![Fossil Assemblages - Bivalvia - Gastropoda (Alphabetically Rubri](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
SPIRULA - nr. 354 (2007) 20 Artikelen in tijdschriften Journal papers: continentalmalacology R.A. Bank in in succession: Malacological papers published journals. Sorted thefollowing order of Faunistics/Ecology - Fossil Assemblages - Bivalvia - Gastropoda (alphabetically rubri- cated at the family level) - Miscellanea - Publications in the Bulletin of Zoological - Nomenclature cases — on Within each (new comments previous cases Opinions). item, ordered papers are alphabetically on the name of thefirst author. Vertigo an- FAUNISTICS/ECOLOGY gustior (Mollusca; Gastropoda). - Neder- gia, 49 (1): 25-59. * * ALBRECHT, C. (2006): Unusual reproductive landse Faunistische Mededelingen, 25: 69- FEHÉR, Z., G. MAJOROS & A. VARGA 86. Leiden. strategy of pulmonate gastropods in the (2006): A scoring method for the assess- - * Balkan ancient Lake Prespa. Malakolo- BROS, V., J. CADEVALL, E. HERNANDEZ, J. ment of rarity and conservation value of gische Abhandlungen, 24: 57-63. Dresden. NEBOT, A. OROZCO & F. URIBE (2004): In- the Hungarian freshwater molluscs. - Hei- * ANNABELL, G. (2006): How did these snails ventari i distribució dels molluscs a la dia, 6 (3/4): 101-114. München. * get to Australia? - Australian Shell news, Vall d'Alinya: informació bèsica per a la GLÖER, P. & I. SIRBU (2006): Freshwater 130: 5. conservació i la gestió de 1'area. - Treballs molluscs species, new for the Romanian * R.A. (2006): de la Institució Catalana d'FIistória Natural fauna. - Heidia, 6 (3/4): 207-219. BANK, Towards a catalogue and ofthe ffeshwater 14: 344-366. Barcelona. München. bibliography Mollus- , * * ca of Greece. - Heidia, 6 (1/2): 51-86. CAMERON, R.A.D., L.M. COOK, G.A. GÖLLNITZ, U. (2005): 23. Kartierungstref- München. GOODFRIEND & M.B. SEDDON (2006): Fos- fen der AG Malakologie M-V in Zielow. - * sil land snail faunas of Porto Archiv der Freunde der in BOESVELD, A. (2006): Inventarisatie van de Santo, Naturgeschichte landslakken van de Zeeuwse kust, met de Madeiran archipelago: change and stasis in Mecklenburg, 44: 169-173. Rostock. Pleistocene to Recent times. - Malacolo- nadruk op de Nauwe korfslak 21 SPIRULA - nr. 354 (2007) * U. & H. MENZEL-HARLOFF and weig. GÖLLNITZ, (O.F. MÜLLER, 1774) Gyraulus parvus * - U. (2005): Die Land- und SüBwassermollus- (SAY, 1817) newly found species of YILDIRIM, M.Z., B.A. GÜMO?, KEBAPQI kenfauna der Halbinsel Wustrow (Landk- aquatic molluscs (Mollusca, Gastropoda) & S. BAGHADIR KOCA (2006): The basom- reis Bad Doberan). - Archiv der Freunde in the Silesia. - Casopis Slezského Zem- matophoran pulmonata species (Mollusca: der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg, ského Muzea, Serie A, 55 (1): 70-72. Opa- Gastropoda) of Turkey. - Turkish Journal XLIV: 175-181. Rostock. va. [Czech] ofZoology, 30 (4): 445-458. Ankara. * * HORSAK, M. (2006): Two new molluscs DE MATTIA, W. (2006): New records of (Gastropoda: Euconulidae,Bivalvia: Spha- Testacella scutulum SOWERBY, 1821 and FOSSIL ASSEMBLAGES * - Acta eridae) frora Bulgaria. Zoologica Paralaoma servilis (SHUTTLEWORTH, BECK, T. & W. RAHLE (2006): Description 58 Sofia. (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Bulgarica, (2): 283-288. 