Environmental and Social Monitoring Report # 1 Semestral Report January 2020 Lao PDR: Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project - Additional Financing Prepared by the Ministry of Public Works and Transport for the Asian Development Bank. 2 CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 10 January 2020) Currency unit – kip (LAK) LAK1.00 = $0.00011 $1.00 = LAK8882.85 ABBREVIATIONS ADB – Asian Development Bank AHs – affected households APs – affected Persons D&B – Design and Build DONRE – Department of Natural Resources and Environment DMC – Detailed Monitoring Surveys EMMP – Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan GRM – Grievance Redress Mechanism HHs – households IEE – Initial Environmental Examination LACP – Land Acquisition and Compensation Report MPWT – Ministry of Public Works and Transport PIA – Project Implementation Assistance PNP – Provincial Nam Papas PPMU – Provincial Project Management Unit RF – Resettlement Framework RP – Resettlement Plan UXO – Unexploded Ordnance WSSSP – Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project WTP – Water Treatment Plant In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. This environmental and social monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Integrated S afeguards Monitoring Report January – June, 2019 Lao People’s Democratic R epublic Water S upply and S anitation S ector Project -Additional Financing Grant Number: G0604 - LAO Contents S ummary ................................................................................................................... 1 Background ............................................................................................................... 2 S ummary of EMMP/LACP Implementation ................................................................ 3 Key Issues and Corrective Actions ............................................................................ 3 Grievances ................................................................................................................ 3 Recommendations..................................................................................................... 3 1 Introduction and Project Overview ............................................................................. 4 1.1 Project Impact and Outcome ............................................................................ 9 1.2 Project Outputs .............................................................................................. 10 2 Environmental Performance Monitoring ................................................................... 11 2.1 EMP Implementation ...................................................................................... 11 2.2 E nvironmental Monitoring by Construction S upervisor ................................... 11 2.3 S ummary of Compliance with E MP R equirements (E nvironmental Performance) ................................................................................................. 12 2.4 Issues for Further Action on EMAP Implementation ....................................... 19 2.5 Other activities ............................................................................................... 19 3 LAC Performance Monitoring .................................................................................. 20 3.1 LAC Implementation ...................................................................................... 20 3.2 Summary of Compliance with LACP Requirements ....................................... 22 3.3 Issues for Further Action on LACP Implementation ........................................ 23 4 Occupational Health and S afety (OHS) Performance Monitoring ............................. 24 4.1 OHS for worker .............................................................................................. 24 4.2 Public Safety .................................................................................................. 24 5 Information Disclosure and S ocialization Including Capability Building .................... 25 5.1 Public Consultations and Meetings ................................................................ 25 5.2 Information Disclosure ................................................................................... 26 5.3 Capacity Building ........................................................................................... 26 6 Grievance Redress Mechanism ............................................................................... 26 7 Conclusions ............................................................................................................. 28 8 Attachments ............................................................................................................ 28 List of Tables Table 1 List of Civil Works Contracts signed. ................................................................ 2 Table 2 Basic Data of the WSSP Subprojects. .............................................................. 7 Table 3 Basic Data of the WSSP-AF Subprojects. ........................................................ 8 Table 4 Overall Progress of the S ubprojects by Batch and Implementation Phase. ...... 9 Table 5 Compliance with E MP Requirements During Pre-Construction Phase. .......... 12 Table 6 Compliance with E MAP R equirements During Construction Phase................ 13 Table 7 Compliance with E MAP R equirements During Operation Phase. ................... 17 Table 8 S ummary of Land Acquisition, Affectees and Compensations. ....................... 21 Table 9 Summary of Compliance with RP Requirements. ........................................... 22 Table 10 Details of LACR Related Public Meetings by Subproject. ............................... 26 Attachments Attachment 1: New Namtha, Luang Namtha Province Attachment 2: Long District, Luang Namtha Province Attachment 3: Pha Oudom, Bokeo Province Attachment 4: Xayabury, Xayabury Province Attachment 5: Botene, Xayabury Province Attachment 6: Pakxan, Borikhamxay Province Attachment 7: Pakkading, Borikhamxay Province Attachment 8: Lamam, S ekong Province Attachment 9: Dakcheung, S ekong Province Attachment 10: S amakhixay, Attapeu Province Attachment 11: S anamxay, Attapeu Province S afeguards Monitoring R eport, J anuary – J une 2019 Summary The Water S upply and S anitation S ector Project (WS S P) and Water S upply and S anitation S ector Project – Additional Financing (WS S P-AF) of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (E xecuting Agency) supports the development of small district towns through the improvement of water supply and sanitation services. Consistent with the Government’s urban water supply and sanitation sector policy and investment plan. The impact of WSSP and WSSP-AF (the Project) will be expanded access to quality and reliable piped water supply and sanitation services for the urban population in the Lao PDR. The outcome will be improved performance of participating provincial nam papa (PNP) in delivering sustainable water supply and sanitation services. The Project adopts a sector approach following a prioritized list of subproject towns based on the water supply investment plan The Project will comprise of: (i) improvements to the water supply system and (ii) enhanced community action in urban water supply and sanitation. The Project is implemented through a sector loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) and the Provincial Department of Public Works and Transport together with the PNPs or provincial water utilities (Implementing Agencies) will be responsible for identifying, prioritizing, appraising, selecting and approving subprojects in accordance with the Government and ADB’s policies and procedures. Main Activities during the reporting period, J anuary - J une 2019 All subprojects of the Project being implemented are classified as Category B projects and the Initial E nvironmental E xamination (IE E ) reports and E nvironmental Management Plans (EMP) have been approved by ADB and disclosed on the ADB’s web page. Construction water supply system and public latrines will be carried out under a civil works contract. The contract for Long subproject of was completed in May 2019. Five contracts under WS S P and one subproject under WS S P-AF are ongoing. Implementation of village environmental improvements will be carried out under one civil works contract per province i.e. two subprojects in one package. The VE I works for Pha Oudom subproject were completed and the contract for Luang Namtha is ongoing. Updated IE E /EMP report for S amakkhyxai was approved and published by ADB in J anuary 2019 and DONRE is currently reviewing the IE E /EMP of Dakcheung subproject. Additional land had to be acquired for Botene subproject due to relocation of some treatment facilities at the water treatment plant. The PIU with local authorities agreed with one Affected Household on land acquisition and compensations. PIA Consultant prepared a Land Acquisition Corrective Action Plan (LACAP), which was approved and published on ADB’s web page in February 2019. ADB also published Updated LACPs for Xamneua and S opbao subprojects in March
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