Please ask for: Fiona Harbord Telephone: 01482 613154 Fax: 01482 614804 Email: [email protected] Text phone: 01482 300349 Date: Wednesday, 09 November 2016 Dear Councillor, Energy and Infrastructure Overview and Scrutiny Commission The next meeting of the Energy and Infrastructure Overview and Scrutiny Commission will be held at 10:00 on Wednesday, 16 November 2016 in Room 77 . The Agenda for the meeting is attached and reports are enclosed where relevant. Please Note: It is likely that the public, (including the Press) will be excluded from the meeting during discussions of exempt items since they involve the possible disclosure of exempt information as describe in Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. Yours faithfully, Scrutiny Officer for the Town Clerk Town Clerk Services, Hull City Council, The Guildhall, Alfred Gelder Street, Hull, HU1 2AA www.hullcc.gov.uk Page 1 of 92 Tel: 01482 300300 Energy and Infrastructure OSC To: Membership: Councillors Allen, Craker, Dad, Fareham, Gardiner, Herrera-Richmond, Hewitt, Langley, Petrini (C), Quinn (DC) and Thompson D Portfolio Holders: Councillor Mancey, Portfolio Holder for Energy City Councillor A Clark, Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhoods and Communities Officers: Trish Dalby, Deputy Chief Executive Mark Jones, Director of Regeneration Andy Burton, City Streetscene Manager Malcolm Relph, City Economy Manager Graham Hall, Assistant City Manager Fiona Harbord, Scrutiny Officer (6) For Information: Councillor Sumpton, Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee Councillor J Korczak Fields, Deputy Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee Reference Library (Public Set) Page 2 of 92 Energy and Infrastructure Overview and Scrutiny Commission 10:00 on Wednesday, 16 November 2016 Room 77 A G E N D A PROCEDURAL ITEMS 1 Apologies To receive apologies for those Members who are unable to attend the meeting. 2 Declarations of Interest To remind Members of the need to record the existence and nature of any Personal and Discloseable Pecuniary interest in items on the agenda, in accordance with the Member Code of Conduct. (Members Code of Conduct - Part D1 of the Constitution) 3 Minutes of the meeting held 14 September 2016 5 - 24 To approve the minutes as a true and correct record 4 Minutes of the meeting held 5 October 2016 25 - 38 To approve the minutes as a true and correct record NON-EXEMPT ITEMS 5 Director of Regeneration Presentation 39 - 46 To update the Commission on any service, policy or strategy developments that fall within the remit of the Commission:- Flood Risk Planning, A63 Castle Street Improvement and Main Line Electrification. Page 3 of 92 6 Hull City Council Annual Carbon Emissions 2015/16 47 - 60 To update the Commission on the Council’s progress in reducing its carbon emissions and its environmental management system Investors in the Environment. 7 Conversion of Street Lighting Lanterns to LED Technology 61 - 62 To advise the Commission on the progress made to date on the programme to replace street lighting lanterns with more energy efficient LED lanterns. 8 Highway Performance Update to 31 October 2016 63 - 90 To update the Commission on the performance of the highway services managed by Streetscene. 9 Energy and Infrastructure OSC Action List 2016/17 91 - 92 To ensure that the Commission’s actions are resolved in a timely manner. EXEMPT ITEMS Page 4 of 92 Energy and Infrastructure Overview and Scrutiny Commission 10:00 a.m. – 1.20 p.m. Wednesday 14 th September 2016, Room 77, The Guildhall, Alfred Gelder Street, Hull, HU1 2AA Present: Councillors P. Allen, D. Craker, J. Dad, J. Fareham, A. Gardiner, H. Herrera-Richmond, J. Hewitt, L. Petrini (Chair), C. Quinn and D. Thompson. In attendance: G. Hall (Assistant City Manager, Streetscene) Minute 13 P. Wright (Network Rail) Minute 13 P. Stephenson (Balfour Beatty) Minute 13 W. Spencer (ARUP) Minute 13 A. Jordan (Senior Flood Risk Manager) Minute 14 S. Dyas (Asset Project Development Engineer) Minute 15 M. Jones (Director Of Regeneration) Minute 16 Councillor A. Clark (Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhoods and Communities) Minute 17 Councillor M. Mancey (Portfolio Holder for Energy City) Minute 18 G. Brentnall (Disability Access Officer) Minute 19 Page 5 of 92 A. Umpleby( (Contract Manager, Parking Enforcement) Minute 20 A. Burton (City Streetscene Manager) Minute 21 F, Harbord (Scrutiny Officer) Minutes 22 & 23 Apologies: Minute Number Action to be Taken by 11 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Ray Teal No declarations of interest were made in relation to the following agenda items. Recommendations: Reasons for Recommendations: N/A N/A 12 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY 13 JULY, a. N/A 2016 The Scrutiny Officer submitted the draft minutes from the meeting held on Wednesday, 13 July, 2016. Councillor Hewitt asked that the minute be amended to include his comment regarding the Paragon Interchange being open at one end and acting as