Front Matter

Front Matter

JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY VOLUME 1730e DECEMBER 1991 * NUMBER 24 Graham C. Walker, Editor in Chief Samuel Kaplan, Editor (1992) (1996) The University of Texas Medical Massachusetts Institute of E. Peter Greenberg, Editor (1996) School, Houston, Tex. Technology, Cambridge, Mass. University ofIowa, Iowa A. L. Sonenshein, Editor (1995) Terrance J. Beveridge, Editor (1992) City, Iowa Tufts University, Boston, Mass. University of GuelPh, Guelph, Canada Carol Gross, Editor (1995) KnehN ims dtr(92 James D. Friesen, Editor (1992) Un WiscosiGBF, Braunschweig, Hospital for Sick Children, MdsnWi.Federaldivesiyof, Republic of Germany Toronto, Canada Dale Kaiser, Minireview Editor (1994) Robert A. Weisberg, Editor (1995) Susan Gottesman, Editor (1994) Stanford University School of Medicine, National Institute of Child National Cancer Institute, Stanford, Calif. Health and Human Bethesda, Md.' Development, Bethesda, Md. EDITORIAL BOARD Sankar Adhya (1993) BArbel Friedrich (1993) Terry Ann Krulwich (1993) Jeffrey Roberts (1992) Stuart J. Austin (1993) Clement Furlong (1993) Carol Kumamoto (1993) Charles 0. Rock (1993) Frederick M. Ausubel (1992) Robert Gennis (1991) Sidney Kushner (1991) Lucia B. Rothman-Denes (1992) Barbara Bachmann (1993) Costa Georgopolous (1993) Harald Labischinskl (1992) Ruidiger Schmitt (1992) Manfred E. Bayer (1991) David Gibson (1991) Thomas Lessie (1,992) Carl A. Schnaitman (1993) Margret H. Bayer (1992) Jane Gibson (1991) Stuart B. Levy (1991) Peter Setlow (1993) Robert W. Bernlohr (1991) Larry Gold (1991) Mary E. Lidstrom (1993) Howard A. Shuman (1991) Mervyn Bibb (1991) Robert C. Goldman (1991) Lasse Lindahl (1993) Gerald Smith (1991) Volkmar Braun (1992) Nigel Grindley (1993) John W. Little (1992) Issar Smith (1993) Richard Calendar (1991) Robert P. Gunsalus (1993) Jack London (1993) Dennis Sprott (1992) A. M. Chakrabarty (1992) Scott R. Hagedorn (1991) Sharon Long (1992) Catherine Squires (1993) Mick Chandler (1993) Richard S. Hanson (1991) Victor de Lorenzo (1991) Gary Stacey (1991) Keith F. Chater (1991) Shige Harayama (1993)' Paul S. Lovett (1993) David Stahl (1993) Terrence G. Cooper (1993) Robert Haselkorn (1993) Paul W. Ludden (1993) Brian Staskawicz (1993) David L. Coplin (1992) Gerald L. Hazelbauer (1993) Bea Lugtenberg (1992) Robert Steffan (1993) Donald Court (1991) George Hegeman (1991) Robert Macnab (1991) Valley Stewart (1991) R. L. Crawford (1993) Roger Hendrix (1992) M. G. Marinus (1992) F. William Studier (1992) John E. Cronan, Jr. (1992) Dennis Henner (1991) Millicent Masters (1992) Anne 0. Summers (1993) Jorge H. Cros'a (1991) C. F.- HIggins (1993) Abdul Matin (1993) Robert Switzer (1993) Lacy Daniels (1992) Joachim-Volker Holtje (1993) Philip Matsumu'ra (1992) Charles L. Turnbough, Jr. Bruce Demple (1991) James Hopper (1991) Russell Maurer (1993) .