FEATURES COMPLETE K L EF P R0 G RA M S ., .~ .-.. - .. '' '' .-..Q -, , I ' I ROLF NESCH: V IOL I NS FEB. 1970 RR N K ADVERTISERS SUPPORT TH Ill Ill Ill THEY PAY fOI UU MUSIC YOU ENJOY AND WHEN YOU PATIONIZI1111\ IE TO MENtiON YOU HIARD THBI MESSAGE 01 IUf SPONSOR: UUPHONE: PIIODIJU/SUIVIU ADVUHIUD: Advisory of lntemotio no! M orketers 2817 West T. C. Jester 6llHk153 tnves.tments Antique Pipe Shop 1523 1/2 Yale No phone 1 Tobacconist. Open lOAM to 6 PM B&M Electronics 3717 S. Shepherd 524-3234 Stereo Tapes Beckman Office Supply Co .. 1961 W. Groy 526-2243 Office $applies ond Equipment Belvedere Restaurant Inwood Monor-3711 Son Felipe 622-6033 Restaurant &Club Bismarck Restaurant 719 Franklin otMHam 227-4168 Gert:oo:n & Viennese Cuisine Brittain's Fine Furniture,. Inc. 6445 Bissonnet n4-ZS41 Cost~mode: Furniture Brown Book Shop 1013 Fannin 227-IHI!i' Books Budget Rent-A-Cor 3 Locations (See Tefephane Book) 449-0145 Avtorru>bi!e Rental Cokesbury Book Store 808 Dallas :m-7335 Books Denhome, Inc. 3222 Hillcroft 782-6911 ContempO<ory Donish Furniture 2524 Rice Blvd. szs-53n Disc Records 3 Locations 686-4391 Recordlngs Dromgoole's Typewriter Shop 2515 Rice Blvd. 526-4651 Office Machines, Solos & Service Foley*s 1110 Main & Other locations 228-3311 Deportment Stores Foulard's River Ooks-3435 Westh eimer 622-7891 Restaurant & Club Elizabeth Fowler Antiques & Books 2290 W. Holcombe 665-5457 Antiques one! books Galleria Opera House 307 Travis 226-7111 Refreslmrenl$ & Entertainment Gulfw cry Datsun 5330 Gulf Freeway 928-2411 Dotsun Automobile Sales Hamburgers by Gourmet 5712 Kirby 524-5867 A New Concept in Drive-through 5785 We:stheimer 732-9053 Dirting Hi-Hat Cleaners 5259 Buffalo Spoedwcry 667-7474 Dry Cleani"'! Home Entertainment, Inc. 4 Locations (See Telephone Book) 526-4317 Recordings, St-ereo Componfartfs House Beautiful of Texas 7555 Westheimer 732-1600 Draperies, lled:spreods, &tc. House of Imagination Town & Country Village 458-9605 Tradition<>l Furniture House of Television 1972W. Groy 529-3951 Mogncv<~>< Television Houston Art & Frame 2520 Drexel 622-7042 Custom Fra,.,./Art Gollery Houston Delivery Service 1511 Cordelf 222-2323 ~er & Delivery Service International Gift Shop 7425 Ardmore 747-4527 Hand·eroftad Gif~> Lamar Tower 2929 Boffola Speedwcry 622-2900 Apertmen! Rentols Bert lynr tUsic 3 Locations (See Telephone Book) 645-2473 Musical lnstrumeni>/Lesson• Moin "!K/'Fidelity S,_ ;k 1224 Main 228-0921 ~nk lv\ondt..<rin Restovront 648 Westbury Square 729-4549 Chinese Cuisine Bill McDavid Oldsmobile 6800 Gulf Freeway 6#-7811 Oldsmobile Soles 7217 South loop East 643-2445 tv\edicol Center Flower Shop Medico! Towers Bldg. 523-2121 Florist Minlt-Mon Cor Wosh 5001 Moin 523-9198 c... w.,.h 6926 Harrisburg 921·0998 Ropid Printing 3814 S. Shepherd 522-2680 TYP"setfl"'!, Artwork, Prlnti"'! Rice Hotel, Flog Boom Main & Texas 227-2111 Hotel & Dini"ll Services Shop of John Simmons 453 Town & Country Village 457-1791 Acceuorles for !he Hom& Shure &-os. Cartridges Local Dealers Ph<>no Piekep Cartridges Dove Snelling Lincoln-Mercury 2955 Kirby 529-2611 Lioooln-Merevry Selm Society for the Performing Arts Jones Hotl, 615 Louisiana 227-1111 Cultural Events South Main BoOk Store 6624 Main 524-5517 Books Southwest Motors 5911 Chimney Rock 666·0033 Citroen Avtomobile Soles Southwestern Camera Co. 1416 Main 222-9906 Come!'Q $applies & Eqvipment Tenneco, Inc:. Tenneco Bldg .. 