wind tunnel. Recommendations: Reasons for Recommendations: a) That the Scrutiny Officer will amend the minutes to a) No amendment was necessary as the member’s comment had been include Cllr Hewitt’s comments regarding the openness of included. the Paragon Interchange and how the wind blowing Page 6 of 92 P a g e 2 through the building could be prevented. NON EXEMPT ITEMS Minute Number Action to be Taken by a) Paul Wright/ Fiona Harbord 13 PRESENTATION ON THE PARK STREET BRIDGE STRENGTHENING SCHEME Graham Hall, Assistant City Manager, Streetscene, Paul Wright, Network Rail, Paul Stephenson, Balfour Beatty, and Will Spencer, ARUP attended the Commission to deliver a presentation informing of how the Park Street Bridge strengthening works would take place, and their impact. The Commission was told of: i. Why and how the works were commissioned ii. Work done to date iii. The technical aspects of the works iv. Issues that would restrict the window for delivery of the works, such as Hull Fair and Christmas v. The timeline for the completion of the project vi. Road closures that would take place from early January to early March 2017 vii. Weekend work which would be restricted to one weekend in six. viii. Restrictions that would result from the need to move trains The Commission discussed: i. The lack of agreement needed to allow Network Rail access. ii. Whether the bridge was high enough to allow electrified trains to pass under; that it was believed to be high enough; and, that reassurance was needed as it seemed pointless strengthening a bridge that might need major works in the coming years to make it Page 7 of 92 P a g e 3 higher. iii. Accessibility issues and that the Accessibility Officer was being consulted; that pavements would be kept open as much as possible; and whether the possibility of bad weather had been considered when drawing up the works timeline. iv. Concerns about the increased traffic post-works from Anlaby Road; whether HGVs would have the space to turn onto and off Park Street; and, whether the traffic signals at the junction would change to accommodate increased traffic from Park Street. v. Whether closures were being co-ordinated with the City of Culture team. Recommendations: Reasons for Recommendations: a) That Paul Wright of Network Rail will feed back to the a) The Commission wanted reassurance that the scheme was Commission details of investigatory work carried out into encompassing a long-term view, and that further work would not be whether Park Street Bridge will be high enough to needed when the City's rail lines were electrified accommodate electrification of the line, and any assurances that can be offered that this will be so. a) Laura Scholes/ Rachel Glossop 14 KINGSTON UPON HULL CITY COUNCIL - PURCHASE OF LAND b) Laura Scholes/ Rachel Glossop c) Laura Scholes/ Rachel Glossop ALONGSIDE HOLDERNESS DRAIN FOR A FLOOD d) Laura Scholes/ Rachel Glossop ALLEVIATION SCHEME Adam Jordan, Senior Flood Risk Manager, attended the Commission to present a report seeking approval for Hull City Council to purchase land alongside Holderness Drain for the purpose of creating flood storage to reduce the risk of flooding to 1750 properties in East Huill. The Commission was informed that: i. The East Riding of Yorkshire and other agencies were working towards the target of purchasing the land. ii. Until the land was purchased the full Business Case and additional detail would not be produced. Page 8 of 92 P a g e 4 The Commission discussed: i. Where the 1750 residents detailed in the report lived; that a model had been drawn up that estimated the figure as being between 1,000 and 2,000; that those residents would live between the East Carr and North Carr plains, with benefits for the arable land in East Yorkshire; and, that the water would be prevented from flowing down Holderness Drain. ii. Concerns about part 6 of the report and the possibility of the Council losing money on the transaction in the long-term; that a balance within the Issues for Consideration was needed, such as against the costs of the flooding of 2007; that, as at point 6.6, a condition should be put on the land that if it had to be re-sold it should only be for a worthwhile use; and, that the risk was as a result of the unknown feasibility work and how much would be recouped should the land need to be resold. iii. That, if the feasibility study went well, the works would commence in 2018; that the Environment Agency would provide funding for the infrastructure of the scheme; and, that there was the potential to sublease for the managing of the habitat. iv. The cost of the land being £2.4m, with the opportunity to scale back the contribution should the modelling show that the risk of flooding was being reduced for fewer than 1,750 properties; that another organisation had offered a higher amount of money for the land so that it could be land-banked, but that the Director of Regeneration had persuaded the seller to sell to HCC.
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