1852) Testacelli- of a newly discovered extinct representa- * JUEG, U. & E. WEBER (2005): Bericht über dae et Punctidae) fforn Istria, Kvarner and of tive the genus Hemicycla SWAINSON, das des Dalmatia Slovenia and - 20. und das 22. Kartierungstreffen (Italy, Croatia). 1840 (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Helicidae) LFA "Malakologie" des NABU Mecklen- Malakologische Abhandlungen, 24: 121- from La Gomera, Canary Islands. - Baste- Verchen 127. Dresden. burg-Vorpommern in (Landkreis ria, 70 (1/3): 53-56. Leiden. * * - Archiv der Freunde der Na- H.K. Landslakken de Dennnin). MIENIS, (2006): op BÖSSNECK, U. & S. MENG (2006): Beitrag 159- in Monnicken- turgeschichte in Mecklenburg, XLIV: begraafplaats Kloosterdijk zur pleistozanen Muschelfauna Mitteldeut- 167. Rostock. dam. - De Kreukel, 42 (6): 100. Diemen. schlands unter besonderer Berücksichti- * * B.J. Fauna of Gastropo- MIENIS, H.K. (2006): Enige landslakken der KARAMAN, (2005): gung Sphaeriidae (Bivalvia: Sphaerii- da (Mollusca) of the waters of Juzna van eenplantsoen en eenbegraafplaats in dae, Unionidae,Corbiculidae). - Heidia, 6 de Nieuwstraat in Purmerend. - Morava drainage system (Serbia & Mon- De Kreu- (3/4): 193-205. München. * - Glasnik ofthe section of Nat- 42 101-102. Diemen. tenegro). kel, (6): CAMERON, R.A.D., L.M. COOK, G.A. * Cernuella ural Sciences of the Montenegrin Acade- MIENIS, H.K. (2006): cisalpina GOODFRIEND & M.B. SEDDON (2006): Fos- of Sciences and 16: 41-49. Pod- Cornu in in de my Arts, en aspersum een plantsoen sil land snail faunas of Porto Santo, Westermanlaan - gorica. Plantage in Amsterdam. Madeiran archipelago: change and stasis in * 42 102. Diemen. - Kiss, L. & F. MAGNIN (2006): High re- De Kreukel, (6): Pleistocene to Recent times. Malacolo- * A. silience of Mediterranean land snail com- NORRIS, (2006): Essential infrastructure gia, 49(1): 25-59. - * munities to wildfïres. - Biodiversity and verses habitat destruction drystone walls CASTILLO, C., Y. YANES, M.R. ALONSO & 15 2925-2944. in - Mollusc 14. M. Conservation, (9): Majorca. World, 11:5, IBANEZ (2006): Napaeus lajaensis sp. * * (2004): Beobachtungen zur RAAD, H. (2006): Slakkeninventarisatie KLEMM, W. nov. (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Enidae) Mollusken im Ge- 1001 Goese Sas en Wilhelmi- Verbreitung aquatischer soortendag ffom a Quaternary Aeolian deposit of biet von - - 't 24 18-21. Gera. Veröffentlichungen Mu- nadorp. Heelblaadje, (4): northeast Tenerife, Canary Islands. - seum ffir Naturkunde der Stadt Gera, Na- Bevelanden. Zootaxa, 1307: 41-54. * Limnische turwisschenschaftliche Reihe, 31: 48-52. REISE, K. & P. GLÖER (2006): DAVIES, P. (2006): Cochlicopa nitens Gera. Molluskenfauna einer Nordseeinsel - ver- (GALLENSTEIN) from Early Holocene Tufa * H. K.-H. BECKMANN - Heidia, (3/4): - KOBIALKA, & (2006): andert nach 40 Jahren. 6 at Bossington, Hampshire, UK. Journal Bericht über die 43. Jahrestagung der 135-149. München. ofConchology, 39 (2): 229. London. * * Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesel- RUMI,A., D.E.G. GREGORIC, V. NUNEZ, I.I. GREGOR, H.-J., R. FUHRMANN, M. KNIP- lschaft in Diemelsee-Heringhausenvom CÉSAR, M.A. ROCHE, M.P. TASSARA, S.M. PING, K.