FIRST RUN / ICARUS FILMS 2004 CATALOG SUPPLEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS e are excited to present our 2004 Catalog Supplement. This year AIDS/HIV . .1 Wwe are including not only information on all 42 films and videos Africa . .2 we have released over the past year, but also information on almost all African-American Studies . .3 of our releases from the past four years, and 20 classic and still widely Architecture . .4 used titles. Art . .6 Asia . .8 This 2004 Catalog Supplement contains new features and items we would like to call your attention to: Canada . .12 Criminal Justice . .13 • A section devoted to five films by the great documentary filmmaker Death & Dying . .13 and essayist, Chris Marker (see page 22). Environment . .14 • The seminal cinema vérite work (in fact the film in which the term Ethics . .15 itself was coined) CHRONICLE OF A SUMMER, by Jean Rouch Evolution . .18 and Edgar Morin (see page 19). First Run/Icarus Films is proud to Film Studies . .19 re-release, with a new digital videomaster, this landmark film. Gay & Lesbian . .24 • Timely new films on current developments in the Middle East, in Iraq, Globalization . .25 Israel and Palestine, and a survey of the region (see page 45). Historiography . .27 • New subject areas in the table of contents, such as Architecture, History (Europe) . .28 Death & Dying, Ethics, Photography, and Physics. History (U.S.) . .30 • Be on the look-out for price reductions, special offers, and an Immigration . .32 increasing number of titles that are now Closed Captioned. Indigenous Peoples . .34 Jewish Studies . .37 As always, the best way to keep up-to-date on all of our new films, and Latin America . .37 to access and search our complete catalog of over 800 titles, is to visit Literature . .41 our web site, which is updated monthly. Media & Communication . .42 We look forward to working with you this year. Middle East . .44 Music . .48 Philosophy . .49 Photography . .50 Physics . .51 Politics & Contemporary Issues (U.S.) . .51 Psychology . .53 Religion . .55 FIRST RUN / ICARUS FILMS 32 Court Street, 21st Floor Russia & the former Soviet Union . .55 Brooklyn, NY 11201 Sociology . .56 Women’s Studies . .57 TELEPHONE (718) 488 8900 (800) 876 1710 Subject Index . .60 FACSIMILE (718) 488 8642 Country Index . .63 EMAIL [email protected] Alphabetical Title List . .64 WEBSITE www.frif.com Ordering Information . .INSIDE BACK COVER AIDS/HIV SEARCHING FOR 6000 A DAY - An Account IT’S MY LIFE HAWA’S SECRET of a Catastrophe Foretold A Film by Brian Tilley Directed by Larry Krotz A Film by Philip Brooks Nearly 5 million South Africans are “An interesting introduction to a A National Film Board of Canada Production 6000 A DAY examines how governments, currently infected with HIV. Yet until pointed political issue in South Africa NGO’s and key individuals knowingly recently the South African government and the World, and underscores the Hawa Chelangat supports her five chil- failed to prevent the spread of AIDS. has failed to provide anti-retroviral grass roots activism that continues to dren through commercial sex in a grim The film dissects key moments in the medicine in public hospitals and clinics. be necessary for proper advocacy of shantytown outside Nairobi, Kenya, global response to the epidemic, and in And incredibly, South African President people with HIV/AIDS.” – AIDS Book where she met Frank Plummer, a micro- so doing, reveals an international rift Thabo Mbeki has consistently ques- Review Journal biologist from the University of Manitoba. tioned the link between HIV and AIDS. that has caused untold numbers of deaths. “Powerful, authentic... The film excep- Since 1983 Plummer’s research has Key actors tell the story, including Eric It is in this context that Zackie Achmat, tionally showcases the defense of focused on a local clinic for prostitutes. Sawyer (founder of Act Up New York), the HIV positive acting chairperson of human rights and the necessity of In 1993, he discovered that a small Sandra Thurman (President Clinton’s the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC), global human responsibility to the percentage of the women, like Hawa, AIDS advisor), Mathilde Krim (founder refuses to take anti-retrovirals until world as a whole...” – Václav Havel, don’t become infected with HIV. Plum- of AmFar), France’s former Health they are made available by the govern- President of the Czech Republic mer thought that by studying this small ment in public hospitals. Minister Bernard Kouchner, Peter Piot “Inspiring... The worldwide impact of group of immune women, one might (director of UNAIDS), and others. Filmed over five months, IT’S MY LIFE AIDS, universal health-care issues, and develop a vaccine. Supported by archives and testimonies, follows Zackie as he leads a court Achmat’s heroic stance broaden the While telling the story of an unlikely 6000 A DAY reveals the tragic degree of battle against the multi-national drug appeal of this