(1993) Patrick P. Dennis (1993) Barbara Iglewski (1991) John Mekalanos (1991) Mark Walker (1993) MigeIMeessnerA. de Pedro (1993) Karin'Ibler (1993) Paul (1993) Judy D. Wall (1993) Timothy Donohue (1993) Edward E. Ishiguro (1991) 5. Mizushima (1991) Barry Wanner (1993) Ron J. Doyle (1991) Gerald Johnston (1993) Edward A. Morgan (1993) Chris M. Whitfield (1992) David A. Dubnau (1992) Robert J. Kadner (1992) Gisela Mosig, (1991) William B. Whitman (1991) S. Dusko Ehrlich (1991) Clarence Kado (1991) Staffan Normark (1991) Peter A. Williams (1992) Bert'Ely (1991) Eduard J. Kelienberger (1992) Dennis Ohman (1991) Malcolm Winkler (1991) Wolgn Epstein (1993) David E. Kenneli (1991) William J. Paranchych (1991) C. L. Woldringh (1993) James G. Ferry (1993) H.-J. Knackmuss (1993) John S. Parkinson (1993) David Womble (1992) David H. Figurski (1993) Wil N. Konings (1993) Allen T. Phillips (1991) Henry C. Wu'(1993) Patricia L. Foster (1993) Dennis J. Kopecko (1993) Anthony Pugsley (1991) Ryland Young (1993) Robert T. Fraley (1991) Christopher Korch (1991) Juan L. Ramos (1993) Howard Zalkin (1991) Michael Fried (1991) Susan F. Koval (1991) Linda Randall (1993) David Zusman (1991) David I. Friedman (1992) VUl Krishnapillal (1991) Gary P. Roberts (1993) Barbara H. Iglewski, Chairman, Publications Board Linda M. Illig, Director, Journals Sara C. Joslyn, Production Editor Catherine E. Blickendorfer, Assistant Production Editor The Journal of Bacteriolog (ISSN 0021-9193), a publication of the American Society for Microbiology, 1325 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20005-4171, is devoted to the advancement and dissemination of fundamental knowledge concerning bacteria and other microorganisms. Instructions to authors are published in the first issue each year; reprints are available from the editors and the Journals Division. The Journal is published twice monthly, one volume per year:IThe nonmember subscription prices are $360 (U.S. and Canada) and $410 (foreign; air drop shipping) per year; single copies are $40. The-member subscription prices are $49 (U.S. and Canada) and $98 (foreign; air drop shipping) per year'; single copies are $10. Correspondence relating to subscriptions, reprints, defective copies; availability of back issues, lost or late proofs, disposition of submitted manuscripts, and general editorial matters should be directed to the ASM Journals Division, 1325 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20005-4171 (phone: 202 737-3600). Claims for missing issues from residents of the United States, Canada, and Mexico must be submitted within 3 months after publication of the issues; residents of all other countries must submit claims within 6 months of publication of the issues'. Claims for issues missing because of failure to report an address change or for issues "missing from files" will not be allowed. Second-class postage paid at Washington, DC 20005, and at additional -mailing offices. Author Index Abee, Tjakko, 7934 Faure, B., 7956 Klein, Wolfgang, 7918 Price, Chester W., 7856 Aguilar, 0. Mario, 7756 Fierobe, H.-P., 7956 Kodaki, Tsutomu, 7992 Ailman, Richard, 7970 Fromant, Michel, 7903 Kohsaka, Masanobu, 7848 Radolf, Justin D., 8004 Ambulos, Nicholas P., Jr., Fukagawa, Masao, 7848 Kojo, Hitoshi, 7848 Rao, V. Jayathirtha, 7911 7881 Kok, Jan, 7934 Reeder, Thadd, 7765 Aramori, Ichiro, 7848 Garcia, Emilio, 7741 Konings, Wil N., 7934 Rigling, Daniel, 8000 Avila, Diana M., 7875 Gaudin, C., 7956 Krulwich, Terry Ann, 7750 Rimmele, Martina, 7918 Bagnara,C., 7956 Gazeau, Myriam, 7903 Robinson, Angela K., 7875 Baliar,Ani, 7741 Glickman, Barry