9781405120043_6_ind.qxd 6/3/09 11:53 AM Page 253 Index Page numbers in bold refer to illustrations. ‘A God, and yet a man?’ 25 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, The 83 Aegidius Romanus: De regimine Anglo-Saxon England: books in 100; principum, Hoccleve’s use of 136 Normans and 77, 83, 93, 147, Ælfric 147 166; in romances 83 ages of man: symbolism of 10 Anne, Queen (wife of Richard II): Agnes, St 62 and Legend of Good Women 73, Alan of Lille: quoted 9 220 Albertanus of Brescia: and original Annunciation: images of 15–16 of Chaucer’s Tale of Melibee 180 antifeminism: and defences of women Alliterative Morte Arthure, The 175 68; literature of 54–5, 60 Ancrene Wisse 39, 64, 71, 107–8; Apollonius of Tyre: English adaptations adapted for lay use 221; of 177 chivalric allegory in 65, 71; architecture: symbolism of 11 revision of 220; and romance Aristotle: theories of, on causation 71–2; Tolkien’s edition of 212; 123; ~ , on poetry 247; ~ , translation of Bible in 35 on women 55 Anglo-Norman dialect of French 100, Arnold, Matthew: on Chaucer 247 148, 166; wordsCOPYRIGHTED from, in English Art of Good MATERIAL Lywyng and Deyng, The: 152 woodcut from 14 Anglo-Norman literature 148, 166; artes memorativae 102 chronicles 77–8, 79, 83, 85; Arthur of Brittany 82 poetry 112, 166; romances 80; Arthurian legend 78, 79; see also ~ , in translation 174; translations Malory, Sir Thomas, Le Morte into 170; for women 107, 170; Darthur; romances; Sir Gawain women in 89 and the Green Knight 253 9781405120043_6_ind.qxd 6/3/09 11:53 AM Page 254 Index Arundel, Archbishop Thomas: Bible: accessibility of 34, 109–10; approves Love’s Mirror...173; and apocrypha 36; Authorized Constitutions of, against Version of 37; ‘consumption’ heterodoxy 47–8, 49, 110, 200; of 33–4; English translations of interrogation of suspected heretic 171, see also Wyclif, John, Bible by see Thorpe, William, Testimony translation; French translation of of 171; and history 77–8; Hoccleve’s Ascham, Roger: views of, on Chaucer use of 136; interpretation of 32; and Malory 235, 237 printed 35; in Protestant tradition Ashby, George: on Chaucer, Gower 37; as source for stories 167–8; and Lydgate 233 Latin text of, revered 171; Assembly of Ladies, The 73 translated from Latin 34–5, 173; astrology: and symbolism 11 translations of 170–2; teaching of Athelstan, King 83 35, 36 Audelay, John: anthology ascribed Biblia pauperum 35 to 223; requests readers’ prayers Boccaccio: and Chaucer 133–4, 181; 127 and cult of the author 129; De Augustine, St: De doctrina Christiana, casibus virorum illustrium, and quoted 10; Hoccleve’s use of 136 Lydgate’s Fall of Princes 135; authors: and concept of ‘authority’ Decameron 181; Il Filostrato, and (auctoritas) 123–4; cult of, in Italy Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde 129; medieval views on 120–38; 133–4, 181; Teseida 181; ~ , self-naming by, in request for commentary on 137 prayers 126–7; unidentified in Boethius: De consolatione philosophiae medieval manuscripts 125 48, 133, 134, 182; ~ , and Awntyrs off Arthure, The 19–20 Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde 179–80; ~ , translations of 169, Bartholomaeus Anglicus: encyclopaedia 177 of, referred to 227 Bokenham, Osbern: female readership Battle of Maldon, The 147 of 73; Legends of Holy Women, Beaufort, Margaret: as patron of as laywomen’s reading 67 printed