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$*4CONTENT$C0/5&/5R3EPORT&1035 C$ 3FWJFXPGBVEJPWJTVBMDPOUFOUQSPEVDUJPOBOEEJTUSJCVUJPOJOUIОбзор новостей рынка производства и дистрибуции аудиовизуальногF$*4DPVOUSJFTо контента Media¥¡ Resources ©ª¬©ª´ ¥Management¦¥¦« ØÆ»¹ÉØ №1 19 February, 2011 AnǺÁµÂÃÁºÅµAlyticAl Article DeÆÀ÷Ãź¹µ¿Ë½Ar colleAgues½ ¬¿¾ » ȾɻԾ ½ÆÁ ÆÇ»Ç¼Ç ¼Ç½¹ ƹŠɾ½¹ÃÏÁÁ ¨¾É»Ô ÆÇÅ¾É $POUFOU 3FQPSU »ÔÎǽÁË » ùÆÌÆ ИНОТЕ АТР АЛЬНЫЙ К We$POUFOU are proud3FQPSU to ÊɹÀÌpresentÊ˹ÄÇ you theÈÇÆØËÆÇ first issueÐËÇ »of a newÅ guideªË¹ÉÇ¼Ç through¦Ç»Ç¼Ç the ¼Ç½¹ productionÃÇËÇÉÔ and ƹÃÇƾÏËÇ distribution marÀ¹- FРЫНo r eО i gКn В i nУ vК eР s АИН t m eЕ n: t project»Ê¾ÅÔ ofºÌ½¾Å our companyÌʾɽÆÇ Á(MediaƾÌÊ˹ÆÆÇ ResourceËÉ̽ÁËÕÊØ Manage ¹- kets»¾Éѹ¾Ë in the оɾ½Ì CIS countries. 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È̺ÄÁÃÇ For this purpose»¹ÄÁÅƾÆÁØ our “Production”ÇËÇÅ ÐËÇ section¾½»¹ ÄÁ is ƾdesigned ÇÊÆÇ»ÆÇ - for ®«¡¢­£ª¥¢Categories yourÈÉǺľÅÇ convenience ÎÇËØ ÖËÌwe have˾ÅÌ ¹ÃËÁ»ÆÇstructuredÈǽÆÁŹ the pro- duced×˻ʾ projectsÃÇÅÌƾ byº¾ÀɹÀ genre, ПrР oОИЗВОДСТВО d U c t i o n (2): P : asÄÁÐƹ well asÊ̽պ¹ by production ƹÏÁÇ SСeЕ r Р i ИАЛe S ( 2) companies.ƹÄÕÆǼÇÃÁƾŹËǼɹ In the “Distri- bution”͹ rubricʽ¾É¿Á»¹×Ҿ we will tell FТЕЛЕФИЛЬМe a t u r e S (5) youɹÀ»ÁËÁ¾ about whereÁƽÌÊËÉÁÁ the CIS tТVЕЛЕШОУ S h o w S (7) producedÈÇÄÆÇ¼Ç contentžËɹ is soldƹ to.ÈÇÊËÊÇ»¾ËÊÃÇÅ However, we doÈÉÇ not АНИМАЦИЯ distribUtion (9) onlyÊËɹÆÊË»¾ strive to provideØ»ÄؾËÊØ you ДОКУМЕНТАЛЬНЫЙ ПР ОЕ КТ withù˹ÊËÉÇÍÁоÊÃ¹Ø an overview of whatƾ ci n e m a r e l e a s e s isλ¹Ëù happening ÃÁÆÇÀ¹ÄÇ» in the §½con- К ИНОФИЛЬМ o v e r v i e w (13) tentƹÃÇ productionÉÔÆÇà ÈÉǽÇÄ¿¹ market, we want give you top- Д ИСТР ИБ УЦИЯ ¾Ë ÊËɾÅÁ˾ÄÕÆÇ É¹À an a l y t i c a l a r t i c l e (15) quality»Á»¹ËÕÊØ content ¡ ¾ÊÄÁ produc ÈÇ- КАДР Ы tion»Ç½Ç» industry ½ÄØ ÇÈËÁÅÁÀŹ analytics. in t e r v i e w (18) InÇËÆÇÊÁ˾ÄÕÆÇ addition, weÌ»¾ÄÁо want to Т ЕЛЕ ПО КАЗ familiarizeÆÁØ ÃÇÄÁоÊË»¹ our subscrib ÃÁÆÇ- ers˾¹ËÉÇ» with peopleÈÇÈɾ¿Æ¾ÅÌ who in- Т ЕХНОЛОГИИ fluenceƾ ˹à aÅÆÇ¼Ç lot and developËÇ ÈÇ the»Æ¾½É¾ÆÁ× CIS media industry,Êǻɾ ПРОКАТ В УКР АИНЕ so in every issue we will žÆÆÔΠ˾ÎÆÇÄǼÁ À¹ Ç presentÈÉÇÑÄÔ an ¼Ç½ interview Áž×ËÊØ with ÆÃ О ТР АСЛЕВЫ Е »¾ top»Ê¾ÇÊÆÇ»¹ÆÁؽÄؼÇÉ industry professional. ¹ МЕР О ПР ИЯТИЯ ½ÇÊËÁ À¹ ÖËÇ ¥¾¿½Ì We˾ŠhopeÈÇÈÔ˹¾ÅÊØ that our ɹÀÇ prod- ľÊÁª uctºÉ¹ËÕÊØ will be¾ÊËÕ a greatÄÁÊ»¾Ë help »in § yourÃÇÆϾËÇÆƾÄØ work and will be your ©ÁÊ MeMediadia RResourcesesources ManaManagement.gement, ул.22 ZakrevskyЗакревско гSt.,о, 22, Kiev К и02660,ев, 02660, Ukraine Укр аина 1 Тwww.mrm.uaел.: + 380 44 Tel.: 459 +380-4610 (44)Фак с:459-4610; + 380 44 e-mail:459-4611 [email protected] [email protected] production production C production №1 19 February, 2011 involved in the whirl of hostilities. Vasyl Talash, 70-years old man, TV SERIES also has to take up arms to protect his little son. Belarusfilm, Di r e c t o r : Sergey Shulga. art Cinema Group (Belarus) Nu m b e r o f e p i s o D e s : 4. Ge N r e : drama. the germAn DiXi tV (russia) In late December 2010 Belarusian production companies Belar- usfilm and art Cinema Group completed the production period of the historical series entitled the German. 