice- Frederick Owen Lewis, Consul of Som alia at N airobi. James Peter Tooley, R. V. ROSTOW SK I, Thomas Syndercom be Bower, Senîor Assistant Secretary, John Alexander Dawson, Nairobi, External X/-kfr.t Branch, to be Honorary Game W ardens for a period of five years from 4th October, 1962. Governor's O'cc. the. date hereof. 1. R. GRIMW OOD, (Lzsrrs NoTzcr No. 4501 chie'f Game W arden. THE SURVEY ORDINANCE, 1961 (No. 25 of 1961) LAxo SuRvsvolts EXAMINATION KENYA (ELECTORAL PROVISIONS) CANDIDATES desiring admission to practice as Land (REGISTRATION OF VOW RS) Surveyors in Kenya are hereby iriformed that the next exanïina- REGULATIONS, 1962 tion will be held at the oëces of the Survey of Kenyas Nairobi, (L.N. 433 oj 1962) commenoing on M onday, 3rd December, 1962. IN EXFPRCISE of the powers conferred by regulation 6 (3) of the Kenya (Electoral Provisions) (Registraticn of Voters) The attention of prospective candidates is drawn to sections Regulations, 1962, the Supervisor of Elections xhereby amends 11, 12 and 13 of the Survey Ordïnance, 1961. the several Notices to Electors p'ublished in the Gazette on 28th September, 1962, as Gazette Notices Nos. 4381, 4382, 4383, D . E. W ARREN , 4384 and 4385, by inserting in each case, immediately before the Chairm an, Schedule thereto, the following sentence :- Land Surveyors Board. This notice applies only to the registration units named in the Schedule to this notice. Dated this 4th day of October, 1962. R. A. W ILKINSON, THE LAND AND AGRICULTURAL BANK 0/ KENYA Supervisor // Elections. THE LAND AND AGRICULTURAL BANK ORDINANCE (Cap. 181) N oTlcE THE KENYA (ELECTORAL PROVISIONS) IN PURSUANCE of the powers conferred upon the Board (REGISTRATION OF VOW RS) by section 60 (i) of the above-mentioned Ordinance, notice is REGULATIONS, 1962 hereby given that the undermentioned property will be ofered for sale by Dalgety and New Zealand Loan Llmited on F'riday, (L.N. 433 oj 1962)' IN EXERCISE of the kowers conferred by regulation 6 (3) of 9th N'ovember, 1962, at 11 a.m. at its olces in Eliot Street, the Kenya (Electoral Provlsions) (Registration of Voters) Regula- Nafrobi. ' tions, 1962, the Supervisor .of Blections hereby amends the D escrl'ptîon Notice to Electors published in the Gazette on 28th September, A11 -that piece of Jand containing 648 acres or thereabouts 1962, as Gazette Notice No.
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