The 8th International Conference on Educational Technology of Adi Buana (ICETA 8) 1 The 8th International Conference on Educational Technology of Adi Buana (ICETA 8) “Education beyond Border: Character-Literacy-Competence” © University of PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya ISBN : 978-979-8559-98-3 Editors: Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Degeng, M.Pd. (State University of Malang, Indonesia) External Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Abdul Jalil Othman (University of Malaya, Malaysia) Prof. Dr. Vikash Kumar (Society for Education and Research Development, India) Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd. (State University of Surabaya) Prof. Dr. Ir. Achmadi Susilo, M.Pd. (University of Wijaya Kusuma, Surabaya) Mr. Ith Vuthy (SEAMEO, Cambodia) Dr. Idris Asmaradhani, M.Pd. (IKIP Mataram, Indonesia) Internal Reviewer: Irfan Rifai, PhD (University of PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya) Dr. Nurmida Catherine, M.Pd (University of PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya) Dr. Yoso Winarno, M.Kes (University of PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya) Dr. Retno Danu Rusmawati, M.Pd. (University of PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya) Dr. Endang Mastuti Rahayu, M.Pd (University of PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya) Dyah Rochmawati, M.Pd. (University of PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya) Nunung Nurjati, M.Pd. (University of PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya) GRADUATE PROGRAM University of PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya, Indonesia Published by: Jl. Dukuh Menanggal XII/4 Surabaya 60234, INDONESIA UNIVERSITY PRESS Telp./Fax: +62 31 8273999 UNIPA SURABAYA Website:http://www.pps-unipasby.ac.id 2 The 8th International Conference on Educational Technology of Adi Buana (ICETA 8) FOREWORD FROM EDITOR The 8th International Conference on Educational Technology of Adi Buana (ICETA-8), the international conference which has been held annually by the Graduate Program of University of PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya. This year‘s theme is Education beyond Border: Character-Literacy-Competence. For the main theme for this year‘s conference are broken down into sub-themes which are listed from a) human performance technology, b) future education for teacher‘s professionalism, c) best practices across fields, c) developing educational orientation in local alues and multicultural society, d) distance learning and blended learning, e) teacher leadership for instructional innovation, f) ethical issues in education, g) barriers to learning, h) character education, i) early childhood education, j) elementary education, k) education of social science, l) environmental education, m) curriculum development, n) delivery systems for lifelong career guidance, assessment, measurement, and evaluation for career development. As the main theme, future education has been continuously brought since the first conference held until the recent conference. Education is acknowledged as key domain in a process of human beings and societies explore their maximum potentials. There is a great focus for this year‘s conference. The great focus is its proceedings as the center of publication for its presenters. First, the quality of the proceedings as a means of publication in this year‘s edition is improved. It is aimed at maximizing the value of the publication as the outcome of the conference. As an international proceedings, it is regulated that the language of communication in the proceedings using one of the five languages which are recognized by the United Nation (UN). Hence in ICETA-8 all papers are written in English. It is intended that the proceedings can be as a global publication. Second, the committee has applied the system for abstract selection of which the criteria is the consistency with the conference‘s theme. Reviewers have the right to select the papers based on the abstract that have been submitted to the committee. The suggestions to revise the abstract are sent to the presenters whom abstracts have been selected in line with the conference‘s themes. Revision should be made to fulfill the guideline for the appropriate abstracts. Third, the coverage of the sub-themes for this year‘s conference is broadened to certain areas. Bear in mind that the main and solely theme of education is not limited to certain topics. To cope that some additional sub-themes are offered to the conference‘s audience to write their research findings into expected academic paper. This year‘s papers which are selected to be presented in the conference are less than the previous conferences in numbers. There are than 60 papers will be presented in three modes of presentation; parallel, roundtable, and poster presentation. The number of paper The 8th International Conference on Educational Technology of Adi Buana (ICETA 8) 3 presented show stability in the number of presenters and participants. They are from various educational institutions. The number of papers presented in the conference is indicating that ICETA-8 is the forum to publish research findings. Therefore, as an annually held international conference, ICETA-8 is entrusted to be academic forum to share thoughts, reflections, experiences related to academic works for teachers, lecturers, researchers, educators who continuously write, present, and publish their academic works. Finally, we would like deliver great appreciation to the organizers, presenters, writers, and all parties who have been contributing directly and indirectly to the publication of the proceedings. Surabaya, October 2016 The Editor 4 The 8th International Conference on Educational Technology of Adi Buana (ICETA 8) TABLE OF CONTENT Page Editor.......................................................................................................................... 