memorable video.” partnership between Plummer and Hawa, indifference and ignorance with which companies to allow the introduction of – Booklist SEARCHING FOR HAWA’S SECRET docu- the HIV/AIDS epidemic has been treated. cheaper, generic drugs, and takes on ✵Special Award for Human Rights ments the scientific quest to find an the South African government for it’s “Accomplishes the difficult feat of Awareness, 2002 One World AIDS vaccine rather than a cure. confusing policies around HIV/AIDS. Human Rights Film Festival succinctly chronicling the worldwide ✵2002 DoubleTake “A clear and balanced picture of the reaction... or rather the lack thereof, to As a leader in the campaign for afford- science involved that can be understood Documentary Film Festival the AIDS crisis since its discovery, and able treatment, Zackie’s provocative ✵ by audiences in high school or above. position is not one all his friends and 2002 Film Festival, examines the social, political, and African Studies Association The human drama of poverty, disease colleagues support. When he gets ill, economic barriers that have obstructed ✵2002 San Francisco and prostitution are dealt with frankly everyone wants to know why he a concerted worldwide public health Gay & Lesbian Film Festival and without sensationalism so that refuses to take the medicines that response to the epidemic. A well ✵2002 OutFest, Los Angeles viewers get a realistic sense of life in balanced investigation.” – AIDS Book would let him lead a healthier life. Gay & Lesbian Film Festival contemporary Nairobi.” – AIDS Book Review Journal IT’S MY LIFE interweaves personal and Review Journal 72 minutes | color | 2001 “An excellent addition for libraries with public images to provide an intimate Sale/video: was $345 now $248 “Highly Recommended!” – Educational collections on health science, bioethics look at an internationally profiled defi- Rental/video: $100 Media Reviews Online and political action.” – Educational ance campaign and the complexities of ✵2000 AmFar National HIV/AIDS Media Reviews Online its leading figure. Conference ✵ “[Zackie Achmat is] the most significant ✵ 2002 Film Festival, 2001 Film Festival, African Studies Association protest leader in South Africa since African Studies Association ✵ ✵ 2002 Amnesty International Nelson Mandela.” – Pulitzer Prize 2001 Film Festival, National Film Festival Winner Samantha Power, for Women’s Studies Association The New Yorker 55 minutes | color | 2001 cc 47 Minutes | color | 1999 Sale/video: was $345 now $248 Sale/video: was $345 now $248 Rental/video: $75 Rental/video: $75 1 SEARCHING FOR HAWA’S SECRET 6000 A DAY - AN ACCOUNT OF A CATASTROPHE FORETOLD IT’S MY LIFE AFRICA END OF THE DIALOGUE MOBUTU, KING OF ZAIRE RED HAT - A Film by Antonia Caccia, Chris Curling, A Three-Part Film by Thierry Michel Where Are You Going? Simon Louvish, Nana Mahomo, Drawing upon 140 hours of rare archival MOBUTU, KING OF ZAIRE is an essential A Film by Emile Adriaan van Rouveroy Vus Make & Rakhetla Tsehlana van Nieuwaal & Maarten van Rouveroy material found in Kinshasa, and 50 historical resource for scholars of the van Nieuwaal This landmark film was one of the first hours of interviews with those once Congo and indeed, of all post-colonial to reveal the horrors of apartheid to the close to Mobutu, this is the definitive Africa. RED HAT is an analysis of the contem- world. Produced in 1970 by black South visual record of the rise and fall of the porary socio-political position of tradi- “Rejects shrill indictment in favor of the African exiles and film students in former ruler of Zaire (the Congo). tional Mossi chiefs in Burkina Faso. London, the film is valuable not only as cumulative revelation of its subject through film and the testimony of In 1956, when French colonies began to a record of apartheid, but also of how Part One - QUEST FOR POWER knowledgeable Mobutu aides and other form parliaments as a precursor to inde- the international community’s attitude (Mobutu’s birth to 1969) qualified individuals. [MOBUTU] is the pendence, tensions built between the towards South Africa was changing. Part One documents his journey from devastating witness that lays bare the chiefs and an emerging civil society. cook’s son, to military journalist, to Watching the film today, one can’t help homicidal, corrupt, vainglorious tyranny After one chief’s failed coup d’état in Secretary of State, and then President. but be struck by how remarkable South of Mobutu Sese Seko.” 1958, years of mistrust between the The film shows Mobutu at the World’s Africa’s transition to democracy has been. – New York Times new government and the chiefs followed. Fair in Brussels in 1958, and meeting “It is a grim catalogue, but irrefutably Patrice Lumumba during negotiations “Previously unseen archive footage The chieftaincy in Burkina Faso survived accurate, set out without slant or emotion; for the Congo’s independence in 1960.
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