-J. MEYER, T. PFLEDERER & H.P. 28. bis 31. Mai 2004 und einige Bemer- MARTIN & M.F.L. LÓPEZ ARMENGO UENZE (2004): Bohrungen bei der prahis- Nachweisen in den Freshwater from kungen zu Unter- (2006): Gastropoda Ar- torischen Uferrandsiedlung von Kempfen- - der distribution suchungsgebieten. Mitteilungen gentina: species richness, pat- hausen am Starnberger See und ihre ar- Deutschen Gesel- Malakozoologischen tems, and an evaluation of endangered chaozoologische und archaobotanische 75: 79-84. Frankfort am Main. - 49 189-208. lschaft, species. Malacologia, (1): Auswertung - ein vorlaufiger Bericht. - * * LARRAZ, M., P. VILLAR, N. GOICOECHEA, A. SEVERNS, P.M. (2006): Seasonality, habitat Documenta Naturae, 152: 1-27. München. AGORRETA & E. ROBLES Citas de and life of * (2006): preference history some HLAVAÖ, J. (2006): Record of Holocene micromoluscos del Valle de Roncal (Na- wet terrestrial Willamette Valley prairie malacofauna at Lopata site by Milinov, - Noticiario de la Sociedad molluscs in USA. - The - varra, Espana). western Oregon, Plzen region. Erica, 13: 43-48. Plzeü. 45: * Espanola de Malacologia, 58-61. Ma- Veliger, 48 (3): 220-227. Berkeley. KOWALKE, T. (2006): History of mollusc * drid. SHEA, M. (2006): Exotic snails and slugs community types and faunal dynamics in * W. Schneckennachweise found in Australia. - Australian Shell LEHMANN, (2006): Continental saline ecosystems of the south vom bei Neumorschen 130: 7-8. Halberg (Nord- News, mediterranean Quaternary. - Rivista Ital- * hessen, Fuldatal). - Philippia, 12 (3): 209- SÏRBU, I. Aspects concerning the (2006): iana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 112 214. Kassei. distribution and ecology ofthe freshwater (2): 275-286. Milano. * * LEWIN, I. (2006): The gastropod communi- molluscs from the Romanian Inner KOWALKE, T. (2006): Ecological implica- ties in the lowland ar- Basin. - 6 115- rivers of agricultural Carpathian Heidia, (3/4: tions of molluscan ontogeneticstrategies - eas - their and bioindicative 134. München. biodiversity examples from aquatic ecosystems of the value in the Ciechanowska central * I. The freshwater Mollusca Upland, SIRBU, (2006): Cenozoic Iberian Peninsula. - Lethaia, 39 Poland. - Malacologia, 49 (1): 7-23. from Cri§ana (Cri? rivers basin, Romania). (3): 195-209. Oslo. * * Bericht Früh- - d'Histoire Naturel- LILL, K. (2006): über das 42. Travaux du Muséum LIMONDIN-LOZOUET, N. (2004): Les mol- der Deutschen le "Grigore Antipa", 49: 13-28. Bucuresjti. jahrstreffen Malakozoologi- lusques continentaux (Gastropoda) du gi- * schen Gesellschaft vom 6. bis 9. Juni 2003 J. & V. LUÈIVJANSKA New STEFFEK, (2005): sement villafranchienmoyen de Saint-Val- in Sachsen-Anhalt. - Mittei- on molluscs from northeastern Magdeburg, - knowledges lier (Dröme, France). Geobios, 37 (Mé- Malakozoologi- Slovakia. - 46: 103-120. lungen der Deutschen Natura Carpatica, moire spécial, 26): S91-S96. Lyon. schen 75: 65-77. Frankfurt KoSice. * Gesellschaft, [Slovakian], LIMONDIN-LOZOUET, N. & P. ANTOINE * Main. A.T. Distribution of cer- am SUMNER, (2006): (2006): A new Lyrodiscus (Mollusca, Gas- * tain molluscs in the lowland canals of MAASSEN, W.J.M. (2006): Four new tropoda) assemblage from Saint-Acheul of terrestrial from Scotland. - Journal of 39 species gastropods Conchology, (2): (Somme Valley): a reappraisal ofMIS 11 221-228.
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