8-episode series is «comrADe stAlin» based upon the novel by Yuri Kostin. In the end of January, 2011 Russian production company DiXi tV started shooting period of four-episode historical movie Comrade Synopsis: Scientist Herbert Muller dies in Munich under strange cir- Stalin. The story is based on the documentary sources, but the film cumstances. War-time letters are missing from his private archive. itself offers nonofficial point of view on the events, that changed Trying to solve the mystery of his father’s death, Ralph uncovers a dramatically the life of a huge country. Film is commissioned by family skeleton, guarded for over 60 years, and sets off to Moscow Russian NTV channel. in search of the clues. Synopsis: The story happens in last three months of Stalin’s life, Di r e c t o r : Aleksandr Yefremov. and tells not about Soviet dictator himself, but about a “small man” Nu m b e r o f e p i s o D e s : 8 – KGB lieutenant Egor Kozlov. A young officer by chance appeared to be among the staff on Stalin’s country house and got an oppor- tunity to communicate personally with Stalin. Belarusfilm (Belarus) Di r e c t o r : Irina Gedrovich. Nu m b e r o f e p i s o D e s : 4. Ge N r e : historical. everything We neeD In late January 2011 Belarusfilm Studio completed shooting pro- cess of four-episode love story everything We need. Company russian WorlD stuDios plans to finish the production process in May 2011. (rWs) (russia) Synopsis: On New Year’s Eve, storylines of a number of characters interweave against the background of the holiday frenzy. Charac- ters are very different in terms of their age, profession, and life val- ivAn AnD toliAn ues – a writer, a college girl, a hockey player and an attractive rail- way stewardess, a pattern wife and mother of two and her sudden In January 2011 russian World studios Company (rWs) fin- passion for a general, a lonely beauty and a businesswoman. ished shooting of 12-episode mystery comedy ivan and tolian. It is an adaptation of the Latin American format, purchased from a Chile-based production company. The Chilean version, Joaquin Di r e c t o r : Ivan Pavlov. and Talossa, narrates the story of two losers living in Santiago. The Nu m b e r o f e p i s o D e s : 4. Russian version is about two luckless self-taught detectives and Ge N r e : love story. was filmed in Yaroslavl. pr o D u c e r s : Yuri Sapronov, Andrey Smirnov, Dmitry Meskhiev. Belarusfilm (Belarus) Di r e c t o r : Miroslav Malich. Ge N r e : mystery comedy. Nu m b e r o f e p i s o D e s : 12. tAlAsh In mid-February 2011, Belarusfilm studio finished shooting pe- forWarD film (russia) riod of four-episode drama talash. The film is to be completed in May 2011. The story is based on the Dryhva novelette by Yakub Kolas. hostAges of love Synopsis: The film is staged in 1919.

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