2 Foreword from editor............................................................................................... 3 Table of content………................................................................................................. 5 Guest invited paper………......................................................................................... 10 Presenters’ paper………................................................................................................ 18 Name of Presenter Title of Paper Guest Invited paper Kiyomi Banda CAREER DEVELOPMENT OF JAPANESE UNIVERSITY 10 STUDENTS ........................................................................... Presenters’ Papers A Qomaru Zaman and Irnawati THE PARTICIPATION OF RESIDENTS OF TAMBAK REJO VILLAGE, SIDOARJO, IN THE 2014 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS SEEN FROM EDUCATION LEVELS AND OCCUPATIONS........................................................................... 18 Achmad Noor Fatirul, Djoko BLENDED MODEL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY BASED Adi Walujo LEARNING PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING FOR ADVANCEMENT OF LEARNING TEACHING AND LEARNING STUDENTS S1 UNIPA SURABAYA.................... 24 Abd. Ghofur THE EFFECT OF LEARNING STYLES FOR ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILL......................................................................... 30 Achmadi EFFECTIVENESS OF AUDIO VISUAL MEDIA IN SHAKE HANDS CONDITIONING PROGRAM FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION…….............................................. 38 Agung Pramujiono and Ira Eko THE DEVELOPMENT OF SYNTAX TEACHING Retnosari MATERIAL ON LITERATURE TEXT-BASED TO IMPROVE STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES OF PBSI STUDY PROGRAM OF UNIVERSITY PGRI ADI BUANA SURABAYA…………………………………................................. 44 Aisyah and IMPLEMENTATION OF CHARACTER EDUCATION IN Isabella Hasiana PARENTING FOR WORKING PARENTS WORKING.......... 52 Ana Rafikayati THE EFFECTIVENESS OF PARENTING EDUCATION IN IMPROVING PARENT’S SKILLS IN HANDLING CHILDREN WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS (ASD) 1N PROBOLINGGO CITY............................................... 59 Aniek Wirastania, Hanim Faizah USING NUMBERS GAME IN THE GUIDANCE PROGRAM FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS....... 65 Anis Eliyana, Rifan Jefri THE ROLE OF WORKPLACE PASSION AS A Sunarsono MODERATOR ON THE EFFECTS OF WORKPLACE DEVIANT BEHAVIOR TO EMPLOYEES’ JOB SATISFACTION .......................................................................... 69 Anzar Abdullah HUMANIST EDUCATION IN SOCIAL-SOCIALIST MARXIST APPROACH (A SELF-CRITICISM AGAINST THE NATIONAL EDUCATION SYSTEM)............................. 81 Atiqoh INDOOR AND OUTDOOR CLASS METHOD TO MAKE UKEL BUCKLING TRADITIONAL BUN................................. 90 Ayong Lianawati SELF-INSTRUCTION: COUNSELING TECHNIQUE TO INCREASE THE ADOLESCENT SELF-ESTEEM....................... 94 Bambang Sigit Widodo THE PERCEPTION OF GEOGRAPHY EDUCATION The 8th International Conference on Educational Technology of Adi Buana (ICETA 8) 5 STUDENTS WHO APPLY COOPERATIVE LEARNING JIGSAW MODEL IN TEACHING PROGRAM EXERCISE..... 99 Budi Priyo Prawoto STABILITY AND SIMULATION OF MEASLES TRANSMISSION MODEL WITH AND WITHOUT VACCINATION ............................................................................ 105 Cindy Asli Pravesti and Elia SELF-AWARENESS: A PERSONALITY COUNSELOR........... Firda Mufidah 111 Dian Islami Prasetyaningrum GROWING NON-ENGLISH STUDENTS’ CONFIDENCE THROUGH LEARNER-CENTERED APPROACH AS A WAY TO ACHIEVE 21ST CENTURY GOAL.............................. 118 Dian Puspa Dewi INCLUSIVE EDUCATION SYSTEM AS EDUACATION SERVICE FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD WITH SPECIAL NEEDS............................................................................................. 127 Didik Subijantoro CAPACITY BUILDING TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE COMPETITIVENESS OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE...................................................................................... 135 Ellen Wanodya Ghati THE DEVELOPMENT OF POHON KATA LEARNING MEDIA FOR BRIGHT KIDDIE KINDERGARTEN OF PONDOK CHANDRA INDAH, WARU, SIDOARJO REGENCY......................................................................................
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