W., 7996 Lange, Roland, 7918 Rogers, Elizabeth J., 7881 Baneje, K.,798 Glufka, R., 7988 Lapidot, A., 7790 Dnilip Frangoise, 7903 Sadowsky, Michael J., 7887 Barletta,Barletta,RDliRadlG.,G.,77727772 Grasso, Daniel H., 7756 ~~~~~Lin,Ldvdque,E. C. C., 8009 Schjerven, Torstein, 7970 Barnes, Larry D., 7875 Loutfi, M., 7956 Schleif, Robert, 7765 Baty, D., 7956 Haldenwang, William G., 7821 Lovett, Paul 5., 7881 Seki, Tatsuji, 7975 Behmlander, Richard M., 7810 Hayashi, Kenshi, 7834 Sequeira, Luis, 7841 Belaich, A., 7956 Hengge-Aronis, Regine, 7918 Maeba, P., 7988 Setlow, Peter, 7867 Belaich, J.-P., 7956 Hohmann, Stefan, 7963 Masai, Eiji, 7950 Shivaji, S., 7911 Blanco, Gonzalo, 7741 Holo, Helge, 7934 Matsutani, Sachiko, 7802 Stein, Daniel C., 7896 Blanquet, Sylvain, 7903 Horsfall, Michael J., 7996 McDowall, Alasdair W., 8004 Stragier, Patrick, 7942 Bloom, Barry R., 7772 Hosaka, Kohei, 7992 Mclver, Kevin, 7781 Sun, Dongxu, 7867 Boos, Winfried, 7918 Merrick, Mike, 7741 Sussman, Michael D., 7867 Charles 7828 Boyla,Boyla,Shron,ShaonA.A.,785 Imanaka, Hiroshi, 7848 Moran, P., Jr., L., 7790 Morohoshi, Fumiko, 7834 Tatti, Kathleen M., 7828 Brusca, John 5., 80047856Inbar, Noriyuki, 7950 Thomas, Michael D., 7856 Bush, Gay, 7741 IaiMot,788Morohoshi,waiMot,788Munakata, Nobuo, 7834 Tovar-Rojo, Federico, 7867 Butcher, Philip D., 7982 Tsumura, Mana, 7848 Cabrera-Martinez, Jacobs, William R., Jr., 7772 Nes, Ingolf F., 7934 Tully, Raymond E., 7887 Rosa-Martha, 7867 Jagannadham, Medicharla V., Nikawa, Jun-Ichi, 7992 Chen, Yu-Mei, 8009 7911 Nishikawa, Seiji, 7950 Ueda, Yoshio, 7848 Cirillo, Jeffrey D., 7772 Janssen, Dick B., 7925 Norgard, Michael V., 8004 Clejan, Sanda, 7750 Jones, C. Hal, 7828 Van Alfen, Neal K., 8000 Contreras, Asunci6n, 7741 Ohman, Dennis E., 7781 van Belkum, Marco J., 7934 Kao, Christopher Cheng, 7841 Ono. Hiroki, 7848 van der Ploeg, Jan, 7925 Danaher, Robert J., 7896 Kataoka, Masakazu, 7975 van Hall, Genrt, 7925 Drummond, Martin, 7741 Katayama, Yoshihiro, 7950 Patel, Bharvin K. R., 7982 Venema, Gerard, 7934 Dunkley, Eugene A., Jr., 7750 Kaushal, Varsha, 7875 Peters, Howard K., III, 7821 Dworkin, Martin, 7810 Kawai, Shinya, 7950 Petricoin, Emanuel F., III, Yamasaki, Makari, 7950 Keister, Donald L., 7887 7896 Yamashita, Satoshi, 7992 Fajardo-Cavazos, Patricia, Kennedy, Christina, 7741 Plateau, Pierre, 7903 Yatagai, Fumio, 7996 7867 Kessler, Efrat, 7781 Popham, David L., 7942 Yoshida, Toshiomi, 7975 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The following have served as invited special reviewers for the Journal during 1991, and their help is greatly appreciated. Ahmed Abdelal Ashley Bowen Antoine Danchin Susan Fisher George Harauz Ann Abeles Dana Boyd Asis Das Madilyn M. Fletcher Susan K. Harlander Nina Agabian Chris Brandl J. Davies Cecil Forsberg Hosni Hassan Henry C. Aldrich Mary Brawner Frank B. Dazzo John W. Foster Sven Hastrup C. Alpert Hans Bremer Dennis R. Dean T. Foster G. Wesley Hatfield Bruce Ames Patrick J. Brennan Donald Dean Daniel Fraenkel Graham F. Hatfull Giovanna, Ames John Breznak F. deBruijn Naomi C. Franklin Stanley M. Hattman John S. Anderson Stanley Brown Frits DeGraaf H. Fredrickson Robert P. Hausinger Robert Anderson

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