texts 113 Bonaventure, St: Meditationes vitae Beaumont, Francis: and Chaucer 235, Christi wrongly attributed to 173 236, 237, 238 Book of the Knight of La Tour-Landry, Bede 78, 79; Ecclesiastical History 78; The 67 Life of St Cuthbert 78 Book of Ghostly Grace, The 41 Benedeit: Voyage of Saint Brendan, book production 99–101, 103–5, The 170 110, 116; bureaucracy and 114; Beowulf 147, 150, 166: Heaney’s centralization of 115; and translation of 248 Christian education 108–9; Berthelette, Thomas: edition of commercialization of 114; Gower’s Confessio Amantis 234, commissioning of 104; costs 236 of 103–4, 105; courts as focus bestiaries: symbolism in 10–11 for 110–11; guilds relating to Bevis of Hampton: popularity of, 114; lay involvement in 108; in seventeenth century 239 monasteries and 106–7, 108; 254 9781405120043_6_ind.qxd 6/3/09 11:53 AM Page 255 Index patronage and 105; secular French, Italian and Latin poets institutions and 110–13; technical 129; as ‘makere’ 99–100; innovations in 103, see also manuscripts of 113; ~ , omissions/ printing; town-centred 113–16 insertions in 223–4; ~ , parallel Brendan, St: voyage of 170 text editions of 217; monographs Brook, G.L.: The Harley Lyrics 213 on 247; and Ovid 177; and Brunanburh, Battle of: OE poem on patronage 99–100, 111, 115, 196; 83 and Peasants’ Revolt 191; plays Brut (prose): historical material in 85 based on 237; Renaissance views Bury, Richard: Philobiblon 104 on 93, 235–6, 237; reputation of 233–6; ~ , modern 248; ~ , Cannon, Christopher: on anchoritic pre-eminent 237, 238; spurious literature 71 additions to œuvre of 236; as Canterbury Cathedral: windows of, translator 4, 178–86; transmission typologically explained 11–12 of, and printing 1, 233–4; and Capgrave, John 112: life of St Virgil 177, 184–5; and women 3, Katherine 62, 173 54, 60–2, 89–90 carols 25–6, 28; omissions/insertions —: An ABC 185 in 224; religious poetry made into —: Boece see translations of Boethius’ 221–2; variant wording of 222–3 De consolatione philosophiae Caxton, William 101, 211; edition of —: Book of the Duchess, The: and Canterbury Tales 233; edition of Le patronage 196 Morte Darthur 176, 234; Eneydos —: Canterbury Tales, The: Chaucer’s 177; Recuyell of the Historyes of self-effacement in 128; constancy Troye 177; as translator 176 as theme in 59; manuscripts of Cazelles, Brigitte: on virgin martyr 116, 217, 218, 221, 222; ~ , legends 71 marginalia/apparatus added to Cecilia, St 62 226, 228; patience as theme Celtic languages: in medieval Britain in 60–1; printed copy of 109; 148 revisions of, authorial 221; Cerquiglini, Bernard: on scribal input synonymous with lies 240; to texts 222 translated by Dryden 241; Wife ‘Chandos Herald’ 112 of Bath, character of 60, 61–2, Chandos, Sir John 112 69–70, 89 Charles d’Orléans: lyrics by 112 —: —: Canon’s Yeoman’s Tale: Chartier, Alain: Le Traité de l’Espérance, omitted from Hengwrt textual variants in 217 manuscript 218 Chaucer, Geoffrey 2; and authorship —: —: Clerk’s Tale: character of 122, 123–4, 129–34; and Griselda in 60–1, 68 Boccaccio 129, 181–2; career of —: —: Friar’s Tale: and Dante 182 111, 115; considered as Church —: —: Knight’s Tale: and Boccaccio’s reformer 236; and Dante 182–4; Teseida 181; as source for Fletcher as ‘early modern’ writer 249; and Shakespeare’s Two Noble editions of, early printed 233–4, Kinsmen 238 237; ~ , later 242; ~ , modern —: —: Melibee, Tale of: original of scholarly 246; influenced by 180–1 255 9781405120043_6_ind.qxd 6/3/09 11:53 AM Page 256 Index Chaucer, Geoffrey (cont’d) —: Romaunt of the Rose, The: Fragment —: —: Merchant’s Tale: paraphrase of A, as translation of Le Roman de la Song of Songs in 172, 180 Rose 178–9 —: —: Miller’s Tale: ‘inciuilitie’ of —: translation of Boethius’ De 235 consolatione philosophiae (Boece) —: —: Monk’s Tale: and Dante 182, 169, 177, 179; presentation of 183 manuscripts of 226 —: —: Nun’s Priest’s Tale 206; and —: Troilus and Criseyde 54; and Gower’s Vox Clamantis 192–3; Boccaccio’s Il Filostrato 133–4, and Peasants’ Revolt 191–2 181, 182; and Boethius’ De —: —: Pardoner’s Tale: as anti- consolatione philosophiae 179–80; gambling tract 235 character of Criseyde in 54, 89, —: —: Parson’s Tale: source material 90; and Dante 182–3; history and for 185 the individual in 85–6; ‘Lollius’ —: —: Physician’s Tale 59 as authority for 132, 181–2; —: —: Reeve’s Tale: different dialects marginalia/apparatus added to used in 161 manuscripts of 226; narrator/ —: —: Second Nun’s Tale 62, 182, 183; author figure in 132–3; scribal and legend of St Cecilia 185 input into Huntington Library —: —: Sir Thopas, Tale of 180, 181 (MS HM 114) manuscript of —: —: Wife of Bath’s Tale 68–9; and 224; poet’s farewell to 99–100; Dante 182 problem of ending of 90–1; sexual —: Complaint of Venus, The 179 morality in 58; sources for 133, —: Complaint to His Purse 113 181–2; translated into Latin 239; —: Former Age, The: and Boethius’ Usk’s use of 115 poetry 179 Chaucer Society 244; and America —: Gentilesse: and Boethius’ poetry 246 179 Chesterton, G.K.: and Chaucer 248 —: House of Fame, The 115, 129–31, Chrétien de Troyes 70–1; Grail story, 190; and Dante’s Divine Comedy source claimed for 175; Yvain, 184; ending of 131, 134; and and Ywain and Gawain 168 historical events 189–90; and Christ: as feeding the faithful 23–4, Latin authors 129; marginalia/ 41, 43, 48; as knightly hero 20, apparatus added to manuscript 21, 65; as lover 64–5; Passion of of 226; narrator/author figure in see Passion of Christ; patience of, 129–30, 131 as exemplar 60; wounds of 12, —: Legend of Good Women, The 54, 111; 26 Alceste as model of constancy in chronicles 77–8, 83; and documentary 58–9; audience of 73–4; and authority 78–9; Latin 78–9, 83 concept of authority 123–4; Church (Roman Catholic): and Medea as character in 91–2; confession 43, 200–1; Eucharistic Ovid’s Heroides as source for 185; doctrine of 43; in Middle Ages 32, textual variation in Prologue to 33; and Reformation 77; 220–1 teachings of 42, 43–51, 200–1 —: Parliament of Fowls, The 113, 214; Church Fathers: Hoccleve’s use of and concept of authority 123–4 136; see also Augustine, St 256 9781405120043_6_ind.qxd 6/3/09 11:53 AM Page 257 Index Clanchy, Michael: on development of Domesday Book: written in Latin 148 written French in England 148 Donatus: Ars grammatica 157 Claudian: eulogy translated 177–8 Douglas, Gavin: translation of Virgil’s Cleanness: biblical material in 37–8, 42; Æneid (Eneados) 89, 177 quoted 37, 38; rediscovered 243 Dream of the Rood 166 Cloud of Unknowing, The: and religious Dryden, John: and Chaucer 241, 242; images 13 Fables Ancient and Modern 241 colour symbolism 11 Dunbar, William: ‘Done is a Copland, William: edition of Le Morte battell .
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