229-2131 Subsidlory Compenleo Texas National Bonk of Commerce 712 Main 224-5161 Banking Services Town & Covntry Yi!l age 341 Town & Country Village 464-1633 Shoppi"9 Center Vi !loge Hobby Mort 2414 Bolsover 522-9735 Arts & Crall> Supplies Welts Design, Inc. 1721 S. Post Ook 622-4460 Furniture & Accessories Willowick-Pa!cttine Room 2200 Willowick 622·6646 Restaurant Windmill Dinner Theotre 390 Town & Country Vii loge 464-7655 Theotricol productions & Dini"'! World Trode Center Imports 1520 Texas Avenve 223-5475 Imported Gifts Ye Old College Inn 6545 South Main 523-6858 Restaurant (i)ht ~on~ n_, <.Q!limbtl' 0l'¢~:iftta ~o~iat <qliil'~$ ~O$~ans <LJton'bn~t' SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 1970, AT 8:00 O'ClOCK P.M. RUSSIAN PROGRAM Arensky: Variations on a Theme by Tchaikovsky Shostakovich: Piano Concerto No. 1, Op. 35 Tchaikovsky: Variations on a· Rococo Theme Prokofiev: "Summer Day" Suite Soloists James Mathis, piano James Austin, trumpet Shirley Trepel, cello Concerts held at Hamman Hall, Courtesy of Rite University I Ticket Information: 524-2287( Hank Hirschfeld was the Columbia Records representative .in Houston for the past 16 years. He was rare among his group in that his personal preference was for classical music, although he enjoyed a great deal of other music too. Hank passed away recently after a I ong battle with cancer. His wife, Jane, died, also of cancer1 about a month before Hank. Their daughter, Karen, is I iving with an aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nagle here in Houston. Hank had amassed a record collection of some 5, 000 LP's which are going to be put on sale in February. The money will go to the estate the Hirschfeld's left their daughter. Of the approxi­ mately 5,000 records, about 3,000 are classical music. The other 2, 000 cover a wide range of musical tastes from jazz (both contemporary and traditional to pop, the spoken word, humor, broadway shows, and a great deal of "international" music, Ger­ man, French, Spanish, etc. The records will be sold in the fol­ lowing manner. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings (7 to 10 P.M.) for three consecutive weeks the collection will; be on sale at the family home, 1243 Lehman. For the first week February9, 10, 11, thepricewillbe$2.00perLP. Thesecond week, February 16, 17, 18 the price will be $1.50 each and for the third week, February 23, 24, 25 the price will be $1.00 per LP. We can tell you, from personal inspection that the entire collection is in virtually new condition. If you want further in­ formation, telephone Ray Landers at KLEF. Kl.fl' prog~om listing' ~,.. detailed in the. foll~wing order - Composer; Soloist; Orchestra; Conduc;tor; Record loool & number •n porenthes•s. length of play•ng hme to the nearest minute Copifolletters indicate maior keys & lower case indicate minor k•y• in the mtAic titles (Ex.: A is A-Major; a is A-Minor). KEY TO AB!IREVIATICNS: INSTRUMENTS con. (contralto) . Col (Calvmbio) EA (Experiences P-3 (Prcject 3) b05. (bO..oon) m-sop.(mezzo-sopra~o) Cam (Command) Anonymes) Pro (Protone) c. (cell~) c-ten. (counter-tenor) CRI(CamP_OSers GC(GoldenC....t) RCA(RCAV_ictor) cl. (clan net) ten. (te"?r) Record•ng•, ln.c.) Hel (Heliodor) Repeat (Repeat) dbl-be.(double-bcm) bar. (bor•tone) ConD (Concert D•sc) Kopp (Kopp} SFM (Society for eh. (english horn) bo.· (boss) ConS (Conr.oiueor So- Lon (london) Forgotten Mo1ic) fh. (french horn) RECORD !ABELS ciety) Lyr (l)lrichord) SFr (Sociele fran- fl. (flute) Ang (Angel) CP (Counterpoint/Esc- Mace (Mace) coi.e du Son) g. (guitar) Ang Ser (Seraphim) ten c) Mer (Merc...-y} Som (Semerset) I. (lute) Argo (Argo) Crou (Crossroads) Mon {Monitor) Tele (Telefunken} o. (oboe) Art (Artio) Dec (Decca) MHS {Musical Heri- Turn (Turnabout) or. (~n) Audfi (Audit: Fidelity) Desto (Desto) l"!fe Society) Ur<. (Uranio) p. (p•ano) 8G (lloch Guild) DGG (Deutsche MG (Mv•ic Guild) Von (Vanguard) lr. (lr~mpel) 8or (8oroqve) Grammophon) Nsch \Nonesuc~) Vox (Vox) va. (vtola) 8qs (i!oslon) Dover (Dover} 0 L (l Oi$eau lyre) West (Weslmln$1ttr) v. (violin: Cam (Cambridge) Ep (Epic) Pori (Parliament) VOCALISTS Cop (Copitol) Elec (Efectrola) Phil (Philips) sop. (soprano) Cot (Corson) Ev (Everest) Phil WS (World Series} SUNDAY A program of marches performed by the Uni­ SIBELIUS: "King Christian II" Incidental versity of Texas Symphonic Band. Music - Scottish Notional Orch, Gib­ son {Cop 8677) 23. 8:00A.M. LUMBYE: "King Christian IX's" Homage 1 March -Royal Danish Orch, Hommelboe News. THE SOUND OF INTERLOCHEN. {Mer 90461) 3. BERLIOZ: Hungarian March from "The Damnation of Faust" -Interlochen Arts ll:OOA.M. 5:45A.M. Academy Orch, Johnson Trod.: "Block Is the Color of My True SOR: Andante largo in D -Andres Se­ THE SPACE STORY. love's Hair"; "The New Jerusalem" - govia, g. (Dec 710039) 6. B. Lut~din, NI>5A Associate Administrator, Interlochen Faculty & Stoff Mole Chorus HAYDN: Symphony #95 -London Little reviews 1?69 research. DEBUSSY: "Prelude to the Afternoon of a Orch, Jones (Nsch 73019) 22. Faun" - Interlochen Arts Academy Orch, ARIOSTI: Viola d'Amore Sonata #3 - 5:50A.M. Johnson Stumpf, vo. d'omore; Ruzikovo, hps. Prazak, c. (Pori 613) 10. CONGRESSIONAL COMMENT. 8:30A.M. BACH: Selections from "The Wise Virgins" Sen. Thomas Dodd (D. -Conn.) Ballet (Arr. Walton) - Concert Arts UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS RECITAL. Orch, Irving (Cap 8583). 5:55A.M. HANDEL: Oboe Concerto #3 - Gibson; University of Texas Sym, Toth 12:00 P. M. SEABORG ON SCIENCE. SCHUBERT: 3rd & 4th Movements of the Dr. Glenn Seaborg, chairman of the Piano Sonata in D, Op. 53 -Philip Moll News. USZT: Symphonic Poem #3 ("Les Childrens Psychiatric Unit of the Austin Preludes") - Philhormonia Orch, Silves­ State Hospital, discusses the care & 9:00A.M. tri (Ang 35636} 17. treatment of young people admitted to SAINT-SAENS: Scherzo, Op. 87 - Jos­ the hospital . ADAM: "If I Were King" Overture- De­ ette & Yvette Roman, duo-p. (Kapp troit Sym, Paray (Mer 90247) 6. 9055} 9. 6:30 .A.M. PAGANINI: Violin Concerto #1 -Robin; RAVEl: "Mother Goose" Suite - Chicago Phil harmonia Orch, Goosens (Cap 8534) Sym, Martinon (RCA 3093) 16. MEN AND IDEAS. 28. Al8ENIZ: "The Red Tower" {Arr. Bruno) - Our guest is the Nigerian novelist, RIMSKY-KORSAKOV: Selections from "Le Marisa Robles, h.
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